Results for 'Globalización Neoliberal'

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  1. La globalización neoliberal: el nuevo rostro del imperialismo en el siglo XXI.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2011 - In Camilo Valqui Cachi & Cutberto Pastor Bazán, Marx y el marxismo crítico en el siglo XXI. pp. 49-60.
    Tal vez el rasgo que más tipifica los cambios operados en el capitalismo actual sea la mundialización de sus atributos fundamentales. El capital se desprende del rostro nacional que lo había identificado durante su etapa clásica. Así, no sólo la materia prima, los trabajadores, los dueños de las acciones, ni el proceso productivo mismo, quedan enmarcados en fronteras nacionales precisas. La competencia de productos, firmas y personas ya no se realiza entre vecinos, sino con la mediación a veces de miles (...)
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  2. Capitalismo y globalización.José Ramón Fabelo-Corzo & Gilberto Valdés Gutiérrez (eds.) - 2012 - Ciudad de México, CDMX, México: Ocean Sur.
    Se trata de un pequeño libro de Ocean Sur en los marcos de su colección Cuadernos de Formación que, bajo el título genérico de Capitalismo y globalización, contiene el ensayo de José Ramón Fabelo Corzo "Capitalismo versus Vida. Actualidad de lа visión de Marx" y el ensayo de Gilberto Valdés Gutiérrez "Globalización imperialista у sistema de dominación múltiple". La sociedad capitalista, cuya existencia depende de la explotación del trabajo asalariado y de una desenfrenada carrera en pos de la (...)
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  3. Capitalismo vs. Vida. Actualidad de la visión de Marx.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2004 - Marx Ahora 17 (17):137-150.
    Se muestran las relaciones de incompatibilidad entre capitalismo y vida que, en sentido perspectivo, Marx pone de manifiesto. Es esa la razón más profunda por la cual el pensador alemán concluye que no puede ser el capitalismo el modelo de sociedad que habite indefinidamente el ser humano. Se analiza la vigencia de esa idea de Marx para el análisis del capitalismo contemporáneo. Tal vez el rasgo que más tipifica los cambios operados en el capitalismo actual sea la mundialización de sus (...)
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  4. Capitalismo y vida: una relación crecientemente conflictiva.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2004 - Memoria, Revista de Cultura y Política 179 (179):45-52.
    Se muestran las relaciones de incompatibilidad entre capitalismo y vida que, en sentido perspectivo, Marx pone de manifiesto. Es esa la razón más profunda por la cual el pensador alemán concluye que no puede ser el capitalismo el modelo de sociedad que habite indefinidamente el ser humano. Se analiza la vigencia de esa idea de Marx para el análisis del capitalismo contemporáneo. Tal vez el rasgo que más tipifica los cambios operados en el capitalismo actual sea la mundialización de sus (...)
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  5. La vida humana ante los desafíos del capital (II): el capitalismo actual.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2005 - Docencia, Revista de Educación y Cultura 15 (15):67-70.
    Tal vez el rasgo que más tipifica los cambios operados en el capitalismo actual sea la mundialización de sus atributos fundamentales. El capital se desprende del rostro nacional que lo había identificado durante su etapa clásica. No sólo la materia prima, tampoco los trabajadores, los dueños de las acciones, ni el proceso productivo mismo quedan enmarcados en fronteras nacionales precisas. El modelo económico en que se enmarca la mundialización posee los mismos fundamentos liberales del capitalismo clásico. La globalización (...) actual es en buena medida la expansión hasta un marco planetario de los mismos atributos del liberalismo clásico nacional, con sus consiguientes secuelas negativas para la vida, ahora redimensionadas debido al alcance mismo del sistema. Pero la mundialización también entraña una serie de características particulares que la convierten en lo que podríamos calificar como una nueva forma de imperialismo. Sí, se trata de un capitalismo imperial que, para tal propósito, utiliza como principal mecanismo al propio libre mercado mundializado... (shrink)
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  6. La globalización y sus retos para América Latina. Para una lectura crítica de las propuestas poscoloniales.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2005 - In Gilberto Valdés Gutiérrez, Paradigmas emancipatorios en América Latina. Diversidad y articulación de pensamientos y prácticas. pp. 186-198.
