Results for 'Diogo Ferrari'

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  1. The Varieties of Agnosticism.Filippo Ferrari & Luca Incurvati - 2021 - Philosophical Quarterly 72 (2):365-380.
    We provide a framework for understanding agnosticism. The framework accounts for the varieties of agnosticism while vindicating the unity of the phenomenon. This combination of unity and plurality is achieved by taking the varieties of agnosticism to be represented by several agnostic stances, all of which share a common core provided by what we call the minimal agnostic attitude. We illustrate the fruitfulness of the framework by showing how it can be applied to several philosophical debates. In particular, several philosophical (...)
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  2. Disagreement and suspended judgement.Filippo Ferrari - 2022 - Metaphilosophy 53 (4):526-542.
    Can someone who suspends judgement about a certain proposition <p> be in a relational state of disagreement with someone who believes <p> as well as with some- one who disbelieves <p>? This paper argues for an af- firmative answer. It develops an account of the notions of suspended judgement and disagreement that explains how and why the suspender is in a relational state of disagreement with both the believer and the disbeliever about the very same proposition <p>. More specifically, the (...)
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  3. Carnap’s Principle of Tolerance and logical pluralism.Diogo Dias - 2015 - Argumentos 13:225-236.
    Logical pluralism is the claim that there is more than one adequate logic. Many authors consider Carnap as one of the forerunners of logical pluralism. More than that, they claim that Carnap’s Principle of Tolerance consists in one of the first explicit formulations a logical pluralism. Nonetheless, there is little detailed investigation to evaluate if the Principle of Tolerance necessarily implies a logical pluralism, and if so, of which kind. The aim of this paper is to analyze the Principle of (...)
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  4. Verità e Post-Verità: dall'Indagine alla Post-Indagine.Filippo Ferrari & Sebastiano Moruzzi - 2020 - Bologna: 1088 Press & Bononia University Press. Edited by Sebastiano Moruzzi.
    In this book, we interpret post-truth as a multifaceted phenomenon which involves fake news, emotion-driven rhetoric (vs fact-driven discussion), credulism in the social-media, conspiracy theories and scientific denialism. We develop three models intended to represent the multifaceted nature of post-truth in terms of deviated forms of enquiry – which we label “post-enquiries”. The first form of post-enquiry posits the existence of alternative facts; the second prioritizes emotions over facts; the third limits the scope of the norms of enquiry. We elaborate (...)
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  5. “Entre A Estupidez E A Loucura”: Implicações Éticas Do Princípio De Identidade E Do Princípio De Razão (E Algumas Alternativas Contemporâneas).Diogo Bogéa - 2018 - Aufklärung 5 (1):61-76.
    Investigation on the ethical implications of the principle of identity and of the principle of reason. The logical principle of identity (A=A), along with the principle of non­contradiction and the principle of the third middle costitute the basis of ocidental logic. However, its dominance is not restricted to logic. As the dominance of the principle of reason is not restricted to epistemology and ontology. This principles constitute a whole worldvew with serious ethical implications. We’ll try, at the end of the (...)
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  6. A crítica de Cicero à retórica estoica.Diogo Luz - 2020 - XX Semana Acadêmica Do PPG Em Filosofia da PUCRS, Vol 1.
    Neste texto será analisada a crítica de Cícero à retórica dos estoicos. Primeiramente é feita uma exposição da retórica estoica de acordo com os testemunhos que nos chegaram. Em seguida, são mencionadas as críticas de Cícero aos estoicos. Após isso, é argumentado que as críticas ciceronianas ocorrem em função de sua retórica ter um objetivo diferente da retórica estoica. Em vista disso, torna-se relevante perceber que os estoicos tinham motivos para se oporem à crítica de Cícero.
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  7. Redução Plena do Deôntico ao Ôntico.Diogo Lindner - 2008 - Dissertation, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
    A presente dissertação tem como objetivo uma apresentação da proposta de Charles Kielkopf, de tradução da lógica deôntica standard em uma lógica normal alética e de seusresultados quanto à construção de um sistema de lógica deôntica que capture conceitos eprincípios kantianos como necessidade causal e as formulações do Imperativo Categórico acerca do Reino da Natureza e do Reino dos Fins. Uma vez que este processo resulta em uma interpretação de aspectos da filosofia kantiana, optou-se inicialmente por uma apresentação em linhas (...)
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  8. O objecto e o âmbito da justiça social.Diogo Carneiro - 2016 - Filosofia. Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Do Porto 33:99-108.
