Results for 'Andrii Krupskyi'

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  1. Current issues of security management during martial law.Maksym Bezpartochnyi, Igor Britchenko, Olesia Bezpartochna, Kostyantyn Afanasyev, Mariia Bahorka, Oksana Bezsmertna, Olena Borschevska, Liliana Chyshynska-Hlybovych, Anna Dybała, Darya Gurova, Iryna Hanechko, Petro Havrylko, Olha Hromova, Tetiana Hushtan, Iryna Kadyrus, Yuri Kindzerski, Svіtlana Kirian, Anatoliy Kolodiychuk, Oleksandr Kovalenko, Andrii Krupskyi, Serhii Leontovych, Olena Lytvyn, Denys Mykhailyk, Oleh Nyzhnyk, Hanna Oleksyuk, Nataliia Petryshyn, Olha Podra, Nazariy Popadynets, Halyna Pushak, Yaroslav Pushak, Oksana Radchenko, Olha Ryndzak, Nataliia Semenyshena, Vitalii Sharko, Vladimir Shedyakov, Olena Stanislavyk, Dmytro Strikhovskyi, Oksana Trubei, Nataliia Trushkina, Sergiy Tsviliy, Leonid Tulush, Liudmyla Vahanova, Nataliy Yurchenko, Andrij Zaverbnyj & Svitlana Zhuravlova (eds.) - 2022 - Vysoká škola bezpečnostného manažérstva v Košiciach.
    The authors of the book have come to the conclusion that toensuring the country’s security in the conditions of military aggression, it is necessary to use the mechanisms of protection of territories and population, support of economic entities, international legal levers of influence on the aggressor country. Basic research focuses on assessment the resource potential of enterprises during martial law, the analysis of migration flows in the middle of the country and abroad, the volume of food exports, marketing and logistics (...)
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  2. Оценка эффективности системы менеджмента туристических предприятий.Oleksandr Krupskyi - 2014 - Новая Экономика 28:146-150.
    The article deals with the specificity of the management system of modern tourist enterprise. There are discovered facts which distinguish the difference between management of tourist enterprise from management of enterprises in other economic spheres. Taking into consideration these facts it was offered the system of local indices assessment of the level of socio-economic system of tourist enterprise management. There were given recommendations to the separate indices for assessment and application in practical activity of tourist agencies. We paid special attention (...)
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  3. Kulʹtura v orhanizatsiyi: rolʹ menedzhera v zabezpechenni zbalansovanoho pidkhodu [Culture in the Organization: Role of a Manager in Ensuring a Balanced Approach].Oleksandr Krupskyi - 2014 - Вісник Одеського Національного Університету. Серія: Економіка 19 (2(3)):183-187.
    The article explores the particular approaches to the determination of the essence and components of the definitions, such as «culture» and «organizational culture». It highlights the main points of cultural impact on the enterprise’s work effectiveness; introduces the author’s definition of the balanced culture as the development factor of an enterprise; analyzes the manager’s part of the building of a balanced culture; reviews the concept of cultural balance and proposes the author’s definition of this concept.
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  4. Тенденції розвитку міжнародного туризму.Oleksandr P. Krupskyi, A. Samoilenko, A. Komarova & M. Morozov - 2019 - Економічний Простір 149:29-34.
    The sphere of international tourism for the period 2000–2018 has been explored and analyzed in the article. The dynamics of the world tourist flows development and income from international tourism are considered, the determinants of development are derived, the regional structure of the world market of tourist services is given. The development of the tourism industry in the world is analyzed by indicators: the number of tourist arrivals, tourism revenues at current prices, total contribution of tourism to GDP. The main (...)
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  5. Formation of the Economic Security System of Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises.Oleksandr P. Krupskyi, Sergii Sardak, Y. Kolbushkin & Y. Stasyuk - 2019 - Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics 10 (4):1159-1175.
    The purpose of the paper is to consider genesis and approaches to forming a security culture of tourism and hospitality enterprises that are superstructures of economic, industrial, professional, household, ecological, psychological and social security. In the research, apart from general scientific methods, we used the collection and analysis of primary information obtained from the survey of 220 respondents. Three areas that have a decisive influence on the security of tourism and hospitality enterprises have been identified: organizational culture, decision-making responsibility, and (...)
