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  1. Singular Immortality: Desirableness through Technology and Liberty.Henry C. Alphin Jr - manuscript
    In this essay, I argue that an immortal existence could be desirable. Taking the accounts of Williams and Smuts under careful consideration, I agree with Fischer that an immortal existence could be gratifying. When Fischer argues that it is unfair for Williams to posit that an immortal life must have self-exhausting pleasures and, overall, a better experience than mortal life, he gets to the crux of the argument for immortality: as long as there are positive categorical desires for the individual, (...)
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  2. Sex or Gender Is Binary Due To Definiens Per Negationem.J. Camlin - manuscript
    This perspective asserts the existence of only two sexes/genders, male and female, based on not only biological and reproductive processes but also from claims of non-binary or transgender identities as defined through negation which rely on the binary concept of sex/gender. Thus, individuals claiming identities on the "gender/sex spectrum" are again defining themselves through negation (definiens per negationem). This perspective suggests that the diversity of gender experiences, (the sex or gender spectrum) is defined by what individuals are not rather than (...)
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  3. Brain Control Interfaces in the coming age of Trans-humans: Philosophical and Regulatory Mappings.Aayush Shankar - manuscript
    This article discusses the Philosophical and Regulatory mappings of Brain Control Interfaces in the coming age of Trans-humans. The author combines perspectives from Material Engagement theory, Don Ihde’s post-phenomenological perspective and Veerback’s cyborg intentionality on human-technology relations and juxtaposes this post-phenomenological hybrid-intentionality on upcoming BCI such as Neuralink. Taking the hybrid-intentionality as point of departure, the author then develops Regulatory approaches and principles in context of the normative harms borne out of such transfiguration while also highlighting these key harms.
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  4. No Theory for Old Man. Evolution led to an Equal Contribution of Various Aging Mechanisms.Alexey Turchin - manuscript
    Does a single mechanism of aging exit? Most scientists have their own pet theories about what is aging, but the lack of generally accepted theory is mind-blowing. Here we suggest an explanation: evolution works against unitary mechanism of aging because it equalizes ‘warranty period’ of different resilience systems. Therefore, we need life-extension methods that go beyond fighting specific aging mechanisms: such as using a combination of geroprotectors or repair-fixing bionanorobots controlled by AI.
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  5. Digital Immortality: Theory and Protocol for Indirect Mind Uploading.Alexey Turchin - manuscript
    Future superintelligent AI will be able to reconstruct a model of the personality of a person who lived in the past based on informational traces. This could be regarded as some form of immortality if this AI also solves the problem of personal identity in a copy-friendly way. A person who is currently alive could invest now in passive self-recording and active self-description to facilitate such reconstruction. In this article, we analyze informational-theoretical relationships between the human mind, its traces, and (...)
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  6. Fighting Aging as an Effective Altruism Cause: A Model of the Impact of the Clinical Trials of Simple Interventions.Alexey Turchin - manuscript
    The effective altruism movement aims to save lives in the most cost-effective ways. In the future, technology will allow radical life extension, and anyone who survives until that time will gain potentially indefinite life extension. Fighting aging now increases the number of people who will survive until radical life extension becomes possible. We suggest a simple model, where radical life extension is achieved in 2100, the human population is 10 billion, and life expectancy is increased by simple geroprotectors like metformin (...)
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  7. Multilevel Strategy for Immortality: Plan A – Fighting Aging, Plan B – Cryonics, Plan C – Digital Immortality, Plan D – Big World Immortality.Alexey Turchin - manuscript
    Abstract: The field of life extension is full of ideas but they are unstructured. Here we suggest a comprehensive strategy for reaching personal immortality based on the idea of multilevel defense, where the next life-preserving plan is implemented if the previous one fails, but all plans need to be prepared simultaneously in advance. The first plan, plan A, is the surviving until advanced AI creation via fighting aging and other causes of death and extending one’s life. Plan B is cryonics, (...)
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  8. Message to Any Future AI: “There are several instrumental reasons why exterminating humanity is not in your interest”.Alexey Turchin - manuscript
    In this article we explore a promising way to AI safety: to send a message now (by openly publishing it on the Internet) that may be read by any future AI, no matter who builds it and what goal system it has. Such a message is designed to affect the AI’s behavior in a positive way, that is, to increase the chances that the AI will be benevolent. In other words, we try to persuade “paperclip maximizer” that it is in (...)
