
Edited by Thomas Blanchard (Université Bordeaux Montaigne)
Assistant editor: Zili Dong

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  1. Life and Death in Hegelian Judgements.Tal Meir Giladi - 2025 - Hegel Bulletin 1:1-19.
    Hegel contends that judgements are contradictory, finite and untrue. Prominent schol- ars argue that Hegel’s issue with judgements is resolved in the later stages of his Logic. Specifically, Ng suggests that this solution is found in Hegel’s discussion of life. In this article, I argue that not only does life fail to resolve Hegel’s problem with judgement— death highlights its insolubility. To support this claim, I examine Hegel’s discussion of judgements in the Logic, showing that judgements are inherently contradictory because (...)
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    The philosophy of superdeterminism is based on a single scientific fact about the universe, namely that cause and effect in physics are not real. In 2020, accomplished Swedish theoretical physicist, Dr. Johan Hansson published a physics proof using Albert Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity that our universe is superdeterministic meaning a predetermined static block universe without cause and effect in physics. The physics principle of locality states that an object is influenced directly only by its immediate surroundings due to causality. (...)
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    The philosophy of superdeterminism is based on a single scientific fact about the universe, namely that cause and effect in physics are not real. In 2020, accomplished Swedish theoretical physicist, Dr. Johan Hansson published a physics proof using Albert Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity that our universe is superdeterministic meaning a predetermined static block universe without cause and effect in physics. There are various grounds for objecting to Dr. Hansson’s version of superdeterminism, but none hold any water. The most common (...)
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  4. Legal Causation and Zeno Sequences.John Hawthorne - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics.
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    The philosophy of superdeterminism is based on a single scientific fact about the universe, namely that cause and effect in physics are not real. In 2020, accomplished Swedish theoretical physicist, Dr. Johan Hansson published a physics proof using Albert Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity that our universe is superdeterministic meaning a predetermined static block universe without cause and effect in physics. The unity of our universe originates from its creation from the same nothingness under the zero energy universe theory. However, (...)
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  6. The young Leibniz's tentative acceptance of physical occasionalism.Christian Henkel - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 62 (4):486-500.
    In this article, I revisit Leibniz's early views on physical causation, more specifically, his relation to physical occasionalism focusing on the period from 1668 to 1676. An in-depth analysis of the Confession of Nature against the Atheists taken together with the Catholic Demonstrations, Leibniz's correspondence with Jakob Thomasius from 1668/69, and the Pacidius Philalethi (1676) serve as evidence that his position leads to physical occasionalism. This receives further confirmation by taking into account Leibniz's familiarity with Weigel's occasionalism in contrast to (...)
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  7. Shortest Possible World (Via Cause-Effect Role Reversal of Pre-temporal Causal Pairs).Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    Perhaps beginning of time is the common end of many causal paths (many effects as causal beginnings) and that temporal phenomena compete for somehow finding their way towards one of the beginning of the casual paths. Each casual path starts from a distinct set of parts but they all converge to the same whole at the end of their path. Such a pre-temporal causation is constitution of a whole by the sets. The temporal is de-constitution, the reverse direction, but implicates (...)
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  8. Blame as Attention.Eugene Chislenko - forthcoming - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly.
    The wide variety of blame presents two difficult puzzles. Why are instances of blame categorized under so many different mental kinds, such as judgment, belief, emotion, action, intention, desire, and combinations of these? Why is “blame” used to describe both interpersonal reactions and mere causal attributions, such as blaming faulty brakes for a car crash? I introduce a new conception of blame, on which blame is attention to something as a source of badness. I argue that this view resolves both (...)
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  9. Mechanism, Occasionalism and Final Causes in Johann Christoph Sturm’s Physics.Christian Henkel - 2021 - Early Science and Medicine 26 (4):314-340.
    This paper argues that mechanism, occasionalism and finality (the acceptance of final causes) can be and were de facto integrated into a coherent system of natural philosophy by Johann Christoph Sturm (1635–1703). Previous scholarship has left the relation between these three elements understudied. According to Sturm, mechanism, occasionalism and finality can count as explanatorily useful elements of natural philosophy, and they might go some way to dealing with the problem of living beings. Occasionalism, in particular, serves a unifying ground: It (...)
