Results for 'thales, cultural heritage, tourism'

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  1. Thales Ve Mi̇Let Okulu.Çeşmeci Nihat - 2022 - Ankara: Nobel.
    Milet okulunun kurucusu ve tarihteki ilk filozof olarak Thales kabul edilmektedir. Genellikle bilim tarihi kitapları onunla ve kurucusu olduğu Milet okulu düşünürleri olan Anaksimandros ve Anaksimenes ile başlamaktadır. Felsefe, astronomi, matematik, geometri gibi farklı alanlarda çalışmalar yapmış olan bu bilim adamlarının oluşturduğu düşünce tarzı, günümüzde bilimsel düşüncenin de temelini teşkil etmektedir. Thales’in tarihteki ilk filozof olduğu fikrine karşı çıkanlar olsa da, evreni anlamaya yönelik teorik bir faaliyetin kayıtlı ilk örnekleri olarak Thales ve öncülüğünü yaptığı Milet okulu düşünürleri gösterilebilir (Doğrucan, 2020). (...)
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  2. Safeguard the Cultural Heritage of Ladakh.Farhat Bano Beg & Furqan Aalam Beg - 2014 - SOCRATES 2 (1):1 - 5.
    Cultural and natural heritage is among the priceless and irreplaceable assets, not only of each nation, but of humanity as a whole. The loss, through deterioration or disappearance, of any of these most prized assets constitutes an impoverishment of heritage of all the people of the world. It tells us about the traditions, the beliefs and the achievements of a country and its people. Tourism is concentrated in the predominantly Buddhist settlements of the Indus Valley, of which the (...)
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  3. Double or nothing: Deconstructing cultural heritage.George Rossolatos - 2015 - Chinese Semiotic Studies 11 (3):297-315.
    This paper draws on the deconstruction(ist) toolbox and specifically on the textual unweaving tactics of supplementarity, exemplarity, and parergonality, with a view to critically assessing institutional (UNESCO’s) and ordinary tourists’ claims to authenticity as regards artifacts and sites of ‘cultural heritage’. Through the ‘destru[k]tion’ of claims to ‘originality’ and ‘myths of origin’, that function as preservatives for canning such artifacts and sites, the cultural arche-writing that forces signifiers to piously bow before a limited string of ‘transcendental signifieds’ is (...)
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  4. Sustainable Tourism Development a basic factor for preserving urban heritage in Algeria: An Applied study on the Casbah of Algiers.Kashan Pirzada - 2019 - African Journal of Hospitality,Tourism and Leisure 8 (1).
    Algeria is one of the many countries that are gifted with an abundantly rich and diversified urban heritage, which stems from the multiplicity of successive human civilizations and its natural environment that is rich in all forms of heritage. These can be invested from a tourism perspective for sustainable development in accordance with a myriad of global challenges that exist in the tourism space. The most important heritage areas in Algeria include, among others, Casbah of Algiers, on which (...)
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  5. Foreign Tourists' Perceptions of Toraja as a Cultural Site in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.Muhammad Hasyim - 2019 - African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure 8 (3):1-13.
    This study discusses foreign tourists' perceptions of Toraja which is a cultural tourism site in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Every year, tourists visit Toraja to participate in their yearly rituals of death take time to visit the graves inside the mountain cliffs (in caves) as they feel the rich cultural heritage and have a view of the traditional houses. Data were collected by interviewing these tourists through the use of questionnaires with randomly selected respondents. The results obtained showed (...)
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  6. The rethinking and enhancement of the natural and cultural heritage of the cultural landscapes: the case of Sečovlje and Janubio saltpans.Luis Gregorio Abad Espinoza - 2019 - PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural 17 (4):671-693.
    Cultural landscapes represent a complex category where the nature-culture dichotomy seem to not be able to unfold the main features and the profound relations that humans have with the environment. Drawing on ethnographic data collected in the saltpans of Se-ovlje (Slovene Istria) and Janubio (Lanzarote--Canary Islands) this article examines informant`s perceptions about the awareness of the importance and the enhancement of the holistic values of both saltpans, as well as the impacts and benefits of tourism. Comparing these perceptions (...)
