Results for 'ukrainian cordocentrism'

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    The main purpose of the article is to analyze the statements of philosophical Ukrainian Studies about the anthropological specifics of Ukrainian philosophical thought by means of historicalphilosophical cultural-predicative analysis. The research methodology was determined primarily by the concept of cultural attribution and translation in the dialogue of languages of historical cultures of the Poznań Methodological School (J. Topolski, W. Wrzosek, E. Domańska) and the culturological approach in historical-philosophical Ukrainian Studies (V. Horskyi, S. Rudenko). The statements of the (...)
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  2. РЕКОНСТРУКЦІЯ КОРДОЦЕНТРИЧНОЇ ПАРАДИГМИ В УКРАЇНСЬКІЙ КЛАСИЧНІЙ ФІЛОСОФІЇ: ПОСТАНОВКА ПРОБЛЕМИ І ТЕРМІНОЛОГІЧНІ ПОЯСНЕННЯ.Yaroslav Hnatiuk - 2000 - Збірник Наукових Праць: Філософія, Соціологія, Психологія. – Івано-Франківськ: Вид-Во Andquot;Плай" Прикарпатського Ун-Ту 4 (1):207-215.
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  3. УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ КОРДОЦЕНТРИЗМ У КОНФЛІКТІ МІФОЛОГІЙ ТА ІНТЕРПРЕТАЦІЙ.Yaroslav Hnatiuk (ed.) - 2010 - Івано-Франківськ, Івано-Франківська область, Україна, 76000:
    Українська академічна спільнота, незважаючи на значний теоретичний масив інформації, й далі перебуває у полоні ілюзій, шаблонів сприйняття та некоректних тлумачень концепта «український кордоцентризм». Філософська дискусія навколо цього концепта є конфліктом міфологій – протистоянням між міфом про унікальний етноментальний феномен та міфом про ілюзію наукової уяви. Водночас вона є конфліктом інтерпретацій – протистоянням між міфічною інтерпретацією класичної доби української філософії та її метафілософською інтерпретацією. Пропонована монографія ознайомлює із філософською позицією автора концепта «український кордоцентризм», його оцінкою цих конфліктів.
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  4. Ukrainian Fundamental Science and European Values.Olexander Gabovich, Volodymyr Kuznetsov & Nadiya Semenova (eds.) - 2016 - Kyiv, Ukraine: National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" Press.
    Certain principle aspects of the fundamental science state in Ukraine as of 2014 were analyzed. It was shown that no awareness exists in the country that the main although not unique task of the science consists in the creation of new knowledge. The special attention was paid to state academies of science, in particular, to the National academy of science of Ukraine. It was demonstrated that the active law concerning science as well as the project of the new law have (...)
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  5. Ukrainian Analytical Studies of Science in the Search of the Sense of their Existence.Volodymyr Kuznetsov - 2012 - In М Попович (ed.), Теорія смислу в гуманітарних дослідженнях та інтенсіональні моделі в точних науках. pp. 116-168.
    The Soviet ideology treated natural science as one of its cornerstones and provided the state support for philosophical studies of science. Their main aims were to prove its intellectual superiority and to demonstrate its scientific character. Do these studies have some positive results and resources for surviving in post-Soviet times? The chapter gives the overview of present situation in Ukrainian analytical studies of science and indicates some perspectives of their developments. Some of these are connected with a careful structure-nominative (...)
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  6. Ukrainian Students in Spain after World War II.Oleksandr Pronkevych & Olga Shestopal - 2018 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 5:117-132.
    The paper analyzes a book written by Volodymyr Yarymovych, Oleksandr Bilyk, and Mykola Volynskyi, entitled Narys istorii ukrainskoi studentskoi hromady ta Ukrainskykh poselen v Espanii 1946–1996 (An Overview of the History of the Ukrainian Student Community and Ukrainian Settlements in Spain, 1946–1996), which tells about the Ukrainian students who arrived in Madrid in 1946 and formed part of the early Ukrainian Diaspora in Spain. The book proves to be an important source of information, previously unknown to (...)
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  7. Cultural Revolution: Mykhail Semenko, Ukrainian Futurism and the “National” Category.Oleh S. Ilnytzkyj - 2017 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 4:45-52.