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  10. Classifying Genetic Essentialist Biases using Large Language Models.Ritsaart Reimann, Kate Lynch, Stefan Gawronski, Jack Chan & Paul Edmund Griffiths - manuscript
    The rapid rise of generative AI, including LLMs, has prompted a great deal of concern, both within and beyond academia. One of these concerns is that generative models embed, reproduce, and therein potentially perpetuate all manner of bias. The present study offers an alternative perspective: exploring the potential of LLMs to detect bias in human generated text. Our target is genetic essentialism in obesity discourse in Australian print media. We develop and deploy an LLM-based classification model to evaluate a large (...)
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  11. The Early Modern Rationalists and Substantial Form: From Natural Philosophy to Metaphysics.Valtteri Viljanen - 2024 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 13 (2):37-62.
    In this paper I argue that, contrary to what one might think, early modern rationalism displays an increasing and well-grounded sensitivity to certain metaphysical questions substantial form was designed to answer—despite the fact that the notion itself was in such disrepute, and emphatically banished from natural philosophy. This main thesis is established by examining the thought of Descartes, Spinoza, and Leibniz through the framework constituted by what have been designated as the two aspects, metaphysical and physical, of substantial form. This (...)
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  12. Needs as Causes.Ashley Shaw - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    Facts about need play some role in our causal understanding of the world. We understand, for example, that people have basic needs for food, water and shelter, and that people come to be harmed because those needs go unmet. But what are needs? How do explanations in terms of need fit into our broader causal understanding of the world? This paper provides an account of need attribution, their contribution to causal explanations, and their relation to disposition attribution.
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  13. Thing causation.Nathaniel Baron-Schmitt - 2024 - Noûs 58 (4):1050-1072.
    According to orthodoxy, the most fundamental kind of causation involves one event causing another event. I argue against this event‐causal view. Instead, the most fundamental kind of causation is thing causation, which involves a thing causing a thing to do something. Event causation is reducible to thing causation, but thing causation is not reducible to event causation, because event causation cannot accommodate cases of fine‐grained causation. I defend my view from objections, including C. D. Broad's influential “timing” argument, and I (...)
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  14. Unusual coincidences, statistics and an intelligent influence.Sergei Chekanov - manuscript
    This paper argues that unusual coincidences, particularly those involving historical events, can be viewed as design patterns, suggesting an intelligent influence over the course of events. A compelling case examined in detail using probability theory concerns the presidencies of Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865) and John F. Kennedy (1917–1963). This and other coincidences involving historical figures disfavor the materialistic perspective and point to the presence of an intelligent agent acting on a global scale, beyond the arrow of time, influencing human lives and (...)
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  15. Many Worlds as Anti-Conspiracy Theory: Locally and causally explaining a quantum world without finetuning.Siddharth Muthukrishnan - manuscript
    Why are quantum correlations so puzzling? A standard answer is that they seem to require either nonlocal influences or conspiratorial coincidences. This suggests that by embracing nonlocal influences we can avoid conspiratorial fine-tuning. But that’s not entirely true. Recent work, leveraging the framework of graphical causal models, shows that even with nonlocal influences, a kind of fine-tuning is needed to recover quantum correlations. This fine-tuning arises because the world has to be just so as to disable the use of nonlocal (...)
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  16. Including or excluding free will.Jason D. Runyan - 2024 - In Marilena Streit-Bianchi & Vittorio Gorini, New Frontiers in Science in the Era of AI. Springer Nature. pp. 111-126.
    Antiquated Classical pictures of the universe have been formative in shaping the modern idea that, to the extent change is caused, it is fixed in advance. This idea has played a role in making it seem to many that what we are discovering through science supports the exclusion of free will from models for the relevant neural and bodily changes. I argue that giving up this unwarranted notion about causation opens us to the likelihood that how a person expresses free (...)
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  17. Permissive Determinism.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    This paper attempts to explore theoretical plausibility of a deterministic universe capable of accommodating freedom by postulating certain requisite features for the set of initial conditions (without probing into the nature of deterministic laws). In another sense this paper codifies a reaction to McTaggart’s argument for the unreality of time.