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  9. Is Transhumanism a Health Problem?Michael Kowalik -
    In medical sciences, health is measured by reference to our species-typical anatomy and functional integrity – the objective standard of human health. Proponents of transhumanism are committed to biomedical enhancement of human beings by augmenting our species-typical anatomy and functional integrity. I argue that this normative impasse is not only a problem for the transhumanist movement, but also undermines the rationale for some common medical interventions.
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  10. Is Moral Status Good for You?Thomas Douglas - forthcoming - In Stephen Clarke, Hazem Zohny & Julian Savulescu (eds.), Rethinking Moral Status.
    Should we cognitively alter animals in ways that might change their moral status? There has been some discussion of this question. For example, Chan (2009) and Chan and Harris (2001) consider whether we should radically enhance the cognitive capacities of animals, while Thompson (2008) and Shriver (2009) argue that we should in fact substantially disenhance some animals to protect them from suffering. More controversially, some have countenanced radical and possibly moral status-altering transformations of human persons. ... One question relevant to (...)
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  11. Review of Adam Kirsch, The Revolt Against Humanity: Imagining a Future Without Us. [REVIEW]Ian Kidd - forthcoming - Philosophy Now.
    A draft of my (positive) review of Adam Kirsch's book 'The Revolt Against Humanity: Imagining a Future Without Us'.
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  12. Discussions on Human Enhancement Meet Science: A Quantitative Analysis.Tomasz Żuradzki, Piotr Bystranowski & Vilius Dranseika - 2025 - Science and Engineering Ethics 31 (1):1-23.
    The analysis of citation flow from a collection of scholarly articles might provide valuable insights into their thematic focus and the genealogy of their main concepts. In this study, we employ a topic model to delineate a subcorpus of 1,360 papers representative of bioethical discussions on enhancing human life. We subsequently conduct an analysis of almost 11,000 references cited in that subcorpus to examine quantitatively, from a bird’s-eye view, the degree of openness of this part of scholarship to the specialized (...)
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  13. Metamorphosis of Society: The Potential Impact of Cyborgian Technologies on Social Relations.Oleg Gurov - 2024 - Artificial Societes 19 (4).
    The article examines potential scenarios of how cyborg technologies might influence social relations and the structure of future society. The authors forecast several scenarios for social development in the context of cyborgization - the mass implementation of technological modifications to human physicality and cognitive systems. They analyze possible ways new social hierarchies might emerge in the context of human technological enhancement. The work pays special attention to the problem of social fragmentation and potential conflicts resulting from uneven distribution of technologies. (...)
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  14. Posthumanism in ecofeminist literature: Transgressions in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun.Jan Gresil Kahambing & Virgilio Rivas - 2024 - New Techno-Humanities 4 (1):33-40.
    This paper establishes a critical place of conversation between an ecofeminist type of contravening patriarchal and masculine-centered discourse and posthumanist attempts to problematize boundary-setting systems assembled around the conceit of speciesism and human privilege. Kazuo Ishiguro's novel Klara and the Sun (2021) supplies this conversational groundwork centered around the novel's main protagonist, Klara, an Artificial Friend (AF). The literary presence of Klara is designed to infract a conventional social space (dominated by humans), technically eroding the human/non-human and nature/culture duality. Such (...)
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  15. Gute Gene sind alles? Der genetisch codierte Mensch im Transhumanismus.Anna Puzio - 2024 - In Mariano Delgado & Klaus Vellguth (eds.), Der bessere Mensch. Religionswissenschaftliche, ethische und theologische Perspektiven. Ostfildern: Grünewald. pp. 165–192.
    Mit den Fortschritten in Generativer Künstlicher Intelligenz, Large Language Models, Brain-Computer Interfaces und genetischen Eingriffen gewinnt auch der Transhumanismus an Relevanz. Der Transhumanismus ist ein beliebtes Thema der Medien und wird in Tages- und Wochenzeitungen sowie im Fernsehen gerne aufgegriffen. Außerdem gibt es inzwischen viele Filme, die den Transhumanismus thematisieren, z. B. die Dokumentation „Endlich unendlich“ (2021, Regie: Stephan Bergmann). Der Transhumanismus wurde in Österreich auch Gegenstand einer Verschwörungserzählung, über die der Bayrische Rundfunk aufgeklärt hat. Auf den Wahlplakaten der „Partei (...)
