Results for 'Pedagogía Vocal'

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  1. Dirección coral y técnica vocal, ¿Un diálogo posible? Reflexiones metodológicas para un trabajo vocal eficiente.Nicolás Alessandroni & Esteban Etcheverry - 2011 - European Review of Artistic Studies 3 (2):1-11.
    Hace 60 años el funcionamiento de la voz en tanto instrumento regido por las leyes acústicas e inscripto en el cuerpo humano, y por lo tanto, gobernado por los mecanismos fisiológicos, era un misterio. Hoy en día, gracias a los avances de la ciencia, es posible (y resulta inevitable) presentar la voz desde una perspectiva sólidamente fundamentada. La práctica coral es práctica vocal, y por lo tanto, para el director coral resulta fundamental estar familiarizado con los nuevos conocimientos disponibles (...)
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  2. PEDAGOGIA PERENNIS. PERSPECTIVE SCRIPTURISTICE ŞI APOLOGETICE CU PRIVIRE LA RELAŢIA AVVA-UCENIC ÎN TRADIŢIA ORTODOXĂ.Apostolache Ionita - 2017 - In Adrian Boldişor Adrian Ivan (ed.), PARADIGMA CREŞTINĂ A UNEI EUROPE UNITE. Educaţia religioasă – valori, exigenţe, finalităţi. Craiova, România: pp. 189-206.
    The pedagogical work of the Church, in all his aspects, is inseparable related to the divine Word of God. Therefore, we can truly say that the Christian pedagogy is a perennial reality, nourished and defended by the confessional spirit of Orthodox Tradition. The exemplification of this apologetic work is realized first of all through the scriptural arguments of confession. On the other hand, without fathers and teachers we cannot reach the correct level of understanding. Therefore, in our study we will (...)
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    Why Delight in Screamed Vocals? Emotional Hardcore and the Case against Beautifying Pain.Sean T. Murphy - forthcoming - British Journal of Aesthetics.
    Emotional hardcore and other music genres featuring screamed vocals are puzzling for the appreciator. The typical fan attaches appreciative value to musical screams of emotional pain all the while acknowledging it would be inappropriate to hold similar attitudes towards their sonically similar everyday counterpart: actual human screaming. Call this the screamed vocals problem. To solve the problem, I argue we must attend to the anti-sublimating aims that get expressed in the emotional hardcore vocalist’s choice to scream the lyrics. Screamed vocals (...)
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  4. Una Pedagogía del Nosotros.Luis Manuel Martínez Domínguez - 2020 - Madrid, España: FERSE.
    "Una Pedagogía del Nosotros" pretende mostrar la esencia de la educación como punto de encuentro, compatible con todas las cosmovisiones. La pedagogía del nosotros invita a habitar la educación con originalidad, pero con un criterio más allá de la propia originalidad. Se trata de tener sensibilidad ante el peligro de manipulación, pero también ante el peligro de no educar, por temor a manipular. Los grandes problemas de la Humanidad no se producen por conflictos y crisis, sino por el (...)
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  5. Corolarios de la pedagogía ignaciana y la educación virtual.Jorge Balladares - 2021 - PUCE 1 (113):163-179.
    La pedagogía Ignaciana, basada en los Ejercicios Espirituales de San Ignacio de Loyola, se adapta a los desafíos educativos contemporáneos. La educación virtual se constituye en el escenario idóneo para una educación mediada por la tecnología, el internet y las redes sociales. A partir de modelos y principios tecnoeducativos, el presente artículo plantea corolarios de los cinco momentos del Paradigma Pedagógico Ignaciano, como son el contexto, la experiencia, la reflexión, la acción y la evaluación; y los cinco principios para (...)
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  6. Girl Talk: Understanding Negative Reactions to Female Vocal Fry.Monika Chao & Julia R. S. Bursten - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (1):42-59.
    Vocal fry is a phonation, or voicing, in which an individual drops their voice below its natural register and consequently emits a low, growly, creaky tone of voice. Media outlets have widely acknowledged it as a generational vocal style characteristic of millennial women. Critics of vocal fry often claim that it is an exclusively female vocal pattern, and some say that the voicing is so distracting that they cannot understand what is being said under the phonation. (...)
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  7. Per una revisione della pedagogia naturale.Emiliano Loria - 2017 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 8 (2):179-192.