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  6. Матеріальна культура населення Давньої Русі як предмет музейної експозиції: інформаційні та атрактивні властивості.Andrii Moskalenko - 2019 - Наукові Записки НАУКМА: Andquot;ІСТОРІЯ І ТЕОРІЯ КУЛЬТУРИ" 2 (6):41-46.
    Статтю присвячено аналізу матеріальної культури давньоруського населення Канівського Подніпров’я з погляду її інформаційних та атрактивних властивостей як предмета музейної експозиції. Проаналізовано як предмети матеріальної культури, так і нерухомі археологічні об’єкти та комплекси. Інформаційні властивості давніх артефактів як потенційних музейних експонатів запропоновано визначати за історичною інтерпретацією та статистичним принципом. Рівень атрактивності традиційно визначається зовнішнім виглядом артефакту і має відносний характер. До історичної інтерпретації входить низка характеристик: техніко-типологічні особливості артефактів, їхнє функціональне значення, походження, соціальна страта та етнічна належність власника або значення об’єкта (...)
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  7. Індикатори організаційної культури туристичних підприємств.Oleksandr Krupskyi & Olena Shpak - 2014 - Вісник Національного Університету Водного Господарства Та Природокористування. Економіка 65 (1):208-221.
    In the article the importance of organizational culture indicators for the tourism industry, described the factors that affect the improvement of tourism, defined the importance of social work and social indicators in tourism.
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  8. The Cognitive Style as a Factor in the Development of Tourism and Hospitality Companies.Oleksandr Krupskyi - 2015 - Problems of Economy 2:140-146.
    The aim of the article is to identify the impact of cognitive style of management on the development of tourism and hospitality companies. The article discusses some approaches to the definition of “cognitive style”, presents the author’s understanding in the organizational context, namely, the cognitive style should be understood as the features of awareness, interpretation and dissemination of external and internal information by the staff in order to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of the products manufactured. The table “The attitude (...)
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  9. "Life" and "Death". An Inquiry into Essential Meaning of These Phenomena.Andrii Leonov - 2021 - Actual Problems of Mind 22:108-136.
    In this paper, I am dealing with the phenomena of “life” and “death.” The questions that I attempt to answer are “What is life, and what is death?” “Is it bad to die?” and “Is there life after death?” The method that I am using in this paper is that of phenomenology. The latter I understand as an inquiry into meaning, that is, what makes this or that phenomenon as such. Thus, I am approaching the phenomena in question from the (...)
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  10. Rolʹ blahodiynosti v pobuduvanni sylʹnoyi orhanizatsiynoyi kulʹtury [The Role of Philanthropy in Building of Strong Organizational Culture].Oleksandr Krupskyi - 2014 - Науковий Вісник Херсонського Державного Університету. Сер.: Економічні Науки 3 (7):68-73.
    In the article charity as a factor in building a strong organizational culture is considered; examples of the charitable activities of the world’s leading companies, including health, tourism and hospitality, are demonstrated; the survey results of these industries employees understanding of the culture of philanthropy features are presented; the existence of a link between the characteristics and types of a strong organizational culture, on the one hand, and the charitable donations policy, on the other hand, is proved; recommendations for creating (...)
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  11. Dewey’s Denotative Method: A Critical Approach.Andrii Leonov - 2022 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 14 (1):1-19.
    In this paper, I critically approach the essence of Dewey’s philosophy: his method. In particular, it is what Dewey termed as denotative method is at the center of my attention. I approach Dewey’s denotative method via what I call the “genealogical deconstruction” that is followed by the “pragmatic reconstruction.” This meta-approach is not alien to Dewey’s philosophy, and in fact was employed by Dewey himself in Experience and Nature. The paper consists of two parts. In Part 1, I genealogically deconstruct (...)
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  12. Organization of the corporate style of the medical institution: functions and components.Oleksandr P. Krupskyi & Yuliya Stasiuk - 2023 - Time Description of Economic Reforms 1:87-95.