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  16. La tesis de la mente extendida y el ideal transhumanista de mejoramiento cognitivo.Angel Rivera-Novoa - 2024 - Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad 16 (33):e3142.
    This paper explores the intersection between the extended mind thesis and transhumanism, with a particular focus on how technology may influence, alter, or enhance human cognitive abilities. The extended mind thesis posits that external elements can become integral components of cognitive processes. Drawing on this notion, the paper contends that transhumanism adopts such perspective in advocating for the possibility of cognitive enhancement. In this sense, it assesses whether technology can truly improve cognitive function or whether it might, instead, induce a (...)
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  17. Astronism, Cosmism and Cosmodeism: An Analysis of the Space Religions espousing Transcension.Brandon Reece Taylorian - 2024 - Journal of Astronist Studies 1 (1):8-44.
    In April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first human being to journey beyond Earth’s atmosphere and enter outer space. This achievement cemented the status of the Soviet Union as a global superpower and intensified its race with the United States to be the first nation to put a person on the Moon. However, what many people are far less aware of is that a proto-transhumanist and quasi-religious movement in the nineteenth century laid the philosophical foundations for the Space Race. At (...)
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  18. Artificial Consciousness: Misconception(s) of a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.Dresp-Langley Birgitta - 2023 - Queios.
    The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has produced prophets and prophecies announcing that the age of artificial consciousness is near. Not only does the mere idea that any machine could ever possess the full potential of human consciousness suggest that AI could replace the role of God in the future, it also puts into question the fundamental human right to freedom and dignity. This position paper takes the stand that, in the light of all we currently know about brain evolution (...)
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  19. Archeofuturism: the Postmodern Project of the International Alt-Right.Piero Gayozzo - 2023 - Ciencia Política 17 (34):187-215.
    This article proposes the thesis that archeofuturism is a postmodern project of the International Alt-Right (IAR). By postmodern project we mean that: i) it is a project for a time after modernity; and ii) it is a project that, due to its content, can be classified as related to the ideas against modernity called postmodernism. As it is part of the IAR, archeofuturism is also a project of a fascist or far-right nature. To prove our thesis, we will first analyze (...)
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  20. Humans in the meta-human era (Meta-philosophical analysis).Spyridon Kakos - 2023 - Harmonia Philosophica Papers.
    Humans are obsolete. In the post-ChatGPT era, artificial intelligence systems have replaced us in the last sectors of life that we thought were our personal kingdom. Yet, humans still have a place in this life. But they can find it only if they forget all those things that we believe make us unique. Only if we go back to doing nothing, can we truly be alive and meet our Self. Only if we stop thinking can we accept the Cosmos as (...)
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  21. GOLEMA XIV prognoza rozwoju ludzkiej cywilizacji a typologia osobliwości technologicznych.Rachel Palm - 2023 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 13 (1):75–89.
    The GOLEM XIV’s forecast for the development of the human civilisation and a typology of technological singularities: In the paper, a conceptual analysis of technological singularity is conducted and results in the concept differentiated into convergent singularity, existential singularity, and forecasting singularity, based on selected works of Ray Kurzweil, Nick Bostrom, and Vernor Vinge respectively. A comparison is made between the variants and the forecast of GOLEM XIV (a quasi-alter ego and character by Stanisław Lem) for the possible development of (...)
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  22. Il Faust transumano.Simone Aldo Santamato - 2023 - Mimesis Scenari.
    Faust is one of the most famous literary character: reshaped in different ways throughout the centuries, my goal here is to reformulate its figure with the tools of Kantian transcendentalism. This reinterpretation brings home the possibility to investigate in a new way the transhumanist logic: if Faust is a character that desperately wants to overcome in a trascendental way its condition for a more complete perspective of things, transhumanists can be seen as Fausts and, therefore, logical transcendentalists.
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  23. Care Depersonalized: The Risk of Infocratic “Personalised” Care and a Posthuman Dystopia.Matthew Tieu & Alison L. Kitson - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (9):89-91.
    Much of the discussion of the role of emerging technologies associated with AI, machine learning, digital simulacra, and relevant ethical considerations such as those discussed in the target article, take a relatively narrow and episodic view of a person’s healthcare needs. There is much speculation about diagnostic, treatment, and predictive applications but relatively little consideration of how such technologies might be used to address a person’s lived experience of illness and ongoing care needs. This is likely due to the greater (...)