    La globalización no significa que estemos ahora abocados, por primera vez, a una historia mundializada. Compartimos el mismo sistema-mundo desde hace unos cinco siglos. A pesar de las grandes asimetrías y del muy diferenciado papel y lugar que en esta historia les haya correspondido a las diferentes zonas del planeta, lo cierto es que paulatinamente todas aquellas se fueron incorporando -o a la fuerza las incorporaron- a un mismo sistema internacional de relaciones sociales que, desde sus inicios, tuvo al (...)
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  7. Identidad regional y globalización.Morandin-Ahuerma Fabio & Villanueva-Méndez Laura - 2023 - Universitaria 6 (40):32-33.
    Los procesos de globalización constituyen un vasallaje cultural para la identidad regional de los pueblos originarios, por ello, aun cuando la identidad sea un concepto polisémico, ciertas actividades son necesarias para mantenerla o, incluso, acrecentarla. Los idiomas autóctonos, la preservación de su cosmovisión, sus tradiciones y la defensa de su patrimonio biocultural pueden ser elementos constitutivos de identidad, no para un aislamiento de los pueblos, sino para la construcción de una visión glocal.
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  8. La globalización: una amenaza para la diversidad cultural.Arnold Groh - 2007 - In Groh Arnold, Salud y Diversidad Cultural en el Mundo. FAPCI. pp. 47-70.
    In order to protect indigenous cultures, their knowledge and their ways of living, it is necessary to analyse the mechanisms of cultural change, with a special focus on those factors that lead to the destabilisation, and even deletion, of formerly autonomous social systems. -/- Cultures consist of human beings, and the mechanisms and interactions within and between cultures consist of human behaviour. Generally, the mutual influences between cultures do not occur in a symmetrical way. Rather, one side is usually exposed (...)
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  9. The neoliberal challenge: Of critical re–reading of social and political thought of Friedrich Hayek, and of the intellectual history of neoliberalism.Charles Amo-Agyemang - manuscript
    In the history of modern liberal political thought the work of Friedrich Hayek stands out as one of the most significant contributions to liberal theory since J. S. Mill. This article provides a deep re-reading and engagement with key neoliberal texts from Friedrich Hayek and the development of understandings regarding the ‘‘spontaneous ordering’’ mechanisms of the market and the appreciation of the need for states to govern for the market rather than merely to withdraw from responsibility. My intention is (...)
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  10. The neoliberal influence on South Africa’s early democracy and its shortfalls in addressing economic inequality.Danelle Fourie - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (5):823-843.
    In this article, I will argue that early post-Apartheid South Africa adopted certain neoliberal principles which compromised the efforts to combat economic inequality. In particular, I will show that the economic policies that South Africa adopted during its early democracy reflect core neoliberal principles which promote a neoliberal political rationality. These economic policies indicate a pivotal approach from the African National Congress government in addressing economic inequality in South Africa. The dramatic shift from traditional Marxist policies to (...)
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  11. Neoliberal values and the workplace: a way forward through capabilities and care.Elly Vintiadis - 2025 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 14 (1):99-110.
    The neoliberal reality of the past 40 years has caused changes in the workplace restricting people’s freedom and compromising their well-being, often not allowing them to develop our human abilities in the way they chose to. This paper focuses on a neglected aspect of neoliberalism that contributes to this problem: the orientation of the core values of neoliberalism. My contention is that the value system of neoliberalism is structured on what can be characterized as ‘male’ values and this leads (...)
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  12. Neoliberal Noise: Attali, Foucault, & the Biopolitics of Uncool.Robin James - 2014 - Culture, Theory, and Critique 52 (2):138-158.