    Today's realities require medical institutions to take more careful account of intangible factors that make up an irreplaceable component of cultural characteristics. Changes in the socio-economic conditions of economic activity have led to increased attention of the management of medical institutions to the need to form a corporate style that will provide additional competitive advantages. The purpose of the study is to identify the functions and elements of the corporate style of a medical institution and its subdivisions, to find out (...)
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  13. Qualitative Naturalism as Dewey’s Ultimate Solution to the Mind-Body Problem.Andrii Leonov - forthcoming - The Pluralist.
    In this paper, I argue that Dewey’s ultimate solution to the mind-body problem is grounded not in his emergentist metaphysics per se but rather in his metametaphysical qualitative naturalism. The latter precedes Dewey’s emergent theory of mind, as postulated in his Experience and Nature. Thus, Dewey’s emergentism is rather a consequence of his qualitative naturalism. As such, Dewey’s ultimate metametaphysical solution to the mind-body problem precedes his emergentist metaphysics, and not vice versa. The essence of Dewey’s qualitative naturalism can be (...)
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  14. Професійна культура і безпека: інноваційний підхід до впровадження в медичному закладі.D. K. Hromtseva & Oleksandr Krupskyi - 2015 - European Journal of Management Issues 5 (23):15-23.
    The issue of safety culture is one of the most important in a modern medical facility because any problems during the provision of services may lead to irreversible consequences. Not only the patient may suffer, but the doctor who assisted. Unfortunately, very little attention to this issue is paid in Ukraine. Based on this, we can say that the topic is relevant and requires studying. -/- The purpose of writing this article is the analysis of the ways of forming professional (...)
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  15. PROSPECTS OF USING GPT CHAT IN MARKETING.Oleksandr P. Krupskyi, Valeriia Vorobiova & Yuliya Stasiuk - 2023 - Time Description of Economic Reforms 3 (51):89-97.
    Problem statement. Modern marketing requires effective tools to attract and retain customers, as well as improve communication with the audience. In this context, the use of artificial intelligence, in particular, ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), can be a promising innovative solution. However, the conclusions about the potential benefits and limitations of using ChatGPT in marketing are ambiguous, due to the little experience gained in this area. The purpose of the study is to assess the potential of using ChatGPT in marketing strategies, (...)
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  16. Менеджмент наукового пошуку: стратегія і тактика наукових досліджень.Alexey Dzhusov, Oleksandr Krupskyi, Yuliya Stasiuk & Olena Pryz - 2009 - Днипро, Днепропетровская область, Украина, 49000:
    Монографію присвячено теоретичним дослідженням менеджменту науки. Розглянуто сутність управління науковим пошуком як окремого виду діяльності. Досліджено шляхи вирішення фундаментальних та прикладних питань, які виникають під час проведення наукових досліджень та впровадження їх результатів. Визначено категорії культури наукового пошуку. Окрему увагу приділено питанням захисту інтелектуальної власності, а також презентації та комерціалізації результатів наукових розробок. Монографія буде корисною для магістрів, аспірантів, молодих науковців та усіх, хто займається науковими дослідженнями.
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  17. Peculiarities of application of marketing technologies in the medical sphere.Oleksandr P. Krupskyi & Yuliya Stasiuk - 2023 - Economic Analysis 33 (3):202-212.
    Introduction. The medical sphere is constantly evolving, requiring improved approaches to its organisation and functioning. Advances in medical technology, observable changes in patient needs and growing competition challenge medical institutions to improve their strategies and approaches. Marketing technologies are becoming one of the key tools for achieving strategic goals. Purpose. This article is aimed at studying the peculiarities of the use of marketing technologies in the medical field. The main purpose of the study is to analyse the impact of marketing (...)
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    Джон Дьюї. Досвід і природа. Розділ 7. "Природа, життя і тіло-ум" (пер. з англ. Андрія Леонова).Andrii Leonov - 2024 - Actual Problems of Mind 25:204-242. Translated by Andrii Leonov.
    This is the first Ukrainian translation of the seventh chapter, “Nature, Life and Body-Mind,” from John Dewey’s 1925 philosophical magnum opus Experience and Nature.