    Nesta comunicação exploro aquele que deve ser o objecto e o âmbito de uma teoria de justiça. Da resposta a estas duas questões depende a possibilidade de definir princípios de justiça que concebam uma sociedade justa. Assim, tenho em consideração as propostas sobre o objecto e o âmbito da justiça presentes nas teorias de Nozick (libertária), de Rawls (igualitária) e de Walzer (comunitária) e avalio topicamente cada uma das posições. Concluo tentando responder à questão: qual deve ser o objecto e (...)
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  9. Che cosa c’è e che cos’è.Maurizio Ferraris & Achille C. Varzi - 2003 - Nous. Postille Su Pensieri 1:81–101.
    A philosophical exchange broadly inspired by the characters of Berkeley’s Three Dialogues. Hylas is the realist philosopher: the view he stands up for reflects a robust metaphysic that is reassuringly close to common sense, grounded on the twofold persuasion that the world comes structured into entities of various kinds and at various levels and that it is the task of philosophy, if not of science generally, to “bring to light” that structure. Philonous, by contrast, is the anti-realist philosopher (though not (...)
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  10. Metafísica da vontade, metafísica do impossível: A dimensão pulsional como terceiro excluído.Diogo Bogéa - 2016 - Dissertation, Puc-Rio
    Is it possible a thought that resists the temptation of an absolute basis, but also to unbridled fury calculator machination? It is also possible that a thought is put in a position to understand and also to position itself critically in relation to both nostalgic fundamentalisms, and to pure effectiveness and productivity that technoscience imposes on us? It is possible, after all, to distance itself from traditional metaphysics without falling back into naivety "anti-metaphysical" definitive and safe overcome? Is it still (...)
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  11. José Enes, Noeticidade e Ontologia, Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda, sem local, sem data. 212 pp. [Lisboa, 1999]. [REVIEW]Diogo Ferrer - 2002 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 11 (21):333-336.
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  12. A Liberdade em Epicteto.Diogo Luz - 2017 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 10 (22):11-28.
    A concepção de mundo estoica é fundamentada por uma rede causal de relações determinadas pela natureza. O destino faz parte dessas relações, problematizando a questão da liberdade num ambiente determinista. Levando em consideração esse legado teórico, Epicteto coloca a liberdade nas escolhas do indivíduo em relação a essas determinações, que ele atribui à providência divina.
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  13. O Hábito como Exercício Filosófico em Epicteto.Diogo Luz - 2018 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 11 (27):81-96.
    O hábito para os estoicos deve ser entendido de modo diferente da maneira descrita por Platão ou Aristóteles. Dado que, para estes, a formação do caráter é considerada a partir de uma psicologia que aborda a alma por meio de partes distintas, tal interpretação os levou a descrever o hábito como um elemento fundamental para a educação da parte irracional da alma, enquanto a parte racional é educada por meio da razão. Para os estoicos, no entanto, o hábito se faz (...)
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  14. The Definitional Issue of Fake News.Lode Lauwaert & Sacha Ferrari - forthcoming - Philosophy Today.
    The complex issue of fake news has been approached extensively by many disciplines in academia. Despite this variety of approaches, the concept of fake news still lacks a reasonable degree of definitional unicity. This paper critically analyzes a sample of definitions from the current literature. By diving into the set of definitions, it will exhibited a total of ten necessary conditions that scholars generally consider: imitation, falsity, deception, bullshit, purpose, morality, assessability, virality, channel, and appeal. Current definitions of fake news (...)
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  15. Ecumenical alethic pluralism.Filippo Ferrari & Sebastiano Moruzzi - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (3):368-393.
    ABSTRACTEcumenical Alethic Pluralism is a novel kind of alethic pluralism. It is ecumenical in that it widens the scope of alethic pluralism by allowing for a normatively deflated truth property alongside a variety of normatively robust truth properties. We establish EAP by showing how Wright’s Inflationary Arguments fail in the domain of taste, once a relativist treatment of the metaphysics and epistemology of that domain is endorsed. EAP is highly significant to current debates on the nature of truth insofar as (...)
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  16. Normative Alethic Pluralism.Filippo Ferrari - 2018 - In Jeremy Wyatt, Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen & Nathan Kellen (eds.), Pluralisms in Truth and Logic. Cham, Switzerland and Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 145-168.