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  7. Development of historical and cultural tourist destinations.Sergii Sardak, Oleksandr P. Krupskyi, V. Dzhyndzhoian, M. Sardak & Y. Naboka - 2020 - Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology 29 (2):406-414.
    The aim of the study is to develop theoretic and methodological recommendations and practical activities for the positive social, managerial, organizational and economic development of historical and cultural tourist destinations. In theoretical terms: the role of historical and cultural tourist destination in the development of the region has been established; the historical and cultural tourist destinations have been identified; the author’s classification of historical and cultural tourist destinations has been developed basing tourist visiting activeness; the author’s (...)
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  8. Heritage and Hermeneutics: Towards a Broader Interpretation of Interpretation.Phillip Ablett & Pamela Dyer - 2009 - Current Issues in Tourism 12 (3):209-233.
    This article re-examines the theoretical basis for environmental and heritage interpretation in tourist settings in the light of hermeneutic philosophy. It notes that the pioneering vision of heritage interpretation formulated by Freeman Tilden envisaged a broadly educational, ethically informed and transformative art. By contrast, current cognitive psychological attempts to reduce interpretation to the monological transmission of information, targeting universal but individuated cognitive structures, are found to be wanting. Despite growing signs of diversity, this information processing approach to interpretation remains dominant. (...)
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  9. Evaluating the Attribute of Industrial Heritage in Urban Context on Natural Movement Distribution. The Case Study of Dezful City.Hassan Bazazzadeh, Adam Nadolny, Koorosh Attarian, Behnaz Safar Ali Najar & Seyedeh Sara Hashemi Safaei - 2022 - International Journal of Conservation Science 13 (2):579-592.
    Space configuration of industrial heritage sites, which have been adaptively reused, are modeled in the depth map. Simultaneously, by using in-situ observation the actual patterns of pedestrian movement in these sites are captured. Finally, the results of simulated patterns and actual patterns are compared and interpreted. Findings show a notable impact of built heritage on the natural movement's patterns. Consequently, the significance of determinative factors of natural movement in these sites differs from regular sites. Therefore, this exception could develop a (...)
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  10. The Ruins of War.Elizabeth Scarbrough - 2019 - In Jeanette Bicknell, Carolyn Korsmeyer & Jennifer Judkins, Philosophical Perspectives on Ruins, Monuments, and Memorials. New York: Routledge. pp. 228-240.
    Ruins are evocative structures, and we value them in different ways for the various things they mean to us. Ruins can be aesthetically appreciated, but they are also valued for their historical importance, what they symbolize to different cultures and communities, and as lucrative objects, i.e., for tourism. However, today an increasing number of ancient ruins have been damaged or completely destroyed by acts of war. In 2001 the Taliban struck a major blow to cultural heritage by blasting (...)
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  11. Άυλη Πολιτιστική Κληρονομιά (ΑΠΚ) – ο ρόλος των κοινοτήτων και της εκπαίδευσης. Intagible Cultural Heritage (ICH) – the role of communities and education.Georgia Zacharopoulou - 2018 - In Βασιλική Καραβάκου, ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΑ 1ου Διεθνούς Επιστημονικού Συνεδρίου, Ηθική, Εκπαίδευση και Ηγεσία, 24-27 Νοεμβρίου 2017, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, GR. pp. 53-64.
    Η εύληπτη εκπαιδευτική προσέγγιση ότι «κληρονομιά είναι οτιδήποτε θέλεις “εσύ” να διατηρηθεί για τις επόμενες γενιές» κλονίζεται στην ερώτηση «όλα όσα μας παραδίδονται από τους προγόνους μας αποτελούν μια προς διαφύλαξη κληρονομιά, εφόσον “εσύ” το αποφασίσεις;». Εκφάνσεις «βαρβαρότητας» που διασώζονται σε προγενέστερες εθιμικές πρακτικές θα μπορούσαν άραγε να αποτελέσουν στοιχεία ΑΠΚ προς διαφύλαξη; Η παρούσα εργασία επιχειρεί μια πρώτη ανίχνευση του σύνθετου αυτού θέματος. Περιπτώσεις μελέτης από τον ελληνικό και διεθνή χώρο διερευνώνται με κριτήρια αξιολόγησης τα αναφερόμενα στη Σύμβαση για (...)