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  19. Modern Concepts of Financial and Non-Financial Motivation of Service Industries Staff.Tatyana Grynko, Oleksandr P. Krupskyi, Mykola Koshevyi & Olexandr Maximchuk - 2017 - Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics 26 (4):1100-1112.
    In modern conditions the questions of personnel management, including motivation, acquire new meaning. Particularly given the problems relevant to the service sector, where at the beginning of the XXI century employing more than 60% of the workforce in developed countries. These circumstances determine the need for a modern concept of material and immaterial motivation of service industries. Such factors determine the need for the development modern concept of material and immaterial motivation of service industries staff. To obtain indicated objective during (...)
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    Емерджентна теорiя ума Джона Дьюї: Передмова до перекладу сьомого роздiлу «Природа, життя i тiло-ум» iз книги Джона Дьюї Досвiд i природа.Andrii Leonov - 2024 - Actual Problems of Mind 25:194-203.
    This paper provides a short historical-philosophical commentary on the first Ukrainian translation of the seventh chapter, «Nature, Life and Body-Mind», from John Dewey’s Experience and Nature, first published in1925, and which has since been regarded as Dewey’s philosophical magnum opus. This commentary includes a short history of the book, a description of its structure, as well as a brief consideration of its significance from both historical and contemporary perspectives. -/- The paper briefly discusses the book’s main methodology, denotative method, which (...)
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  21. Franchising Model for Expansion of the International Travel Business.Oleksandr P. Krupskyi, Nataliia V. Stukalo, Nataliya Krasnikova & Yelina A. Falko - 2017 - Problems and Perspectives in Management 4 (15):235-246.
    The hotel sector of the travel industry is the leader according to the indicator of economic growth, which is observed in both developed and developing countries. Even under the economic instability and global natural disasters, the industry has seen growth in recent years. The franchising model for expanding activities is central to all successful hotel chains. The article deals with the franchising model for the travel business expansion and the economic performance of hotel chains such as Marriott International, Wyndham Hotels, (...)
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  22. Динамічні здібності підприємства: теоретико-прикладні основи, сфера застосування, вимір.Sergii Sardak & Oleksandr Krupskyi - 2017 - European Journal of Management Issues. Special Issue: Dynamic Capabilities Of Firms 25:36–42.
    Мета дослідження – позначити концептуальні засади теорії динамічних здібностей підприємства та розкрити її прикладний потенціал. Результати. У дослідженні ідентифіковано актуальні проблемні аспекти теорії динамічних здібностей підприємств та висвітлено шляхи їх розв’язання. По-перше, це імператив подальшого розвитку фундаментальних основ теорії динамічних здібностей та знаходження науковообґрунтованої ефективної емпіричної методики їх вимірювання. По-друге, це обмеженість проникнення концепції динамічних здібностей в українське наукове середовище та наявність проблем із трактуванням теоретичних і прикладних англомовних розробок. У статті розкрито історичні та науково-методичні засади формування теорії динамічних здібностей (...)
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  23. Динамические способности: сравнение методов измерения на примере малых и средних предприятий Украины.Bogodistov Yevgen, Oleksandr Krupskyi & Sergii Sardak - 2016 - Економічний Простір 110:139-161.
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate different approaches in measurement of the concept of dynamic capabilities. The paper focuses on a formative measurement model by Wilden and colleagues (2013) and a reflective model by Li and Liu (2014). The models were tested on Ukrainian firms in relation to their performance. A Ukrainian and Russian translation of both measurements is introduced and tested. The proposed measurements were tested by applying a partial least squares algorithm using SmartPLS™ software. The sample (...)
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  24. (1 other version) Gendering Dynamic Capabilities in Micro Firms.Yevgen Bogodistov, André Presse, Oleksandr P. Krupskyi & Sergii Sardak - 2017 - Revista de Administração de Empresas 3 (57): 273-282.
