Results for 'Quantum information theory'

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  1. On Explaining Non-dynamically the Quantum Correlations Via Quantum Information Theory: What It Takes.Laura Felline & Mauro Dorato - 2018 - In Sven Ove Hansson, Technology and Mathematics: Philosophical and Historical Investigations. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    Within the current mainstream research in the foundations of physics, much attention has been turned to the program of Axiomatic Reconstruction of Quantum Theory in terms of Information-Theoretic principles (ARQIT). ARQIT aims at finding a few general information-theoretic principles from which, once translated into mathematical terms, one can formally derive the structure of quantum theory. This chapter explores the role of mechanistic explanations and mathematical explanations (in particular, structural explanations) within ARQIT. With such considerations (...)
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  2. Better Economics for the Earth: A Lesson from Quantum and Information Theories.Quan-Hoang Vuong & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - 2024 - Hanoi, Vietnam: AISDL.
    To become more useful and efficient in sustaining the Earth's health, economics must undergo a paradigm shift in its thinking. From a humanistic perspective, humans should be the center of everything. However, from the standpoint of physics and the universe, this is not the case. As a species, having a planet among the millions in the universe where humans can survive and thrive is already a great fortune. Through this book, we also try to answer one of our long-standing questions: (...)
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  3. Is Mass at Rest One and the Same? A Philosophical Comment: on the Quantum Information Theory of Mass in General Relativity and the Standard Model.Vasil Penchev - 2014 - Journal of SibFU. Humanities and Social Sciences 7 (4):704-720.
    The way, in which quantum information can unify quantum mechanics (and therefore the standard model) and general relativity, is investigated. Quantum information is defined as the generalization of the concept of information as to the choice among infinite sets of alternatives. Relevantly, the axiom of choice is necessary in general. The unit of quantum information, a qubit is interpreted as a relevant elementary choice among an infinite set of alternatives generalizing that of (...)
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  4. Logical Entropy: Introduction to Classical and Quantum Logical Information theory.David Ellerman - 2018 - Entropy 20 (9):679.
    Logical information theory is the quantitative version of the logic of partitions just as logical probability theory is the quantitative version of the dual Boolean logic of subsets. The resulting notion of information is about distinctions, differences and distinguishability and is formalized using the distinctions of a partition. All the definitions of simple, joint, conditional and mutual entropy of Shannon information theory are derived by a uniform transformation from the corresponding definitions at the logical (...)
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  5. Quantum information theoretic approach to the mind–brain problem.Danko D. Georgiev - 2020 - Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 158:16-32.
    The brain is composed of electrically excitable neuronal networks regulated by the activity of voltage-gated ion channels. Further portraying the molecular composition of the brain, however, will not reveal anything remotely reminiscent of a feeling, a sensation or a conscious experience. In classical physics, addressing the mind–brain problem is a formidable task because no physical mechanism is able to explain how the brain generates the unobservable, inner psychological world of conscious experiences and how in turn those conscious experiences steer the (...)
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  6. God, Logic, and Quantum Information.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Information Theory and Research eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 1 (20):1-10.
    Quantum information is discussed as the universal substance of the world. It is interpreted as that generalization of classical information, which includes both finite and transfinite ordinal numbers. On the other hand, any wave function and thus any state of any quantum system is just one value of quantum information. Information and its generalization as quantum information are considered as quantities of elementary choices. Their units are correspondingly a bit and a (...)
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  7. Quantum information as the information of infinite collections or series.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Information Theory and Research eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 1 (14):1-8.
    The quantum information introduced by quantum mechanics is equivalent to a certain generalization of classical information: from finite to infinite series or collections. The quantity of information is the quantity of choices measured in the units of elementary choice. The “qubit”, can be interpreted as that generalization of “bit”, which is a choice among a continuum of alternatives. The axiom of choice is necessary for quantum information. The coherent state is transformed into a (...)
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  8. Matter as Information. Quantum Information as Matter.Vasil Penchev - 2016 - Nodi. Collana di Storia Della Filosofia 2016 (2):127-138.