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    Culinary Arts: A Motivator Towards Community-Based Festival Attendance and Sustainability.Ibraheem Kukoyi, Abioye Adedipe, Tajudeen Yusuf & Opeyemi Ijaya - 2024 - International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research 3 (2):193-207.
    This study investigates motive factors attracting people to community-based festivals characterized by culinary activities and underscore its contribution to sustaining tourism activities in the study area. Multistage sampling technique was adopted for sample selection. Kayo-Kayo Festival in the Epe area of Lagos State was purposively selected, purposive and availability sampling technique was used to select household head and one additional adult from 25 households respectively within the host community. Convenience sampling method was further used to select 100 festivals attendees, (...)
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  13. The Ethical Patiency of Cultural Heritage.R. F. J. Seddon - 2011 - Dissertation, Durham University
    Current treatments of cultural heritage as an object of moral concern (whether it be the heritage of mankind or of some particular group of people) have tended to treat it as a means to ensure human wellbeing: either as ‘cultural property’ or ‘cultural patrimony’, suggesting concomitant rights of possession and exclusion, or otherwise as something which, gaining its ethical significance from the roles it plays in people’s lives and the formation of their identities, is the beneficiary at (...)
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  14. Art and Cultural Heritage: An ASA Curriculum Diversification Guide.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2017 - American Society for Aesthetics, Curriculum Diversification Guides.
    Art is saturated with cultural significance. Considering the full spectrum of ways in which art is colored by cultural associations raises a variety of difficult and fascinating philosophical questions. This curriculum guide focuses in particular on questions that arise when we consider art as a form of cultural heritage. Organized into four modules, readings explore core questions about art and ethics, aesthetic value, museum practice, and art practice. They are designed to be suitable for use in an (...)
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    Art-Historical Empiricism and Digital Visualization of Cultural Heritage.Jakub Stejskal - forthcoming - Synthese.
    Digital visualizations of cultural heritage (DVCs) are typically used to re-create or re-imagine artworks in their original state. Their apparent efficiency raises questions about their relation to the historical artefacts: What is the visualizations’ status vis à vis the originals? Can they replace them? And if so, in what capacity? This paper explores these questions from the point of view of the DVCs’ potential epistemic yield. It argues that the knowledge they are supposed to provide amounts to mediating past (...)
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  16. Truth of sincerity and authenticity or lie of reconstruction; whom do the visitors of cultural heritage trust?Hassan Bazazzadeh - 2020 - In Claudia Battaino, Agata Bonenberg, Armando Dal Fabbro, Nina Juzwa, Justyna Kobylarczyk, Gino Malacarne, Rafi Segal & Jan Słyk, DEFINING THE ARCHITECTURAL SPACE – THE TRUTH AND LIE OF ARCHITECTURE. pp. 7-18.
    Presence of users as the main actors of each adaptive reuse of a given cultural heritage site heavily depends on the quality of their sensual experience there. This, in turn, seems to stem from how much they trust the integrity and provenance of the heritage attributes and activities pending within such historical sites. This paper aims to define the sincerity and authenticity as influential indicators of the users’ trust in adaptive reuse of cultural heritage sites. To reach the (...)
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  17. A Paradox of Reusing Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of the Historic Centre of Macau.Teng Wai Lao - 2022 - Restauro Archeologico 2 (Special Issue 2022):302-307.
    After the WHS inscription of the Historic Centre of Macau in 2005, the relationship between citizens of Macau and their heritage is not distanced. Most of these monuments remain functional for religious and social purposes and are actively engaged in public commercial activities such as the annual Macau Light Festival. Several historic houses have been transformed into either a permanent library or a museum where people can experience various events. With such frequent interaction, these monuments are more than just heritage (...)