    Some philosophers have argued that truth is a norm of judgement and have provided a variety of formulations of this general thesis. In this paper, I shall side with these philosophers and assume that truth is a norm of judgement. What I am primarily interested in here are two core questions concerning the judgement-truth norm: (i) what are the normative relationships between truth and judgement? And (ii) do these relationships vary or are they constant? I argue for a pluralist picture—what (...)
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  17. Avaliações Metafísicas Aristotélico-Tomistas sobre o Acesso à Justiça.Diogo Malgueiro Espindola - 2017 - Dissertation, Puc-Sp, Brazil
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  18. Atomismo ético de Leucipo e Demócrito.João Emanuel Diogo - 2016 - Boletim de Estudos Clássicos 61 (61):67-84.
    In this article, we start from the general thesis of theatomism – everything in the universe is composed by atoms – toassume an atomist reading of the ethical fragments of Democritus.If Leucippus and Democritus explain not only the beginning of the world, as well as the constitution of the soul and the body from therelation atom-emptiness (to be-not to be), this structure will also beapplied to the ethical maxims that we know. Despite this, the relationsoul-body is one of superiority (the (...)
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  19. Cicero's Criticism Of Stoic Rhetoric.Diogo Luz - 2020 - Prometheus 13 (33):423-433.
    My goal with this article is to present the elements involved in Cicero's criticism of Stoic rhetoric. First, I will present the rhetoric of the Stoics based on the testimonies we have left on these philosophers. Soon after, I will expose Cicero's criticisms of the Stoics. Next, I will argue that Cicero's criticisms arise because his proposal with rhetoric is different from the Stoics' proposal. Due to this difference, it is necessary to understand that the Stoics, on the other hand, (...)
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  20. Introduction to the special issue “alethic pluralism and the normativity of truth”.Filippo Ferrari & Sebastiano Moruzzi - 2020 - American Philosophical Quarterly 57 (4):309-310.
    In Truth and Objectivity, Crispin Wright argues that because truth is a distinctively normative property, it cannot be as metaphysically insubstantive as deflationists claim.1 This argument has been taken, together with the scope problem,2 as one of the main motivations for alethic pluralism.3 We offer a reconstruction of Wright’s Inflationary Argument (henceforth IA) aimed at highlighting what are the steps required to establish its inflationary conclusion. We argue that if a certain metaphysical and epistemological view of a given subject matter (...)
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  21. Os kathekonta estoicos na pandemia.Diogo Luz & Fernando Fontoura - 2020 - Diagnóstico Do Tempo: Implicações Éticas, Políticas E Sociais da Pandemia.
    Em função da pandemia de Covid-19, o ano de 2020 marcou a vida de todos. Em escala global, exigiu-se da população restringir as interações físicas o que fosse possível. Ainda assim, as interações sociais permaneceram, tanto as remotas, proporcionadas pela tecnologia da internet e das comunicações, quanto as presenciais, incluindo nestas as indispensáveis ou não. Portanto, mesmo que se entenda que a pandemia tenha ocasionado restrições sociais, em muitas ocasiões talvez seja melhor dizer que ela ocasionou restrições físicas à sociabilidade. (...)
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  22. Os Sofrimentos da Alma: As Paixões sob a Perspectiva do Estoicismo ( The sufferings of the Soul: The passions under the Stoicism perspective ).Diogo Luz - 2019 - Princípios: Revista de Filosofia (Ufrn) 26 (49):109-132.
    Resumo: Neste artigo exploramos a concepção estoica de πάθος, suas causas e consequências. Inicialmente abordamos o modo como as paixões se encaixam na ética estoica, uma vez que elas se mostram como impedimentos para aquele que quer viver melhor. Logo depois, analisamos os debates realizados no seio da escola, os acréscimos e os aperfeiçoamentos teóricos. Por fim, mostramos a distinção entre πάθη, προπάθειαι e εὐπαθεῖαι, pois isso propicia uma melhor compreensão da dimensão emocional da psicologia da Stoa, servindo principalmente para (...)
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  23. Exercícios Filosóficos em Epicteto.Diogo Luz - 2018 - Intuitio 11 (2):17-33.
    O presente artigo trata do pensamento de Epicteto pelo viés do exercício (áskēsis), ou seja, por meio de práticas que conduzem ao aperfeiçoamento de quem elege para si o ofício de filósofo. Para tal, inicialmente esclarecemos o que significam os exercícios na filosofia antiga, tendo como subsídio as teses de Pierre Hadot. Logo depois, exploramos seis exercícios que consideramos centrais para o filósofo de Nicópolis, contextualizando com os ensinamentos que estão envolvidos e descrevendo as principais características de seu método. Por (...)