    Quantum information is discussed as the universal substance of the world. It is interpreted as that generalization of classical information, which includes both finite and transfinite ordinal numbers. On the other hand, any wave function and thus any state of any quantum system is just one value of quantum information. Information and its generalization as quantum information are considered as quantities of elementary choices. Their units are correspondingly a bit and a (...)
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  9. Brahman as JSON: A Model of Consciousness Integrating Vedanta, Quantum Mechanics, and Information Theory.Pratik Karnik - manuscript
    This paper proposes a novel model for understanding consciousness by envisioning Brahman—the ultimate, universal consciousness in Vedanta—as an infinitely layered JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) structure. In this model, each aspect of reality, from individual thoughts to timelines and entire universes, is represented as a property within this universal JSON object. By integrating the Vedantic concepts of Atman (individual self) and Brahman (universal consciousness) with ideas from quantum mechanics and information theory, this model suggests that all possible experiences, (...)
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  10. Brahman as JSON: A Model of Consciousness Integrating Vedanta, Quantum Mechanics, and Information Theory.Pratik Karnik - manuscript
    This paper proposes a novel model for understanding consciousness by envisioning Brahman—the ultimate, universal consciousness in Vedanta—as an infinitely layered JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) structure. In this model, each aspect of reality, from individual thoughts to timelines and entire universes, is represented as a property within this universal JSON object. By integrating the Vedantic concepts of Atman (individual self) and Brahman (universal consciousness) with ideas from quantum mechanics and information theory, this model suggests that all possible experiences, (...)
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  11. Quantum-information conservation. The problem about “hidden variables”, or the “conservation of energy conservation” in quantum mechanics: A historical lesson for future discoveries.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Energy Engineering (Energy) eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 3 (78):1-27.
    The explicit history of the “hidden variables” problem is well-known and established. The main events of its chronology are traced. An implicit context of that history is suggested. It links the problem with the “conservation of energy conservation” in quantum mechanics. Bohr, Kramers, and Slaters (1924) admitted its violation being due to the “fourth Heisenberg uncertainty”, that of energy in relation to time. Wolfgang Pauli rejected the conjecture and even forecast the existence of a new and unknown then elementary (...)
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  12. What Is Quantum Information? Information Symmetry and Mechanical Motion.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Information Theory and Research eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 1 (20):1-7.
    The concept of quantum information is introduced as both normed superposition of two orthogonal sub-spaces of the separable complex Hilbert space and in-variance of Hamilton and Lagrange representation of any mechanical system. The base is the isomorphism of the standard introduction and the representation of a qubit to a 3D unit ball, in which two points are chosen. The separable complex Hilbert space is considered as the free variable of quantum information and any point in it (...)
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  13. Choice, Infinity, and Negation: Both Set-Theory and Quantum-Information Viewpoints to Negation.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics eJournal 12 (14):1-3.
    The concepts of choice, negation, and infinity are considered jointly. The link is the quantity of information interpreted as the quantity of choices measured in units of elementary choice: a bit is an elementary choice between two equally probable alternatives. “Negation” supposes a choice between it and confirmation. Thus quantity of information can be also interpreted as quantity of negations. The disjunctive choice between confirmation and negation as to infinity can be chosen or not in turn: This corresponds (...)
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  14. Quantum Mechanics as Quantum Information, Mostly.Christopher A. Fuchs - 2003 - Journal of Modern Optics 50:987-1023.
    In this paper, I try to cause some good-natured trouble. The issue is, when will we ever stop burdening the taxpayer with conferences devoted to the quantum foundations? The suspicion is expressed that no end will be in sight until a means is found to reduce quantum theory to two or three statements of crisp physical (rather than abstract, axiomatic) significance. In this regard, no tool appears better calibrated for a direct assault than quantum information (...)
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  15. Cognition according to Quantum Information: Three Epistemological Puzzles Solved.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Epistemology eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 13 (20):1-15.