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  18. Demystifying Downward Causation in Biology.Yasmin Haddad - 2024 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 55:1-18.
    The concept of downward causation is frequently used in an explanatory capacity in biology to account for certain regularities and processes. Some philosophers, however, argue that downward causation is metaphysically incoherent, providing three main objections. Underlying these objections is the assumption that entities are connected by compositional hierarchies of levels of organization. In this paper, I introduce the notions of weak and strong compositional relations using examples from evolutionary developmental biology. I argue that downward causation becomes unproblematic if we use (...)
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  19. The Extended Mind Hypothesis: An Objection and Defense.Jenny Lorraine Nielsen - manuscript
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  20. Creation as Divine Absence: A Metaphysical Reframing of the Problem of Evil.Megan Fritts - forthcoming - Religious Studies.
    The philosophical “problem of evil” goes back at least as far as Epicurus and has remained a powerful argument against the existence of God in contemporary philosophy. The argument is rooted in apparent contradictions between God’s divine attributes and various conditions of human existence. But these contradictions arise only given certain assumptions of what we should expect both God and the world to be like given God’s existence. In this paper, I argue that we can utilize the work of the (...)
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  21. (1 other version)John Cowburn: Free Will, Predestination and Determinism. [REVIEW]Carlos G. Patarroyo G. - 2009 - Logoi 14 (1):169-177.
    Esta es una reseña crítica del libro de John Cowburn "Free Will, Predestination and Determinism".
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  22. On Contextual Alternatives.Carlos G. Patarroyo G. - 2023 - Theorema (3):69-86.
    One of the main challenges faced by Frankfurt-style Cases has been elaborated by Carlos Moya. According to this argument, seemingly insignificant alternatives can become significant and exempting due to the context in which agents find themselves. Given that Frankfurt-style Cases involve extreme situations, seemingly insignificant alternatives become robust, rendering Frankfurt Cases ineffective against the Principle of Alternative Possibilities. This paper provides an overview of the contextual alternatives and Frankfurt Cases debate, presents Moya’s strategy, and ultimately advances an argument to cast (...)
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  23. Parpadeos de libertad: la causa-agente y el principio de posibilidades alternativas.Carlos G. Patarroyo G. - 2009 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 52 (52):11-34.
    En 1969 Harry Frankfurt publica su seminal artículo “Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility”. Allí ataca la necesidad del principio de posibilidades alternativas (PPA) para la adscripción de responsabilidad moral a los agentes cuando estos realizan una acción. Desde entonces, muchos han sido los intentos de defender el PPA y de mostrar su necesidad para la adscripción de la responsabilidad moral. En este ensayo se examina uno de esos intentos: el que se basa en la causalidad-agencial propuesta por Thomas Reid (1710-1796), (...)
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  24. Causal Models and Metaphysics—Part 2: Interpreting Causal Models.Jennifer McDonald - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (7):e13007.
    This paper addresses the question of what constitutes an apt interpreted model for the purpose of analyzing causation. I first collect universally adopted aptness principles into a basic account, flagging open questions and choice points along the way. I then explore various additional aptness principles that have been proposed in the literature but have not been widely adopted, the motivations behind their proposals, and the concerns with each that stand in the way of universal adoption. I conclude that the remaining (...)
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  25. Does Kant Debunk Robust Metaphysics?Colin Marshall - forthcoming - In Colin Marshall & Stefanie Grüne, Kant's Lasting Legacy: Essays in Honor of Béatrice Longuenesse. Routledge.
    Robustly realistic metaphysical readings of Kant’s mature views have become popular in recent years, largely because of the apparent coherence of applying unschematized categories like that of causation to things in themselves. There is, however, an overlooked problem that arises even for robust realist readings that privilege unschematized categories. The problem is that Kant provides all the elements for what is now called a ‘debunking explanation’ of metaphysical representations of things in themselves. His account of the categories as arising from (...)
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  26. Durand of Saint-Pourçain’s Refutation of Concurrentism.Jean-Luc Solere - 2024 - Religions 15 (5):1-22.