    This paper examines Mykhail Semenko’s Futurist manifestos that developed an opposition between “national” and “international” art, and specifically called “national” art provincial and retrograde. In promoting the international European avant-garde, Semenko’s essays demonstrate how consistently he championed a contemporary and modern Ukrainian culture in the face of home-grown conservatism.
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  8. Ukrainian Guilts and Apologies: a Space of Connotations.Vadym Vasiutynskyi - 2018 - Psychology and Psychosocial Interventions 1:25-30.
    According to the results of 162 respondents survey, the affective and cognitive components of feelings of guilt in the space of Ukrainians’ collective consciousness were described. This space is complex, but poorly structured, capable of appearing and spreading little understood defensive assessments and attitudes. -/- The content of relevant processes recorded the following trends: undifferentiated feelings of guilt, general self-accusations, accusations of Ukrainians themselves for historical failures, shame for Ukrainians’ violence, readiness to recognize or not to recognize Ukrainians’ guilties, accusations (...)
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  9. Ukrainian experience of personnel vocational training: problems and prospects.Oleksandr Krupskyi & Vladislava Ivankiva - 2019 - VUZF REVIEW 3 (4):3-14.
    A critical analysis of the Ukrainian experience of vocational training of personnel is conducted in the work. The statistics data on the number of employees who participated in vocational training activities during 2016-2018 are presented and analyzed. Based on the analysis, the main reasons for the low interest of Ukrainian business owners in the personnel vocational training were identified. In the work, the author also has highlighted the factors that restrain and activate the development of vocational training of (...)
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  10. Fighting Justly: The Russo-Ukrainian War and the Usefulness of Morality.Peter Olsthoorn - 2024 - In Reflections on the Russia-Ukraine War. Leiden: Leiden University Press. pp. 385-395.
    War is almost always conducted with various restrictions in the form of rules, rituals, and taboos. Many of the norms that regulate warfare can be found in the tradition of just war. This tradition seeks to provide a middle ground between an unrealistic (at least for politicians) pacifism that does not even allow war in self-defence and a too realistic realism that claims there is no place for ethics in war. The tradition of just war does not have the force (...)
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  11. Between Physicality and Symbolism: Kyiv as a Contested Territory in Russian and Ukrainian Émigré Letters, 1920–1939.Mykola Iv Soroka - 2018 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 5:143-159.
    The paper deals with visions of Kyiv in the writings of Russian and Ukrainian émigré writers during the interwar period. The city became a focal point of intensive intellectual debate whose participants regarded Kyiv not only as a place of a recent battleground but also as a sacral place and a highly symbolic image. Within the methodological framework of ethnic symbolism, this study attempts to explain how this physical/symbolic dichotomy was used to reinforce continuing claims for historical origin and (...)
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  12. Biographical encyclopedia (dictionary) as a genre of the contemporary historiography of philosophy: Anglo-American and Ukrainian experience.Vadim Menzhulin - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (1):153-167.
    The article aims at clarifying the historical status and cognitive potentials of such a genre of contemporary historiography of philosophy as biographical encyclopedia (dictionary). Based on extensive bibliographic material, the author demonstrates that in the late XX – early XXI centuries in the English-speaking countries there was a real outbreak of interest in encyclopedias and dictionaries, compiled from personalized articles about the life and works of philosophers of certain epochs, countries, trends, etc. According to the author, the increasing popularity of (...)
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  13. The Perception of Germany in the Kyivan Press: From Ukrainian People’s Republic to the Hetmanate (November 1917 — December 1918).Ivan Basenko - 2017 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 4:67-84.
    The 1917 February Revolution led to the reshaping of the war-era image of the German enemy. Focusing on the former imperial borderland province of the Southwestern Krai, this article unveils the national, political, and cultural considerations of the local Ukrainian and Russian-language media that affected their attitude towards the Germans. It argues that the developments of the 1917–1918 Ukrainian Revolution presented a unique case of constructing the image of the Germans due to the ongoing rivalry between the respective (...)
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  14. Serhii Yefremov: Epitome of the Ukrainian Revolution.Maxim Tarnawsky - 2017 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 4:1-10.
    Yefremov’s personal characteristics exemplify the characteristic features of the Ukrainian revolution. He was an argumentative, pugnacious man, and the revolution was characterized by infighting. He was an institution builder, and that’s a key element of the Ukrainian revolution. He was ideologically an advocate of Ukrainian identity (sooner than social rights or state building) and that too was a feature of the Ukrainian revolution. His diaries and ego writing offer a variety of evidence of these aspects of (...)