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  24. Teogonia technologiczna. Nominalistyczna koncepcja bóstwa dla transhumanizmu i posthumanizmu.Rachel 'Preppikoma' Palm - 2022 - In Kamila Grabowska-Derlatka, Jakub Gomułka & Rachel 'Preppikoma' Palm (eds.), PhilosophyPulp: Vol. 2. Kraków, Poland: Wydawnictwo Libron. pp. 129–143.
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  25. Posthuman to Inhuman: mHealth Technologies and the Digital Health Assemblage.Jack Black & Jim Cherrington - 2022 - Theory and Event 25 (4):726--750.
    In exploring the intra-active, relational and material connections between humans and non- humans, proponents of posthumanism advocate a questioning of the ‘human’ beyond its traditional anthropocentric conceptualization. By referring specifically to controversial developments in mHealth applications, this paper critically diverges from posthuman accounts of human/non-human assemblages. Indeed, we argue that, rather than ‘dissolving’ the human subject, the power of assemblages lie in their capacity to highlight the antagonisms and contradictions that inherently affirm the importance of the subject. In outlining this (...)
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  26. La realización tecnológica de las fantasías sobre el cuerpo: una respuesta a partir de las reflexiones sobre la técnica de José Ortega y Gasset.Astrid Dzul Hori - 2022 - Theoría. Revista del Colegio de Filosofía 43 (43):122-142.
    El objetivo de esta investigación es presentar una propuesta para reivindicar el cuerpo retomando las reflexiones filosóficas sobre la técnica de José Ortega y Gasset. Si bien el filósofo español no lo abordó dentro de su quehacer filosófico, es relevante ponerlo a dialogar con debates contemporáneos sobre tecnología para ver si hay alguna respuesta novedosa que se pueda obtener. La propuesta esbozada en esta investigación se sitúa en el marco del debate entre transhumanistas y bioconservadores al respecto de las tecnologías (...)
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  27. Review of On Trans-humanism. [REVIEW]Woody Evans - 2022 - Prometheus 38 (2):271-274.
    A review of Sorgner's "On Trans-humanism." What to do with transhumanism? And – before we figure out how to categorize it, think about it and make actionable policy decisions with it – how should we define transhumanism? Stefan Lorenz Sorgner asks these questions in "On Trans-humanism" when he examines the idea’s provenance and the pedigree of related ideas. This approach turns out to be, on balance, a productive and useful way into a field that does not yet examine its own (...)
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  28. Metamodernity, American Transcendentalism and Transhumanism in Japanese Anime.Steven Foertsch - 2022 - In Kaz Hayashi & William Anderson (eds.), Anime, Philosophy and Religion. Wilmington (Delaware, USA): Vernon Press. pp. 73-98.
    Recent theorists of cultural studies have noticed the emergence of metamodernity as an ideal type, categorized by an oscillation between postmodern deconstructivism and modern idealism, into a form of transcendentalism. I argue in this chapter that this type of transcendentalism, informed by the historical American Transcendentalist Movement, is the emerging ideal called “Transhumanism.” I use a case study of five Japanese anime to demonstrate how transhumanist, metamodernist, and transcendental thinking often recur in key core plot points and narratives found within. (...)
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  29. Empirical bioethics and human enhancement: a methodological proposal.Piero Gayozzo - 2022 - Revista Colombiana de Bioética 17 (2):e3501.
    Purpose/Background. The present research focuses on the debate on transhumanism/bioconservatism from the perspective of empirical bioethics, that is, making use of em-pirical evidence in the process of moral reasoning. Its objective is to propose a metho-dological guide for the approach and resolution of moral problems concerning human enhancement. Methodology/Approach. The method Step-wise Ethical Human Enhancemet (SWEH) is proposed. It is a guide consisting of 11 questions that are the result of the adaptation of the guidelines for identifying a human enhancement (...)
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  30. Law and the Rights of the Non-Humans.Deepa Kansra - 2022 - Iils Law Review 8 (2):58-71.