    The Dominican theologian Durand of Saint-Pourçain (ca. 1275–1334), breaking from the wide consensus, made a two-pronged attack on concurrentism (i.e., the theory according to which God does more than conserving creatures in existence and co-causes all their actions). On the one hand, he shows that the concurrentist position leads to the unacceptable consequence that God is the direct cause of man’s evil actions. On the other hand, he attacks the metaphysical foundations of concurrentism, first in the version offered by Thomas (...)
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  27. The Uncertainty Principle and Non-Violation of Causality in Islamic Philosophy (The Critical Analysis Based on Avicenna and Allameh Tabataba'i's view).Mohamad Mahdi Davar, Ghasem Ali Kouchnani & Mohammad Ali Kouchnani - 2024 - History of Islamic Philosophy 3 (9):29-46.
    The principle of causality is one of the most fundamental principles that has been discovered in the history of philosophy and science. Several foundations revolve around this concept. The importance of this principle in classical physics lies in giving physicists the ability to predict phenomena. Furthermore, due to causality is recognized as a fundamental principle in classical physics. With the introduction of the principle of uncertainty, the principle of causality is empirically called into question. Because the claim of the principle (...)
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  28. Causalité agentive (A).Robin T. Bianchi - 2024 - Dans Maxime Kristanek (Dir.), L'encyclopédie Philosophique.
    Considérez les énoncés suivants : « La bombe a causé la destruction du pont » ; « L’explosion de la bombe a causé la destruction du pont » ; « Booth a causé la mort de Lincoln » ; et « Le tir de Booth a causé la mort de Lincoln ». Ces énoncés suggèrent que les objets, tels que les bombes ou les personnes, font partie de la catégorie ontologique des causes, au même titre que les évènements, comme le (...)
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  29. Kosmovisi dan Realitas: filosofi masing-masing.Roberto Thomas Arruda - 2024 - Terra à Vista.
    Kosmovisi Adalah Istilah yang seharusnya berarti seperangkat fondasi yang darinya muncul pemahaman sistemik tentang Alam Semesta, komponen-komponennya sebagai kehidupan, dunia tempat kita hidup, alam, fenomena manusia, dan hubungan mereka. Oleh karena itu, ini adalah bidang filsafat analitis yang disuplai oleh ilmu pengetahuan, yang tujuannya adalah pengetahuan yang terkumpul dan berkelanjutan secara epistemologis tentang segala sesuatu yang ada dan terkandung dalam diri kita, yang mengelilingi kita, dan yang berhubungan dengan kita dengan cara apa pun. Ini adalah sesuatu yang sama tuanya dengan (...)
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  30. Blameworthiness and Causal Outcomes.Matthew Talbert - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    It is widely held that whether a person is morally responsible for an outcome partly depends on whether certain causal relations obtain between that person and the outcome. This paper argues that, regardless of whether the preceding claim about moral responsibility is true, moral blameworthiness is independent of such causal considerations. This conclusion is motivated by considering cases from Carolina Sartorio and Sara Bernstein. The causal structures of these cases are complex. Sartorio and Bernstein believe that reaching conclusions about moral (...)
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  31. Graded Causation and Moral Responsibility.Vera Hoffmann-Kolss & Matthias Rolffs - 2024 - Erkenntnis:1-19.
    Theories of graded causation attract growing attention in the philosophical debate on causation. An important field of application is the controversial relationship between causation and moral responsibility. However, it is still unclear how exactly the notion of graded causation should be understood in the context of moral responsibility. One question is whether we should endorse a proportionality principle, according to which the degree of an agent’s moral responsibility is proportionate to their degree of causal contribution. A second question is whether (...)
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  32. Mga Pananaw sa Kosmos at Realidad: ang pilosopiyang ay bawat isa.Roberto Thomas Arruda - 2024 - São Paulo: Terra à Vista.
    Ang Diyos ay hindi naglalaro ng dado", inulit ni Einstein mula sa taas ng kanyang determinismo, ngunit sa katunayan ang kosmos ay naghahagis ng mga buto nito nang sadyang mapagpasya: ang mga dado nito ay laruin. Hindi sa pag-iisip na tayo ay lumikha ng mga mundo. Sa pamamagitan ng pag-unawa sa mundo natututo tayong mag-isip. Ang Cosmovision ay isang termino na dapat ay nangangahulugang isang hanay ng mga pundasyon kung saan lumalabas ang isang sistematikong pag-unawa sa Uniberso, ang mga bahagi (...)
