Results for 'Laurent Ávila-Chauvet'

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  1. The Extended Body: Vicarious Memories and Mimetic Capacities in Transgenerational Trauma.Nathália de Ávila - 2025 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 1:1-23.
    Drawing from enactivist theory, this paper examines how certain cases of transgenerational trauma manifest as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the descendants of survivors who did not experience the event directly. It argues that psychopathology develops from an embodied form of vicarious memory, conveyed through mimetic capacities and emotional resonances that involve the transfer of emotional and behavioral patterns from parents to children, affecting their sense of self. Children’s reenactments of their parents' emotional states do not merely replay the parents' trauma (...)
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    La mémoire autobiographique demande-t-elle un concept de temps linéaire?Nathália de Avila - 2017 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 77:33-43.
    Dans la philosophie contemporaine, la mémoire n’est plus un instrument qui apprend des évènements de manière passive. Ici, on parlera de la mémoire qu’une personne possède quand elle se souvient de sa propre vie ou d’un moment spécifique. Ce concept, un des plus anciens de la psychologie cognitive, s’appelle mémoire autobiographique. Grâce à cette pertinente interprétation d’un concept plus vivant de mémoire dans la science, la littérature et la philosophie de notre temps, on se demandera si, à travers son activité, (...)
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  3. Observation Sentences and Enlightened Empiricism in Quine’s philosophy.Ignacio Ávila - 2014 - Ideas Y Valores 63 (154):271-294.
    En este ensayo planteo una dificultad que encuentro en la última propuesta de Quine sobre las oraciones observacionales. Argumento que esta dificultad impide que tales oraciones cumplan el rol que él les asigna en su filosofía y socavan su empirismo ilustrado. Luego exploro tentativamente un resquicio que encuentro en la propia filosofía quineana que eventualmente podría evitar los problemas derivados de dicha dificultad. El precio de seguir el camino apuntado por ese resquicio es, sin embargo, una cierta reinterpretación del espíritu (...)
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  4. Representación, empirismo y triangulación Comentario a Conocer sin representar. El realismo epistemológico de Donald Davidson de William Duica.Ignacio Ávila - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (161):315-329.
    En este breve comentario discuto algunos aspectos de la interpretación de la epistemología de Davidson que sugiere Willian Duica en su reciente libro. Luego de una presentación somera del libro me centro en tres asuntos centrales de la interpretación de Duica. En primer lugar, argumento que su lectura de la crítica de Davidson al dualismo esquema/contenido es muy restrictiva y deja abierta la posibilidad de un realismo directo empirista. En segundo lugar, argumento que en su lectura el propio Duica se (...)
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  5. Realismo e irrealismo: impresiones sobre Goodman y Searle.Ignacio Avila - 2002 - Ideas Y Valores 51 (120):97-105.
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  6. Atención, referencia e inescrutabilidad.Ignacio Avila - 2014 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 50:31-51.
    Resumen: En este ensayo discuto la crítica de John Campbell a la tesis de la inescrutabilidad de la referencia de Quine. Primero defiendo que los argumentos de Campbell no dan en el blanco, pues él pasa por alto la conexión que Quine traza entre referencia, cuantificación, y ontología. Luego discuto otra línea de argumentación contra la inescrutabilidad que invoca la concepción relacional de la atención de Campbell. Finalmente, sugiero que esta línea –aunque insuficiente y necesitada de complemento– pone de manifiesto (...)
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  7. L’objectivité scientifique à l’heure de la post-vérité.Laurent Jodoin - 2020 - Mεtascience: Discours Général Scientifique 1:199-219.
    L’objectivité permettrait d’assurer la supériorité de la science par rapport à d’autres modes de connaissance. Elle doit donc être défendue, surtout en cette « ère de post-vérité » où les « faits alternatifs » remplacent les faits avérés, en politique comme ailleurs. Or les attaques proviennent autant de l’extérieur que de l’intérieur de la sphère philosophique. Il convient donc de tenter d’opérer la réconciliation la plus large possible avec deux représentants de clans (très) opposés, Mario Bunge et Bruno Latour. Réinvestissant (...)