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  18. “Saving Lives or Saving Stones?” The Ethics of Cultural Heritage Protection in War.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2018 - Public Affairs Quarterly 32 (1):67-84.
    In discussion surrounding the destruction of cultural heritage in armed conflict, one often hears two important claims in support of intervention to safeguard heritage. The first is that the protection of people and the protection of heritage are two sides of the same coin. The second is that the cultural heritage of any people is part of the common heritage of all humankind. In this article, I examine both of these claims, and consider the extent to which they (...)
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  19. Impersonal Value, Universal Value, and the Scope of Cultural Heritage.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2015 - Ethics 125 (4):999-1027.
    Philosophers have used the terms 'impersonal' and 'personal value' to refer to, among others things, whether something's value is universal or particular to an individual. In this paper, I propose an account of impersonal value that, I argue, better captures the intuitive distinction than potential alternatives, while providing conceptual resources for moving beyond the traditional stark dichotomy. I illustrate the practical importance of my theoretical account with reference to debate over the evaluative scope of cultural heritage.
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    Cultural Values and their Reception. Exploring the Case of Cultural Heritage.Moritz von Kalckreuth - 2024 - Culture and Values 38:9-31.
    In the debates of value-theory, it is often assumed that the problem of relativism is to be addressed in a general way, taking moral values as archetype of values. The aim of this paper is to contribute to a differentiation of this debate by facing the problem of relativism in terms of a specific kind of values, namely that of cultural values ascribed to heritage. It shall be shown that by involving both cultural and value-dimensions, the case of (...)
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  21. Heritage Impact Assessment Method in the Production of Cultural Heritage. Iranian Cases.Hassan Bazazzadeh, Seyedeh Sara Hashemi Safaei & Asma Mehan - 2022 - In Maaike De Waal, Ilaria Rosetti, Mara De Groot & Uditha Jindasa, LIVING (WORLD) HERITAGE CITIES: Opportunities, challenges, and future perspectives of people-centered approaches in dynamic historic urban landscapes. pp. 171-182.
    In recent years, we have been observing an increasing significance of industrial heritage in international heritage studies. Developed in response to urban development needs, industrial heritage is now considered a valuable part of the city. Such an approach has resulted in the adaptive reuse of industrial heritage in the developing countries. This is, indeed, a practical solution for sustainable development of cities and the subject matter of many academic discussions. In this respect Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) seems to be a (...)
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  22. Ładniej? Prl W Przestrzeni Miasta: Białostocka Architektura Lat 1945-1989.Katarzyna Niziołek & Radosław Poczykowski (eds.) - 2009 - Fundacja Uniwersytetu W Białymstoku.
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  23. Szlak Dziedzictwa Żydowskiego W Białymstoku. Przewodnik Historyczny. Wydanie Iii Uzupełnione.Katarzyna Niziołek & Radosław Poczykowski (eds.) - 2011 - Fundacja Uniwersytetu W Białymstoku.
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  24. 'Yedikule Bostans': A Serious Game For Cultural Heritage.Sarvin Eshaghi & Muhammed Ali ÖRNEK - 2020 - In Sarvin Eshaghi & Muhammed Ali ÖRNEK, IDU SPAD’20 International Spatial Planning and Design Symposium PROCEEDINGS BOOK. Izmir: IZMIR DEMOCRACY UNIVERSITY. pp. 370-378.
    Serious games with their educational or skill development purposes besides entertainment, have been used in various fields such as architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, cultural heritage, and learning of language and culture, easing the data absorption process of the specific topic for the user. The use of serious games in the cultural heritage or cultural landscape, as a subtopic, can have a role in its preservation in addition to the information transition ability. Yedikule Bostans is a serious (...)
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  25. The Relevance of Cultural Heritage in Remaking a New Africa.Olaoluwa Andrew Oyedola & David Oyedola - 2015 - Journal of Pan African Studies 8 (6):85-106.