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  33. Universal Desire Theory: An Account of Objective Subjectivity.Asher Zachman - manuscript
    In this enquiry I establish Universal Desire Theory as the nominal designation of my active ethical framework, a system heavily influenced by the natural essentialists Philippa Foot and Jenny Teichman, wherein the comparative amalgamation of all subjectively experienced biological harm and benefit is the foundation of objective normativity. Highlights of this paper include the sections where I discuss the moral life of the cell, as well as the moral fallibility of hallucinating persons under this system which combines biological observation with (...)
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  34. Cosmovisioni e realtà: la filosofia di ciascuno.Roberto Thomas Arruda - 2024 - São Paulo: Terra à Vista.
    Cosmovisione è un termine che dovrebbe significare un insieme di fondamenti da cui emerge una comprensione sistemica dell'Universo, delle sue componenti come la vita, il mondo in cui viviamo, la natura, il fenomeno umano e le sue relazioni. Si tratta, quindi, di un campo della filosofia analitica alimentato dalle scienze, il cui obiettivo è questa conoscenza aggregata ed epistemologicamente sostenibile su tutto ciò che siamo e conteniamo, che ci circonda e che in qualche modo si relaziona con noi. È qualcosa (...)
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  35. "Chomden Reldri on Dharmakīrti's Examination of Relations".Allison Aitken - 2023 - In Kurtis Schaeffer, Jue Liang & McGrath William, Histories of Tibet: Essays in Honor of Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp, Studies in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism. pp. 283–305.
    Dharmakīrti’s (c. seventh century) Examination of Relations (Sambandhaparīkṣā) is unique in the Indian Buddhist canon for its being the only extant root text devoted entirely to the topic of the ontological status of relations. But the core thesis of this treatise—that relations are only nominally real—is in prima facie tension with another claim that is central to Dharmakīrti’s epistemology: that there exists some kind of “natural relation” (svabhāvapratibandha) that reliably underwrites inferences. Understanding how Dharmakīrti can consistently rely on natural relations (...)
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  36. Rethinking Human and Machine Intelligence through Kant, Wittgenstein, and Gödel (2nd edition).Jae Jeong Lee - manuscript
    This paper proposes a new metaphysical framework for distinguishing between human and machine intelligence. By drawing an analogy from Kant’s incongruent counterparts, it posits two deterministic worlds -- one comprising a human agent and the other comprising a machine agent. Using ideas from Wittgenstein and Gödel, the paper defines “deterministic knowledge” and investigates how this knowledge is processed differently in those worlds. By postulating the distinctiveness of human intelligence, this paper addresses what it refers to as “the vantage point problem” (...)
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  37. What Does It Take To Make A Difference? A Reply To Andreas And Günther.Sander Beckers - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy.
    Andreas & Günther have recently proposed a difference-making definition of actual causation. In this paper I show that there exist conclusive counterexamples to their definition, by which I mean examples that are unacceptable to everyone, including AG. Concretely, I show that their definition allows c to cause e even when c is not a causal ancestor of e. I then proceed to identify their non-standard definition of causal models as the source of the problem, and argue that there is no (...)
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  38. Yamauchi Tokuryū (1890-1982). Philosophie occidentale et pensée bouddhique.Romaric Jannel - 2023 - Paris: Éditions Kimé.
    Philosophe japonais polyglotte au savoir encyclopédique, Yamauchi Tokuryū est à n’en point douter l’un des auteurs les moins étudiés de l’école de Kyōto. La présente étude vient corriger ce qui ne constitue rien d’autre qu’un accident de l’histoire, tant l’ampleur du projet philosophique de Yamauchi est à même de susciter l’intérêt du philosophe, du savant et de l’amateur cultivé. La démarche de ce penseur japonais, disciple de Nishida Kitarō, est remarquable en ce qu’il chercha à proposer un dépassement englobant de (...)