    Is it even possible to resist or oppose neoliberalism? I consider two responses that translate musical practices into counter-hegemonic political strategies: Jacques Attali’s theory of “composition” and the biopolitics of “uncool.” Reading Jacques Attali’s Noise through Foucault’s late work, I argue that Attali’s concept of “repetition” is best understood as a theory of neoliberal biopolitics, and his theory composition is actually a model of deregulated subjectivity. Composition is thus not an alternative to neoliberalism but its quintessence. An aesthetics and (...)
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  13. La globalización como espectáculo y el espectáculo de la globalización.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2004 - El Cuervo 16 (32):10-13.
    El trabajo evalúa el alcance de la caracterización realizada en 1967 por Guy Debord de la vida social contemporánea como sociedad del espectáculo. Se muestra la vigencia de aquel análisis en las condiciones de un capitalismo globalizado que redimensiona cada vez más, a través del espectáculo mediático, una relación enajenada con la realidad. Un factor de incuestionable importancia en el dominio que el capital hoy ejerce sobre la vida humana radica en la visión fetichizada y manipulada de la realidad que (...)
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  14. The Neoliberal Assault on Australian Universities and the Future of Democracy: The Philosophical Failure of a Nation.Arran Gare - 2006 - Concrescence 6:20-40.
    The transformation of universities from public institutions to transnational business enterprises has met with less resistance in Australia than elsewhere. Yet this transformation undermines the founding principles of Australian democracy. This democracy emerged in opposition to the classical form of free market liberalism that the neo-liberals have revived. The logical unfolding of social liberalism in Australia underpinned the development of both the system of wage fixing and the idea of public education as conditions for democracy. The lack of resistance to (...)
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  15. Retos epistemológicos para una globalización alternativa.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2002 - Contracorriente: Una Revista Cubana de Pensamiento 19 (19):13-21.
    La globalización no significa que estemos ahora abocados, por primera vez, a una historia mundializada. Compartimos el mismo sistema-mundo desde hace unos cinco siglos. A pesar de las grandes asimetrías y del muy diferenciado papel y lugar que en esta historia les haya correspondido a las diferentes zonas del planeta, lo cierto es que paulatinamente todas aquellas se fueron incorporando -o a la fuerza las incorporaron- a un mismo sistema internacional de relaciones sociales que, desde sus inicios, tuvo al (...)
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  16. Prisoners of Reason: Game Theory and Neoliberal Political Economy.S. M. Amadae (ed.) - 2015 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Is capitalism inherently predatory? Must there be winners and losers? Is public interest outdated and free-riding rational? Is consumer choice the same as self-determination? Must bargainers abandon the no-harm principle? Prisoners of Reason recalls that classical liberal capitalism exalted the no-harm principle. Although imperfect and exclusionary, modern liberalism recognized individual human dignity alongside individuals' responsibility to respect others. Neoliberalism, by contrast, views life as ceaseless struggle. Agents vie for scarce resources in antagonistic competition in which every individual seeks dominance. This (...)
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  17. El poscolonialismo y las trampas de la globalización.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2004 - Docencia, Revista de Educación y Cultura 4 (10):42-46.
    La globalización no significa que estemos ahora abocados, por primera vez, a una historia mundializada. Compartimos el mismo sistema-mundo desde hace unos cinco siglos. A pesar de las grandes asimetrías y del muy diferenciado papel y lugar que en esta historia les haya correspondido a las diferentes zonas del planeta, lo cierto es que paulatinamente todas aquellas se fueron incorporando -o a la fuerza las incorporaron- a un mismo sistema internacional de relaciones sociales que, desde sus inicios, tuvo al (...)
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  18. La racionalidad neoliberal y la transformación estructural de la universidad.Alexandre Alves - 2019 - Pedagogia y Saberes 51:67-74.