    The cognition of quantum processes raises a series of questions about ordering and information connecting the states of one and the same system before and after measurement: Quantum measurement, quantum in-variance and the non-locality of quantum information are considered in the paper from an epistemological viewpoint. The adequate generalization of ‘measurement’ is discussed to involve the discrepancy, due to the fundamental Planck constant, between any quantum coherent state and its statistical representation as a (...)
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  16. The Quantity of Quantum Information and Its Metaphysics.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Information Theory and Research eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 1 (18):1-6.
    The quantum information introduced by quantum mechanics is equivalent to that generalization of the classical information from finite to infinite series or collections. The quantity of information is the quantity of choices measured in the units of elementary choice. The qubit can be interpreted as that generalization of bit, which is a choice among a continuum of alternatives. The axiom of choice is necessary for quantum information. The coherent state is transformed into a (...)
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  17. Physical Entity as Quantum Information.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Philosophy of Science eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 13 (35):1-15.
    Quantum mechanics was reformulated as an information theory involving a generalized kind of information, namely quantum information, in the end of the last century. Quantum mechanics is the most fundamental physical theory referring to all claiming to be physical. Any physical entity turns out to be quantum information in the final analysis. A quantum bit is the unit of quantum information, and it is a generalization of the (...)
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  18. Problem of the Direct Quantum-Information Transformation of Chemical Substance.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Computational and Theoretical Chemistry eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 3 (26):1-15.
    Arthur Clark and Michael Kube–McDowell (“The Triger”, 2000) suggested the sci-fi idea about the direct transformation from a chemical substance to another by the action of a newly physical, “Trigger” field. Karl Brohier, a Nobel Prize winner, who is a dramatic persona in the novel, elaborates a new theory, re-reading and re-writing Pauling’s “The Nature of the Chemical Bond”; according to Brohier: “Information organizes and differentiates energy. It regularizes and stabilizes matter. Information propagates through matter-energy and mediates (...)
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  19. The Symmetries of Quantum and Classical Information. The Ressurrected “Ether" of Quantum Information.Vasil Penchev - 2021 - Philosophy of Science eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 14 (41):1-36.
    The paper considers the symmetries of a bit of information corresponding to one, two or three qubits of quantum information and identifiable as the three basic symmetries of the Standard model, U(1), SU(2), and SU(3) accordingly. They refer to “empty qubits” (or the free variable of quantum information), i.e. those in which no point is chosen (recorded). The choice of a certain point violates those symmetries. It can be represented furthermore as the choice of a (...)
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  20. “Two bits less” after quantum-information conservation and their interpretation as “distinguishability / indistinguishability” and “classical / quantum”.Vasil Penchev - 2021 - Philosophy of Science eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 14 (46):1-7.
    The paper investigates the understanding of quantum indistinguishability after quantum information in comparison with the “classical” quantum mechanics based on the separable complex Hilbert space. The two oppositions, correspondingly “distinguishability / indistinguishability” and “classical / quantum”, available implicitly in the concept of quantum indistinguishability can be interpreted as two “missing” bits of classical information, which are to be added after teleportation of quantum information to be restored the initial state unambiguously. That (...)
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  21. Information, physics, quantum: the search for links.John Archibald Wheeler - 1989 - In Wheeler John Archibald, Proceedings III International Symposium on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. pp. 354-358.
    This report reviews what quantum physics and information theory have to tell us about the age-old question, How come existence? No escape is evident from four conclusions: (1) The world cannot be a giant machine, ruled by any preestablished continuum physical law. (2) There is no such thing at the microscopic level as space or time or spacetime continuum. (3) The familiar probability function or functional, and wave equation or functional wave equation, of standard quantum (...) provide mere continuum idealizations and by reason of this circumstance conceal the information-theoretic source from which they derive. (4) No element in the description of physics shows itself as closer to primordial than the elementary quantum phenomenon, that is, the elementary device-intermediated act of posing a yes-no physical question and eliciting an answer or, in brief, the elementary act of observer-participancy. Otherwise stated, every physical quantity, every it, derives its ultimate significance from bits, binary yes-or-no indications, a conclusion which we epitomize in the phrase, it from bit. (shrink)
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  22. Can Bohmian Quantum Information Help us to Understand Consciousness?Paavo Pylkkänen - 2016 - In Paavo Pylkkänen, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Springer Publishing Company. pp. 76-87.