    Natural Pedagogy refers to social learning based on ostensive communication between adults and infants which results in rapid and efficient transmission of cultural information. The theory predicts that children are able to recognize communicative intention when adults address them using ostensive signals. Furthermore, natural pedagogy predicts that infants ascribe the knowledge they have acquired to others according to what is called the “assumption of universality”. In other words, infants are able to ascribe informative contents to others even when they are (...)
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    O BRASIL DOS POUCOS DONOS DE GRANDES EXTENSÕES DE TERRAS: UMA APROXIMAÇÃO COM A PEDAGOGIA FEUDAL ENTRE SUSERANOS E VASSALOS, ANALOGIA, METÁFORA OU ELEMENTOS FEUDAIS?Marcelo Barboza Duarte - 2022 - Revista Mutirõ. Folhetim de Geografias Agrárias Do Sul V. Iii, No . 3, 2022 Id: 10.51359/2675-3472.2022.254349 3:168-200.
    A história humana possui seus processos e especificidades no e do tempo e espaço, com certas rupturas e continuidades de certos processos e elementos. Podemos citar como exemplo: Os tipos e modos de desigualdades, sistemas escravistas e sistemas coloniais etc. Mas, não sendo igual ou da mesma forma. Há especificidades e características ligadas ao tempo e ao espaço contextual. Porém, sem dúvidas, há acontecimentos e fatos históricos que ocorrem com certas semelhanças e características entre passado e presente, ainda que dentro (...)
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  9. The Speechless Patient: Charcot’s Diagnostic Interpretation of Vocal, Gestural and Written Expressions in Hysterical Mutism.Paula Muhr - 2023 - In Josephine Hoegaerts & Janice Schroeder (eds.), Ordinary Oralities: Everyday Voices in History. De Gruyter. pp. 171-88.
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  10. Ciências Naturais e Pedagogia: Esforços para uma formação epistemológica.Claudionor Renato Da Silva - 2022 - Reflexões E Inovações Nacionais No Século XXI Em Pedagogia E Educação.
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  11. Educare al bene. Appunti per una pedagogia del coraggio.Viviana De Angelis - 2018 - Bari: PROGEDIT.
    L'educazione al bene rappresenta per la pedagogia contemporanea la sfida più ardua e avvincente. Invoca un pensiero libero da pregiudizi e convenzionalismi socio-culturali e la disponibilità a seguire le tracce di sentieri percorribili alla ricerca del vero e del bene comune, lasciate da uomini e donne umanamente credibili della storia antica e più recente. Esige l'umiltà di non sentirsi mai arrivati alla meta, la passione per l'integrale umanità e la coerenza tra fini e mezzi dell'educazione. Reclama il silenzio e una (...)
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    Exu diaspórico: um conceito decolonial forjado para compreender o princípio exúlico de comunicação e a pedagogia das encruzilhadas.Alex Pereira De Araújo - 2023 - Revista Calundu 7 (2):4-24.
    Este trabalho trata do conceito Exu Diaspórico, o qual foi forjado para lidar com as pesquisas empíricas situadas dentro do quadro teórico da vaga decolonial. Sua concepção está ligada às tradições iorubanas diaspóricas nessa parte do Atlântico Sul onde emergiram outros sistemas resultantes, quer seja de fragmentos e vestígios de narrativas em gestos de memória e resistência, quer seja da tradução realizada pelo outro, muitas vezes, por meio de um processo de carnavalização cultural, que, por sua vez, se deu pela (...)
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    Joan Roura-Parella: pensament i pedagogia.J. Vergés (ed.) - 2023 - Girona: Documenta Universitaria.
    El objetivo de este artículo es clarificar la noción de «vida auténtica» tal y como es descrita por Joan Roura-Parella en su última obra Tema y variaciones de la personalidad (1950). Por «vida auténtica» se entiende una vida autogobernada, que permite al individuo realizar su propia singularidad y, por tanto, preservar su autonomía y dignidad como persona. Una vida dominada por factores ajenos al propio individuo, sean cuales sean éstos, es una vida alienada, que no permite el desarrollo del individuo (...)
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    Educar para el bien. Notas para una pedagogía con valentía. Traducción de Juan Antonio Timor Pineda.Viviana De Angelis - 2021 - Saragozza: Sibirana. Translated by Juan Antonio Timor Pineda.