    The aim of this text, derived from an investigation, is to propose a reflection on the future of the university, from the problematization of the neoliberal rationality impact on the forms of knowledge production and organization of academic life. To develop this analysis, the main transformations of the modern university since its advent with the founding of the Berlin University by Wilhelm von Humboldt, in 1810, who created the model of the research university, until the emergence of the (...) university model. The purpose of the article is to highlight the rationalities that govern the transformation of the university over time. This historical analysis attempts to demonstrate that no model can be considered natural, absolute, inevitable, non-negotiable, and that and that the university as an institution is inhabited by a mixture of contradictory rationalities. To conclude, the Derrida's essay (2001), is used to show that the uncontested adoption of the neoliberal model can destroy the autonomy of research and teaching that until today characterized the modern university, and compromise its mission in the future. (shrink)
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  19. Imagen, espectáculo y globalización. Sobre la vigencia de La sociedad del espectáculo de Guy Debord.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2009 - In Victor Gerardo Rivas López, La imagen en la cultura contemporánea. pp. 71-84.
    Se trata de una descripción de las ideas fundamentales de La sociedad del espectáculo de Guy Debord y su vigencia actual, en la medida en que la realidad que es queda cada vez más oculta tras su versión espectacularizada y se va perdiendo peligrosamente la capacidad de distinguir entre realidad y espectáculo.
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  20. Soberania e violência biopolítica neoliberal: revisitando o paradigma.Andre Yazbek - 2021 - Revista Natureza Humana 23 (2):46-62.
    O presente artigo recupera as noções de guerra de raças e de biopoder nas lições ministradas por Michel Foucault no Collège de France intituladas Il faut défendre la Société (1976), para refletir sobre a relação entre neoliberalismo e violência política. Nesse sentido, interessa-me examinar como o pensamento de Foucault formulou o problema do biopoder vinculado ao da violência de raça para analisar nossa atual política (neo)liberal em termos de paradigmas raciais e coloniais.
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  21. Statul neoliberal și misiunea științelor socio-umane în vremuri de criză.Ovidiu Gherasim-Proca - 2017 - In Claudiu Mesaroș, Filosofia în universitatea contemporană. Editura Universității de Vest. pp. 156-173.
    Preocuparea pentru funcția de marketing a topurilor universitare îi face pe manageri să ignore modul neglijent în care ele sunt concepute, deoarece adesea „clasamentele servesc în mod strategic celor care, doritori să reformeze sistemul universitar din țara lor, le folosesc în mod oportunist pentru a justifica politici deja decise”. Ei nu numai că sunt pregătiți să accepte schimbările dramatice în clasamente (care, de cele mai multe ori dovedesc de fapt inadecvarea instrumentelor de evaluare), dar se străduiesc din răsputeri să îmbunătățească (...)
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  22. La globalización como reto a la democracia. Una visión desde la Tercera Vía. [REVIEW]José Ramos Salguero - 2001 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 35:337-348.
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  23. From the Margins of the Neoliberal University: Notes Toward Nomadic Literary Studies.Neil Vallelly - 2019 - Poetics Today 40 (1):59-79.
    Literary studies are living a nomadic existence on the margins of the neoliberal university, forced to adapt to the needs of more profitable disciplines and the insidious marketization of higher education to find an intellectual home. By drawing on Rosi Braidotti’s nomadic theory, this article situates the current state of literary studies in the wider networks of power relations that differentially distribute nomadic experiences in the contemporary world. The article begins with an examination of the contradictions of nomadic mobility (...)
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  24. Specters and possession of neoliberal democracy: Contemporary critical political philosophies and the legacy of C.B. Macpherson.Mariusz Turowski - 2015 - In A. K. Çüçen & M. Becermen, Gelenek, Demokrasi ve Felsefe /Tradition, Democracy, and Philosophy. Uludağ Üniversitesi. pp. 318-326.
    The paper is a part of the project of retrieving C.B. Macpherson’s thesis of possessive individualism and his contribution to investigations about democratic theory and the “Western political ontology” valuable especially in today’s context of expansion, crisis and – arguably – subsequent, experienced today, revival of the project of “neoliberal democracy”. The aim of my paper is to present theory of possessive individualism as the missing center of critical theory of democracy. The task is conducted through a brief reconstruction (...)