    The paper explores whether David Bohm’ s proposal about quantum theoretical active information, and the mind-matter scheme he developed on the basis of it, can help us to explain consciousness. Here it is important to acknowledge that other researchers in philosophy of mind and consciousness studies have also made use of the concept of information in their theories of mind and consciousness. For example, Dretske and Barwise and Seligman have explored the possibility that information in the (...)
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  23.  36
    Review of Better Economics for the Earth: A Lesson from Quantum and Information Theories. [REVIEW]D. Dattatraya - 2025 - Review of Better Economics for the Earth.
    This was the question in my mind when I read the title of the book Better Economics for the Earth: A Lesson from Quantum and Information Theories by Quan-Hoang Vuong and Minh-Hoang Nguyen. I got the answer by reading the initial chapters of the book. This book contains invaluable information on measures that need to be created and implemented to minimize the continuous climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation of our planet Earth. The book can be (...)
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  24. Two deductions: (1) from the totality to quantum information conservation; (2) from the latter to dark matter and dark energy.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Information Theory and Research eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 1 (28):1-47.
    The paper discusses the origin of dark matter and dark energy from the concepts of time and the totality in the final analysis. Though both seem to be rather philosophical, nonetheless they are postulated axiomatically and interpreted physically, and the corresponding philosophical transcendentalism serves heuristically. The exposition of the article means to outline the “forest for the trees”, however, in an absolutely rigorous mathematical way, which to be explicated in detail in a future paper. The “two deductions” are two successive (...)
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  25. Fermat’s last theorem proved in Hilbert arithmetic. III. The quantum-information unification of Fermat’s last theorem and Gleason’s theorem.Vasil Penchev - 2022 - Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 14 (12):1-30.
    The previous two parts of the paper demonstrate that the interpretation of Fermat’s last theorem (FLT) in Hilbert arithmetic meant both in a narrow sense and in a wide sense can suggest a proof by induction in Part I and by means of the Kochen - Specker theorem in Part II. The same interpretation can serve also for a proof FLT based on Gleason’s theorem and partly similar to that in Part II. The concept of (probabilistic) measure of a subspace (...)
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  26. The Frontier of Time: The Concept of Quantum Information.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Cosmology and Large-Scale Structure eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 2 (17):1-5.
    The concept of formal transcendentalism is utilized. The fundamental and definitive property of the totality suggests for “the totality to be all”, thus, its externality (unlike any other entity) is contained within it. This generates a fundamental (or philosophical) “doubling” of anything being referred to the totality, i.e. considered philosophically. Thus, that doubling as well as transcendentalism underlying it can be interpreted formally as an elementary choice such as a bit of information and a quantity corresponding to the number (...)
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  27. Contextuality in the Integrated Information Theory.J. Acacio de Barros, Carlos Montemayor & Leonardo De Assis - 2017 - In J. A. de Barros, B. Coecke & E. Pothos, Quantum Interaction - 10th International Conference, QI2016. Lecture Notes on Computer Science. Springer International Publishing.
    Integrated Information Theory (IIT) is one of the most influential theories of consciousness, mainly due to its claim of mathematically formalizing consciousness in a measurable way. However, the theory, as it is formulated, does not account for contextual observations that are crucial for understanding consciousness. Here we put forth three possible difficulties for its current version, which could be interpreted as a trilemma. Either consciousness is contextual or not. If contextual, either IIT needs revisions to its axioms (...)
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    Revolutionizing Sustainability: Insights from Quantum and Information Theories. [REVIEW]Charlie L. - 2025 - Amazon Book Review Series of “Better Economics for the Earth: A Lesson From Quantum and Information Theories”.
    Amazon Book Review Series of “Better Economics for the Earth: A Lesson from Quantum and Information Theories”.
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  29. The Identity of Logic and the World in Terms of Quantum Information.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Information Theory and Research eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 1 (21):1-4.