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  39. Towards a Philosophy of Cosmic Life: New Discussions and Interdisciplinary Views.David Bartosch, Attila Grandpierre & Bei Peng (eds.) - 2023 - Singapore: Springer Nature.
    [186 pages] Just as the six branches of a snow crystal converge in regular proportions toward their common center, the six contributions to this book point toward a future philosophy of cosmic life. In this sense, this edited volume represents a multidisciplinary and transcultural polylogue of distinguished authors from three continents, which aims to establish highly innovative perspectives and open new frontiers of developing philosophical reflections and scientific foundations for the emergence of a common cosmic consciousness, for an integral ecology, (...)
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  40. 宇宙愿景与现实: 每个人的个人哲学.Roberto Thomas Arruda - 2023 - São Paulo: Terra à Vista.
    宇宙观是一个词汇,应该意味着一组基础,从中产生对 宇宙的系统性理解,包括生命、我们所处的世界、自然 界、人类现象及其相互关系。因此,这是一种由科学支 持的分析哲学领域,其目标是对我们周围及与我们相关 的所有事物的综合而认识,并在认识上具有认识论的支 持。它是与人类思维一样古老的存在,并且除了运用科 学宇宙学的元素外,还涵盖了所有涉及宇宙和生命的哲 学和科学。 一个宇宙观并不是一组想法、假设和假定,而是一个基 于观察、分析、证据和论证的系统。没有一个宇宙观会 试图定义、确立或提出,而只是理解、分析和解释。每 个人在一生中构建和承载着自己的宇宙观,作为我们思 维和行为的背景。 从语言学角度来看,术语“宇宙观”来源于德语,相当 于多位哲学家所使用的“Weltanschauung”概念。然 而,这种语言上的关系并不适用,因为它与我们所提出 的宇宙观相悖。这个德语词指的是一种先前逻辑或原始 实验性的现实观,具有直觉性的背景,并且在其形成时 6 还不存在批判性的认识。毫无疑问,在我们理解的意义 上,宇宙观包含并使用了这些原始实验性或先前逻辑的 元素,包括历史、集体无意识和我们所承载的所有原型。 然而,在我们应用的概念中,宇宙观远远超越了这些内 容,首先是因为它不断地将其置于当前的批判性思维之 下,并最终使经验成为其真实的宇宙,而非仅仅是思维 或直觉。 安东尼奥·洛佩斯展示了这一内容的广度:1 “宇宙观并不是思维的产物。它并非源于简单 的求知欲望。对现实的理解是宇宙观形成的重 要时刻,但仅仅是其中之一。它源自生活的行 为,源自对生命的经验,源自我们心灵的整体 结构。将生命提升到意识中,在对现实的认识、 对生命的价值以及意志的现实性中,是人类在 生活观念的发展中所做的缓慢而艰难的工作。 (W. Dilthey, 1992 [1911]: 120)”。 -/- 在这项工作中,我们试图勾勒出一种基于当今科学所提 供的现实的宇宙观。我们在任何时候都不会试图进行科 学研究,或对哲学进行理论化,而始终努力在它们的支 持下,或至少在它们的保护下,免受我们通常所带有的 认知扭曲的影响。 .
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  41. Responsibility Internalism and Responsibility for AI.Huzeyfe Demirtas - 2023 - Dissertation, Syracuse University
    I argue for responsibility internalism. That is, moral responsibility (i.e., accountability, or being apt for praise or blame) depends only on factors internal to agents. Employing this view, I also argue that no one is responsible for what AI does but this isn’t morally problematic in a way that counts against developing or using AI. Responsibility is grounded in three potential conditions: the control (or freedom) condition, the epistemic (or awareness) condition, and the causal responsibility condition (or consequences). I argue (...)
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  42. Counterfactual Decision Theory.Brian Hedden - 2023 - Mind 132 (527):730-761.
    I defend counterfactual decision theory, which says that you should evaluate an action in terms of which outcomes would likely obtain were you to perform it. Counterfactual decision theory has traditionally been subsumed under causal decision theory as a particular formulation of the latter. This is a mistake. Counterfactual decision theory is importantly different from, and superior to, causal decision theory, properly so called. Causation and counterfactuals come apart in three kinds of cases. In cases of overdetermination, an action can (...)