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    How a sense of place may return the Social License to Operate concept back to an ethics of responsiblity within a neoliberal framework — a Tasmanian salmon story.Larelle Bossi - 2023 - Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations.
    This chapter is a journey into the ontological significance of place in consideration of the Atlantic Tasmanian salmon industry and its challenges to the ethical discourse around the social license to operate (SLO) beyond the oxymoron of a name. It centres the discourse around the salmon itself. A once totem animal, responsible for the balance of Canada’s abundant ecosystem, now reduced to a mere source of protein, manipulated, and commodified by Tasmania’s ‘big business’ and against the SLO of Flanagan’s ‘Toxic’. (...)
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  26. Ética en tiempos de globalización. De su ‘prehistoria’ biológica a su crisis actual.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2008 - In P. Robinson Salazar & Alejandra Chávez Ramírez, La globalización indolente en América Latina. pp. 29-58.
    El propósito de este ensayo es indagar en los fundamentos últimos u originarios de lo ético como fenómeno humano presente en cualquier ámbito social, en cada etapa de la historia, en toda cultura. Se hace referencia no a la Ética como doctrina filosófica, sino a cierta noción de bien desde la que se juzga el objeto valorado. Las preguntas cruciales aquí son: ¿por qué necesitamos una ética -así en minúscula-, una noción del bien, un concepto de lo justo, de lo (...)
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  27. Teaching Marxism In a Neoliberal era.Noe Santillan - 2018 - PHAVISVINDA 16 (May 2018):111-146.
    During the last two years, senior high school teachers struggled with course contents in a neoliberal education. While the Mass Training of Teachers (MTOT) focuses on pedagogical knowledge, their concern is to deepen their content knowledge. As a result, they face difficulty in teaching the subjects, one of which is Marxism under Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences (DISS). Enriching this paper, the query turns to the key participants of the sector and seek their insights. Then, critical analysis (...)
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  28. Performing agency theory and the neoliberalization of the state.Tim Christiaens - 2020 - Critical Sociology 46 (3):393-411.
    According to Streeck and Vogl, the neoliberalization of the state has been the result of political-economic developments that render the state dependent on financial markets. However, they do not explain the discursive shifts that would have been required for demoting the state to the role of an agent to bondholders. I propose to explain this shift via the performative effect of neoliberal agency theory. In 1976, Michael Jensen and William Meckling claimed that corporate managers are agents to shareholding principals, (...)
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  29. “People aren’t numbers”: A critique of industrial rationality within neoliberal societies.Danelle Fourie - 2024 - South African Journal of Philosophy 43 (1):81-93.
    The main contribution of this article is to apply Herbert Marcuse’s work in contemporary neoliberal society. Specifically, this article will focus on Marcuse’s critique of advanced industrial society and the role that technology plays in the quantification of the self. In this article, I will argue that in recent years, the development of technology has created the possibility to measure, calculate and quantify even the most trivial aspects of our lives, reducing people to numbers. The quantification of people is (...)
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    Dé/faire les corporéités queers en contexte néolibéral.Emery Jordan Fraser - 2024 - Communications 41 (1).
    This study examines the dynamics of queer expression in a neoliberal environment with Guma Joana and Amem Yhra, two cross-dressing artists from São Paulo. It explores how their Instagram profiles and participation in the Casa de Criadores event act as intermediary platforms between their informal creativity and the formal structures of creativity they aspire to integrate. Although these platforms allow visibility and promise social recognition, they also raise the question of how the resources from their lived experience are valued (...)
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  31. The entrepreneur of the self beyond Foucault’s neoliberal homo oeconomicus.Tim Christiaens - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (4):493-511.