    Post-colonial African society is undeniably experiencing serious development problems. Analyses of the causes and the way out have been suggested by many African scholars. For instance, Kwame Nkrumah (1974) popularly attributes the causes to colonialism and suggests a cultural revivalist solution that will revive the African cultural values of the past. But, given that these problems seem endemic, a cultural anti-revivalist like Moses Oke (2006) rejected the revivalist analysis as an over-elaboration of the effects of colonialism and (...)
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  26. Influence of Style of Leadership onto the Characteristic Features of the Organizational Culture of Tourism Enterprises.Oleksandr Krupskyi - 2015 - Business Inform 8:253-260.
    The article is aimed to identify the influence of style of leadership onto the characteristic features of the organizational culture of tourism enterprises. A detailed analysis of the scientific literature about leadership styles has been conducted, wherein some peculiarities of their implementation in the tourism enterprises of Ukraine has been disclosed. The integrated definition of leadership has been updated in view of the current socio-economic conditions. Role of style of leadership as a determinant for type of organizational culture (...)
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  27. Weaponizing Culture: A Limited Defense of the Destruction of Cultural Heritage in War.Duncan MacIntosh - 2022 - In Claire Oakes Finkelstein, Derek Gillman & Frederik Rosén, The Preservation of Art and Culture in Times of War. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 97-128.
    It is widely thought that stealing, trading and destroying cultural artifacts in time of war are inherently immoral actions, and that it is right that they be treated as war crimes, which, indeed, they currently are. But oppressive cultures have their heritage and cultural artifacts too, in the form of monuments, sites of worship, and so on; and for the oppressed, these things may be awful reminders of their subordination, and may even perpetuate it. This chapter suggests that, (...)
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  28. Tayabas City Colonial Era Cemeteries: A Local Cultural Heritage Site.Arvin Ypil - 2023 - Tala: An Online Journal of History 6 (2):52-87.
    The main purpose of this study is to revisit the backgrounds and problems of the colonial-era cemeteries in Tayabas, Quezon, and analyze their potential as local cultural heritage sites. Data for this study was collected through walk surveys and documentation of the intended heritage sites. The findings of the study indicated the rich historical background as well as the existence of potential heritage structures in the cemeteries. Finally, it is deemed that these cemeteries and their adjoining colonial-era burial structures (...)
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  29. Climate change related urban transformation and the role of cultural heritage.Matthias Ripp & Christer Gustafsson (eds.) - 2023 - Lago, Calabria, Italy: Geographies of the Anthropocene, Il Sileno Edizioni.
    Starting with a systemic understanding of cultural heritage, climate-change related urban transformation processes are analyzed through a multi-disciplinary lens and methods that blend the arts, humanities, and sciences. Governance-specific topics range from relevant cultural markers and local policies to stimulate resilience, to a typology of heritage-related governance and the vulnerability of historic urban landscapes. A variety of contributions from the Americas, Asia, and Europe describe and analyze challenges and potential solutions for climate-change related urban transformation and the role (...)
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  30. Pollinator Diversity: Essential for Ecosystem Health, Agriculture, and Cultural Heritage.Minh-Phuong Thi Duong - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    The importance of focusing on long-term sustainability in pollinator conservation and sustainable ecosystem management cannot be underestimated. Cultivating an eco-surplus culture plays a key role in maintaining ecosystem health, particularly by protecting pollinator species essential for ecosystem functioning and agricultural productivity. This cultural approach emphasizes environmental stewardship and conserving and generating surplus resources beyond immediate human needs, which is vital for future nature-based innovations. Additionally, ecological surplus culture highlights the resilience necessary to address significant environmental challenges such as habitat (...)
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  31. National Economies Intellectualization Evaluating in the World Economy.Sergii Sardak & A. Samoylenko S. Sardak - 2014 - Economic Annals-XXI 9 (2):4-7.
    The state of national economies development varies and is characterized by many indicators. Economically developed countries are known as doubtless leaders that are in progress and form political stability, social and economics standards, scientific and technical progress and determine future priorities. It is worth mentioning that the progressive development of national economies in conditions of globalization can take place only in case of the increase of their intellectualization level, through saturation of people`s life, economic relations and production by brain activity, (...)