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  8. Introduction to Monographic Section: Memory and Trauma. Philosophical Perspectives.Marina Trakas, Nathália de Ávila & Em Walsh - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 26:1-2.
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  9. Marty and Brentano.Laurent Cesalli & Kevin Mulligan - 2017 - In Uriah Kriegel (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Franz Brentano and the Brentano School. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 251-263.
    The Swiss philosopher Anton Marty (Schwyz, 1847 - Prague, 1914) belongs, with Carl Stumpf, to the first circle of Brentano’s pupils. Within Brentano’s school (and, to some extent, in the secondary literature), Marty has often been considered (in particular by Meinong) a kind of would-be epigone of his master (Fisette & Fréchette 2007: 61-2). There is no doubt that Brentano’s doctrine often provides Marty with his philosophical starting points. But Marty often arrives at original conclusions which are diametrically opposed to (...)
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  10. Mujeres y filosofía.Ignacio Ávila Cañamares - 2020 - Ideas Y Valores 69 (173):9-36.
    En los departamentos de filosofía del país existe una marcada disparidad entre la cantidad de hombres y mujeres que se dedican a la filosofía. En este ensayo esbozo algunas razones por las que considero que esta situación amerita una reflexión filosófica por parte de nuestra comunidad. En la primera parte intento delimitar el espacio en el que se sitúa mi reflexión. En la segunda presento dos modelos con los que en el entorno anglosajón se ha intentado dar cuenta de la (...)
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  11. Marty and Brentano.Laurent Cesalli & Kevin Mulligan - 2017 - In Uriah Kriegel (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Franz Brentano and the Brentano School. London and New York: Routledge.
    The Swiss philosopher Anton Marty (Schwyz, 1847 - Prague, 1914) belongs, with Carl Stumpf, to the first circle of Brentano’s pupils. Within Brentano’s school (and, to some extent, in the secondary literature), Marty has often been considered (in particular by Meinong) a kind of would-be epigone of his master (Fisette & Fréchette 2007: 61-2). There is no doubt that Brentano’s doctrine often provides Marty with his philosophical starting points. But Marty often arrives at original conclusions which are diametrically opposed to (...)
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  12. The Road to ideelle Verähnlichung. Anton Marty’s Conception of Intentionality in the Light of its Brentanian Background.Laurent Cesalli & Hamid Taieb - 2012 - Quaestio 12:171-232.
    Anton Marty (1847-1914) is known to be the most faithful pupil of Franz Brentano. As a matter of fact, most of his philosophical ideas find their source in the works of his master. Yet, the faithfulness of Marty is not constant. As the rich correspondence between the two thinkers shows, Marty elaborates an original theory of intentionality from ca. 1904 onward. This theory is based on the idea that intentionality is a process of mental assimilation (ideelle Verähnlichung), a process at (...)
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  13. El nuevo enigma de la inducción y los términos de clase natural.Ignacio Avila - 2002 - Critica 34 (100):55-85.
    En este ensayo intento mostrar el estrecho vínculo entre el asunto de la fijación de la extensión de los términos de clase natural y el problema de la proyectabilidad puesto de relieve por Goodman con su nuevo enigma de la inducción. Por un lado argumento que el nuevo enigma de la inducción pone de manifiesto la presencia de un elemento fregeano en la teoría de la referencia directa de Putnam y, por el otro, señalo la necesidad de que una respuesta (...)
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  14. Manuales de traducción y hechos semánticos: A propósito de la indeterminación de la traducción en Quine.Ignacio Avila - 2001 - Ideas y Valores. Revista Colombiana de Filosofía 115:44-72.
    En este ensayo examino el conflicto aparente entre nuestro conocimiento de ciertas distinciones semánticas de nuestro lenguaje y la tesis de la indeterminación de la traducción de Ouine. Este examen nos permitirá entender la manera como se articula dicha tesis con otros sectores de su filosofía. En particular, argumento que la tesis de la indeterminación de la traducción, estrictamente hablando, cumple· una función legitimadora en el sistema quineano. Con ella Quine, más que obtener una nueva conclusión en el ámbito de (...)