    In his lectures on neoliberalism, Michel Foucault argues that neoliberalism produces subjects as ‘entrepreneurs of themselves’. He bases this claim on Gary Becker’s conception of the utility-maximizing agent who solely acts upon cost/benefit-calculations. Not all neoliberalized subjects, however, are encouraged to maximize their utility through mere calculation. This article argues that Foucault’s description of neoliberal subjectivity obscures a non-calculative, more audacious side to neoliberal subjectivity. Precarious workers in the creative industries, for example, are encouraged not merely to rationally (...)
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  32. From Lenin to Badiou: The Philippine Revolution against Neoliberal Capitalism.Regletto Aldrich Imbong - 2017 - Lo Sguardo - Rivista di Filosofia 25 (3):111-122.
    This paper will examine the concrete appropriation of Leninism in the Philippine communist movement. It will further trace the triadic convergence between Leninism, the Philippine Revolution, and Badiouian emancipatory politics. It will argue that three essential Leninist concepts are appropriated by the current Philippine Revolution: the vanguard party, the basic alliance of the peasants and the workers, and the united front work. It will also discuss Badiouian emancipatory politics, and particularly highlight Badiou’s treatment on the question of organization or the (...)
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  33. Regionalidad y Populismo: categorías para un nuevo orden post-neoliberal.Alejandro Auat - 2019 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 15.
    El texto pretende aportar una reflexión en torno a dos categorías teórico-prácticas –regionalidad, populismo–, que pueden contribuir a la proyección abierta, nunca acabada, de un nuevo orden post-neoliberal, en tanto modos de resistencia y crítica de los modos de subjetivación y de mercantilización que identificamos como propios del neoliberalismo en tanto racionalidad, pero también posibilitadoras de un pensar situado, propositivo, comprometido políticamente con el lugar desde donde se entiende y se proyecta un nuevo orden de convivencia.
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  34. La vida como autopoiesis y como fundamento de la ética en tiempos de globalización.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2008 - A Parte Rei 57 (57):8.
    El trabajo reflexiona sobre los fundamentos originarios de la ética. La tesis central que se defiende y que se busca mostrar consiste en asumir que las raíces históricas últimas de lo ético están en la vida humana misma, que lo ético responde a una necesidad humana vital y que es precisamente en la vida donde ha de encontrarse el buscado criterio de última instancia sobre lo que lo ético es. Esta hipótesis conduce necesariamente a analizar el tema de la vida, (...)
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  35. Skeptically self-governed citizens: The 'volunteer!' injunction as a predicament of neoliberal life.Carlos Palacios - 2022 - Citizenship Studies 26 (2):221-244.
    The idea that anyone, with the right critical knowledge and a certain amount of spare time and resources, could become a globally responsible citizen has been skeptically questioned at least since the time of Rousseau. But, during the last two decades, the specific concern that has troubled critical qualitative researchers has been the possible complicity of the active citizen with a neoliberal regime of governmentality, a regime that often uses the injunction to volunteer as a political tactic of responsibilization. (...)
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  36. Estética difusa o de la globalización de lo estético.Andrea Mecacci - 2024 - Boletín de Estética (66):7-23.
    Estética difusa es la fórmula que sintetiza la omnipresencia de los fenómenos estéticos en el escenario actual: superada la larga fase del dominio exclusivo del arte como parámetro de los valores estéticos, la contemporaneidad se ha reconocido en una pluralidad de prácticas en las que también lo no estético es pensado y experimentado como estético. El ensayo se propone explorar los aspectos teóricos de este proceso en el que consumo material y consumo in-material confluyen en un único escenario, cotidiano y (...)
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  37. Transformation of Malaysian Cities: from Colonial Cities to the Products of Neoliberal Globalistion.Marek Kozlowski, Asma Mehan & Krzysztof Nawratek - 2021 - The Architect Magazine 1 (Reboot):226-233.
    In the last two decades, major cities in Malaysia have witnessed a spate of urban redevelopment including commercial and retail complexes, and residential estates. The current urban transformations taking place in Malaysian cities are mainly market-driven and characterized by fast-track development with a strong priority on the road infrastructure. This is a typical example of an intensive property-led development that is becoming a central driver of the national economy. This article provides a deeper understanding of the complexity of urban development (...)
