Results for 'Methode, Dialektik, Fichte, Aufklärung, mathesis universalis, transzendentale Logik, ars inveniendi'

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    (1 other version)Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre im Aufbrechen der Paradigmen mechanizistischen Denkens.Jürgen Stahl - 1993 - Fichte-Studien 5:149-158.
    Im Artikel wird der Fortschritt von Fichtes Methodenverständnis gegenüber den enzyklopädischen Wissenssystemen – wie beispielsweise bei Wolff, Zeller oder Lambert – herausgearbeitet. Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts hatte sich die Erkenntnis durchgesetzt, dass weder die Philosophie noch die aufkeimenden Sozialwissenschaften und auch nicht die Naturforschung, wo sie es mit dem Leben zu tun hat, als bloßer Formalismus nach dem Modell der Mathematik oder Physik aufzubauen waren. Fichte gelang es demgegenüber mit seiner Ich-Konstruktion nicht nur das innere Verhältnis der differenzierten Vermögen des (...)
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  2. Philosophiehistorische Auffassungen in der theoretischen Philosophie Johann Gottlieb Fichtes.Jürgen Stahl - 1986 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 34 (6):528-537.
    Die Ausbildung der Transzendentalphilosophie verband sich auch bei Fichte mit der Vertiefung der ihr immanenten historischen Tendenz. Basierend auf dem Gedanken der Einheit des Bewusstseins stellte sich die Aufgabe, die verschiedenen Erscheinungen in ihrem inneren Zusammenhang wie auch ihrer geschichtlichen Erscheinungsweise zu erklären. Hierzu erfuhr das transzendentale Subjekt eine tiefgreifende Historisierung durch den Versuch, eine Phänomenalogie des Geistes zu erarbeiten. Im Artikel wird weiterhin insbesondere das methodische Vorgehen Fichtes und dessen Dogmatismuskritik analysiert. For Fichte, too, the development of transcendental (...)
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  3. Conceptual Modelling, Combinatorial Heuristics and Ars Inveniendi: An Epistemological History (Ch 1 & 2).Tom Ritchey - manuscript
    (1) An introduction to the principles of conceptual modelling, combinatorial heuristics and epistemological history; (2) the examination of a number of perennial epistemological-methodological schemata: conceptual spaces and blending theory; ars inveniendi and ars demonstrandi; the two modes of analysis and synthesis and their relationship to ars inveniendi; taxonomies and typologies as two fundamental epistemic structures; extended cognition, cognitio symbolica and model-based reasoning; (3) Plato’s notions of conceptual spaces, conceptual blending and hypothetical-analogical models (paradeigmata); (4) Ramon Llull’s concept analysis (...)
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  4. Book Review, J.G. Fichte, Transzendentale Logik I (1812). [REVIEW]David W. Wood - 2022 - Fichteana: Review of J.G. Fichte Research 22:21-31.
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  5. Radical Besinnung in Formale und transzendentale Logik.Mirja Hartimo - 2018 - Husserl Studies 34 (3):247-266.
    This paper explicates Husserl’s usage of what he calls “radical Besinnung” in Formale und transzendentale Logik. Husserl introduces radical Besinnung as his method in the introduction to FTL. Radical Besinnung aims at criticizing the practice of formal sciences by means of transcendental phenomenological clarification of its aims and presuppositions. By showing how Husserl applies this method to the history of formal sciences down to mathematicians’ work in his time, the paper explains in detail the relationship between historical critical Besinnung (...)
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  6. Radical Besinnung as a method for phenomenological critique.Mirja Helena Hartimo - 2022 - In Andreea Smaranda Aldea, David Carr & Sara Heinämaa (eds.), Method Matters: Phenomenology as Critique.
    The paper discusses Husserl’s method of historical reflection, radical Besinnung, as defined and used in Formale und transzendentale Logik (1929). Whereas Formal and Transcendental Logic introduces and displays Husserl’s usage of Besinnung in the context of the exact sciences, the paper seeks to develop it as a more general critical method with which to approach any rational goal-directed activity. Husserl defines Besinnung as a method that enables understanding agents and their actions by explicating agents’ typically implicit goals. It leads (...)
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  7. Fichtes Beitrag zur Ausbildung einer dialektischen Naturbetrachtung.Stahl Jürgen - 1985 - In Erhard Lange (ed.), Collegium philosophicum Jenense Nr 5. Philosophie und Natur. Beiträge zur Naturphilosophie der deutschen Klassik. Weimar, Deutschland: Hermann Böhlau Nachfolger. pp. 146 -155.