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  15. Precisión y agencia epistémica en Descartes. Un recorrido por los márgenes de la Primera Meditación.Ignacio Avila - 2019 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 60:85-109.
    En este ensayo propongo una lectura de los contornos de la primera Meditación. Con ella intento resaltar una dimensión importante del pensamiento de Descartes en torno a la virtud de la precisión. Contrasto la preocupación por la verdad en la vida cotidiana y en la indagación cartesiana, exploro la manera en que Descartes enfrenta algunos riesgos epistémicos en el curso de su meditación, señalo algunos aspectos de su concepción de la agencia epistémica y concluyo con una breve disquisición alrededor de (...)
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  16. percepción y pensamiento espacial: La veta reduccionista del enfoque enactivo.Ignacio Avila - 2015 - Ideas y Valores. Revista Colombiana de Filosofía 64:191-214.
    En este ensayo exploro cierta veta reduccionista del enfoque enactivo de Noë. Primero argumento que su concepción de nuestro encuentro perceptual con las propiedades intrínsecas de los objetos requiere una metafísica relacional revisionista para ser exitosa. Luego argumento que la propuesta de Noë sobre el rol de la percepción para el pensamiento espacial exige una concepción revisionista de nuestros conceptos espaciales cotidianos. Finalmente, sugiero que a la base de estas formas de revisionismo está una comprensión reduccionista de la egocentricidad perceptual (...)
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  17. La modularidad de la mente y el relativismo epistemológico.Ignacio Avila - 2000 - Ideas Y Valores 49 (112):37-65.
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  18. La Observación, una Palabra para Desbaratar y Re-Significar: Hacia una epistemología de la observación.Rafael Avila - 2004 - Cinta de Moebio 21.
    This text and the seminar referred to, intend to open a window to observe observation, with a double purpose: firstly, to contribute to inquire the naïve concept and practice of observation which disregard its internal complexity; and secondly, identify and put under examination the assumptions ..
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  19. Is progressive environmentalism an oxymoron?Laurent Dobuzinskis - 1992 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 6 (2-3):283-303.
    Environmentalism has been a part of the ideological landscape of liberal societies for nearly three decades. Classical liberals have not yet succeeded, however, in articulating a coherent response that would be relevant to politically active environmentalists, as well as to liberals receptive to postmodern ideas. Robert C. Paehlke argues that, conservative liberals being in fact hostile to environmental thinking, moderate progressivism and environmentalism should enter into a close alliance. This paper challenges both assertions. Admittedly, not all currents within contemporary conservative (...)
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  20. ""Lambda theory: Introduction of a constant for" nothing" into set theory, a model of consistency and most noticeable conclusions.Laurent Dubois - 2013 - Logique Et Analyse 56 (222):165-181.
    The purpose of this article is to present several immediate consequences of the introduction of a new constant called Lambda in order to represent the object ``nothing" or ``void" into a standard set theory. The use of Lambda will appear natural thanks to its role of condition of possibility of sets. On a conceptual level, the use of Lambda leads to a legitimation of the empty set and to a redefinition of the notion of set. It lets also clearly appear (...)
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  21. Serge Kolm on Social Justice and the Social Contract: A Contextual Analysis and a Critique.Laurent Dobuzinskis - 2000 - The European Legacy 5 (5):687-702.
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  22. Pourquoi la dialectique est-elle illogique contrairement à ce que pensait doriquement Hegel ? TOUT est-il historique ?Laurent régis - unknown - In Laurent Regis (ed.), Métaphysique du temps chez Aristote II. Métabiologie du mouvement entéléchique. Villegagnons-Plaisance Editions. pp. PP 102-126.
    Rejet de la dialectique comme objet pouvant rentrer au sein de la logique. Refoulement de la dialectique dans l'histoire. Or si la dialectique est historique alors nous pouvons la situer spatialement dans l'histoire.