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  32. Promoting Sustainable Development of Cultural Assets by Improving Users' Perception through Space Configuration; Case Study: The Industrial Heritage Site.Hassan Bazazzadeh, Adam Nadonly, Koorosh Attarian, Behnaz Safar Ali Najar & Seyedeh Sara Hashemi Safaei - 2020 - Sustainability 12 (12).
    The role of the cultural assets as one of the pillars of sustainable development is undeniably of great significance in the cultural sustainability of cities. Indeed, the way users understand and interpret cultural heritage sites would be highly critical to managing cultural organizations properly. It means by improving users’ perception of these sites, it can expect a fair distribution of comprehensive awareness among generations about the values of cultural assets. Past studies in spatial psychology have (...)
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  33. Organizational Culture of a Tourist Enterprise as an Indicator of its Innovative Potential.Oleksandr Krupskyi - 2014 - Business Inform 9:200–204.
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the possibility of diagnosing and managing the innovation potential of the tourist enterprises through the study and modification of the characteristics of its organizational culture. The article examines the theoretical possibility of diagnosing and managing the innovation potential of the tourist business. The content of definitions "innovative potential" and "organizational culture" were analyzed. The necessity of using social-psychological model for the analysis of innovation reality of the innovative potential of tourism enterprises (...)
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  34. Organizational Culture as a Factor of Economic Security of the Tourist Enterprises.Oleksandr Krupskyi & Andrei Kobchenko - 2015 - Науковий Вісник Міжнародного Гуманітарного Університету. Серія: Економіка І Менеджмент 10:149-152.
    This article analyses the conceptual foundations of the notion of economic security in the context of the organizational culture of the tourism companies of Ukraine. The influence of the organizational culture on the economic security of the companies is justified. The areas of the security services of tourism companies are described. The conditions and criteria for establishing the systems of economic security at tourism.
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  35. The role of organizational culture in achievement of the balance between “life and work” (by the example of tourist organizations in Ukraine).Oleksandr Krupskyi - 2014 - Problemy I Perspektivy Razvitiya Sotrudnichestva Mezhdu Stranami Yugo-Vostochnoy Yevropy V Ramkakh CHES I GUAM 1:148-153.
    The article reveals some approaches to the notion of the balance between “life and work”. There are given constituents of the notion “work and life”, also we offered basic orientations of policy in achievement the correspondent balance, analyzed possible consequences of establishment/violation for a person or business, in particular for enterprises in the tourism and hospitality sphere. There are given and analyses survey results of the specialists in tourist enterprises concerning the balance between working and free time. Several kinds (...)
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  36. Role of organisational culture in innovation development of tourism and hospitality enterprises providing.Oleksandr Krupskyi - 2015 - Economic Annals-XXI 155 (11-12):96-99.
    Innovations as a source of competitive advantages for an enterprise are described in the article; the influence of organisational culture and its elements are analysed with regard to finding ways of innovative development. The major problems hindering the implementation of the culture that enables innovations in the hospitality and tourism industry in Ukraine have been identified under own research of 69 hospitality enterprises. It was found out that degree of innovativeness depends on the size of the company, and for (...)
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  37. Factors That Inhibit Tourism Development: A Case Study of Ababa (Festival) Religio- Cultural Carnival in Oron.Anthony Okon Ben - 2018 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 1 (2).
    Religious tourism is as old as religion itself and consequently, it is the oldest form of tourism in the world. Most religions have holy places that people visit from time to time for several reasons. This work examines the Ababa carnival which involves faith- activities, but in a heightened form. It involves pilgrimages to the Ababa holy shrine in Esin Ufot Eyo-Abasi in Oron. This work identifies as a problem, the lack of basic infrastructures and non-patriotic and neglecting (...)
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  38. The physical tourist: A Glasgow heritage tour.Sean F. Johnston - 2006 - Physics in Perspective 8:451-465.