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  24. O cosmopolitismo estoico.Diogo Luz - 2019 - In Giovane Martins Vaz, Renata Floriano de Sousa, Bruna Fernandes Ternus, Camila Palhares Barbosa & Eduardo Garcia Lara (eds.), XIX Semana Acadêmica do PPG em Filosofia da PUCRS Vol. 3. pp. 23-30.
    Devido à racionalidade, portanto, o ser humano tem a capacidade de ampliar seus horizontes de modo a compreender a estrutura racional que o conecta com os demais seres humanos e com a dimensão espiritual do lógos. Sendo assim, de acordo com a filosofia estoica, certamente estarão fadadas ao erro quaisquer concepções políticas que não considerem essa dimensão cosmopolita que se projeta não só para toda a humanidade, mas também para uma conexão com o ordenamento natural.
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  25. Spinoza e as Ciências Sociais.Diogo Luz - 2017 - Intuitio 10 (1):135-149.
    O objetivo do presente artigo é expor os motivos porque Frédéric Lordon assinala a necessidade de as ciências sociais precisarem de uma fundamentação filosófica spinozista. Para isso, inicialmente, explicitamos as carências que o filósofo encontra nos estudos sociais, e, logo depois, analisamos a forma como a filosofia de Spinoza se encaixa como base teórica de fundamentação. Demonstramos o modo como Lordon se apropria dos termos spinozistas para justificar seu insight, pois, dessa maneira, podemos esclarecer como elementos da ética de Spinoza (...)
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  26. A Psicologia de Epicteto.Diogo Luz - 2018 - Polymatheia 11 (18):90-112.
    Resumo: O presente artigo aborda a dimensão psicológica da filosofia de Epicteto. Para tal, exploramos inicialmente a distinção epictetiana entre as coisas que dependem de nós e as que não dependem, visto que é por meio dela que o filósofo separa o que é interno do que é externo. Ao fazer isso, ele foca a abordagem ética naquilo que é interno, pois afirma que é isso que depende de nós (ἐφ ̓ ἡμῖν). Dentre as ações que são ἐφ ̓ ἡμῖν, (...)
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  27. O Problema da Indução.Eduardo Castro & Diogo Fernandes - 2014 - Compêndio Em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica.
    State of the art paper on the problem of induction: how to justify the conclusion that ‘all Fs are Gs’ from the premise that ‘all observed Fs are Gs’. The most prominent theories of contemporary philosophical literature are discussed and analysed, such as: inductivism, reliabilism, perspective of laws of nature, rationalism, falsificationism, the material theory of induction and probabilistic approaches, according to Carnap, Reichenbach and Bayesianism. In the end, we discuss the new problem of induction of Goodman, raised by the (...)
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  28. Assessment Relativism.Filippo Ferrari - 2019 - In Martin Kusch (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Relativism. Routledge.
    Assessment relativism, as developed by John MacFarlane, is the view that the truth of our claims involving a variety of English expressions—‘tasty’, ‘knows’, ‘tomorrow’, ‘might’, and ‘ought’—is relative not only to aspects of the context of their production but also to aspects of the context in which they are assessed. Assessment relativism is thus a form of truth relativism which is offered as a new way of understanding perspectival thought and talk. In this article, I present the main theses of (...)
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  29. Ars Informatica.Tommaso Castiglione Ferrari - 2019 - Dissertation, N/A
    Dalla sua nascita, l’informatica è considerabile come una disciplina apolide. Le sue caratteristiche la rendono una materia che non rientra totalmente in nessuno dei domini tradizionali ufficialmente riconosciuti. Svariate discussioni si sono sollevate nel corso della sua breve storia, affermando come questa facesse integralmente parte a questo o quel dominio. Eppure nessuno è riuscito finora a convincere il mondo accademico dell’assoluta associazione dell’informatica ad una di esse. L’unico punto di apparente concordo riguarda l’affermazione della non appartenenza dell’informatica al dominio dell’arte. (...)
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  30. Ética e atitude filosófica em Epicteto.Diogo Da Luz - 2019 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 11 (29).
    O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar como a ética proferida por Epicteto se relaciona com uma postura filosófica, mais precisamente com uma atitude filosófica. Essa atitude não é especificamente uma exigência prévia para pensar a ética filosoficamente, pois não se trata de tê-la para então começar a filosofar, mas trata-se da manifestação de autenticidade daquele que se diz filósofo, porque evidencia a real assimilação das opiniões e teorias que defende. Para Epicteto, o progresso do filósofo necessariamente está unido ao progresso (...)