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  23. Informação, Conhecimento, Ação Autônoma e Big Data: Continuidade ou Revolução?Daniel Martínez-Ávila, Edna Alves de Souza & Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez (eds.) - 2019 - Marília: Oficina Universitária.
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  24. Des Noûs historiques, au Noûs aristotélicien : la Grèce, Empire du Milieu ?Laurent Regis - 2021 - In Régis LAURENT. METAPHYSIQUE DU TEMPS CHEZ ARISTOTE - II - Métabiologie du mouvement entéléchique. pp. 234-275.
    La division entre "Intellect Agent" (intellectus agens) et "intellect Patient" (noûs pathêtikos) est-elle historique et donc culturelle ? Si oui , y a-t-il un intellect Uni-versel entre les deux ?
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  25. Making sense of sexbots: an inductive thematic analysis on Reddit.Laurent Voet - 2022 - Dissertation, Ghent University
    The phenomenon of sexbots has lately been receiving increasing academic attention. The forms and uses of this humanoid sexual technology with AI have been analyzed and discussed by philosophers, sexologists, ethicists, and legal experts. Ethical debates about possible designs and uses receive the most attention in academic discussions. Quantitative and qualitative studies on how people outside this context look at and think about sexbots are scarce. Especially research with the online context as a research site seems to be missing. However, (...)
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  26. Seksbots: inherent immoreel of bekrachtigend potentieel?Laurent Voet - 2021 - Dissertation, Ghent University
    The moral status of sexbots was analyzed while using consequentialism and feminism as the guiding frameworks. Sexbots are humanoid robots with a certain level of AI that represents personality-scripts. The thesis contained three main questions: A) What moral pain points can be identified in producing and using sex bots? B) Is it necessary to conclude from these moral issues that these practices are inherently immoral? C) What ethical conditions and contexts can be formulated in which sex bots can be used (...)
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  27. La cosmologie iranienne comme matrice dialectique du monde occidental.Régis Laurent - unknown - In Laurent Regis (ed.), Métaphysique du temps chez Aristote II. Métabiologie du mouvement entéléchique. Villegagnons-Plaisance Editions. pp. 127-157.
    Puisque nous n'avons pu trouver un fondement logique à la dialectique, nous avons alors compris que la dialectique était historique. Il ne restait plus alors qu'à trouver la culture d'origine que nous avons localisée en Perse. -/- Since we could not find a logical foundation for the dialectic, we then understood that the dialectic was historical. All that remained was to find the culture of origin, which we located in Persia.
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  28. Immune-mediated repair: a matter of repair.Paôline Laurent, Marie-Elise Truchetet, Valérie Jolivel, Pauline Manicki, Lynn Chiu & Thomas Pradeu - 2017 - Frontiers in Immunology 8:454.
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  29. AN INTRODUCTION TO ARISTOTLE's METAPHYSICS OF TIME: Historical research into the mythological and astronomical conceptions that preceded Aristotle’s philosophy.Régis Laurent (ed.) - 06/11/2015 - Villegagnons-Plaisance Ed..
    This study of Greek time before Aristotle’s philosophy starts with a commentary on his first text, the Protrepticus. We shall see two distinct forms of time emerge: one initiatory, circular and Platonic in inspiration, the other its diametrical opposite, advanced by Aristotle. We shall explore this dichotomy through a return to poetic conceptions. The Tragedians will give us an initial outline of the notion of time in the Greek world (Fate); we shall then turn to Homer in order to better (...)
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  30. METAPHYSIQUE DU TEMPS CHEZ ARISTOTE I.: Recherches historiques sur les conceptions mythologiques et astronomiques précédant la philosophie aristotélicienne. I.Régis Laurent (ed.) - 16/04/2009 - Villegagnons-Plaisance Ed..
    Notre étude sur le temps grec précédant la pensée d Aristote commencera d'abord par un commentaire de son premier texte, le Protreptique. Nous verrons se dégager deux temps distincts : l'un initiatique, circulaire et d'inspiration platonicienne, et l'autre diamétralement opposé dont Aristote serait le défenseur. Afin d'interroger cette dichotomie, nous retournerons aux conceptions poétiques. Les Tragiques nous permettront d'offrir une première esquisse de cette notion dans l'univers grec (Du destin...). Ensuite, l'oeuvre épique d'Homère sera l'occasion de mieux saisir le nouage (...)