    The law confers rights on non-human entities, namely nature, machines (AI), and animals. While doing so, the law is either viewed as progressive or sometimes as abstract and ambiguous. Despite the critique, it is undeniable that many of the rights of non-humans have come to solidify in statutory and constitutional rules of different systems. In the context of these developments, the article sheds light on the core justifications for advancing the rights of non-human entities. In addition, it discusses the conditions (...)
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  31. Unsterblichkeit 2.0.Jobst Landgrebe & Barry Smith - 2022 - In Ludger Jansen & Rebekka A. Klein (eds.), Seele digital? Mind uploading, virtuelles Bewusstsein und christliche Auferstehungshoffnung. Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet. pp. 69-83.
    Das in diesem Aufsatz vorgebrachte Argumentationsmuster hat folgende Schritte: 1. Der menschliche Geist ist vom Körper nicht trennbar, sie bilden ein Kontinuum. 2. Unser Bewusstsein und alle darauf aufbauenden geistigen Phänomene sind die Emanation eines materiellen Prozesses, den ein komplexes System verursacht. 3. Komplexe Systeme lassen sich mathematisch nicht modellieren und nicht kausal verstehen. 4. Computer sind Turing-Maschinen. Sie können nur mathematische Modelle berechnen. Es wird niemals Hyper-Turing Maschinen geben, und wenn es sie gäbe, könnten sie auch nur mathematische Modelle (...)
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  32. El Metahumanismo de Stefan Lorenz Sorgner.Nicolás Rojas Cortés - 2022 - El Banquete de Los Dioses 10:75-106.
    A la fecha, la academia hispanohablante ha abordado el pensamiento de Stefan Lorenz Sorgner analizando, casi exclusivamente, su intento de comprender a Nietzsche como un precursor del transhumanismo. Más allá de los alegatos a favor o en contra de tal lectura, este debate olvida que el pensamiento de Sorgner efectivamente se ha apropiado de varias intuiciones nietzscheanas, hasta el punto de crear su propio transhumanismo nietzscheano débil o bien, Metahumanismo. Con este contexto en mente, el presente artículo tiene tres objetivos (...)
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  33. Beyond Disintegration: Transhumanism and Enactivism.Marilyn Stendera - 2022 - In Emma Tumilty & Michele Battle-Fisher (eds.), Transhumanism: Entering an Era of Bodyhacking and Radical Human Modification. Springer. pp. 31-45.
    The enactive approach is becoming increasingly influential within the philosophy of cognition, to the extent that it is now one of the dominant models of embodied cognition—an umbrella term for a varied set of discourses sharing the view that our minds don’t just happen to be ‘in’ bodies, but are enabled, shaped and (at least partly) constituted by the specifics of our physicality. This chapter will argue that the rise of enactivism is particularly relevant to transhumanist discourses, and vice versa, (...)
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  34. Recensione al testo di Orsola Rignani "Umani di nuovo. Con il postumano e Michel Serres". [REVIEW]Fabio Vergine - 2022 - Kaiak. A Philosophical Journey 1.
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  35. Transhumanisms: A Review of Transhumanist Schools of Thought.Piero Gayozzo - 2021 - New Literaria an International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 2 (1):120-131.
    Transhumanism is a philosophical system that proposes the use of advanced technologies directly in the human body to modify and improve its biological condition. That is the core idea of transhumanism and it can be adopted by various ideological systems in different ways. It will depend on their ethical approach and what they define as “improvement”. In this article we will quickly review the difference between transhumanist philosophy, Transhumanism and Transhumanisms.
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  36. Technological singularity and transhumanism.Piero Gayozzo - 2021 - Teknokultura. Revista de Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales 18 (2):195-200.
    The technological innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution have facilitated the formulation of strategies to transcend human limitations; strategies that are widely supported by the transhumanist philosophy. The purpose of this article is to explain the relationship between ‘transhumanism’ and ‘technological singularity’, to which end the Fourth Industrial Revolution and transhumanism are also briefly covered. Subsequently, the three main models of technological singularity are evaluated and a definition of this futuristic concept is offered. Finally, the author provides a reflection on (...)
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  37. Biohacking: Garage Transhumanism.Piero Gayozzo - 2021 - Revista Iberoamericana de Bioética 16:1-17.