    Der Artikel verfolgt, in welcher Weise Johann Gottlieb Fichte mit seiner Wissenschaftslehre die Diskussion um das Wesen der Natur in ihrem Verhältnis zum Subjekt beeinflusst. Dabei wird besonders sein Ansatz zur Fassung der Subjektivität und der Dialektisierung der Erkenntnisbeziehung zwischen Subjekt und Objekt herausgearbeitet. Dabei wird Fichtes Beitrag zur Entwicklung einer modernen dialektischen Methode gewürdigt. -/- The article follows the way in which Johann Gottlieb Fichte influences the discussion about the essence of nature in its relationship to the subject with (...)
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  8. (1 other version)Transzendentale Erfahrung als gedankliches Experiment.Alexei Krioukov - 2015 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 4 (2):54-62.
    In my talk I would like to discuss a topic concerning the idea of the mental experience as an experiment in the transcendental philosophy. One can see a big difference between two branches of knowledge: humanitarian sciences and „exact“ sciences. The main difference consists in the fact that the experimental dates of the exact sciences can be verified by other researchers, but the mental dates in the mind of one humanitarian researcher cannot be repeated in the mind of another. It (...)
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  9. Descartes, Methodical doubt, and the Grounding of Method.M. T. Shahed Tabatabaei - 2021 - Occidental Studies 12 (1):85-107.
    Descartes' methodical doubt is being criticized by naïve realists and others who don't find doubt as a good starting point for metaphysical thought, however, the philosophical achievements of his method have been absorbed in all later philosophies. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate how an inevitable question concerning the foundation of Descartes' mathesis universalis, which led him to investigate this foundation by applying this very method in Metaphysics, has finally enabled him to discover his most important philosophical (...)
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  10. La superación por Leibniz de la lógica aristotélica.Leticia Cabañas Agrela - 2010 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:67-74.
    El punto de partida del calculus universalis leibniziano es la teoría aristotélica del silogismo, pero Leibniz se independiza de las ideas de Aristóteles para desarrollar su propio sistema lógico, mucho más general, aplicando el instrumento combinatorio a la silogística. Lo que propone es una importante modificación del modelo demostrativo axiomático, mediante la creación de cálculos lógico-simbólicos que no se limitan a los ámbitos tradicionales de la deducción, sino que admiten procedimientos discursivos más complejos que los de la lógica clásica, ampliando (...)
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  11. Held Hostage: The Use of Noncompete Clauses to Exploit Workers and a Statutory Framework to Protect Them.Linda Ficht & Chris Tweedt - 2023 - Journal of Law, Business, and Ethics 29 (Winter):77-96.
    Noncompete agreements are among the most commonly used methods to restrict employment. Upwards of 38% of American workers, many of which are low-wage workers, have signed noncompete agreements. These agreements effectively hold those workers hostage to their current employer. This project analyzes the use of noncompete clauses in employment contracts with low-wage workers. We show that noncompetes with low-wage workers are not enforceable in the U.S.; employers nevertheless continue to include noncompete clauses in employment contracts with low-wage workers. We survey (...)
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  12. Poeta Calculans: Harsdorffer, Leibniz, and the "Mathesis Universalis".Jan C. Westerhoff - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (3):449.
    This paper seeks to indicate some connections between a major philosophi- cal project of the seventeenth century, the conception of a mathesis universalis, and the practice of baroque poetry. I shall argue that these connections consist in a peculiar view of language and systems of notation which was particularly common in European baroque culture and which provided the necessary conceptual background for both poetry and the mathesis universalis.
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  13. A Significação da Mathesis Universalis em Descartes.Leandro de Araújo Sardeiro - 2008 - Dissertation, Unicamp, Brazil
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  14. المدينة المغربية من خلال الفيلم الأجنبي: طنجة نموذجا، عمان: دار زهدي للنشر والتوزيع، 2019، 207 ص.حمزة الأندلوسي - 2019
    نسعى من خلال هذا الكتاب إلى دراسة تمثلات المخرجين الأجانب للمدينة المغربية باعتبارها نموذجا للفضاء الحضري الغريب عنهم، وذلك عبر تحليل مضمون أفلامهم التي دارت كل أحداثها أو بعض منها في مدينة طنجة -نموذج الدراسة-. أما دافعنا فيتجلى أولا في تقديم قراءة أنثربولوجية للعمل الفني تأتي في ظل الفقر البَيّن الذي يعتري المكتبة المغربية الأنثربولوجية والسوسيولوجية في هذا المجال؛ كما أننا نسعى ثانيا إلى بَلورة نص علمي ينبني في أسسه على النظريات الاستطيقية الكلاسيكية التي يستعين بها نقاد السينما عادة في (...)