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  15. What is Ukrainian Philosophy?Oleksandr Kulyk - 2022 - Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philos.-Political Studies 44:71-76.
    This article adds to the existing descriptive and generalizing studies of the specifics of Ukrainian philosophy an attempt to analyse it. This study examines in which aspects philosophy can be carried out as a national tradition of philosophizing. It is argued that the national peculiarities of philosophy can manifest themselves in the choice of (1) the topic of philosophizing, (2) the standards of logical rigor of philosophical thinking, and (3) certain philosophical methods and forms of thought development. Linguistic and (...)
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  16. European smart specialization for Ukrainian regional development: path from creation to implementation.Yevheniia Polishchuk, Alla Ivashchenko, Igor Britchenko, Pavel Machashchik & Serhiy Shkarlet - 2019 - Problems and Perspectives in Management 17 (2):376-391.
    The focus of the research is to develop recommendations of smart specialization (SS) for Ukrainian policymakers using European approaches. The authors revealed that the main SS projects are presented in such sectors as agri-food, industrial modernization and energy. More than 12 EU countries were the plot for conducted analysis of SS, as a result of which the level of activity of each country was determined. The creation of consortiums, including SMEs, associations, universities and other participants, disclosed the successful way (...)
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  17. Practices of using Rapid Response Collecting by Ukrainian museums in wartime.Oksana Hudoshnyk & Oleksandr P. Krupskyi - 2023 - Muzeológia a Kultúrne Dedičstvo 11 (2):5-16.
    Social activity and public involvement in participatory practices, and the creation of civic spaces on the basis of the museum have become relevant for the formation of the concept of a modern museum. Such practices are especially important in times of crisis when history is being documented online and the Rapid Response Collecting (RRC) method is becoming widespread. Modern war discourse requires the newest forms of archiving and description because the recording of history is complicated by the volatility of the (...)
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  18. The German Topos of Ukraine as a Lost Homeland: Ukrainian Topography in the Poem “Flight Into Kyiv” by Hans-Ulrich Treichel.Ievgeniia Voloshchuk - 2018 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 5:171-181.
    The article focuses on the cartographic enactment of the topos of Ukraine as a lost homeland in contemporary German literary discourse on migration, and in particular in the body of work that conveys the voices of the “second generation” — children of the German (post-)war migration. The article analyses by way of an illustrative example Hans-Ulrich Treichel’s poem “Flight into Kyiv,” in which we find reflected the autobiographical theme of the (re)construction of the lost homeland of his father, a Volyn (...)
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  19. Influence of non-monetary information signals of the USA on the Ukrainian stock market volatility.Roman Pavlov, Tatyana Pavlova, Anna Lemberg, Oksana Levkovich & Iryna Kurinna - 2019 - Investment Management and Financial Innovations 16 (1):319-333.
    The Ukrainian PFTS stock index volatility reaction as a whole and its constituent economic sectors (“Basic Materials”, “Financials”, “Industrials”, “Oil & Gas”, “Telecommunications”, “Utilities”) to seven non-monetary US information signals (“Consumer price index”, “Personal spending”, “Unemployment rate”, “Gross domestic product”, “Industrial production”, “Consumer confidence”, “Housing starts”) was carried out for the period 2000–2017 on the basis of closing stock quotations in the trading day format. To assess the “surprise” component direct influence nature of the USA selected non-monetary information signals (...)
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  20. The Comparison of Efficiency and Performance of Portuguese and Ukrainian Enterprises.Igor Britchenko, Ana Paula Monte, Igor Kryvovyazyuk & Lidiia Kryvoviaziuk - 2018 - Списание «Икономически Изследвания (Economic Studies)» 1:87-108.
    This article intends to analyze the performance and the efficiency of companies and to identify the key factors that may explain it. It was selected a sample with 15 enterprises: 7 Portuguese and 8 Ukrainian ones, belonging to several industries. Financial and non-financial data was collected for 6 years, during the period of 2009 to 2014. Research questions that guided this work were: Are the enterprises efficient/profitable? What factors influence enterprises’ efficiency/performance? Is there any difference between Ukrainian and (...)
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    Leitmotifs of anti-Ukrainian propaganda in the Romanian media sphere.Catalin Negoita (ed.) - 2024 - Bucuresti: Tritonic.