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  39. Connecting environmental sustainability education to practical applications for tourism students in Thailand.Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Sari Ni Putu Wulan Purnama, Minh Huan Nguyen, Davy Budiono, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Tourism education plays a key role in shaping students’ engagement with sustainability by providing them with the knowledge and skills to address environmental challenges and encouraging them to promote sustainable practices in the industry. This study explores how four years of tourism education at Prince of Songkla University in Phuket, Thailand, influence students’ knowledge, attitudes, and intentions toward sustainability. Despite gaining theoretical knowledge of sustainability principles, the findings reveal a decline in students’ willingness to adopt environmental sustainability practices (...)
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  40. Modern Methods of Management Decision-Making and their Connection With Organizational Culture of the Tourism Enterprises in Ukraine.Oleksandr Krupskyi - 2014 - Economic Annals-XXI 1 (7-8):95-98.
    Management decision-making is a daily task that managers of various levels solve in every organization. Degree of difficulty of this process depends on the scope of authority, responsibility level, manager’s position in organizational hierarchy; on the changes in the environment, unpredictability of which causes emergence of significant amounts of alternatives. For this reason, managers do not rely only on intuition or personal experience (which limited with selective perception, cognitive ability, ability to withstand stress and/or the presence of bias), but use (...)
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  41. Franchising as a Tool for Organizational Culture Formation in Tourism.Tatyana Grynko & Oleksandr Krupskyi - 2015 - Aktual'ni Problemy Ekonomiky= Actual Problems in Economics 163:145-154.
    The article considers franchising as a tool for market penetration and presence on it and also provides its main advantages, in tourism and hospitality sector in particular; examines the role of franchising for tourism enterprises within the contemporary economic system; pays attention to organizational culture as a factor of franchising development in the travel industry ("TUI GROUP" case study). On the basis of employee survey the key problems are revealed associated with neglecting the importance of organizational culture formation (...)
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  42. Tourism and Indigenous Communities: Implementing Policies of Sustainable Management.Arnold Groh - 2012 - In Ernest Anye Fongwa, Sustainability Assessment: Practice, method and emerging socio-cultural issues for sustainable development. SVH. pp. 168-183.
    Culture is a key resource for tourism. Any destabilisation of a local culture makes a destination less attractive for visitors. It is therefore in the interest of tour providers to protect and re-stabilise culture. There is great need for such efforts with regard to indigenous cultures, which are endangered worldwide. In this chapter, it is being elaborated why tourism needs to employ policies that ensure the maintenance of indigenous cultures. In their idiosyn-cratic physical appearance, which, in tropical areas, (...)
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  43. Medical Tourism in Ghana: A History.Samuel Adu-Gyamfi - 2022 - Kaleidoscope: Journal of History of Culture, Science and Medicine 12 (25):1-26.
    Medical tourism can be defined as the process of travelling outside of an individual’s country to another to seek medical care. The current research studies medical tourism in Ghana historically, focusing on Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra and Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital in Kumase. Using a qualitative research approach, the study provides a historical argument on the continuities and discontinuities of medical tourism in Ghana. Indeed, medical tourism has undergone several transitions over time. To emphasize, (...)
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  44. Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Heritage in the era of Radical Climate Change Related Urban Transitions.Asma Mehan & Jessica Stuckemeyer - 2023 - Geographies of the Anthropocene, Il Sileno Edizioni 6 (2):169-192.
    The adaptive reuse of industrial heritage, a critical component in addressing radical climate change-related urban transitions, is increasingly pertinent. This paper distinguishes ‘urban transitions’ from ‘urban transformation,’ emphasizing a more gradual, adaptive approach to urban development under the pressures of climate change. It explores the repurposing of industrial buildings and spaces, maintaining their cultural and historical value while meeting current urban needs. Through a mixed-methods approach, the paper analyses how adaptive reuse contributes to sustainable urban development, examines the scale (...)
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  45. Towards More-than-Human Heritage: Arboreal Habitats as a Challenge for Heritage Preservation.Stanislav Roudavski & Julian Rutten - 2020 - Built Heritage 4 (4):1-17.