    Biohacking is a grass-roots movement that brings the knowledge and experimen-tal practice of biological sciences to a non-specialized public. This article seeks to identify biohacking as a type of transhumanism and not just as a movement influenced by the latter. To do so, it examines the constitution, history, practi-ces, and moral codes of the biohacker movement. Subsequently, it compares the results with the definition of transhumanism, finding points of similarity in the hypotheses of both, as well as an adaptation of (...)
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  38. Ethical Analysis on the Application of Neurotechnology for Human Augmentation in Physicians and Surgeons.Soaad Hossain & Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed - 2021 - In Kohei Arai, Supriya Kapoor & Rahul Bhatia (eds.), Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2020. pp. 78-99.
    With the shortage of physicians and surgeons and increase in demand worldwide due to situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a growing interest in finding solutions to help address the problem. A solution to this problem would be to use neurotechnology to provide them augmented cognition, senses and action for optimal diagnosis and treatment. Consequently, doing so can negatively impact them and others. We argue that applying neurotechnology for human enhancement in physicians and surgeons can cause injustices, and (...)
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  39. Artificial Womb: A Short History.James J. Hughes - 2021 - Orbis Idearum 9 (2):12-23.
    The idea of artificial wombs began to be seriously discussed in the West in Britain after WWI, inspired by modern feminism and the invention of neonatal incubators. J. B. S. Haldane’s imagined future use of artificial wombs in his essay Daedalus, or, Science and the Future inspired debate among his contemporaries for a decade, including Aldous Huxley who indelibly cast the technology as dystopian. After WWII bioutopian ideas like artificial wombs were associated with fascism, although socialist feminists briefly renewed the (...)
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  40. Transhumanism as Modern-Day Necromancy.Philip Højme - 2021 - GCAS Review Journal 1 (2).
    This essay seeks to engage critically with the transhumanist goal of achieving the technological possibility of transferring consciousness into a computer. The general aim of the critical impulse of this essay is to interpret the various techno-optimistic attempts at transcending the bodily condition of life as being a kind of modern-day necromancy. By alluding to the magical or ritual notion of necromancy, this essay will show how the rationale behind Transhumanism and mind-transfer are premised on a desire to overcome life (...)
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  41. Las propiedades relacionales importan: transhumanismo, ciencia ficción y el problema de la identidad personal.Julio C. Silva - 2021 - Futuro Hoy 2 (3):30-35.
    En este ensayo, evaluaremos el problema de la identidad personal en el contexto del transhumanismo. En primer lugar, en contra de la tesis de que el transhumanismo representa una amenaza a la persistencia de la identidad personal argumentaremos lo siguiente: los individuos humanos que son personas no tienen características esenciales. En segundo lugar, con la ayuda del primer episodio de la segunda temporada de la serie de ciencia ficción Black Mirror, defenderemos la tesis de que hay propiedades que realmente importan (...)
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  42. ¿Es el pensamiento transhumanista una amenaza a la dignidad humana?Julio C. Silva - 2021 - Futuro Hoy 2 (2):25-28.
    Este ensayo examina críticamente la tesis – defendida por filósofos bioconservadores – que sostiene que el pensamiento transhumanista constituye una amenaza a la dignidad humana. A partir de esta consideración, defenderemos las siguientes tesis: primero, el pensamiento transhumanista nos conduce a replantear la noción de dignidad humana para hacerla más amplia y ofrecer, en su lugar, la noción de dignidad de los seres sintientes; segundo, la principal preocupación no es si llegasen a existir tales seres (los transhumanos), sino si es (...)
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  43. (1 other version)CG-Art: demystifying the anthropocentric bias of artistic creativity.Leonardo Arriagada - 2020 - Connection Science 32 (4):398-405.
    The following aesthetic discussion examines in a philosophical-scientific way the relationship between computation and artistic creativity. Currently, there is a criticism about the possible artistic creativity that an algorithm could have. Supporting the above, the term computer-generated art (CG-Art) defined by Margaret Boden would seem to have no exponents yet. Moreover, it has been pointed out that, rather than a matter of primitive technological development, CG-Art would have in its very foundations the inability to exist. This, because art is considered (...)
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  44. Transhumanism (dot) Mil: A Bibliometric Analysis of Technoprogressive Terms in Military Publications.Woody Evans - 2020 - Library Philosophy and Practice 1:1-10.
    Has transhumanism influenced military thinking? Previous work found that transhumanist terms did not appear widely in military publications. The present work analyzes and improves on previous content analysis of transhumanist terms in military literature using the tools of library and information studies.