    La época en la que vivimos se caracteriza por una doble y profunda crisis antropológica y educativa lo que hace que la misión educativa sea particularmente vulnerable. Ésta, entendida como el acompañamiento personal de los alumnos en el proceso de crecimiento, en vista del logro de la capacidad de aplicar los conocimientos y la comprensión y una autonomía de juicio de los alumnos, puede aparecer como un terreno accidentado para caminar. Si además, junto a esto, el objetivo de la educación (...)
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  15. A Extração de Problemas de uma Pedagogia do Conceito.André Luis La Salvia - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Campinas, Brazil
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  16. Aristóteles e o debate educacional: uma análise a partir da pedagogia histórico-crítica.Rafael Rossi & Aline Santana Rossi - 2021 - Colloquium Humanarum 18:183-194.
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  18. O DESENVOLVIMENTO DO PENSAR CRÍTICO E O DIÁLOGO VIVO: POSSIBILIDADES DE UMA PEDAGOGIA HERMENÊUTICA.Enrique Sérgio Blanco - 2023 - Dissertation, Pontifícia Universidade Católica Do Rio Grande Do Sul
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  19. Pererio ‘cattivo maestro’: su un cold case nella storia della pedagogia gesuitica.Cristiano Casalini - 2014 - In Stefano Caroti & Alberto Siclari (eds.), Filosofia e religione. Studi in onore di Fabio Rossi. Parma: E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni. pp. 59-110.
    Benet Pererio (1535-1610) began teaching philosophy at the Collegio Romano in 1559. A few years later, the rector, Diego Ledesma, and another professor of the Collegio, Achille Gagliardi, accused him of endorsing Averroistic positions during his lectures. This episode has recently been studied, among others, by Paul Richard Blum, who has blurred the lines of the alleged Averroism of Pererius, identifying a series of sources, often Neo-Platonic, which suggest an exploitation of the allegation of Averroism by Ledesma. In turn, Christoph (...)
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  20. Filosofia desde o quilombo e Comunidades Autofilosóficas da Quebrada (CAQ): considerações quilombistas, decoloniais e libertárias sobre a 'práxis' filosófica brasileira.Josadaque Martins Silva - 2022 - Revista Estudos Libertários 4 (11):95-136.
    Este artigo visa analisar, em linhas gerais, a “práxis” filosófica brasileira tal como delineada, historicamente, pela pedagogia estruturalista do Departamento de Filosofia da USP. Parte-se do princípio de que essa pedagogia, fundamentada na tradição filosófica ocidental norte-cêntrica, eliminou as filosofias produzidas por comunidades políticas e geopolíticas não ocidentais – entre elas, as Filosofias da Quebrada – no âmbito do ensino de filosofia no Brasil, favorecendo somente a mera formação em história da filosofia, em detrimento do filosofar. Isto posto, para modificar (...)
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  21. Isonousía y pereza en el pensamiento de Jacques Rancière.Raquel Ferrández Formoso - 2020 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 2020 (80):109-124.
    La pedagogía es un tema crucial en el pensamiento de Rancière y juega un rol principal en su obra El maestro ignorante, texto que el presente escrito analiza y cuestiona. Su propuesta emancipadora establece como punto de partida una igualdad de inteligencias que en este escrito hemos denominado «isonousía», y según nuestra hipótesis, esta igualdad lleva aparejada una desigualdad de las voluntades (anisothelema). En consecuencia, la propuesta de Rancière no altera en absoluto “el orden explicador” que denuncia, pues el (...)
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    Filosofia pratica e cittadinanza creativa. Due strumenti capaci di accompagnare le transizioni epocali contemporanee.Cristina Toti - 2023 - Equilibri Magazine.
    Disponibile anche in versione cartacea: in Almanacco Equilibri 2024, La società dell’educazione, P. Alfieri e N. Zanardi (curatori). Collana Equilibri Magazine, Mimesi edizioni, Milano. -/- **Abstract:** -/- Questo articolo esplora l'importanza della filosofia pratica e della cittadinanza creativa nel contesto delle attuali transizioni epocali. Riprendendo le origini del concetto di "scuola" nell'Antica Grecia, l'autrice evidenzia come il processo di insegnamento-apprendimento fosse centrato sull'auto-direzione della crescita individuale. Rifacendosi alle riflessioni di filosofi come Hadot e Foucault, si sottolinea il carattere pratico della (...)