    One can construct a mapping between Hilbert space and the class of all logic if the latter is defined as the set of all well-orderings of some relevant set (or class). That mapping can be further interpreted as a mapping of all states of all quantum systems, on the one hand, and all logic, on the other hand. The collection of all states of all quantum systems is equivalent to the world (the universe) as a whole. Thus that (...)
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  30. Quantum Theory Beyond the Physical: Information in Context.Kirsty Kitto, Brentyn Ramm, Laurianne Sitbon & Peter Bruza - 2011 - Axiomathes 21 (2):331-345.
    Measures and theories of information abound, but there are few formalised methods for treating the contextuality that can manifest in different information systems. Quantum theory provides one possible formalism for treating information in context. This paper introduces a quantum inspired model of the human mental lexicon. This model is currently being experimentally investigated and we present a preliminary set of pilot data suggesting that concept combinations can indeed behave non-separably.
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  31. This Year's Nobel Prize (2022) in Physics for Entanglement and Quantum Information: the New Revolution in Quantum Mechanics and Science.Vasil Penchev - 2023 - Philosophy of Science eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 18 (33):1-68.
    The paper discusses this year’s Nobel Prize in physics for experiments of entanglement “establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science” in a much wider, including philosophical context legitimizing by the authority of the Nobel Prize a new scientific area out of “classical” quantum mechanics relevant to Pauli’s “particle” paradigm of energy conservation and thus to the Standard model obeying it. One justifies the eventual future theory of quantum gravitation as belonging to (...)
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  32.  18
    A volunteer review of "Better Economics for the Earth: A Lesson from Quantum and Information Theories". [REVIEW]Rebeca Rimniceanu - 2025 - Online Book Club.
    It’s more essential than ever for us, as inhabitants of this planet, to educate ourselves about environmental issues. That’s why “Better Economics for the Earth: A Lesson from Quantum and Information Theories” by Quan-Hoang Vuong and Minh-Hoang Nguyen is a must-read. This book addresses a wide range of pressing topics—climate change, deforestation, biodiversity loss, and natural disasters, to name just a few. It offers a thoughtful study of how quantum and information theories can drive a much-needed (...)
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  33. Quantum phenomenology as a “rigorous science”: the triad of epoché and the symmetries of information.Vasil Penchev - 2021 - Philosophy of Science eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 14 (48):1-18.
    Husserl (a mathematician by education) remained a few famous and notable philosophical “slogans” along with his innovative doctrine of phenomenology directed to transcend “reality” in a more general essence underlying both “body” and “mind” (after Descartes) and called sometimes “ontology” (terminologically following his notorious assistant Heidegger). Then, Husserl’s tradition can be tracked as an idea for philosophy to be reinterpreted in a way to be both generalized and mathenatizable in the final analysis. The paper offers a pattern borrowed from the (...)
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  34. Conservation of information and the foundations of quantum mechanics.Giulio Chiribella & Carlo Maria Scandolo - 2015 - EPJ Web of Conferences 95:03003.
    We review a recent approach to the foundations of quantum mechanics inspired by quantum information theory. The approach is based on a general framework, which allows one to address a large class of physical theories which share basic information-theoretic features. We first illustrate two very primitive features, expressed by the axioms of causality and purity-preservation, which are satisfied by both classical and quantum theory. We then discuss the axiom of purification, which expresses a (...)
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  35. From The Principle Of Least Action To The Conservation Of Quantum Information In Chemistry: Can One Generalize The Periodic Table?Vasil Penchev - 2019 - Chemistry: Bulgarian Journal of Science Education 28 (4):525-539.
    The success of a few theories in statistical thermodynamics can be correlated with their selectivity to reality. These are the theories of Boltzmann, Gibbs, end Einstein. The starting point is Carnot’s theory, which defines implicitly the general selection of reality relevant to thermodynamics. The three other theories share this selection, but specify it further in detail. Each of them separates a few main aspects within the scope of the implicit thermodynamic reality. Their success grounds on that selection. Those aspects (...)