    This article highlights the underlying themes or leitmotifs of anti-Ukrainian war propaganda that resonate in the Romanian media sphere. Utilizing the method of thematic analysis, we dissect the messages related to the war in Ukraine that have been disseminated in mass media and social media. Our research, which is primarily descriptive, focuses on the content of the messages, not their authors’ personal, financial, or ideological motivations. To achieve our research goal, we will present the essential features of propaganda messages (...)
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  22. Ranking system for Ukrainian banks based on financial standing.V. Y. Khmarskyi & Roman Pavlov - 2016 - Actual Problems of Economics 184 (10):348-360.
    The paper provides a new approach to determining the financial standing of Ukrainian banks in the long and short terms. Using the European assessing indices and the national ones, a new ranking system is created. The authors ranked 20 biggest Ukrainian banks by assets and grouped them into corresponding financial groups.
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  23. Is the personal-member institution of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences justified in the light of scientometric indicators?Alexander Gabovich & Vladimir Kuznetsov - 2011 - Sociology of Science and Technology 2 (2):47-68.
    Existence of state-supported academies of science is a distinctive feature of the fundamental-science organization in Ukraine. Their research staff is divided into two groups: (i) personal members (academicians and corresponding members) and the rest of the researchers. First-group members have numerous economic and status privileges. It is officially purported that personal members are scientifically qualified than their colleagues. We analyzed this hypothesis on the basis of international indicators of the scientifi c activity (numbers of publications in the international peer-reviewed journals (...)
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  24. Features and new trends in the provision of services by Ukrainian tourism companies.Sergii Sardak & V. V. Dzhyndzhoian S. E. Sardak - 2017 - In Finansów Publicznych, I. Marketingu & Katedra Polityki Europejskiej (eds.), 3rd International Conference on Marketing Management : Conference Proceedings, June 5-6, 2017. pp. 1-2.
    The objectives of the study are to determine the main trends and characteristics of the provision of services by Ukrainian travel companies over the past 10 years. Ukraine is explored in terms of domestic and international tourism (inbound and outbound). The study uses the data of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the data of the regional statistical offices, as well as the results of the author's calculations. Modern methods of global clustering and marketing (...)
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  25. Influence of monetary information signals of the USA on the Ukrainian stock market.Roman Pavlov, Tatyana Grynko, Tatyana Pavlova, Levkovich Oksana & Pawliszczy Dariusz - 2020 - Investment Management and Financial Innovations 17 (4):327-340.
    The stronger the level of economic integration between countries, the greater the need to study the formation patterns of the stock market reaction to the financial information signals. This concerns the Ukrainian stock market, which is now in its infancy, and which reaction to financial information signals is sometimes ambiguous. The research aims to identify the formation patterns of return and volatility indicators of the Ukrainian stock market reaction to the US financial information signals. To assess the direct (...)
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  26. Ensuring the financial safety of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises in the context of export products and the impact on macroeconomic indicators.Maksym Bezpartochnyi, Igor Britchenko & Olesia Bezpartochna - 2021 - VUZF REVIEW 3 (6):186-195.
    This article is devoted to the study of directions of financial safety of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises through the assessment of indicators economic activity and analysis of the export potential of agricultural products. The financial indicators of economic activity of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises, which affect the ensuring of financial safety, are determined. The activity of large Ukrainian agricultural enterprises in terms of their capitalization and formation of own capital are studied. Analyzed the commodity structure of exports agricultural products (...)
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  27. Short communication: Linguistic Semantics of the Covid-19 Quarantine Concept Perceived by Ukrainians.Vitalii Shymko & Anzhela Babadzhanova - 2020 - Advance.
    The manuscript presents a summary of the results of the linguistic semantics study of Covid-19 related quarantine. Research conducted on a sample of Russian speaking Ukrainians. Found content and structure of the respective discursive field. Described features of inter-discourse connections. Established that the actualization of some discourses is accompanied by the deactivation of others, what makes quarantine semantics biased. Also, it was suggested that some of the discourses are indirectly positively associated and form the semantic core of the quarantine concept.
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  28. Evaluation of Ukrainian banks’ business models by the structural and functional groups analysis method.Olena Zarutska, Lyudmila Novikova, Roman Pavlov, Tatyana Pavlova & Oksana Levkovich - 2022 - Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice 4 (45):8-20.