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  23. Educación Sensible: marco pedagógico y espíritu educativo.Luis Manuel Martínez Domínguez - 2022 - Madrid: Almuzara Universidad.
    La Educación Sensible es ayuda para que el “yo” habite en su “hogar interior” y crezca hacia su “apoteosis original” en el “nosotros”, donde se hace cocreador de belleza con libertad, sabiduría y amor. La educación sensible es pedagogía no invasiva pero radicalmente exigente para que la persona acepte desplegar su versión original y vivir con gozo en un “nosotros-maduro”. No es una pedagogía que protege a los sensibles; es una educación que atiende a todas las personas, independientemente (...)
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  24. Overlooked evidence for semantic compositionality and signal reduction in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes).Petar Gabrić - forthcoming - Animal Cognition.
    Recent discoveries of semantic compositionality in Japanese tits have enlivened the discussions on the presence of this phenomenon in wild animal communication. Data on semantic compositionality in wild apes are lacking, even though language experiments with captive apes have demonstrated they are capable of semantic compositionality. In this paper, I revisit the study by Boesch (Hum. Evol. 6:81–89, 1991) who investigated drumming sequences by an alpha male in a chimpanzee (_Pan troglodytes_) community in the Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire. A (...)
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  25. Let’s talk about pain and opioids: Low pitch and creak in medical consultations.Peter Joseph Torres, Stephen G. Henry & Vaidehi Ramanathan - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (2):174-204.
    In recent years, the opioid crisis in the United States has sparked significant discussion on doctor–patient interactions concerning chronic pain treatments, but little to no attention has been given to investigating the vocal aspects of patient talk. This exploratory sociolinguistic study intends to fill this knowledge gap by employing prosodic discourse analysis to examine context-specific linguistic features used by the interlocutors of two distinct medical interactions. We found that patients employed both low pitch and creak as linguistic resources when (...)
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  26. La globalizzazione ed i suoi effetti didattici e scolastici.Stefano Ulliana (ed.) - 2012 -
    Come tutti gli ambiti teorici e pratici della civiltà occidentale anche la riflessione pedagogica viene investtita dalla potenza ideologica del neoliberismo, che intende trasformare e rivoluzionare a partire dagli anni '80 del Novecento tutte le forme in senso lato culturali sviluppatesi a partire dagli anni '60 e '70 del medesimo secolo. L'applicazione del principio della post-modernità frantuma e dissolve progressivamente le prospettive di cambiamento precedenti, assegnando alla civiltà capitalistica un'esistenza assoluta ed immodificabile. Tutti gli intenti che hanno di volta in (...)
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  27. Brutal Truth: Modern(ist) Aesthetics and Death Metal.Benjamin W. McCraw - 2024 - Journal of Aesthethics and Culture 16 (1):1-13.
    Here, I explore a modernist aesthetics of death metal. First, I briefly describe a few themes that characterize some modern art, without any claim that they are necessary, sufficient, or exhaustive. The goal is to obtain a set of themes that might be set against similar themes characteristic of death metal. This is the task in the second half of the paper. In particular, I argue that (some) modernist art and death metal share themes centered on transgressively breaking with the (...)
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  28. Epistemic injustice in healthcare encounters: evidence from chronic fatigue syndrome.Havi Carel, Charlotte Blease & Keith Geraghty - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (8):549-557.
    Chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis remains a controversial illness category. This paper surveys the state of knowledge and attitudes about this illness and proposes that epistemic concerns about the testimonial credibility of patients can be articulated using Miranda Fricker’s concept of epistemic injustice. While there is consensus within mainstream medical guidelines that there is no known cause of CFS/ME, there is continued debate about how best to conceive of CFS/ME, including disagreement about how to interpret clinical studies of treatments. (...)
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  29. Accommodation or Cure: A synthesis of neurodiverse and cure theory recommendations for autism action.Kavanagh Chandra - 2015 - Association for the Advancement of Philosophy in Psychiatry Bulletin 22 (1):4-8.
    As a result of vocal autism activists pushing against traditional views of autism, there is a bilateral debate that reflects a deeper philosophical divide between medical and social definitions of disability. Both sides seek to determine the manner in which autistics and their communities view autism, and thus influence the manner in which cures or treatments are sought, dispensed and taken up. Through an investigation of this debate, this project will explore the practical benefits and ethical obligations of accommodating (...)