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  36. Universal Logic in terms of Quantum Information.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Metaphilosophy eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 12 (9):1-5.
    Any logic is represented as a certain collection of well-orderings admitting or not some algebraic structure such as a generalized lattice. Then universal logic should refer to the class of all subclasses of all well-orderings. One can construct a mapping between Hilbert space and the class of all logics. Thus there exists a correspondence between universal logic and the world if the latter is considered a collection of wave functions, as which the points in Hilbert space can be interpreted. The (...)
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    Quantum Holographic Black Holes: A Unified Framework Bridging Loop Quantum Gravity, String Theory, and AdS/CFT.Lance Salazar - manuscript
    I present a quantum gravitational model of black holes that resolves key paradoxes in black hole physics, including the information loss problem, singularity issue, and thermodynamic inconsistencies. By integrating insights from Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG), AdS/CFT holography, and String Theory’s fuzzball paradigm, we propose a quantum-corrected black hole metric that introduces an inner Planck-scale horizon, preventing singularity formation. Our model naturally modifies black hole entropy, incorporating quantized microstates consistent with both LQG area spectrum and holographic (...)
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  38. Quantum theory, active information and the mind-matter problem.Paavo Pylkkänen - 2016 - In Pylkkänen Paavo, Contextuality from Quantum Physics to Psychology. World Scientific. pp. 325-334.
    Bohm and Hiley suggest that a certain new type of active information plays a key objective role in quantum processes. This paper discusses the implications of this suggestion to our understanding of the relation between the mental and the physical aspects of reality.
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  39. Further on informational quanta, interactions, and entropy under the granular view of value formation.Quan-Hoang Vuong & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - 2024 - SSRN.
    A recent study suggests that value and quantum states seem to be governed by the same underlying mechanisms. In our recent book titled "Better economics for the Earth: A lesson from quantum and information theories," specifically Chapter 5, we have proposed an informational entropy-based notion of value, grounded in Granular Interaction Thinking Theory (GITT), which integrates granular worldview and primary features of quantum mechanics, Shannon’s information theory, and the mindsponge theory. Specifically, the (...)
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  40. Quantum Physics: An overview of a weird world: A guide to the 21st century quantum revolution.Marco Masi - 2019 - Indy Edition.
    This second volume is a continuation of the first volume’s 20th century conceptual foundations of quantum physics extending its view to the principles and research fields of the 21st century. A summary of the standard concepts, from modern advanced experimental tests of 'quantum ontology’ to the interpretations of quantum mechanics, the standard model of particle physics, and the mainstream quantum gravity theories. A state-of-the-art treatise that reports on the recent developments in quantum computing, classical and (...)
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  41. Standard Quantum Theory Derived from First Physical Principles.Mehran Shaghaghi - manuscript
    The mathematical formalism of quantum theory has been established for nearly a century, yet its physical foundations remain elusive. In recent decades, connections between quantum theory and information theory have garnered increasing attention. This study presents a physical derivation of the mathematical formalism quantum theory based on information-theoretic considerations in physical systems. We postulate that quantum systems are characterized by single independent adjustable variables. Utilizing this physical postulate along with the (...)
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  42. The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything.James Redford - 2021 - In The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything: And Other Selected Works. Chișinău, Moldova: Eliva Press. pp. 1-186.
    Analysis is given of the Omega Point cosmology, an extensively peer-reviewed proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) published in leading physics journals by professor of physics and mathematics Frank J. Tipler, which demonstrates that in order for the known laws of physics to be mutually consistent, the universe must diverge to infinite computational power as it collapses into a final cosmological singularity, termed the Omega Point. The theorem is an intrinsic component of the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything (...)
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  43. Quantum Theories of Consciousness.Paavo Pylkkänen - 2018 - In Rocco J. Gennaro, Routledge Handbook of Consciousness. New York: Routledge. pp. 216-231.