    Gender issues are well-researched in the general management literature, particular in studies on new ventures. Unfortunately, gender issues have been largely ignored in the dynamic capabilities literature. We address this gap by analyzing the effects of gender diversity on dynamic capabilities among micro firms. We consider the gender of managers and personnel in 124 Ukrainian tourism micro firms. We examine how a manager’s gender affects the firm’s sensing capacities and investigate how it moderates team gender diversity’s impact on sensing capacities. (...)
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  25. Instrumentalist logic of scientific discovery: reflections on Dewey’s method and its metaphysical foundations.Andrii Leonov - 2020 - Actual Problems of Mind 21:2-23.
    In this paper, I attempt to clarify the heart of Dewey’s philosophy: his method (denotative method (DM) / pattern of inquiry (PI)). Despite the traditional understanding of Dewey as anti-foundationalist, I want to show that Dewey did have metaphysical foundations for his method: the principle of continuity or theory of emergentism. I also argue that Dewey’s metaphysical position is better named as ‘cultural emergentism’, rather than his own term ‘cultural naturalism’. What Dewey called ‘common sense’ in his Logic, Husserl termed (...)
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  26. Modern Methods of Management Decision-Making and their Connection With Organizational Culture of the Tourism Enterprises in Ukraine.Oleksandr Krupskyi - 2014 - Economic Annals-XXI 1 (7-8):95-98.
    Management decision-making is a daily task that managers of various levels solve in every organization. Degree of difficulty of this process depends on the scope of authority, responsibility level, manager’s position in organizational hierarchy; on the changes in the environment, unpredictability of which causes emergence of significant amounts of alternatives. For this reason, managers do not rely only on intuition or personal experience (which limited with selective perception, cognitive ability, ability to withstand stress and/or the presence of bias), but use (...)
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  27. Формування системи управління соціальною відповідальністю закладу охорони здоров’я.Oleksandr P. Krupskyi, Y. Stasyuk & Nataliya Lubenets - 2021 - In Tatyana Grynko (ed.), Актуальні аспекти розвитку суб'єктів підприємництва в умовах глобальної економіки : моногр. Dnipro: pp. 173-190.
    Розглянуто питання формування системи управління соціальною відповідаль-ністю закладу охорони здоров’я. Класифіковано теоретичні підходи до визначення поняття «соціальна відповідальність». Наведено фактори, які заважають або сприяють введенню системи соціальної відповідальності у закладах охорони здоров’я на поточному етапі медичної реформи в Україні. Виокремлені складові, критерії та коефіцієнти ефективності соціальної відповідальності закладу охорони здоров’я. Запропоновано схему механізму управління соціальною відповідальністю закладу охорони здоров’я. Виділені можливі напрямки впровадження програм соціальної відповідальності та очікувані результати. -/- Authors research questions of formation of the management system of social (...)
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  28. Tangible and intangible rewards in service industries: problems and prospects.Tatyana Grynko, Oleksandr P. Krupskyi, Mykola Koshevyi & Olexandr Maximchuk - 2017 - Journal of Applied Economic Sciences 12 (8(54)): 2481–2491.
    Willingness and readiness of people to do their jobs are among the key factors of a successful enterprise. In XXI century intellectual human labour is gaining unprecedented value and is being developed actively. The demand for intellectual labour calls forth an increasing number of jobs and professions that require an extensive preparation, a large number of working places, high level of integration of joint human efforts, growth of social welfare. These trends are becoming ever more pervasive and are spreading widely (...)
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  29. Особенности структуры занятости на туристических предприятиях Украины.Oleksandr P. Krupskyi - 2014 - In Можливості та розвиток сучасного туризму: світовий та національний досвід : матеріали Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції 16-17 жовтня 2014 року. Запорожье, Днепропетровская область, Украина, 51106: pp. 219-224.
    В материале рассмотрены вопросы, которые раскрывают особенности структуры занятости на туристических предприятиях Украины.
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  30. Lessons to be learned from Ukraine's positioning in international rankings: the need for institutional support and financial support for economic creativity/Igor Britchenko, Irena Svydruk, Yurii Pidlypnyi, Oleksandr P. Krupskyi//Management issues, Volume 18, No 4(90), 2020. – P. 125 - 146.Igor Britchenko, Irena Svydruk, Yurii Pidlypnyi & Oleksandr P. Krupskyi - 2020 - Management Issues 18 (4(90)):125 - 146.