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  30. Ontogenesis of the socially extended mind.Joel Krueger - 2013 - Cognitive Systems Research 25:40-46.
    I consider the developmental origins of the socially extended mind. First, I argue that, from birth, the physical interventions caregivers use to regulate infant attention and emotion (gestures, facial expressions, direction of gaze, body orientation, patterns of touch and vocalization, etc.) are part of the infant’s socially extended mind; they are external mechanisms that enable the infant to do things she could not otherwise do, cognitively speaking. Second, I argue that these physical interventions encode the norms, values, and patterned practices (...)
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    Exu: the language as a crossroad in Black diasporic culture(s).Alex Pereira De Araújo - 2021 - Academia Letters 3098:01-06.
    A cosmological principle, because it was the first to be created, Exu presents itself as the creative protomatter, whose expansive and unfinished character makes possible the appearanceof all other creations. He is the animating principle of existence and in everything there isExu. The crossroads is its space-time and this fact would explain why “black culture is acrossroads culture”. But, incarnated in Afro-diasporic practices in the Atlantic bands, Exunot only vigorously maintains his multifaceted power, showing that colonial redemption didnot obtain the (...)
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  32. Pragmatic Interpretation and Signaler-Receiver Asymmetries in Animal Communication.Dorit Bar-On & Richard Moore - 2017 - In Kristin Andrews & Jacob Beck (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Animal Minds. Routledge. pp. 291-300.
    Researchers have converged on the idea that a pragmatic understanding of communication can shed important light on the evolution of language. Accordingly, animal communication scientists have been keen to adopt insights from pragmatics research. Some authors couple their appeal to pragmatic aspects of communication with the claim that there are fundamental asymmetries between signalers and receivers in non-human animals. For example, in the case of primate vocal calls, signalers are said to produce signals unintentionally and mindlessly, whereas receivers are (...)
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  33. Affective resonance and social interaction.Rainer Mühlhoff - 2015 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14 (4):1001-1019.
    Interactive social cognition theory and approaches of developmental psychology widely agree that central aspects of emotional and social experience arise in the unfolding of processes of embodied social interaction. Bi-directional dynamical couplings of bodily displays such as facial expressions, gestures, and vocalizations have repeatedly been described in terms of coordination, synchrony, mimesis, or attunement. In this paper, I propose conceptualizing such dynamics rather as processes of affective resonance. Starting from the immediate phenomenal experience of being immersed in interaction, I develop (...)
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  34. Making Sense of Multiple Senses.Kevin Connolly - 2014 - In Richard Brown (ed.), Consciousness Inside and Out: Phenomenology, Neuroscience, and the Nature of Experience. Springer.
    In the case of ventriloquism, seeing the movement of the ventriloquist dummy’s mouth changes your experience of the auditory location of the vocals. Some have argued that cases like ventriloquism provide evidence for the view that at least some of the content of perception is fundamentally multimodal. In the ventriloquism case, this would mean your experience has constitutively audio-visual content (not just a conjunction of an audio content and visual content). In this paper, I argue that cases like ventriloquism do (...)
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  35. Sensorimotor accounts of joint attention.Alexander Maye, Carme Isern-Mas, Pamela Barone & John A. Michael - 2017 - Scholarpedia 12 (2):42361.
    Joint attention is a social-cognitive phenomenon in which two or more agents direct their attention together towards the same object. Definitions range from this rather broad conception to more specific definitions which require that, in addition, attention be directed to the same aspect of that object and that agents need to be mutually aware of their jointly attending. Joint attention is an important coordination mechanism in joint action. The capacity for engaging in joint attention, in particular in the sense of (...)
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    EDUCAÇÃO DESUMANIZADORA SOB OBSERVAÇÃO E REFLEXÃO: A educação e escola como instrumentos de luta e resistência ou de conservação, domesticação, alienação e subordinação.Marcelo Barboza Duarte - 2020 - Revista Observatório (Issn Nº 2447-4266) 6:1-20.