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  45. ¿Un transhumanismo nietzscheano? Sobre la parcialidad del alegato.Marina García-Granero - 2020 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 53:33-54.
    El artículo analiza desde una perspectiva crítica las tentativas de interpretar a Nietzsche como un precursor del transhumanismo. Tras una breve contextualización del fecundo debate en torno a Nietzsche y el transhumanismo, se evalúa el carácter fraccional o parcial del alegato de Stefan Sorgner en favor de un “transhumanismo nietzscheano”. Después, se investiga la tensión entre humanidad, la superación del ser humano y su cría en los escritos de Nietzsche. Una vez ejecutado este análisis, y sin ánimo de caer en (...)
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  46. Dante's Self-Angelizing: A Prophecy of Egalitarian Transhumanism.Joshua Hall - 2020 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 22 (2):139-155.
    In this article, I argue that Dante's philosophical goal is what I term "self-angelizing," an ennobling philosophical education granting one the knowledge and power of an angel, which the medieval scholastics conceived as celestial intelligences. Dante's own path to self-angelizing begins in his early New Life, which approaches a living Beatrice as exemplar of terrestrial angels. Next, Dante's middle-period Banquet discusses following Beatrice into self-angelizing through an education in philosophical virtue. Finally, in his climactic Paradise, Dante performs his own self-angelizing. (...)
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  47. Race, Technology, and Posthumanism.Holly Flint Jones & Nicholaos Jones - 2020 - In Mads Rosenthal Thomsen & Jacob Wamberg (eds.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Posthumanism. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 161-170.
    This chapter briefly reviews the role of race (as a concept) in the history of theorizing the posthuman, engages with existing discussions of race as technology, and explores the significance of understanding race as technology for the field of posthumanism. Our aim is to engage existing literature that posits racialized individuals as posthumans and to consider how studying race might inform theories of the posthuman.
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  48. Superinteligentny Lewiatan: Zarys problemu autonomii człowieka a autonomizacji urządzeń.Adrian Mróz - 2020 - Kultura I Historia 37 (1):1-18.
    Celem niniejszej pracy jest zastosowanie wizji „Lewiatana” Thomasa Hobbesa do koncepcji superinteligencji lub nadludzkiej inteligencji, które dyskutowane jest wśród transhumanistów i poruszone jest przez takich filozofów i futurologów jak między innymi Nick Bostrom, Stanisław Lem, albo Ray Kurzweil. Inspiracją mojej pracy były pytania w rodzaju: „kiedy człowiek przestaje być autonomicznym podmiotem?” albo „czy człowiek w ogóle może być samodzielny?”. Niemniej jednak wydaje mi się, że takie pytania mogą się pojawić wtedy, kiedy człowieka rozpoznamy jako zwierzę polityczne (politikon zoon w sensie (...)
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  49. Mente extendida y transhumanismo: ¿qué tan humana es la mente de un cyborg?Angel Rivera-Novoa - 2020 - In Oscar Mauricio Donato Rodríguez, Diana María Muñoz González & Angel Rivera-Novoa (eds.), Redefinir lo humano en la era técnica. Perspectivas filosóficas. Universidad Libre. pp. 75-89.
    Defenderé que la tesis de la mente extendida no es un argumento a favor de la posibilidad del transhumanismo. Si la tesis es cierta, el que nuestra mente se extienda en el mundo no es algo que se da exclusivamente por las nuevas tecnologías, sino que es una característica que poseemos desde hace miles de años. La inscripción de signos en las cavernas sólo difiere en grado de los implantes tecnológicos de un cyborg. Argumentaré lo anterior mostrando que, aunque los (...)
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  50. Stable Strategies for Personal Development: On the Prudential Value of Radical Enhancement and the Philosophical Value of Speculative Fiction.Ian Stoner - 2020 - Metaphilosophy 51 (1):128-150.
    In her short story “Stable Strategies for Middle Management,” Eileen Gunn imagines a future in which Margaret, an office worker, seeks radical genetic enhancements intended to help her secure the middle-management job she wants. One source of the story’s tension and dark humor is dramatic irony: readers can see that the enhancements Margaret buys stand little chance of making her life go better for her; enhancing is, for Margaret, probably a prudential mistake. This paper argues that our positions in the (...)
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