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  15. العلاقة بين نظم دعم القرار وإعادة الهندسة في الجامعات الفلسطينية بقطاع غزة.مازن جهاد الشوبكي & سامي سليم ابو ناصر - 2010 - Dissertation, جامعة الأزهر غزة
    هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على العلاقة بين نظم دعم القرار وإعادة الهندسة في الجامعات الفلسطينية بقطاع غزة، واستخدمت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، واستخدم الباحث أسلوب الاستبانة لجمع البيانات، وقام الباحث باستخدام طريقة العينة الطبقية العشوائية، وتم توزيع ( 500 ) إستبانة على .(% عينة الدراسة، حيث تم استرداد ( 449 ) إستبانة بنسبة استرداد ( 89.8 α ≤ وقد أظهرت الدراسة نتائج أهمها ما يلي: وجود علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى دلالة 0.04 ) بين نظم دع م القرا (...)
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  16. المعطيات في البحوث الاجتماعية بين صعوبة التطبيق وفعالية النتائج.سميرة بدواي, موسى اسماعيل شماخي & عبد القادر محي الدين الجيل - 2020 - مجلة مؤشر للدراسات الاستطلاعية 1 (1):34-48.
    من أصعب المراحل التي تعرقل أي باحث أثناء قيامه بدراسة ما خاصة في حقل العلوم الاجتماعية هي طبيعة الأدوات والوسائل والتقنيات التي يستعين بها أثناء النزول إلى الميدان من أجل جمع المعطيات الخاصة بالدراسة وتكمن هذه الصعوبة في اختيار التقنية الأنسب والتي تخدم الباحث وتساعده على على التواصل مع أكبر عدد من المبحوثين والوصول إلى عينة ممثلة لمجتمع الدراسة، إلا أن هذا لا يتأتى إلا إذا كان الباحث على قدر كبير من الخبرة العلمية والتمرس في استخدام أي تقنية من تقنيات (...)
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  17. الصراع بين جمعية العلماء المسلمين الجزائريين وجمعية علماء السنة 1932-1954م؛ قراءة في المواقف.عامر أقحيز & رشيد مياد - 2020 - مجلة مؤشر للدراسات الاستطلاعية 1 (1):59-70.
    عرفت الجزائر عام 1931م ميلاد جمعية العلماء المسلمين الجزائريين والتي أسستها كوكب من العلماء الإصلاحيين ورجال الطرق الصوفية، أظهرت هذه الجمعية منذ العام الأول لتأسيسها العداء للاستعمار الفرنسي وسياسته فشعارها خير دليل، ومضمونه: العربية لغتنا والجزائر وطننا والإسلام ديننا. لقد جعل هذا الأمر الفرنسيين يعلنون الحرب عليها وكان من بين أسلحتهم جمعية علماء السنة والتي هي انشقاق للطرقيين عن الجمعية كما أن فرنسا أرادت مغالطة الشعب بتسميتها بالسنة وقد كان صراعهما فصل مهما في تاريخ الجزائر بين الإصلاح والرجعية الاستعمارية .
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  18. البحر الأبيض المتوسط بحيرة سلام؛ نظرة استشرافية لدى المستشرق جاك بيرك.محمد تاج - 2020 - مجلة مؤشر للدراسات الاستطلاعية 1 (1):271-283.
    انتهت التراكمية المعرفية التي أنتجتها الحضارات - منذ أن فاعل الإنسان عقله مع مختلف مظاهر الحياة وحاول تفسيرها ووضع لها قواعد تضبطها ونظريات تؤسس لوجودها فشكلت نمطا تحاوريا بين مختلف الحضارات على اختلف توجهاتها وأرضياتها المشكلة لها، فكان أن احتضنت حواضر متعددة على وجه الأرض قفزات حضارية في ميدان التقدم والرقي وخدمة الإنسان وتيسير الحياة ، فكانت خدمة الإنسان سابقة لكل اعتبار، فطور العقل الطب للمحافظة على هذا البشر وطور الحرف ثم الفيزياء والكيمياء والتكنولوجيا ودائما كان الإنسان محورا طورا ومطورا (...)
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  19. قراءة بسيكولوجية لظاهرة الجريمة المستحدثة؛ تحليل الجرائم المستحدثة والسلوك الإجرامي.عيدة جفال - 2020 - مجلة مؤشر للدراسات الاستطلاعية 1 (1):300-320.