    O artigo em tela tem como objetivo refletir sobre as contradições, antagonismos e problemáticas que envolvem a educação, seus modos e processos; bem como a escola, a pedagogia, o Estado e o sistema capitalista. Para tanto, começamos ressaltando ainda a infeliz ineficiência da função e papel que a estrutura educacional e escolar desempenha. Ineficiência objetiva e controlada por um empresariado e políticos brasileiros que se colocam a disposição de em primeiro lugar defender os interesses do capital internacional, do capital nacional (...)
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  37. "Una nueva interpretación de la polémica filosófica en La Habana".Vicente Medina - 2014 - Teoria, Critica e Historia. Translated by Vicente Medina.
    La polémica fue un importante evento cultural durante el siglo XIX en Cuba. De 1838 a 1840 se debatieron en los principales periódicos de la isla temas en torno a la metafísica, la epistemología, la ética, la pedagogía y la influencia del eclecticismo de Víctor Cousin. Exploro en esta investigación brevemente algunos de los hechos históricos que antecedieron a esta polémica. Arguyo que es inexacta la interpretación predominante que esta polémica fue motivada por el deseo de independizar a Cuba (...)
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  38. Music and Language in Social Interaction: Synchrony, Antiphony, and Functional Origins.Nathan Oesch - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Music and language are universal human abilities with many apparent similarities relating to their acoustics, structure, and frequent use in social situations. We might therefore expect them to be understood and processed similarly, and indeed an emerging body of research suggests that this is the case. But the focus has historically been on the individual, looking at the passive listener or the isolated speaker or performer, even though social interaction is the primary site of use for both domains. Nonetheless, an (...)
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  39. Metodologias para o Ensino de Lógica em Libras: Notas sobre o desenvolvimento de uma aula de Lógica para o projeto IFSP FILOLIBRAS.Rafael Testa, Lucimar Bizio & João Antonio de Moraes - 2022 - CLE E-Prints 20 (3).
    Resumo -/- A partir da experiência de produção de uma videoaula de Lógica em Libras (Testa, Moraes, Bizio e Caló, 2021) para o IFSP FILOLIBRAS, inserida no contexto do projeto ‘O Ensino de Filosofia para Surdos: elaboração de material didático em uma perspectiva de inclusão escolar’ (Moraes e Bizio, 2021), levantamos algumas questões relativas ao arcabouço teórico do projeto. Após introduzirmos as motivações do projeto, explicamos como sua metodologia foi tratada no contexto da aula de Lógica, expondo as principais dificuldades (...)
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  40. Filosofía de la educación: a la busca de nuevos sentidos.Walter Kohan - 1998 - Educação E Filosofia 12:91-121.
    La filosofía de la educación ocupa un lugar paradójico en el campo de los saberes. Diversas producciones teóricas - de filósofos y pedagogos - convergen en señalar este carácter problemático. Siendo un área temática propia de la filosofía, resulta un espacio en general poco disputado entre los filósofos, como si la educación no estuviera entre las grandes preocupaciones filosóficas de nuestro tiempo. Por el contrario, suelen ser pedagogos quienes llevan a cabo investigaciones y publicaciones en el área y, más aún, (...)
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  41. Techno-Telepathy & Silent Subvocal Speech-Recognition Robotics.Virgil W. Brower - 2021 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 10 (1):232-257.
    The primary focus of this project is the silent and subvocal speech-recognition interface unveiled in 2018 as an ambulatory device wearable on the neck that detects a myoelectrical signature by electrodes worn on the surface of the face, throat, and neck. These emerge from an alleged “intending to speak” by the wearer silently-saying-something-to-oneself. This inner voice is believed to occur while one reads in silence or mentally talks to oneself. The artifice does not require spoken sounds, opening the mouth, or (...)
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  42. Hegel contra Schlegel; Kierkegaard contra De Man.Ayon Roy - 2009 - PMLA 124 (1):107-126.
    At the turn of the nineteenth century, Friedrich Schlegel developed an influential theory of irony that anticipated some of the central concerns of postmodernity. His most vocal contemporary critic, the philosopher Hegel, sought to demonstrate that Schlegel’s theory of irony tacitly relied on certain problematic aspects of Fichte’s philosophy. While Schlegel’s theory of irony has generated seemingly endless commentary in recent critical discourse, Hegel’s critique of Schlegelian irony has gone neglected. This essay’s primary aim is to defend Hegel’s critique (...)