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  31. Jocelyn Benoist. "Realism and Metaphysics". Tr. from German to Russian.Frédérique Laurent & François-Igor Pris - 2016 - APRIORI. Серия: Гуманитарные науки (6).
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  32. Le Concept d Entéléchie chez Aristote. Origine, Modélisation et Prolongement.Laurent Regis (ed.) - 2021 - Paris: VILLEGAGNONS-PLAISANCE EDITIONS.
    ARISTOTE contre LEIBNITZ : En quoi le concept d'Entéléchie aristotélicien est-il totalement opposé au concept d'Harmonie platonicien et leibnitzien ?
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  33. Who am I²? MY name is U_def. Holistic Reason(s) and semantics.Laurent Dubois - 2020 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporäna 8 (1):103-137.
    This article-testimony can be seen as an example of a maybe new discipline that could be called "scientific metaphysics" made of thoughts experiments, definitions, some proofs, some explanations, some conjectures. Of course, to be called science, the discipline needs some possibility of "verification" too. We will see if it can be considered. -/- We start from a thought experiment: -/- Can the universe defined as U_Def be aware conscious of itself as whole? -/- This question is a variant of the (...)
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  34. Métaphysique et métabiologie au sein du postkantisme: l’enseignement de Nietzsche.Régis Laurent - unknown - In Laurent Regis (ed.), Métaphysique du temps chez Aristote II. Métabiologie du mouvement entéléchique. Villegagnons-Plaisance Editions. pp. 21-48.
    Le structuralisme, en le rapprochant du langage, a détruit le concept freudien de "Verdichtung" (condensation). Il s'agissait chez Freud d'un mouvement irrationnel dont la rationalité ne venait que de la cause finale qu'était le désir (inconscient). Avec sa notion de "Volonté de Puissance" (Der Wille zur Macht), Nietzsche tente de la même manière de déterminer l'intention et l’extension de ce mouvement de sens sans introduire la cause finale comme le fit Freud. Il s'approche alors de la dialectique platonicienne et de (...)
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  35. Nouvelle démonstration du tétractys de Pythagore, ouverture de l'Etre en "Etant-ceci-là" et puissance de la puissance.Régis Laurent - unknown - In Laurent Regis (ed.), Métaphysique du temps chez Aristote II. Métabiologie du mouvement entéléchique. Villegagnons-Plaisance Editions. pp. 77,101.
    Comment l'Etre s'ouvre-t-il ? Réponse définitive au sophiste Heidegger.
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  36. Aftermath Of The Nothing.Laurent Dubois - 2017 - In J.-Y. Beziau, A. Costa-Leite & I. M. L. D’Ottaviano (eds.), CLE, v.81. pp. 93-124.
    This article consists in two parts that are complementary and autonomous at the same time. -/- In the first one, we develop some surprising consequences of the introduction of a new constant called Lambda in order to represent the object ``nothing" or ``void" into a standard set theory. On a conceptual level, it allows to see sets in a new light and to give a legitimacy to the empty set. On a technical level, it leads to a relative resolution of (...)
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  37. Analyse des pratiques d'enseignement : Éléments de cadrages théoriques et méthodologiques.Joël Clanet & Laurent Talbot - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (3):4-18.
    : This paper addresses the need to examine teaching practices from the observation that they are beyond what they should be. This task devolved to scientists of education is to learn about teaching practices in their relationship to student learning in order to build the database useful to teacher educators and reflexivity necessary for any teacher about their own practice. The concepts of competence, pattern and are useful instrument in this endeavor of explanation and understanding of the practices. The proposed (...)
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  38. Sur les notions d’usage chez Wittgenstein et Heidegger.Frédérique Laurent & François-Igor Pris - 2015 - AL-Mukhatabat (13):132-146.