    تسعى هذه الورقة العلمية لمحاولة منهجية يتم فيها تقديم نموذج هيكلي لتفسير الظاهرة الإجرامية من زوايا مكونات الشخصية " جسمي – عقلي – إجتماعي – وجداني " ، ففي ورقتنا هذه نضع تفسيرات نفسية للظاهرة الإجرامية ، ويكاد يكون المبرر الأساسي في ذلك أن الشخصية الإنسانية هي أهم و أكبر و يكاد يكون أشمل وعاء في علم النفس عموما و في علم النفس الجنائي خصوصا ، و عليه نحاول التأكيد على نموذج يجمع تفسيرات متعددة تحت مكونات الشخصية ، بالإضافة لنماذج (...)
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  20. (1 other version)قلق الامتحان لدى تلاميذ البكالوريا وعلاقته بمتغيري النوع والتخصص الأكاديمي.غريب العربي & محمد علي - 2020 - مجلة مؤشر للدراسات الاستطلاعية 1 (2):85-96.
    استهدفت الدراسة الكشف عن مستوى قلق الامتحان لدى تلاميذ البكالوريا وعلاقته بمتغيري النوع والتخصص الأكاديمي، تم استخدام المنهج الوصفي، وقد أجريت الدراسة على عينة قوامها (158) تلميذا وتلميذة تم اختيارهم بطريقة عرضية من ثانويات بولاية تيارت، ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة طبق مقياس قلق الامتحان لحامد زهران (1999) وقد أسفرت النتائج عن وجود مستوى مرتفع لقلق الامتحان لدى عينة البحث، كما تبين وجود فروق في متوسطات درجات قلق الامتحان تعزى لمتغير النوع ولصالح الإناث، ووجود فروق في متوسطات درجات قلق الامتحان تعزى لمتغير (...)
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  21. أسبوع الترجمة : الجزء الأول – المحاضرات؛ برلين: المركز الديمقراطي العربي للدراسات الإستراتيجية والسياسية والإقتصادية، 2022. 86 ص.حمزة الأندلوسي & أحلام حال (eds.) - 2022
    الكتاب الذي نضعه بين أيدس القارئ عبارة عن سلسلة من المحاضرات اليومية موسومة بأسبوع الترجمة: الجزء الأول احتفاء باليوم العالمي للترجمة. تم إلقاءها على مسامعنا من قبل أعمدة الترجمة في الوطن العربي عبر تقنية التحاضر المرئي زووم من 24 سبتمبر لغاية 29 سبتمبر. توجت بمؤتمر علمي دولي يوم 30 من الشهر نفسه.
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  22. (1 other version)أسبوع الترجمة؛ دور الترجمة في التواصل بين الشعوب. برلين: المركز الديمقراطي العربي للدراسات الإستراتيجية والسياسية والإقتصادية.حمزة الأندلوسي & أحلام حال (eds.) - 2022
    هذا العمل عبارة عن مؤلف جماعي دولي حول فعاليات المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الموسوم بـ : دور الترجمة في التواصل بين الشعوب. مؤتمر خاص بأسبوع الترجمة احتفاء باليوم العالمي للترجمة شارك فيه ثلة من الباحثين عبر الزووم من مختلف الجامعات العربية والغربية للتحدث عن الترجمة، ودورها في التواصل بين الشعوب على اختلاف لغاتها وثقافاتها. -/- .
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  23. ميتافيزيقيا المعاناة.وليم العوطة & Gianni Vattimo - 2017 - European Journal of Psychoanalysis.
    ميتافيزيقيا المعاناة كتابة: جياني فاتيمو ترجمة: وليم العوطة -/- ينتقد الكاتبُ التقليدَ الغربي الطويل في تمجيد الألم الجسديّ والذهنيّ بوصفه وسيلةً مفضّلة في ‏تعلّم الحقائق الأساسية. تشكّل هذه المثلنة[الأمثلة] للألم والأسى، وللزهدِ عامّةً، جزءًا أساسيًا من ‏الميتافيزيقيا الغربية، وبوصفها كذلك فقد ألقت بأثرها على الطبّ الغربي والحقول الأخرى، بما فيها ‏التحليل النفسيّ. يمكن أيضًا توسيع نقد هايدجر للميتافيزيقيا الغربية ليطال أيديولوجيتنا الحالية في ‏الإنكار، وبمعارضتها يضع الكاتب قبولَ المرء بتاريخيته الجذرية.‏ .