    A method of identifying banks’ business models and studying the features of their risk profile, considering the system of indicators featuring the structure of assets, liabilities, income, expenses, and other qualitative indicators based on monthly statistical reporting. Kohonen's self-organizing maps (SOM) are used to process large data sets, revealing objects’ hidden features by forming homogeneous groups according to similar values of a large system of indicators. The choice of the system of indicators that play the most significant role in describing (...)
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  29. Main characteristics of business models and risk profile of Ukrainian banks.E. Zarutska, Roman Pavlov, Tatyana Pavlova, D. Pawliszczy & B. Kuchmacz - 2020 - Financial and Credit Activity: Problems of Theory and Practice 2 (33):15-22.
    The article investigates the main characteristics of the financial stability of Ukrainian banks, their risk profile, structure of assets, liabilities, income, expenses based on the monthly reporting data for 2004-2020 (number of observations – 3 813). The Kohonen self-organizing map (SOM) toolkit is used to form homogeneous groups of banks based on a large number of financial indicators. The selected toolkit provides a convenient visualization of the results. Each bank occupies a specific place on the SOM. The close location (...)
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  30. Volodymyr Vynnychenko and the Early Ukrainian Decadent Film (1917–1918).Kirillova Olga - 2017 - NaUKMA Research Papers. History and Theory of Culture 191:52-55.
    The article is focused on the phenomenon of the early Ukrainian decadent cinema, in particular, in relation to filmings of Volodymyr Vynnychenko’s dramaturgy. One of the brightest examples of ‘film decadence’ in Vynnychenko’s oevre is “The Lie” directed by Vyacheslav Vyskovs’ky in 1918, discovered recently in the film archives. This film displays the principles of ‘ethical symbolism’, ‘dark’ expressionist aesthetics and remains the unique masterpiece of specifically Ukranian film decadence.
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  31. Features of franchising expansion into the Ukrainian tourist market.Victoriia Redko & Yurii V. Semych - 2020 - European Journal of Management Issues 28 (3):101-109.
    Purpose – to differency in the franchise model implementation by tour operators in the European and Ukrainian markets. Design/Method/Approach. A theoretical approach is based on generalization, system and comparative analysis, content analysis, statistical, and graphical and tabular methods. Findings. The research characterized business franchising models of the largest multidisciplinary tour operators of mass tourism in Ukraine. The general conditions of performing tourist activity on the principles of business franchising for travel agencies are determined. The authors clarified the differences between (...)
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  32. Review of Rhonda L. Hinther, "Perogies and Politics: Canada's Ukrainian Left, 1891-1991". [REVIEW]Jeff Kochan - 2020 - East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies 7 (1):283-285.
    Using an intersectionalist analysis, Hinther recounts efforts by Canada’s Ukrainian minority to build an ethnically distinct leftist movement. Opposed from without by both left-wing internationalists and right-wing nationalists, and hobbled from within by stubborn gender and generational inequalities, the movement finally lost its radical political momentum and so took up its allotted place in Canada’s polite multicultural mosaic. (Published in the series “Studies in Gender and History,” University of Toronto Press, 2018.).
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  33. The Revolution of 1917 — the 1920s and the History of Social and Political Thought from Ivan Lysiak-Rudnytsky’s Perspective.Serhii Yosypenko - 2017 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 4:53-66.
    Prominent Ukrainian historian Ivan Lysiak-Rudnytsky (1919–1984) repeatedly addressed the topic of the Ukrainian revolution of 1917 – the 1920s, especially considering its intellectual origins and implications in the context of the history of Ukrainian social and political thought. Analysis of his works shows the manner in which the Ukrainian revolution as an event structures the history of Ukrainian social and political thought in both senses of the term “history”: as history itself and as its historiography. (...)
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  34. Do Women War Refugees Owe Connubial Loyalty to the Men They Leave Behind?Dan Demetriou - forthcoming - Public Affairs Quarterly.
    The present war in Ukraine has seen millions of women flee as refugees, while martial law forbids adult men under 60 from leaving the country. According to various reports, many and perhaps most women Ukrainian refugees are breaking romantic ties with the men they leave behind, building new lives with men in their countries of refuge, and/or planning never to return. I avoid any comment about the morality of these events, and instead take up the general question of whether (...)