    This paper provides a brief introduction to quantum theory and the proceeds to discuss the different ways in which the relationship between quantum theory and mind/consciousness is seen in some of the main alternative interpretations of quantum theory namely by Bohr; von Neumann; Penrose: Everett; and Bohm and Hiley. It briefly considers how qualia might be explained in a quantum framework, and makes a connection to research on quantum biology, quantum cognition (...)
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  44.  58
    From Creative Quantum to Granular Interaction Thinking Theory.Phuong-Tri Nguyen - 2025 - Informational Entropy-Based Notion of Value.
    Recently, the AISDL Team has integrated insights from quantum mechanics and information theories to propose a foundational understanding of information-value nexus in social sciences: Granular Interaction Thinking Theory. This marks a significant milestone in the team’s ongoing pursuit of deeper inquiries into the nature of value. Specifically, this theory posits that value emerges from interactions of information that reduce entropy in ways beneficial to human survival, development, and reproduction.
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  45. Quantum Gravity in a Laboratory?Nick Huggett, Niels S. Linnemann & Mike D. Schneider - 2023
    It has long been thought that observing distinctive traces of quantum gravity in a laboratory setting is effectively impossible, since gravity is so much weaker than all the other familiar forces in particle physics. But the quantum gravity phenomenology community today seeks to do the (effectively) impossible, using a challenging novel class of `tabletop' Gravitationally Induced Entanglement (GIE) experiments, surveyed here. The hypothesized outcomes of the GIE experiments are claimed by some (but disputed by others) to provide a (...)
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  46. On Classical and Quantum Logical Entropy.David Ellerman - manuscript
    The notion of a partition on a set is mathematically dual to the notion of a subset of a set, so there is a logic of partitions dual to Boole's logic of subsets (Boolean logic is usually mis-specified as "propositional" logic). The notion of an element of a subset has as its dual the notion of a distinction of a partition (a pair of elements in different blocks). Boole developed finite logical probability as the normalized counting measure on elements of (...)
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    The Emergence of Time: Information, Consciousness, and the Quantum Fabric of Reality.Tim Grooms - manuscript
    Abstract: -/- This paper explores the relationship between time and information, proposing that time, rather than being a linear progression, emerges from the processing and interpretation of information within complex systems. Drawing on principles from quantum mechanics, information theory, and the philosophy of time, it examines how the perception of time is subjective and deeply influenced by consciousness, memory, and cultural context. In this framework, time dilation is framed not as a mere physical phenomenon but (...)
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  48. Quantum Theory from Probability Conservation.Mehran Shaghaghi - manuscript
    The standard formalism of quantum theory is derived by analyzing the behavior of single-variable physical systems. These systems, which have a minimal information capacity of only one piece of information, exhibit indeterministic behavior under independent measurements but can be described probabilistically for dependent measurements. By enforcing the principle of probability conservation in the transformations of outcome probabilities across various measurement scenarios, we derive the core components of standard quantum theory, including the Born rule, the (...)
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  49. A Mathematical Model of Quantum Computer by Both Arithmetic and Set Theory.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Information Theory and Research eJournal 1 (15):1-13.
    A practical viewpoint links reality, representation, and language to calculation by the concept of Turing (1936) machine being the mathematical model of our computers. After the Gödel incompleteness theorems (1931) or the insolvability of the so-called halting problem (Turing 1936; Church 1936) as to a classical machine of Turing, one of the simplest hypotheses is completeness to be suggested for two ones. That is consistent with the provability of completeness by means of two independent Peano arithmetics discussed in Section I. (...)
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  50. From Quantum Entanglement to Spatiotemporal Distance.Alyssa Ney - 2021 - In Christian Wüthrich, Baptiste Le Bihan & Nick Huggett, Philosophy Beyond Spacetime: Implications From Quantum Gravity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Within the field of quantum gravity, there is an influential research program developing the connection between quantum entanglement and spatiotemporal distance. Quantum information theory gives us highly refined tools for quantifying quantum entanglement such as the entanglement entropy. Through a series of well-confirmed results, it has been shown how these facts about the entanglement entropy of component systems may be connected to facts about spatiotemporal distance. Physicists are seeing these results as yielding promising methods (...)
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