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  24. الالتفات في السرد القرآني.أحمد محمد حسين بشارات & Ahmad Bsharat - 2015 - Dissertation, جامعة اليرموك
    ملخّـــــــــــــــص. بشارات، أحمد محمد. الالتفات في السّرد القرآني. رسالة دكتوراه في جامعة اليرموك. 2015م. (المشرف: أ.د. يوسف أبو العدوس). يعرض البحث ثلاث قضايا: الأولى، بنية الالتفات النصّي في محاولة لإجراء مفهوم يصدق على التشكّل البنيوي للالتفات النصّي، بإقامة تقابلات وظيفية بين الالتفات ووظيفتين في الدراسات السّرديّة: وظيفة الحافز ووظيفة التحفيز. إنّ الالتفات النصّي يتشكّل وفقًا للاعتبار الدلاليّ؛ فالتصوّر الشّكلي(=البنيّة التركيبية) غير وارد في إقامة مفهوم وظيفيّ للالتفات النصّي؛ أي أنّ بنيّة الالتفات بنيّة فوق صرفيّة(=صيغة الكلمة)، وفوق نحوية(=مسند ومسند إليه=جملة)، فالالتفات (...)
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  25. Ambivalence.J. S. Swindell Blumenthal-Barby - 2010 - Philosophical Explorations 13 (1):23 – 34.
    The phenomenon of ambivalence is an important one for any philosophy of action. Despite this importance, there is a lack of a fully satisfactory analysis of the phenomenon. Although many contemporary philosophers recognize the phenomenon, and address topics related to it, only Harry Frankfurt has given the phenomenon full treatment in the context of action theory - providing an analysis of how it relates to the structure and freedom of the will. In this paper, I develop objections to Frankfurt's account, (...)
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  26. Vad är liv? Jakten på en ny definition av liv.Jessica Abbott & Erik Persson - 2017 - In Jessica Abbott & Erik Persson (eds.), LIV – Utomjordiskt, Syntetiskt, Artificiellt. Lund, Sverige: Pufendorfinstitutet. pp. 21-33.
    I årtusenden har människan försökt definiera livet – hur levande djur och växter skiljer sig från död materia. Problemet är dock att livet är mångfacetterat, och varje regel har sitt undantag. Vi försöker möta kommande utmaningar med nya livsformer, genom att lyfta fram en ny definition av liv.
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  27. الفن الروائي الجزائري.أوغرب Ougherb عبدالله Abdellah - 2021 - مجلة الدراسات الثقافية واللغوية والفنية 5 (5):321-340.
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  28. An Architecture of Thin Client in Internet of Things and Efficient Resource Allocation in Cloud for Data Distribution.Aymen Abdullah, Phamhung Phuoc & Eui Namhuh - 2017 - International Arab Journal of Information Technology 14 (6).
    These days, Thin-client devices are continuously accessing the Internet to perform/receive diversity of services in the cloud. However these devices might either has lack in their capacity (e.g., processing, CPU, memory, storage, battery, resource allocation, etc) or in their network resources which is not sufficient to meet users satisfaction in using Thin-client services. Furthermore, transferring big size of Big Data over the network to centralized server might burden the network, cause poor quality of services, cause long respond delay, and inefficient (...)
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  29. A Bipolar Neutrosophic Multi Criteria Decision Making Framework for Professional Selection.Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Abduallah Gamal, Le Hoang Son & Florentin Smarandache - 2020 - Applied Sciences 10 (1):1-21.
    In this paper, we propose a new hybrid neutrosophic multi criteria decision making (MCDM) framework that employs a collection of neutrosophic analytical network process (ANP), and order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) under bipolar neutrosophic numbers. The MCDM framework is applied for chief executive officer (CEO) selection in a case study at the Elsewedy Electric Group, Egypt. The proposed approach allows us to assemble individual evaluations of the decision makers and therefore perform accurate personnel selection. The outcomes of (...)
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  30. Association of Intraleukocytic Malaria Pigment with Disease Severity, Diagnosis and Prognosis in Sudanese Patients.Afnan Ali Mohamed Abdelrahim - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR) 2 (11):13-18.
    Abstract: malaria is one of the most frequent hemoparasitic infections in tropical and sub-tropical countries. Malaria in Sudan is the major public health problem. This study was aimed to investigate the association of intraleukocytic pigment with malaria infection (severity, diagnosis and prognosis), and to investigate the correlation of parasite density levels with Malaria Severity. A total of 176 participants was drawn from the population of sudanese patient above 5 years, who attended or were admitted to the Bashayer Hospital, with diagnosis (...)
