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Lying as a Violation of Grice’s First Maxim of Quality.Don Fallis - 2012 - Dialectica 66 (4):563-581.details
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Deception in Sport: A New Taxonomy of Intra-Lusory Guiles.Adam G. Pfleegor & Danny Roesenberg - 2014 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 41 (2):209-231.details
Deception in Sport: A New Taxonomy of Intra-Lusory Guiles.Adam G. Pfleegor & Danny Roesenberg - 2014 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 41 (2):209-231.details
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A Simulation Approach to Veritistic Social Epistemology.Erik J. Olsson - 2011 - Episteme 8 (2):127-143.details
False Authorities.Christoph Jäger - 2024 - Acta Analytica 39 (4).details
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Deeper into Argumentative Bullshit.Nikil Mukerji & Adriano Mannino - 2022 - Informal Logic 42 (4):439-470.details
The Limits of Metalinguistic Negotiation: The Role of Shared Meanings in Normative Debate.François Schroeter, Laura Schroeter & Kevin Toh - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 52 (2):180-196.details
Technology as Driver for Morally Motivated Conceptual Engineering.Herman Veluwenkamp, Marianna Capasso, Jonne Maas & Lavinia Marin - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (3):1-25.details
The Singular Plurality of Social Goods / La singolare pluralità dei beni sociali.Marco Emilio - 2022 - Dissertation, Université de Neuchâteldetails
¿Qué es el arte y qué constituye el valor artístico?Jordi Tena Sánchez & Indira Centellas - 2022 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 78 (297):199-228.details
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From the Ground Truth Up: Doing AI Ethics from Practice to Principles.James Brusseau - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (1):1-7.details
Revising Fiction, Fact, and Faith: A Philosophical Account.Nathaniel Gavaler Goldberg & Chris Gavaler - 2020 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Chris Gavaler.details
Assertion: The Constitutive Rule Account and the Engagement Condition Objection.Felix Bräuer - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (6):2259–2276.details
Conceptual Responsibility.Trystan S. Goetze - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Sheffielddetails
Trolls, bans and reverts: simulating Wikipedia.Cédric Paternotte & Valentin Lageard - 2018 - Synthese 198 (1):451-470.details
How to (Blind)Spot the Truth: an investigation on actual epistemic value.Danilo Fraga Dantas - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (2):693-720.details
Towards a response to epistemic nihilism.Jake Wright - 2021 - In Alison MacKenzie, Jennifer Rose & Ibrar Bhatt (eds.), The Epistemology of Deceit in the Postdigital Era: Dupery by Design. Springer. pp. 39-59.details
Post-Truth, False Balance and Virtuous Gatekeeping.Natascha Rietdijk & Alfred Archer - 2021 - In Maria Silvia Vaccarezza & Nancy Snow (eds.), Virtues, Democracy, and Online Media: Ethical and Epistemic Issues. Routledge.details
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Misinformation and Intentional Deception: A Novel Account of Fake News.Michel Croce & Tommaso Piazza - 2021 - In Maria Silvia Vaccarezza & Nancy Snow (eds.), Virtues, Democracy, and Online Media: Ethical and Epistemic Issues. Routledge.details
Editors’ Review and Introduction: Lying in Logic, Language, and Cognition.Hans Ditmarsch, Petra Hendriks & Rineke Verbrugge - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (2):466-484.details
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Language, Truth, and Logic and the Anglophone reception of the Vienna Circle.Andreas Vrahimis - 2021 - In Adam Tamas Tuboly (ed.), The Historical and Philosophical Significance of Ayer’s Language, Truth and Logic. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave. pp. 41-68.details
Lying and knowing.Ben Holguín - 2019 - Synthese 198 (6):5351-5371.details
What to Do with Post-Truth.Lorna Finlayson - 2019 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 8:63-79.details
Publishing without belief.Alexandra Plakias - 2019 - Analysis 79 (4):638-646.details
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Provokativ offentlig filosofi.Aksel Braanen Sterri - 2018 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 12 (2):105-128.details
Has Vagueness Really No Function in Law?David Lanius - 2013 - Sektionsbeiträge des Achten Internationalen Kongresses der Gesellschaft Für Analytische Philosophie E.V.details
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Stop Talking about Fake News!Joshua Habgood-Coote - 2019 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 62 (9-10):1033-1065.details
Epistemic Vices in Organizations: Knowledge, Truth, and Unethical Conduct.Christopher Baird & Thomas S. Calvard - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (1):263-276.details
A conceptual analysis of fake news.Nikil S. Mukerji - manuscriptdetails
Introspective disputes deflated: The case for phenomenal variation.Sascha Benjamin Fink - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (12):3165-3194.details
Simulation, seduction, and bullshit: cooperative and destructive misleading.Leslie A. Howe - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 44 (3):300-314.details
Assertion, Belief, and Context.Roger Clarke - 2018 - Synthese 195 (11):4951-4977.details
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Moral Grandstanding.Justin Tosi & Brandon Warmke - 2016 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 44 (3):197-217.details
Inferior Disagreement.Maura Priest - 2016 - Acta Analytica 31 (3):263-283.details
Authenticity in Political Discourse.Ben Jones - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (2):489-504.details