    Nous comparons les notions d’usage et de signification chez Ludwig Wittgenstein et Martin Heidegger. Contrairement à Jocelyn Benoist, nous pensons que l’analogie entre Wittgenstein et Heidegger n’est pas superficielle. La métaphysique de Heidegger explicite certaines présuppositions implicites de la seconde philosophie de Wittgenstein. Le pragmatisme naturaliste de Wittgenstein peut être théorisé. Notamment la notion wittgensteinienne d’usage, ou de jeu de langage, peut être comprise comme une pratique à la fois naturelle et normative régie par des règles. -/- Wittgenstein’s notions of (...)
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  39. Brentano and Medieval Ontology.Hamid Taieb & Laurent Cesalli - 2018 - Brentano Studien 16:335-362.
    Since the first discussion of Brentano’s relation to (and account of) medieval philosophy by Spiegelberg in 1936, a fair amount of studies have been dedicated to the topic. And if those studies focused on some systematic issue at all, the beloved topic of intentionality clearly occupied a hegemonic position in the scholarly landscape . The following pages consider the question from the point of view of ontology, and in a twofold perspective: What did Brentano know about medieval ontology and what (...)
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  40. Do desacordo ao paradoxo epistêmico: uma análise da concepção de serviço de autoridade de Raz à luz da teoria do “ponto-cego” de R. Sorensen.Ramiro Ávila Peres - 2019 - Dissertatio 48:242-257.
    Abstract: Using a critical review of the literature, we study a challenge from philosophical anarchism to J. Raz's theory of legal authority: it would be irrational to follow an order with which one disagrees, since it would mean acting against what is considered more justified. Through references from decision theory and epistemology, and deploying examples about tools for assisting in routine decision-making, we sketch two possible answers: first, it may be justifiable to put yourself in a situation that leads to (...)
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  41. TEXTOS SELECIONADOS DE FILOSOFIA DA ECONOMIA.Ramiro Ávila Peres, André Nascimento Pontes & Mariana Kuhn de Oliveira - 2022 - Pelotas - Princesa, Pelotas - RS, Brasil: Ufpel.
    Translation into Portuguese of SEP entries on Philosophy of Economics.
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  42. Les mouvements irrationnels dans le postkantisme : mouvements de dépassement de l'Idéologie ?Régis Laurent - unknown - In Laurent Regis (ed.), Métaphysique du temps chez Aristote II. Métabiologie du mouvement entéléchique. Villegagnons-Plaisance Editions. pp. pp. 49-78.
    On abordera ici l'échec du pseudo-théologien Heidegger à venir se saisir de l'irrationnel augustinien et soulignerons la différence entre l'irrationnel dorien (au bout du langage) et l'irrationnel ionien (au bout du monde) autour de la mesure.
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  43. Retour à Montréal-Nord : un examen critique de mon expérience comme étudiant dans un projet participatif d’aménagement avec des jeunes.Laurent Lussier - 2009 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 4 (1):117-126.
    Cet article explore sous l’angle éthique les attentes, surprises et déceptions vécues par les étu- diants inscrits à un atelier de design participatif avec des jeunes de 10-14 ans. Cette expérience, inscrite dans le programme Growing up in Cities, devait aboutir à des résultats de recherche et des projets d’aménagement réalistes en impliquant les jeunes comme collaborateurs dans la conception. Face à ces objectifs ambitieux, le bilan pour les jeunes est mitigé sur le plan des retombées et du caractère égalitaire (...)
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  44. METAPHYSIQUE DU TEMPS CHEZ ARISTOTE - II - Métabiologie du mouvement entéléchique.Régis Laurent (ed.) - 2016 - Paris: Villegagnons-plaisance Editions.
    Premier ouvrage de l’histoire de la philosophie à être totalement consacré au concept d’entéléchie, il ne s’agira pas de proposer un essai historique allant de la mise en place de cette notion chez Aristote jusqu’à la conception biologique développée par Hans Driesch. Inscrit dans un projet plus global de compréhension du temps aristotélicien, c’est à une véritable refondation métaphysique du concept que ce travail nous convie. Si Kant, à l’ultime fin de sa première critique, avait admis qu’il n’existait que deux (...)