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  31. Dynamic and Complex Viscosity of Polystyrene/ Waste Tires Composites.Mahmoud Abdel-Halim Abdel-Goad - 2018 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 2 (8):12-17.
    Abstract: In this work, polystyrene/waste tires composites were prepared using the melt-mixing method. The viscoelastic properties of PS and PS/composite have been evaluated and compared. These properties were studied using ARES-Rheometer under nitrogen atmosphere in parallel plate geometry with diameter 8 mm. The measurements are carried out over a wide range of temperatures ranged from 120°C to 220°C and frequencies from 100 to 0.1 radians per second. The dynamic and complex viscosity of the PS composites were studied and compared with (...)
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  32. Dynamic Mechanical Analysis for Waste Tires Reinforced Polystyrene: Shear Compliance.Mahmoud Abdel-Halim Abdel-Goad - 2018 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 2 (8):51-54.
    Abstract: Polystyrene/waste tires composites were prepared in this study by incorporating small particles of waste tires into polydisperse commercial polystyrene (PS) in a melt-mixing method. The dynamic mechanical properties of PS and PS/composite were studied using ARES-Rheometer under nitrogen atmosphere in parallel plate geometry with diameter 8 mm. The measurements were carried out over a wide range of temperatures ranged from 120°C to 220°C and frequencies from 100 to 0.1 radians per second. The shear compliance of PS composite were studied (...)
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  33. Molecular Characterization of Polystyrene/ Waste Tires Composites.Mahmoud Abdel-Halim Abdel-Goad - 2018 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 4 (2):33-36.
    In this work, polystyrene/waste tires composites were prepared using the melt-mixing method.. The effect of the preparation conditions of the PS/waste tires composite is investigated in this work by using Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) technique. Stability at elevated temperatures were found to increase with the addition of waste tires to PS as confirmed by the results. GPC results indicate that the preparation conditions of the PS/waste tires composite has no effect on the Ps chains as indicated by GPC technique. The (...)
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  34. Māturīdī Theologian Abū Ishāq al-Zāhid al-Saffār’s Vindication of the Kalām = Māturīdī Theologian Abū Ishāq al-Zāhid al-Saffār’s Vindication of the Kalām.Demir Abdullah - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (1):445-502.
    Abū Ishāq al-Ṣaffār was one of scholars of the Western Qarakhānids’ period who followed the Kalām thought of al-Māturīdī (d. 333/944). His theological works Talkhīs al-adilla and Risāla fī al-kalām, his method in kalām, and frequent reference to his works by Ottoman and Arab scholars indicate that al-Ṣaffār is a respected and authorative Māturīdī theologian. The article focuses on his defense of the kalām. By adding a long introduction to Talkhīs about the naming, importance, and religious legitimacy of the science (...)
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  35. Neutrosophic Association Rule Mining Algorithm for Big Data Analysis.Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Mai Mohamed, Florentin Smarandache & Victor Chang - 2018 - Symmetry 10 (4):1-19.
    Big Data is a large-sized and complex dataset, which cannot be managed using traditional data processing tools. Mining process of big data is the ability to extract valuable information from these large datasets. Association rule mining is a type of data mining process, which is indented to determine interesting associations between items and to establish a set of association rules whose support is greater than a specific threshold. The classical association rules can only be extracted from binary data where an (...)
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  36. Reuse of Waste Plastic in the Modification of Rheological Characteristics of Bitumen.Mahmoud Abdel-Halim Abdel-Goad & Hisham El-Shrief - 2018 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 2 (12):31-35.
    Abstract: Waste polyvinylchloride (PVC) pipes were reused in the modification of commercially available bitumen. Waste PVC/ bitumen blends were prepared by melt-mixing method. Rheological characteristics of the neat bitumen and bitumen blends samples were investigated. The rheological properties were determined using an ARES- Rheometer (Rheometric Scientific, Co.) under nitrogen atmosphere in parallel plate geometry with diameter 25 mm. The measurements were performed over a wide range of temperatures ranged from -10°C to 60°C and frequencies from 100 to 0.1 radians per (...)
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  37. The Role of Vitamin D in the Incidence of Metabolic Syndrome in Undergraduate Female Students in Saudi Arabia.aHala M. Abdelkarem, Aishah H. Alamri, bFadia Y. Abdel Megeid, cMervat M. Al-Sayed & Omyma K. Radwan - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR) 2 (11):7-12.