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  38. Burying Mont Pèlerin: Milton Friedman and neoliberal vanguardism.Victor L. Shammas - 2018 - Constellations 25 (1):117-132.
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  39. The African State in a Wake of Neoliberal Globalization: A Cog in a Wheel or a Wheel in a Cog.Kizito Michael George - 2020 - Journal of Research in Philosophy and History 3 (2):32-51.
    This paper situates the Sub-Saharan African state amidst the conflictual interface between the forces of political and economic globalization that have been ushered in the state milieu by neo-liberalism . The paper argues that states are situated in an imperialistic globalization with capitalistic economic extirpation as central concern and social justice as a peripheral one. This categorically explicates the persistence of globalised economies and localized oppressive state apparatuses, ideologies and practices. The paper also contends that the forces of economic globalization (...)
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  40. (1 other version)Neoliberalism and education.Lawrence Blum - 2022 - In Randall R. Curren, Handbook of philosophy of education. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 257-269.
    Neoliberalism is an approach to social policy, now globally influential, that applies market approaches to all aspects of social life, including education. Charter schools, privately operated but publicly funded, are its most prominent manifestation in the U.S. The neoliberal principles of competition, consumerism, and choice cannot serve as foundations of a sound and equitable public education system. Neoliberalism embraces socio-economic inequality overall and in doing so constricts any justice mission its adherents espouse in virtue of serving a relatively disadvantaged (...)
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  41. Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas: una herramienta para combatir las desigualdades entre pueblos indígenas y la sociedad globalizada.Arnold Groh - 2018 - Revista Latinoamericana de Derechos Humanos 2 (29):15-38.
    En 2007, la Declaración sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas fue adoptada por la Asamblea General con la mayoría de los estados miembros de las Naciones Unidas. La declaración tiene relevancia para cualquiera que esté al mando o en contacto con los pueblos indígenas. Un efecto central de la dominancia de la cultura globalizada sobre culturas indígenas es la asimetría de la percepción e influencia mutua. Debido a los efectos de la presión social externa de la globalización los (...)
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  42. Pedagogi Shalom: Analisis Kristis Terhadap Pedagogi Kritis Henry A. Giroux dan Relevansinya Bagi Pendidikan Kristen di Indonesia.Zummy Anselmus Dami - 2019 - Jurnal Filsafat 29 (1):134-165.
    This paper is a critical analysis towardcritical pedagogy in education using the concept of the pedagogy of shalom. Critical analysis is undertakennot to imply that critical pedagogy as formulated by Giroux is a wrong conceptbut this paper aims to recover the fragility and refining that has not been perfect through the values of the divine pedagogy of shalom. Critical pedagogy and shalom pedagogy struggle to question and challenge the mindset and lifestyle underlying the pedagogy of neoliberal that emphasisses market (...)
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  43. Globalization and ethics: Towards an ethics centered in the human person.Carlos Alberto Rosas Jimenez - 2016 - Revista de Bioética Latinoamericana 1 (17):61-74.
    The accelerated development of science and technology, along with the economical growth of countries and the rise of the phenomenon of globalization have had consequences in different aspects of human life. Social injustice, inequality, violence, fighting within and between countries, along with ecological misfortunes calls out for an ethical system that regulates and brings new light to human behaviour in this globalized world. The globalization dynamic of the techno-scientific, world market economic culture suggests the need of an urgent formation of (...)
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    De wet als kunstwerk [The Law as a Work of Art]. [REVIEW]Martijn Boven - 2015 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 55 (2):42-42.
    Willem Witteveen, a member of the Upper House for the Dutch Labour Party and professor at Tilburg University, was among the passengers on the MH17 aircraft that crashed in eastern Ukraine in July 2014. Prior to this tragic incident, he had submitted the manuscript of “De wet als kunstwerk [The Law as a Work of Art]”. The posthumous edition of the book has been augmented with a foreword by his son, Freek Witteveen, and a series of collages and miniatures. Consequently, (...)