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  45. Interpreting the Claim to Legitimate Authority: an Analysis of Joseph Raz's Objection Against Incorporating Moral Norms into Law.Ramiro Ávila Peres - 2019 - Ethic@: An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 18 (3):319–332.
    From a critical review of the literature, we analyze the incompatibility between the possibility of incorporating moral principles to the law and its authoritative nature, as argued by exclusive positivists, such as J. Raz. After presenting his argument in second section, we argue in the third section that it is incompatible with commonly accepted (even by Raz) premises of the theory of legal interpretation, or else it would lead to contradiction - unless one presupposes, within the premises, a strong version (...)
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  46. Filosofia da Economia.Ramiro Ávila Peres - 2020 - In Rodrigo Reis Lastra Cid & Luiz Helvécio Marques Segundo (eds.), Problemas Filosóficos: Uma Introdução à Filosofia / Philosophical Problems: An Introduction to Philosophy. Pelotas: Editora da UFPel / UFPel Publisher. pp. 552-592.
    O escritor A. J. Jacobs (2018) decidiu agradecer todas os envolvidas na preparação de seu cafezinho diário; isso o levou a uma jornada épica para contatar milhares de pessoas, desde a barista que lhe vendia o expresso matinal, passando por designers e inventores, até os agricultores que plantaram e colheram o grão em outro continente. Não existe um único indivíduo ou grupo responsável pelo seu café: é preciso um mundo para produzi-lo; é resultado de uma cadeia produtiva, uma rede decentralizada (...)
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  47. Uncertainty, ‘irrational exuberance’ and the psychology of bubbles: an argument over the legitimacy of financial regulation for bounded rational agents.Ramiro Ávila Peres - 2019
    One of the explanations for the Great Crisis of 2007-2008 was that financial authorities should have issued stricter regulations to prevent the housing bubble. However, according to Alan Greenspan, President of the Federal Reserve System (FED) from 1987 to 2006, this is to judge with hindsight. No one can guess when a “bubble” begins, nor when it ends; they happen because of the “irrational exuberance” in investors’ behavior, which causes boom and bust cycles. Regulators are not in a better situation (...)
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  48. (1 other version)The Harsanyi-Rawls debate: political philosophy as decision theory under uncertainty.Ramiro Ávila Peres - forthcoming - Manuscrito: Revista Internacional de Filosofía.
    Social decisions are often made under great uncertainty – in situations where political principles, and even standard subjective expected utility, do not apply smoothly. In the first section, we argue that the core of this problem lies in decision theory itself – it is about how to act when we do not have an adequate representation of the context of the action and of its possible consequences. Thus, we distinguish two criteria to complement decision theory under ignorance – Laplace’s principle (...)
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  49. Equality and Responsibility in Financial Crisis: an ethical approach to the regulation of bail-outs, moral hazards and accountability.Ramiro Ávila Peres - 2020 - Working Papers Series of the Central Bank of Brazil.
    After the 2008 crisis, there were several debates on the bail-out and the lack of accountability of financial institutions; this supposedly affects politica l values such as equality and responsibility: it implies transferring resources from the public (for instance, poor people) to specific economic agents who have chosen to incur certain risks. On the other hand, it is arguable that it would not be up to the regulators to protect investors’ interests, and that there would be more efficient and less (...)
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  50. As Eumênides e a Crise: responsabilidade, risco moral e dissuasão no sistema financeiro.Ramiro Ávila Peres - 2022 - Economic Analysis of Law Review 12 (3):301-319.
    Abstract: We face objections against punishing financial firms and managers for producing risks for the financial system – that it’s either paternalistic or inefficient. Against the first: financial crises are so damaging that governments and deposit insurance funds have to intervene – an implicit guarantee to creditors. This is controversial from the perspective of political morality: it implies using resources from the public for the benefit of better-off people who willingly incur risks. So, we begin by studying a possible justification (...)
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