    Abstract: Background: Vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency prevalent in all age groups across the world is common in obesity and may play an important role in the risk factors of metabolic syndrome (MS). Objectives: This cross-sectional study is to evaluate the relationship between levels of adiponectin and circulating 25(OH)D, and its effect on metabolic biomarker among overweight/obese female students. Methods: Three hundred female students; with mean age 20.9 ± 3.2 years were attending the Aljouf University, Sakaka, Saudi Arabia. They were randomly selected (...)
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  38. The Reality of Applying the Balanced Scorecard in the Egyptian Ceramic Companies.AbdElaal AbdAllah AbdElaal, Mazen J. Al Shobaki, Samy S. Abu-Naser & Suliman A. El Talla - 2021 - International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR) 5 (10):128-140.
    The study aimed to identify the level of organizational performance in ceramic companies in the Tenth of Ramadan City, where the researchers used the descriptive analytical method, through a questionnaire distributed. The study reached a set of results, the most important of which are: the presence of a clear consensus of the study sample from the members of the senior management that all dimensions of the balanced scorecard variable are largely present in the ceramic companies under study, and the results (...)
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  39. The Shear Creep Stress and Loss Factor of Polystyrene/ Waste Tires Composites.Mahmoud Abdel-Halim Abdel-Goad - 2018 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 4 (2):29-32.
    Abstract— Polystyrene/waste tires composites were prepared in this study by incorporating shredded waste tires into polydisperse polystyrene in a melt-mixing method. The dynamic mechanical properties of PS and PS/composite have been evaluated and compared. These properties were studied using ARES-Rheometer under nitrogen atmosphere in parallel plate geometry with diameter 8 mm. The measurements are carried out over a wide range of temperatures ranged from 120°C to 220°C and frequencies from 100 to 0.1 radians per second. The shear creep stress J(t) (...)
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  40. Architecture and Identity: Responses to Cultural and Technological Change 3rd Edition.Chris Abel - 2017 - Abingdon: Routledge.
    Expanding his collected essays on architectural theory and criticism, Chris Abel pursues his explorations across disciplinary and regional boundaries in search of a deeper understanding of architecture in the evolution of human culture and identity formation. From his earliest writings predicting the computer-based revolution in customised architectural production, through his novel studies on 'tacit knowing' in design or hybridisation in regional and colonial architecture, to his radical theory of the 'extended self', Abel has been a consistently fresh and provocative thinker, (...)
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  41. Introduction.Andrew Aberdein & Matthew Inglis - 2019 - In Andrew Aberdein & Matthew Inglis (eds.), Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics. London: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 1-13.
    There has been little overt discussion of the experimental philosophy of logic or mathematics. So it may be tempting to assume that application of the methods of experimental philosophy to these areas is impractical or unavailing. This assumption is undercut by three trends in recent research: a renewed interest in historical antecedents of experimental philosophy in philosophical logic; a “practice turn” in the philosophies of mathematics and logic; and philosophical interest in a substantial body of work in adjacent disciplines, such (...)
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  42. Observations on Sick Mathematics.Andrew Aberdein - 2010 - In Bart Van Kerkhove, Jean Paul Van Bendegem & Jonas De Vuyst (eds.), Philosophical Perspectives on Mathematical Practice. College Publications. pp. 269--300.
    This paper argues that new light may be shed on mathematical reasoning in its non-pathological forms by careful observation of its pathologies. The first section explores the application to mathematics of recent work on fallacy theory, specifically the concept of an ‘argumentation scheme’: a characteristic pattern under which many similar inferential steps may be subsumed. Fallacies may then be understood as argumentation schemes used inappropriately. The next section demonstrates how some specific mathematical fallacies may be characterized in terms of argumentation (...)
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  43. Sentiment analysis on online social network.Vijaya Abhinandan - forthcoming - International Journal of Computer Science, Information Technology, and Security.
    A large amount of data is maintained in every Social networking sites.The total data constantly gathered on these sites make it difficult for methods like use of field agents, clipping services and ad-hoc research to maintain social media data. This paper discusses the previous research on sentiment analysis.
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  44. Interrogating Abdulrasheed Abiodun Adeoye’s ‘Neo-Alienation’ Directorial Style in the Productions of The Smart Game and The Lion and the Jewel.Olubunmi Fasoranti Abiola - 2018 - International Journal of Humanitatis Theoreticus 1 (1):39-46.