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  43. Assessment of the Prophetic Narrations About Crying After Death.Cemil Cahit Mollaibrahimoğlu - 2018 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 4 (2):540 - 562.
    Death which is inevitably for every mortal is a sadness for those who are left behind is the cause of sırrrow. While some people reflect this sadness out-word as a tear some of them rebel against this through and cry out. -/- Some of them are traditionally reguired or lamenting as showy. For this reason it is inevitable to reveal the Position of the head of the head In İslam and the fact that it is not permissible to narrate it. (...)
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  44. Aristotele pedagogo. Nota a un libro di Giuseppina D’Addelfio.Alessia Dal Bello - 2011 - Giornale di Metafisica 33 (1-2):271-286.
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  45. Mie's Theories of Matter and Gravitation.Chris Smeenk - 2007 - In Renn Jürgen (ed.), The Genesis of General Relativity. Springer. pp. 1543-1553.
    Unifying physics by describing a variety of interactions – or even all interactions – within a common framework has long been an alluring goal for physicists. One of the most ambitious attempts at unification was made in the 1910s by Gustav Mie. Mie aimed to derive electromagnetism, gravitation, and aspects of the emerging quantum theory from a single variational principle and a well-chosen Lagrangian. Mie’s main innovation was to consider nonlinear field equations to allow for stable particle-like solutions (now called (...)
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  46. Kinesthetic Empathy, Dance, and Technology.Andrew J. Corsa - 2016 - Polymath: An Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Journal 6 (2):1-34.
    I argue that when we use email, text messaging, or social media websites such as Facebook to interact, rather than communicating face-to-face, we do not experience the best kind of empathy, which is most conducive to experiencing benevolence for others. My arguments rely on drawing interdisciplinary connections between sources: early modern accounts of sympathy, dance theory, philosophy of technology, and neuroscience/psychology. I reflect on theories from these disciplines which, taken together, suggest that to empathize optimally, we must see or hear (...)
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  47. The You-I event: on the genesis of self-awareness.Stephen Langfur - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (4):769-790.
    I present empirical evidence suggesting that an infant first becomes aware of herself as the focal center of a caregiver's attending. Yet that does not account for her awareness of herself as agent. To address this question, I bring in research on neonatal imitation, as well as studies demonstrating the existence of a neural system in which parts of the same brain areas are activated when observing another's action and when executing a similar one. Applying these findings, I consider gestural (...)
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  48. What Frege asked Alex the Parrot: Inferentialism, Number Concepts, and Animal Cognition.Erik Nelson - 2019 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (2):206-227.
    While there has been significant philosophical debate on whether nonlinguistic animals can possess conceptual capabilities, less time has been devoted to considering 'talking' animals, such as parrots. When they are discussed, their capabilities are often downplayed as mere mimicry. The most explicit philosophical example of this can be seen in Brandom's frequent comparisons of parrots and thermostats. Brandom argues that because parrots (like thermostats) cannot grasp the implicit inferential connections between concepts, their vocal articulations do not actually have any (...)
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  49. Staying Optimistic: The Trials and Tribulations of Leibnizian Optimism.Lloyd Strickland - 2019 - Journal of Modern Philosophy 1 (1):1-21.
    The oft-told story of Leibniz’s doctrine of the best world, or optimism, is that it enjoyed a great deal of popularity in the eighteenth century until the massive earthquake that struck Lisbon on 1 November 1755 destroyed its support. Despite its long history, this story is nothing more than a commentators’ fiction that has become accepted wisdom not through sheer weight of evidence but through sheer frequency of repetition. In this paper we shall examine the reception of Leibniz’s doctrine of (...)
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  50. From the Specter of Polygamy to the Spectacle of Postcoloniality: A Response to Bai on Confucianism, Liberalism, and the Same-Sex Marriage Debate.Yao Lin - 2022 - Politics and Religion 15 (1):215-227.
    In “Confucianism and Same-Sex Marriage,” published recently in Politics and Religion, Professor Tongdong Bai argues for a “moderate Confucian position on same-sex marriage,” one that supports its legalization and yet endeavors “to use public opinion and social and political policies to encourage heterosexual marriages, and to prevent same-sex marriages from becoming the majority form of marriages” (Bai 2021:146). Against the backdrop of downright homophobia prevalent among vocal Confucians in mainland China today, Bai claims that his pro-legalization rendition “show[s] a (...)
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