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  35. “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Intellectual Space” as a Manifestation of Intercultural Communications.Svitlana Kagamlyk - 2018 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 5:61-82.
    Based upon the Ukrainian hierarchs’ epistolary legacy, the article analyzes characteristic features of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy intellectual space, which was created by Academy alumni of different generations and various hierarchy levels. The author establishes that the closest relations were between correspondents belonging to the same or almost same hierarchy level and who were bonded together by the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy educational system and school comradeship, eventually obtained high positions in the hierarchy. Communication within the boundaries of individual centers (the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, (...)
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  36. The Use of Seneca’s Texts in Antonii Radyvylovskyi’s Sermons.Volodymyr Spivak - 2018 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 5:161-170.
    In this paper, through the example of Antonii Radyvylovskyi’s work, I examine the impact of Seneca’s texts on the philosophical component of Ukrainian church sermons from the Baroque period. The objective of this study is to investigate Radyvylovskyi’s use of Seneca’s texts in his own writing. The result should help better understand the ideological influence of ancient philosophy on the formation of the national philosophical tradition of the Baroque epoch. The contents of ideological borrowings from Seneca’s texts and the (...)
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  37. Kyiv Theological Academy Professors at the Beginning of the 20th Century: At the Intersection of Cultures.Liudmyla Pastushenko - 2018 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 5:97-116.
    This article attempts to reveal intercultural connections at the Kyiv Theological Academy at the beginning of the 20th century by reconstructing the spiritual biographies of two theological academy professors: Archimandrite (later, Archbishop of Berlin and Germany) Tykhon (Tymofii Liashchenko) and Petro Kudriavtsev. The article demonstrates how different cultural traditions intersected and combined in the spiritual experience of these figures. The author of the article argues that, as a result of revolutionary events in 1917–1919, both Kyiv Theological Academy professors experienced transformations (...)
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  38. A Reading of Alexander Motyl’s Fall River Through the Lenses of Bordermemories.Tetiana Ostapchuk - 2018 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 5:83-95.
    This paper examines the concepts of borderlands, borderscapes, and bordermemories as cultural discursive practices that have been extensively presented and analyzed in an increasing number of theoretical works in Border Studies. Contemporary American Ukrainian writers have made attempts to introduce their hybrid experience and include it into American culture. One of them is Alexander J. Motyl, whose novel Fall River (2014) is analyzed as an example of border writing. The novel is based on the author’s narrative memory, rooted in (...)
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  39. SOCIAL RECEPTION AND INCLUSION OF REFUGEES FROM UKRAINE.Jakub Isański, Marek Nowak, Michał A. Michalski, Victoria Sereda & Hanna Vakhitova - manuscript
    Our research aimed to study the ongoing phenomena of cross-border displacement of the Ukrainian population resulting from the Russian aggression that started on the 24th of February 2022. In the first stage of this research, we managed to get the opinions of over 500 refugees with a focus on their needs, concerns, plans, and expectations. Collected data also allowed a reconstruction of social-demographic profiles of fleeing Ukrainian refugees. The preliminary outcomes are presented in the report.
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  40. Higher education of Ukraine and the needs of consumers.Igor Britchenko, Paweł Maciaszczyk & Inna Chajka - 2018 - New Trends in Process Control and Production Management. – Proceedings of the International Conference on Marketing Management, Trade, Financial and Social Aspects of Business (MTS 2017) 2017:309-314.
    The aim of the paper is the development of theoretical approaches and practical recommendations for the formation of a system to respond to the needs of consumers in the company that provides the service. Theoretical and methodological foundation work was to study and rethink works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists on improving marketing activities, services based on the formation of a system to respond to the needs of consumers. Based on systematic methods, structural analysis, causal analysis, synthesis and argumentation (...)
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  41. Comment on David G. Anderson & Dmitry V. Arzyutov, “The Etnos Archipelago: Sergei M. Shirokogoroff and the Life History of a Controversial Anthropological Concept”.Jeff Kochan - 2019 - Current Anthropology 60 (6):741-73 (pp. 760-1).
    In response to Anderson and Arzyutov’s paper, I argue that ambiguities in the Russian social-scientific concept of “etnos” reveal its place in what I call a “field style” for thinking and doing science. Tolerance for ambiguity is, I suggest, a methodological strength of the field sciences. I support these reflections by also addressing the etnos concept’s origins in the complex history of Ukrainian nationalism.