    This paper interrogates Abdul Rasheed Abiodun Adeoye’s ‘neo-alienation’ directorial style’ as a viable directing technique on African theatre stage. The ‘neo-alienation’ style is an offshoot of Bertolt Brecht’s epic theatre that enhances the total theatre aesthetics and encourages actors’-audience’s relationship. It is a directorial style that has been tested severally on the Nigerian stage and proved worthy of exploration. Using the participant-observation and the deductive research methods, the theory shall be examined in relation to its usage in the production of (...)
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  45. A Reflection on Plato’s Notion of Politics and Nigeria Political Model.Hyginus Ebuka Abonyi - forthcoming - Student Writers Association.
    Philosophy, right from its inception in antiquity, has always been a source of ideas, and inspiration for the transformation of society. In attempt to solve societal problems, philosophers ask critical questions and suggest rational answers to them just like some fundamental theories postulated by great thinkers in the past had been usefully applied to solve contemporary problems. Hence, using analytic method, this work makes vivid through criticism from the light of Plato’s notion on politic, the reason why Nigeria is where (...)
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  46. ‘There are No Such Great Philosophies’: Contested Meanings of Toasebio Parish in Jakarta.Juneman Abraham - 2018 - In Slavomír Magál, Dáša Mendelová, Dana Petranová & Nicolae Apostolescu (eds.), 10th European Symposium on Religious Art Restoration & Conservation (ESRARC 2018) Procedings Book. pp. 33-37.
    This present study aims at exploring the meaning of the building of Santa Maria de Fatima Catholic Church (abbreviated as: SMFCC) or Toasebio Parish located in District Glodok, Jakarta, Indonesia. The author exposes in advance the meaning of the physical elements of the building SMFCC as understood by history writers and building experts. These meanings are not inseparable from the elements of human activities in the building. Through qualitative methods and literature review, the author describes in the Results section, how (...)
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  47. Assessment of Serum Zinc and Albumin Levels among Newly Diagnosed Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Khartoum State.Nuha Eljaili Abubaker, Hassan Siddig AbdElgader Omar & Hind Haidar Ahmed - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR) 3 (5):1-9.
    Abstract: Background: Tuberculosis is a major public health problem world-wide, it is contagious disease caused by organism mycobacterium tuberculosis. The aim of this study was to assess the level of zinc and albumin in newly diagnosed patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in Khartoum state. Methods: Fifty blood samples were collected from newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients during the period between April to May 2017, chosen randomly from Abu Anga Teaching Hospital and fifty blood samples from apparently healthy individuals serve as control (...)
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  48. Crowdfunding Financing Model effect on Entrepreneurship Aspirations.Youssef Abu Amuna - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance and Management Research (IJAAFMR) 3 (1):53-60.
    The study aimed to measure the effect of Crowdfunding financing on entrepreneurship aspirations in Arabic region. Population consists of members in (15) Crowdfunding Arabic platforms which are working with all models and online at (2018). Descriptive approach and a questionnaire used as a tool for this research. The results showed that Crowdfunding financing effect positively on entrepreneurship aspirations, Crowdfunding used mostly to finance small business or microfinance and charity. Add to that, Crowdfunding leads to financial efficiency and costs reduction, more (...)
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  49. Knowledge Management Processes and Their Role in Achieving Competitive Advantage at Al-Quds Open University.Nader H. Abusharekh, Husam R. Ahmad, Samer M. Arqawi, Samy S. Abu Naser & Mazen J. Al Shobaki - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance and Management Research (IJAAFMR) 3 (9):24-41.
    The study aimed to identify the knowledge management processes and their role in achieving competitive advantage at Al-Quds Open University. The study was based on the descriptive analytical method, and the study population consists of academic and administrative staff in each of the branches of Al-Quds Open University in (Tulkarm, Nablus and Jenin). The researchers selected a sample of the study population by the intentional non-probability method, the size of (70) employees. A questionnaire was prepared and supervised by a number (...)
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  50. Predicting the Number of Calories in a Dish Using Just Neural Network.Sulafa Yhaya Abu Qamar, Shahed Nahed Alajjouri, Shurooq Hesham Abu Okal & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2023 - International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) 7 (10):1-9.
    Abstract: Heart attacks, or myocardial infarctions, are a leading cause of mortality worldwide. Early prediction and accurate analysis of potential risk factors play a crucial role in preventing heart attacks and improving patient outcomes. In this study, we conduct a comprehensive review of datasets related to heart attack analysis and prediction. We begin by examining the various types of datasets available for heart attack research, encompassing clinical, demographic, and physiological data. These datasets originate from diverse sources, including hospitals, research institutions, (...)
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