    Purpose: To develop proposals on the directions of institutional support for the processes of creativity of the Ukrainian economy. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis of trends in the creativity of the Ukrainian economy is carried out and proposals are developed for conceptualizing institutional support for these processes. The authors set out to develop proposals for institutional support for creativity processes and offer recommendations for systematic updating of Ukrainian legislation in the areas of state regulation of high-tech business. The information base was the (...)
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    Девід Чалмерс. "Аргумент 1: логічна можливість зомбі" (пер. з англ. Андрія Леонова).Andrii Leonov - 2015 - Філософська Думка 5:60-67. Translated by Andrii Leonov.
    This is the first Ukrainian translation of the seminal excerpt "Argument 1: The logical possibility of zombies" from David Chalmers's 1996 magnum opus The Conscious Mind.
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  32. Organizational culture and business strategy: connection and role for a company survival.Oleksandr P. Krupskyi & Yuliia Kuzmytska - 2020 - Central European Business Review 9 (4):1-26.
    The purpose of the article was 1) to assess the relationship between the organizational culture (OC) type and business strategy (BS); 2) to prove that OC influences the survival strategy success/implementation; 3) to contribute to the expansion of organizational theory by analyzing the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) strategy palette as the basis for developing an effective company survival strategy during the crisis. To achieve the purpose, correlation analysis between OC types (authors' typology) and BS (Boston Consulting Group and Miles & (...)
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  33. Role of Cognitive Style of a Manager in the Development of Tourism Companies’ Dynamic Capabilities.Oleksandr P. Krupskyi & Tatyana Grynko - 2018 - Tourism and Hospitality Management 1 (24):1-21.
    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between cognitive styles of managers working in tourism companies and dynamic capabilities of these companies. Design – The research relies on a quantitative questionnaire. Methodology – To answer the research question, the bivariate (Pearson) correlation was applied. A number of 268 answers from people working in tourism were received. Findings – We found a positive correlation between different dimensions of dynamic capabilities of tourism companies. These capabilities are influenced (...)
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    Девід Чалмерс. "Лицем до лиця з проблемою свідомості" (пер. з англ. Андрія Леонова).Andrii Leonov - 2013 - Actual Problems of Mind 14:121-152. Translated by Andrii Leonov.
    This is the first Ukrainian translation of David Chalmers's 1995 classical paper "Facing Up to the Problem of Consciousness.".
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    "Арґумент зомбі" Девіда Чалмерса: переднє слово перекладача.Andrii Leonov - 2015 - Філософська Думка 5:51-59.
    This paper provides a short commentary to the first Ukrainian translation of the seminal excerpt "Argument 1: The logical possibility of zombies" from David Chalmers's magnum opus The Conscious Mind (1996). Here, I look at the main notions from the translated excerpt such as "mind," "perceiving," "be awake," "there is nothing it is like to be a zombie," "supervenience," conceivability, "completed physics," briefly explain their meaning, as well as show why I chose to translate them this way and not another.
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  36. Економічна культура як фактор інноваційного розвитку економіки країни.Oleksandr Krupskyi & Yuliya Stasiuk - 2012 - ІННОВАЦІЙНА ЕКОНОМІКА 35 (9):56-60.
    Проблеми взаємовпливу та взаємозв'язку економіки і культури складні й різноманітні, тому є теоретично й практично актуальними: без глибокого вивчення і методологічного та інституціонального визначення їх ролі неможливо зрозуміти сутність сучасних тенденцій в глобалізованому економічному процесі і нові тенденції суспільного середовища. В сучасному розумінні роль культури в економічному аспекті слід розглядати як функціонально пов’язану з усім суспільним виробництвом, головним чином – у відтворенні робочої сили та «інтелектуальному оснащенні» працівника. Сьогодні інновації та знання пронизують не тільки всі сфери певної національної економіки, вони (...)
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  37. Organizational culture: nature, types, peculiarities of implementation in Ukraine.Oleksandr P. Krupskyi - 2014 - Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University Scientific Journal 45:29-38.