    Trees belong to humanity’s heritage, but they are more than that. Their loss, through catastrophic fires or under business-as-usual, is devastating to many forms of life. Moved by this fact, we begin with an assertion that heritage can have an active role in the design of future places. Written from within the field of architecture, this article focuses on structures that house life. Habitat features of trees and artificial replacement habitats for arboreal wildlife serve as concrete examples. Designs of such (...)
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  46. Oil Heritage in the Golden Triangle. Spindletop-Gladys City Boomtown.Zachary S. Casey & Asma Mehan - 2023 - In Joeri Januarius, TICCIH Bulletin No. 101. TICCIH (The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage). pp. 38-40.
    In the heart of southeast Texas, an industrial powerhouse often referred to as the 'Golden Triangle', the oil refineries and petrochemical plants stand as stalwart testaments to the region's economic evolution. Interestingly, before the discovery of oil at Spindletop, the lumber and cattle industries powered this region's economy. A profound shift occurred when the Lucas Gusher, a fountain of oil spurting thousands of feet into the air, struck the lands of Spindletop Hill on January 10, 1901. This remarkable discovery of (...)
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  47. Societing, Heritage e Marketing. I musei aziendali: due casi di studio.Luca Corchia (ed.) - 2015 - Pisa: Arnus University Books.
    Negli ultimi decenni i sociologi ed economisti hanno sottolineato come il mondo del consumo sia sempre più caratterizzato dalle componenti culturali, sociali ed emotive. La marca cessa di essere semplice depositaria di benefit tangibili e performance oggettive ed estende il dominio all’area dei valori, delle relazioni e dei sentimenti. Adattandosi ai cambiamenti comunicativi il marketing si è arricchito di nuove strategie che la letteratura identifica con il temine “non convenzionali”: il market environment, il market niche, la client relationship, le competences (...)
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  48. Formation of the Economic Security System of Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises.Oleksandr P. Krupskyi, Sergii Sardak, Y. Kolbushkin & Y. Stasyuk - 2019 - Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics 10 (4):1159-1175.
    The purpose of the paper is to consider genesis and approaches to forming a security culture of tourism and hospitality enterprises that are superstructures of economic, industrial, professional, household, ecological, psychological and social security. In the research, apart from general scientific methods, we used the collection and analysis of primary information obtained from the survey of 220 respondents. Three areas that have a decisive influence on the security of tourism and hospitality enterprises have been identified: organizational culture, decision-making (...)
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  49. Contemporary Architectural Heritage and Industrial Identity in Historic Districts, case study: Dezful.Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad, Mohammad Didehban & Hassan Bazazzadeh - 2016 - Journal of Studies on Iranian-Islamic City 6 (22):41-50.
    Industrial heritage as a relatively recent phenomenon is the production of mid-20th century. The industrial heritage represents the culture, historical situation, processes, technologies and outstanding achievements of each region. Based on the value of contemporary architecture, It is necessary to protect them. Nowadays, the protection of industrial heritage has become an international challenge. One of the prerequisites of the protection of industrial heritage is recognizing their value and their position. Proper protection of industrial heritage needs to study and deep understanding (...)
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    E-Tourism in Nigeria: An Examination of Internet as a Tool for Tourism Marketing in Ikogosi Warm and Cold Spring Holiday Resort.Deborah Olasupo, Ibidapo Adebayo & Olakunle Orimaye - 2024 - International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research 3 (2):76-92.
    This study seeks to ascertain the role played by Internet in marketing the tourism sector in Nigeria, majorly highlighting Ikogosi Warm Spring in Ekiti state. Recognizing tourism's socio-economic benefits, the research explores whether digital marketing could enhance visibility and visitor numbers for under-promoted sites like Ikogosi. Key questions address internet usage, tourist behavior, and the challenges facing e-tourism in Nigeria. Survey data were collected from 100 participants (60 tourists and 40 stakeholders), with findings that 70% of all (...)
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