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  43. Mediania da Acidentalidade.Mota Victor - manuscript
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  44. Genetically caused trait is an interactive kind.Riin Kõiv - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (3):1-25.
    In this paper I argue that the extent to which a human trait is genetically caused can causally depend upon whether the trait is categorized within human genetics as genetically caused. This makes the kindgenetically caused traitan interactive kind. I demonstrate that this thesis is both conceptually coherent and empirically plausible. I outline the core rationale of this thesis and demonstrate its conceptual coherence by drawing upon Waters’ (2007) analysis of genetic causation. I add empirical plausibility to the thesis by (...)
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  45. Causation and Realism: The Role of Instrumentally Mediated Empirical Evidence.Mahdi Khalili - 2024 - In Federica Russo & Phyllis Illari, The Routledge handbook of causality and causal methods. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This chapter explores the relevance of empirical evidence to real causes. I argue for the claim that instrumentally mediated empirical results are causally dependent on unobservable entities. I develop this idea in the context of discussions on entity realism. As a consequence of my argument, an antirealist version of empiricism, which underlines the significance of empirical evidence but which abstains from real causation, is incoherent.
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  46. Evolution of Human Intelligence: Psychological Science for a Better World (3rd edition).K. L. Senarath Dayathilake - 2017 - Psyarxiv.Com.
    What might be the fundamental psychology of intelligence naturally selected in biological evolution to minimize, prevent, and cure social and personal issues like war, crime, commit suicide, homicide, theft, drug addictions, and so on? How to achieve a higher level of well-being? I found a primary cognitive limiting factor called mind viruses (MV)(more than 3000) which regresses intelligence and well-being and makes the grand delusion: remedies are healthy mind viruses(HMV)(3000). Here, I show the disclosed core of early Buddhist teachings (on (...)
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  47. Immanence.Yitzhak Y. Melamed - 2024 - In Karolina Hübner & Justin Steinberg, The Cambridge Spinoza lexicon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Responding to Henry Oldenburg’s request to clarify his views about the relation between God and Nature (Ep. 71), Spinoza writes: “I favor an opinion concerning God and Nature far different from the one Modern Christians usually defend. For I maintain that God is, as they say, the immanent, but not the transitive, cause of all things” (Ep. 73 (IV/307)). In the Ethics, Spinoza does not define the notion of causa immanens, but we can easily retrieve the precise meaning of the (...)
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  48. La riduzione sociologica della normatività. Tre osservazioni sull’argomento di Stephen Turner.Pietro Salis - 2022 - L'ircocervo 21 (2):110-130.
    Stephen Turner claims that social science can explain away normativity. By exploiting a non-normative view of rationality and a causal view of belief, he claimed that normativist views are akin to what he calls Good Bad Theories (GBT). GBT are false accounts that play a role of social coordination like primitive rituals (Taboo and the like). Hence, “norms”, “commitments”, and “obligations” are just like Taboo and can be explained away as GBT. Normativism, as a consequence, is doomed to disappear in (...)
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  49. Aboutness and Modality.Dean McHugh - 2022 - Proceedings of the 23Rd Amsterdam Colloquium.
    In this paper I would like to offer a new framework for hypothetical reasoning, with the goal of predicting what scenarios we consider when we interpret a conditional or causal claim (such as a sentence containing the word ‘because‘). The idea is that when we interpret a conditional or causal claim, we identify a part of the world to change and imagine changing that. Sentences are about parts of the world: when we interpret a conditional antecedent or because clause, we (...)
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  50. Reasons for action: making a difference to the security of outcomes.Mattias Gunnemyr & Caroline Torpe Touborg - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 180 (1):333-362.
    In this paper, we present a new account of teleological reasons, i.e. reasons to perform a particular action because of the outcomes it promotes. Our account gives the desired verdict in a number of difficult cases, including cases of overdetermination and non-threshold cases like Parfit’s famous _Drops of water._ The key to our account is to look more closely at the metaphysics of causation. According to Touborg (_The dual nature of causation_, 2018), it is a necessary condition for causation that (...)
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