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    Девід Чалмерс. "Аргумент 1: логічна можливість зомбі" (пер. з англ. Андрія Леонова).Andrii Leonov - 2015 - Філософська Думка 5:60-67. Translated by Andrii Leonov.
    This is the first Ukrainian translation of the seminal excerpt "Argument 1: The logical possibility of zombies" from David Chalmers's 1996 magnum opus The Conscious Mind.
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    Девід Чалмерс. "Лицем до лиця з проблемою свідомості" (пер. з англ. Андрія Леонова).Andrii Leonov - 2013 - Actual Problems of Mind 14:121-152. Translated by Andrii Leonov.
    This is the first Ukrainian translation of David Chalmers's 1995 classical paper "Facing Up to the Problem of Consciousness.".
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    Джон Дьюї. Досвід і природа. Розділ 7. "Природа, життя і тіло-ум" (пер. з англ. Андрія Леонова).Andrii Leonov - 2024 - Actual Problems of Mind 25:204-242. Translated by Andrii Leonov.
    This is the first Ukrainian translation of the seventh chapter, “Nature, Life and Body-Mind,” from John Dewey’s 1925 philosophical magnum opus Experience and Nature.
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  45. The Philosophy of Law. History and Modernity.Volodymyr Kuznetsov (ed.) - 2003 - Stylos.
    The manual represents the evolution of the concept of law from antiquity to the end of XX century. It also describes some important Anglo-American directions in the philosophy of law, which are important for developments of Ukrainian legal system (legal positivism, naturalism, realism, criticism, feminism, economical theory of law, postmodernism, etc. The main text is supplemented with excerpts from the writings on the philosophy of law, which are little known for Ukrainian readers. The audience of textbook is students, (...)
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  46. Philosophy and Philosophical Education.Ihor Karivets - 2014 - Philosophical Thought 6.
    In this essay the author underlines the difference between philosophy and philosophical education. Recent debates on the problems of philosophical education have shown that they had not answered the main question: what is philosophy? The author stresses that philosophy is the understanding of unconditioned beginning; it is not the searching of such a beginning, but only the understanding. We see that philosophy is substituted for philosophical education. Such substitution is the death of philosophy, because philosophy became very specialized science, divided (...)
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  47. УКРАЇНСЬКА ФІЛОСОФІЯ НА ШЛЯХАХ КОНЦЕПТУАЛІЗАЦІЇ.Yaroslav Hnatiuk - 2013 - In Гуцуляк О.Б (ed.), Історія філософії як школа думки. Збірник на пошану професора С.М. Возняка (до 85-річчя з дня народження). pp. 429-443.
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    "Арґумент зомбі" Девіда Чалмерса: переднє слово перекладача.Andrii Leonov - 2015 - Філософська Думка 5:51-59.
    This paper provides a short commentary to the first Ukrainian translation of the seminal excerpt "Argument 1: The logical possibility of zombies" from David Chalmers's magnum opus The Conscious Mind (1996). Here, I look at the main notions from the translated excerpt such as "mind," "perceiving," "be awake," "there is nothing it is like to be a zombie," "supervenience," conceivability, "completed physics," briefly explain their meaning, as well as show why I chose to translate them this way and not (...)
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  49. Українське ісламознавство в контексті проблеми дослідження радикального джихадізму.Mykola Nesprava - 2018 - Гілея: Науковий Вісник 128:270-272.
    Obtaining data on the results of the study of Ukrainian scholars on radical Jihadism is the purpose of this study. To achieve this goal, the study uses analysis and hermeneutics as its research methods. The research found that in the Ukrainian Islamic studies, there are now five main areas of research: theoretical, historical, social, economical and the area of security provision. In Ukraine, the problem of radical Jihadism is considered within the framework of the security research direction. The (...)
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  50. Transformation of the French Pattern of a Naturalistic Character in Ivan Franko’s Literary Works.Nataliia Yatskiv - 2018 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 5:183-200.
    The article deals with the means of constructing a naturalistic character, the model for which was proposed by French writers: the Goncourt brothers and Émile Zola. Naturalists draw their personage concept from the interpretation of its biological nature. The focus of its depiction is shifted to the study of fundamental features of human nature rather than “variables” of the historical forms of its manifestation. A naturalistic character, being “a biological being” rather than “a set of social relations,” is completely absorbed (...)
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