    Different approaches to the definition of organizational culture are considered; its types, essential elements and functions in the organization are characterized. Author's point of view on organizational culture in a broad and narrow sense is formulated. Some peculiarities of employees’ perception of organizational culture in Ukrainian enterprises are analyzed.
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  38. Development of historical and cultural tourist destinations.Sergii Sardak, Oleksandr P. Krupskyi, V. Dzhyndzhoian, M. Sardak & Y. Naboka - 2020 - Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology 29 (2):406-414.
    The aim of the study is to develop theoretic and methodological recommendations and practical activities for the positive social, managerial, organizational and economic development of historical and cultural tourist destinations. In theoretical terms: the role of historical and cultural tourist destination in the development of the region has been established; the historical and cultural tourist destinations have been identified; the author’s classification of historical and cultural tourist destinations has been developed basing tourist visiting activeness; the author’s methodological approach to the (...)
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  39. Media tourism in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone as a new tourist phenomenon.Oleksandr Krupskyi & Karina Temchur - 2018 - Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology 2 (27):261-273.
    Every year, the number of tourists in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone is increasing. The most numerous visitors are journalists who come to perform theirofficial duties. At the same time, researchers have not yet shown interest in such an interesting and important tourist phenomenon. The purpose of this article is to de- scribe a new phenomenon of media tourism in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and its features. The study was conducted with a help of a qualitative case study analysis method. The (...)
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  40. Professional burnout of family physicians: experience of the research and problem-solving in the USA.Oleksandr Krupskyi & Olena Gromtseva - 2019 - Economies’ Horizons 9 (2):28-40.
    The purpose of the research. The main purpose of the study is to find out the experience of researching and solving the problem of professional burnout for physicians including family ones in the United States, by analyzing recent surveys and scientific papers of American and European scientists. Methodology. While working on the article, general scientific theoretical methods were used to accom-plish the tasks and achieve the purpose of the research. The methodological basis of the research was the structural-functional method, which (...)
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  41. EI & AI In Leadership and How It Can Affect Future Leaders.Ramakrishnan Vivek & Oleksandr P. Krupskyi - 2024 - European Journal of Management Issues 32 (3):174-182.
    Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine how the integration of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in leadership can enhance leadership effectiveness and influence the development of future leaders. -/- Design / Method / Approach: The research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative analyses. The study utilizes secondary data sources, including scholarly articles, industry reports, and empirical studies, to analyze the interaction between EI and AI in leadership settings. -/- Findings: The findings reveal that (...)
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  42. Key sources when formulating competitive advantages for hotel chains.Oleksandr Krupskyi, Oleksii Dzhusov, Nataliіa Meshko, Igor Britchenko & Artem Prytykin - 2019 - Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal 1 (67):34-46.
    This paper's purpose was to identify the key sources when formulating competitive advantages of hotel chains. The research assessed the financial activities performance included in annual hospitality industry reports and on their official websites; questioning of loyal and potential customers; the five-point Likert scale and the Pearson correlation coefficient were applied to understand the possible consumer reaction to a certain competitive advantage or its absence. The paper confirms the effectiveness of key sources used by management to win and retain competitive (...)
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  43. Rural Tourism as an Element of Sustainable Diversification of Economic Opportunities of the Region.Oleksandr Krupskyi, Nataliya Krasnikova & Victoriia Redko - 2019 - In V. M. Yatsenko (ed.), Determinants of Innovation and Investment Development of Multi- Branch Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Hospitality Industry. pp. 250-260.
    The collective monograph «Determinants of Innovation and Investment Development of Multisectoral Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Hospitality Industry» is devoted to the 20th anniversary of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics and Law of Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University and is a continuation of the research tradition on the development of entrepreneurship, innovation, finance, competition, accounting and auditing problems, tourism, hotel and restaurant business. The results of the scientific research presented in the collective monograph show the achievements of the representatives of (...)
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  44. Ergonomic provision of modernizing management processes of metallurgical production in Ukraine and China.Оlexey Shevyakov, Oleksandr Krupskyi & Ynina Slavska - 2017 - Naukovyi Visnyk NHU 1:134-143.