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  45. Kansallismielisten populistien haste keskustaoikesistolle ja kolme kysysmystä Euroopan liberaaleille.S. M. Amadae - 2019 - In Antti Ronkainen & Juri Mykkänen, Vapiseva Eurooppa. pp. 225-240.
    This paper analyses the National Populist Challenges to Europe’s Center Right. It assesses the cases of the UK, Germany and France. It poses three questions for Europe: How will political integration be achieved and maintained? What policies will foster economic inclusion in the Eurozone? And, third, what are the best means to achieve economic solvency and growth. The paper make a case that neoliberal economic policies over the past decades have undermined some nations' public sector and have also contributed (...)
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  46. Emerging Religious Marketplace in Nigeria: A Quest for Interpretation.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2014 - International Journal of Theology and Reformed Tradition 6:47-61.
    In contemporary Nigerian society, the evolving trends in Christian religious culture suggest that neoliberal (social) mind-set is influencing certain practices in many Churches. The objective of this paper is to examine how the above-mentioned contemporary culture influences current religious landscape. The sociological concept of commodification was adopted as a way of ‘reading’ this religious context. The research methodology combines theoretical and ethnographic approaches to this study. The research findings show that neoliberal mind-set is influencing how religious commodification shapes (...)
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  47. Self-limitation as the basis of environmentally sustainable care of the self.Richard Sťahel - 2017 - Human Affairs 27 (4):444-454.
    When we abandon the neoliberal fiction that one is independent on the grounds that it is a-historic and antisocial, we realize that everyone is dependent and interdependent. In a media-driven society the self-identity of the individual is formed within the framework of the culture-ideology of consumerism from early childhood. As a result, both the environmental and social destruction have intensified. In the global era, or in the era of the global environmental crisis, self-identity as a precondition for environmentally sustainable (...)
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  48. Superwomen? Young sporting women, temporality, and learning not to be perfect.Noora Ronkainen, Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson, Kenneth Aggerholm & Tatiana Ryba - 2020 - International Review for the Sociology of Sport (1).
    New forms of neoliberal femininity create demanding horizons of expectation for young women. For talented athletes, these pressures are intensified by the establishment of dual-career discourses that construct the combination of high-performance sport and education as a normative, ‘ideal’ pathway. The pressed time perspective inherent in dual-careers requires athletes to employ a variety of time-related skills, especially for young women who aim to live up to ‘superwoman’ ideals that valorize ‘success’ in all walks of life. Drawing on existential phenomenology, (...)
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  49. "Needless to Say My Proposal Was Turned Down": The Early Days of Commercial Citation Indexing, an "Error-making" Activity and Its Repercussions Till Today.Terje Tüür-Fröhlich - 2014 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 36 (2):155-180.
    In today’s neoliberal audit cultures university rankings, quantitative evaluation of publications by JIF or researchers by h-index are believed to be indispensable instruments for “quality assurance” in the sciences. Yet there is increasing resistance against “impactitis” and “evaluitis”. Usually overseen: Trivial errors in Thomson Reuters’ citation indexes produce severe non-trivial effects: Their victims are authors, institutions, journals with names beyond the ASCII-code and scholars of humanities and social sciences. Analysing the “Joshua Lederberg Papers” I want to illuminate eventually successful (...)
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  50. The Paradox of Global Constitutionalism: Between Sectoral Integration and Legitimacy.Gürkan Çapar - forthcoming - Global Constitutionalism.
    The liberal international legal order faces a legitimacy crisis today that becomes visible with the recent anti-internationalist turn, the rise of populism and the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine. Either its authority or legitimacy has been tested many times over the last three decades. The article argues that this anti-internationalist trend may be read as a reaction against the neoliberal form taken by international law, not least over the last three decades. In uncovering the intricacies of international law’s legitimacy (...)
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