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  31. Epistemic Peer Disagreement.Filippo Ferrari & Nikolaj J. L. L. Pedersen - 2019 - In Miranda Fricker, Peter Graham, David Henderson & Nikolaj Jang Pedersen (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology. New York, USA: Routledge.
    We offer a critical survey of the most discussed accounts of epistemic peer disagreement that are found in the recent literature. We also sketch an alternative approach in line with a pluralist understanding of epistemic rationality.
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  32. Relativism, Faultlessness and Parity.Ferrari Filippo - 2016 - Argumenta 3.
    Some philosophers, like Mark Richard and Paul Boghossian, have argued against relativism that it cannot account for the possibility of faultless disagreement. However, I will contend that the objections they moved against relativism do not target its ability to account for the possibility of faultless disagreement per se. Ra- ther, they should be taken to challenge its capacity to account for another element of our folk conception of disagreement in certain areas of discourse—what Cris- pin Wright has dubbed parity. What (...)
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  33. Disagreement and the Normativity of Truth beneath Cognitive Command.Filippo Ferrari - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Aberdeen
    This thesis engages with three topics and the relationships between them: (i) the phenomenon of disagreement (paradigmatically, where one person makes a claim and another denies it); (ii) the normative character of disagreements (the issue of whether, and in what sense, one of the parties is “at fault” for believing something that’s untrue); (iii) the issue of which theory of what truth is can best accommodate the norms relating belief and truth. People disagree about all sorts of things: about whether (...)
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  34. Neokantismo come filosofia della cultura: Wilhelm Windelband e Heinrich Rickert.Massimo Ferrari - 1998 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 3:367-388.
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  35. Hylas e Philonous dieci anni dopo.Maurizio Ferraris & Achille C. Varzi - 2013 - SpazioFilosofico 8 (2):219–227.
    This is a sequel to our dialogue "Che cosa c'è e che cos'è (2003), focusing on the interplay between what there is and what there could be—between actuality and possibility—from the perspective of Hylas (here: the realist philosopher) and from the perspective of Philonous (here: the conventionalist anti-realist).
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    Life and Organism in Leibnizian philosophia naturalis.Gabriele Ferrari - 2023 - I Castelli di Yale Online (1):111-126.
    This article delves into the mature philosophy of Leibniz, exploring his concepts of life and organism. It aims to establish links between the scientific discoveries of the 17th century and Leibnizian metaphysical assumptions. The paper also highlights how reflections on the Cudworthian system helped the Leipzig philosopher develop his «metaphysics of the organics». The article begins with a brief overview of the querelle sur les natures plastiques to deepen some Leibnizian positions on these topics. It emphasizes Leibniz’s focus on the (...)
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  37. A knowledge broken. Essay writing and human science in Montaigne and Bacon”.Emiliano Ferrari - 2016 - Montaigne Studies:211-221.
    Literary theory and criticism over the last three decades have shown an increasing interest in studying the cognitive and critical relevance of the “essay” for modern history and culture . This paper aims to supply supporting evidence for this perspective, examining the function of essay writing for both Montaigne and Francis Bacon's conception of human thought and knowledge. In particular, I will focus on the epistemological implications of the essay and fragmentary prose, both considered forms of writing that express a (...)
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  38. Survival Egoism: We are, They will be.Tommaso Castiglione Ferrari - 2019 - Dissertation, N/A
    During the last century, the new, exciting field of Artificial Intelligence has risen. With its promises, fears for the uncertain future development of this area started to rise. Is it going to be sentient? Is it going to be smarter than us? Is it going to "understand" our uselessness? Is it going to decide that we are no more fundamental? And consequently decide to end our species? These and more questions emerged, nourished by the apprehension of the possible dangers that (...)
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  39. Semantic Externalism. [REVIEW]Ricardo Miguel & Diogo Santos - 2016 - Disputatio 8 (42):131-137.
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  40. Collaborative Economy in Portugal: the Recent Evolution.Mela Bettega, Raul Masu & Vera Lúcia Alves Pereira Diogo - 2021 - In Andrzej Klimczuk, Vida Česnuityte & Gabriela Avram (eds.), The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives. Limerick: University of Limerick. pp. 250-262.