    Purpose. The creation ofan ergonomic methodical approach to the modernization of management processes of metallurgical production, which involves a human factor while developing and exploiting the difficult man-machine system and estimating the degree of implementation of ergonomic requirements at different stages of an operator’s activity planning. -/- Methodology. Ananalytical model of the organization of the research works devoted to the ergonomic modernization of man-machine systems was developed. Searching and purpose-oriented investigations at different stages of man-machine system development and exploitation were (...)
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  45. Ukrainian experience of personnel vocational training: problems and prospects.Oleksandr Krupskyi & Vladislava Ivankiva - 2019 - VUZF REVIEW 3 (4):3-14.
    A critical analysis of the Ukrainian experience of vocational training of personnel is conducted in the work. The statistics data on the number of employees who participated in vocational training activities during 2016-2018 are presented and analyzed. Based on the analysis, the main reasons for the low interest of Ukrainian business owners in the personnel vocational training were identified. In the work, the author also has highlighted the factors that restrain and activate the development of vocational training of personnel at (...)
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  46. Концептуальні засади управління інноваційною діяльністю туристичних підприємств.Oleksandr Krupskyi - 2015 - European Journal of Management Issues 4 (23):64-71.
    We analyzed conceptual management principles of innovative activities of tourist enterprises. We researched the definition of the innovation, innovative activities, innovative potential of tourism peculiarities and activities of tourist enterprises. We proved the necessity to involve managers of tourist enterprises to create innovative potential of the enterprise in tourism sphere. We proposed to investigate “innovative potential of tourist enterprise” as a possibility to transform and rationalize the experience and existing stereotypes of subjects’ cooperation in business process, and “innovative activities of (...)
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  47. International experience of integration of tourism and hospitality enterprises.Oleksandr Krupskyi & Yevheniia Stesenko - 2018 - Economics: Time Realities. Scientific Journal 37 (3):61-67.
    The article analyzes and presents the results of international experience of integration development in the field of tourism and hospitality, modern and efficient methods of integration in the field of tourism. The effective ways of realization of integration development programs at tourist enterprises and hotel chains are determined. The main objectives of integration processes in the field of tourism are also defined. The analysis of the most famous multinational tour operators and the largest hotel chains in the world in the (...)
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  48. Формування організаційної культури підприємств сфери послуг: інноваційний підхід.Oleksandr Krupskyi & Oleksandr Maximchuk - 2016 - Вісник Хмельницького Національного Університету. Економічні Науки 1 (4):85-92.
    Special features of different innovative approaches towards shaping of organizational culture in service firms were analyzed in this paper. Methodological aspects of culture shaping were investigated. This allowed a better understanding of organizational culture as a social phenomenon: its emergence, existence, functioning, and development. It also allowed analyzing its meaning, nature, internal structure, and development logics. A particular emphasis was put on the role of an individual in society and on the development of the professional culture of the service firms’ (...)
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  49. Organizational Culture as a Factor of Economic Security of the Tourist Enterprises.Oleksandr Krupskyi & Andrei Kobchenko - 2015 - Науковий Вісник Міжнародного Гуманітарного Університету. Серія: Економіка І Менеджмент 10:149-152.
    This article analyses the conceptual foundations of the notion of economic security in the context of the organizational culture of the tourism companies of Ukraine. The influence of the organizational culture on the economic security of the companies is justified. The areas of the security services of tourism companies are described. The conditions and criteria for establishing the systems of economic security at tourism.
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  50. Професійна етика як фактор становлення й розвитку соціально-відповідальної організаційної культури туристичного підприємства.Oleksandr Krupskyi - 2014 - Вісник Дніпропетровського Університету. Сер.: Світове Господарство І Міжнародні Економічні Відносини 6 (22):23-30.
    The purpose of the article is to analyze aspects of organizational culture of professional ethics in the travel and hospitality industry and to work out recommendations for improvement in the context of the transition to sustainable tourism. The methodological basis of the study is: a) a systematic approach that allowed to consider professional ethics not only its structural components, but also with functional connections and relationships; b) professiographic approach, which discovered the specifics of professional work in the tourism industry; c) (...)
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