    In this paper, we present an overview of the collaborative economy situation in Portugal. The chapter starts by presenting a number of local platforms and services. Overall, there seems to be a concern about the risk involved in the unregulated development of rental and mobility services. Therefore, we also highlight an overview of laws and regulations concerning the sharing economy platforms, especially for renting. This paper also presents issues related to rental platforms and touristification. We also present a list of (...)
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  41. Parity, Faultlessness, and Relativism: A Response to Wright and Ferrari.Dan Zeman - forthcoming - Analysis.
    Crispin Wright and Filippo Ferrari have accused relativism of not accounting for “parity” – the idea that, when we argue over matters of taste, we take our opponents’ opinions to be “as good as ours” from our own, committed perspective. In this paper, I show that i) explaining parity has not been taken to be a desideratum by relativists and thus they cannot be accused of failing to fulfil a promise; ii) Wright’s and Ferrari’s reasons for claiming that (...)
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  42. Gabriel Vacariu (November 2018) UNBELIEVABLE similarities between Ferraris’s ideas (2012) and my ideas (2002-2008).Gabriel Vacariu - 2018 - Dissertation,
    Gabriel Vacariu (November 2018) UNBELIEVABLE similarities between Ferraris’s ideas (2012) and my ideas (2002-2008).
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  43. City and Soul in Plato’s Republic, by G.R.F. Ferrari[REVIEW]Rachel Singpurwalla - 2007 - Ancient Philosophy 27 (1):174-179.
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  44. Circularidade no século dezesseis: emergência da similitude na Cartinha de João de Barros e no Cathecismo de Diogo Ortiz.Adriana Duarte Bonini Mariguela - 2010 - Dissertation, University of Campinas
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  45. Goodbye is Too Good a Word: Sulle difficoltà del congedo di Ferraris.Alfredo Ferrarin - 2006 - In Congedarsi da Kant? Interventi sul Goodbye Kant di Ferraris. ETS. pp. 13-35.
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  46. How to Do Things with Documents.Barry Smith - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 50:179-198.
    This essay is a contribution to social ontology, drawing on the work of John Searle and of Hernando de Soto. At the center of the argument is the proposition advanced by de Soto in his Mystery of Capital to the effect that many of the entities which structure our contemporary social reality are entities which exist in virtue of the fact that there are (paper or digital) documents which support their existence. I here develop de Soto’s argument further, focusing specifically (...)
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  47. Beyond Paper.David Koepsell & Barry Smith - 2014 - The Monist 97 (2):222–235.
    The authors outline the way in which documents as social objects have evolved from their earliest forms to the electronic documents of the present day. They note that while certain features have remained consistent, processes regarding document authentication are seriously complicated by the easy reproducibility of digital entities. The authors argue that electronic documents also raise significant questions concerning the theory of ‘documentality’ advanced by Maurizio Ferraris, especially given the fact that interactive documents seem to blur the distinctions between the (...)
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    Language and deontology in social ontology.Luca Forgione - 2024 - Mechané 7:55-70.
    In his book Documentality, Ferraris imagines a wedding scenario where all participants have Alzheimer. The ceremony proceeds as normal, and by its end, a new husband and wife exist. However, the next morning, the spouses forget everything. This scenario underscores the importance of writing in Ferraris’ theory. A recorded document, such as a marriage certificate, could confirm their marriage. Ferraris’ approach to documentality and social ontology illustrates that if the discovery of this document occurred after the death of the spouses, (...)
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  49. Bullrich Lineal Park, Buenos Aires-Narrow strip surrounded by traffic as urban green space.Natalia Penacini - 2009 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 67:66.
    Prior to this intervention the site used to be a degraded fiscal property, that functioned as a bus yard, a police legal deposit, and a restaurant parking lot. Underneath it runs the Maldonado stream culvert, covered by a concrete slab at a depth of only -20cm. Next to the site is a 5m high railroad embankment. The plot is strategically located at the end of Juan B. Justo avenue and works as a gateway to the Tres de Febrero park (also (...)
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  50. Antiaristotelismo.Stefano Maso & Carlo Natali (eds.) - 1999 - Hakkert.
    The book includes 13 contributions that deal with the first attempts of opposition to the of Aristotle's thought. From Theophrastus to Epicurus, and to Plotinus. The best specialists have collaborated (among others: M. Mignucci, E. Berti, K. Ierodiakonou, C. Natali, S. Maso, F. Ferrari, D. Taormina, A. Falcon, A. Schiaparelli).
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