Results for 'Platone e Freud'

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  1. Psiche: Platone e Freud. Desiderio, Sogno, Mania, Eros (pdf: indice, prefazione Vegetti, introduzione, capitolo I).Marco Solinas - 2008 - Firenze: Firenze University Press.
    Psiche sets up a close-knit comparison between the psychology of Plato's Republic and Freud's psychoanalysis. Convergences and divergences are discussed in relation both to the Platonic conception of the oneiric emergence of repressed desires that prefigures the main path of Freud's subconscious, to the analysis of the psychopathologies related to these theoretical formulations and to the two diagnostic and therapeutic approaches adopted. Another crucial theme is the Platonic eros - the examination of which is also extended to the (...)
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  2. La sublimazione dell'eros. La "Repubblica" e Freud.Marco Solinas - 2007 - Chronos 25 (1):69-92.
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  3. La paternità dell’eros: il “Simposio” e Freud.Marco Solinas - 2005 - In Gherardo Ugolini (ed.), Die Kraft der Vergangenheit – La forza del passato. Georg Olms Verlag. pp. 231-241.
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  4. La riscoperta della via regia. Freud lettore di Platone.Marco Solinas - 2012 - Psicoterapia E Scienze Umane (4):539-568.
    Starting with the reference to “Plato’s dictum” that Freud added in the second last page of the first edition of The Interpretation of Dreams, the author explains the convergences between the conception of dreams expounded by Plato in the Republic and Freud’s fundamental insights. The analysis of bibliographic sources used by Freud, and of his interests, allow than to suppose not only that Freud omitted to acknowledge the Plato’s theoretical genealogy of “the Via Regia to the (...)
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  5. La via platonica alla Interpretazione dei sogni.Marco Solinas - 2017 - ViaBorgogna3 6:66-73.
    Analisi della possibile influenza esercitata dalla lettura di Platone su Freud, e in particolare della teoria del sogno come via per conoscere dei desideri precedentemnte "repressi" esposta nella "Repubblica".
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  6. Desideri: fenomenologia degenerativa e strategie di controllo.Marco Solinas - 2005 - In Mario Vegetti (ed.), Platone. La Repubblica. Bibliopolis. pp. vol. VI, 471-498.
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  7. (1 other version)Über den Homunkulus-Fehlschluß.Geert Keil - 2003 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 57 (1):1 - 26.
    Ein Homunkulus im philosophischen Sprachgebrauch ist eine postulierte menschenähnliche Instanz, die ausdrücklich oder unausdrücklich zur Erklärung der Arbeitsweise des menschlichen Geistes herangezogen wird. Als Homunkulus-Fehlschluß wird die Praxis bezeichnet, Prädikate, die auf kognitive oder perzeptive Leistungen einer ganzen Person zutreffen, auch auf Teile von Personen oder auf subpersonale Vorgänge anzuwenden, was typischerweise zu einem Regreß führt. Der vorliegende Beitrag erörtert den Homunkulus-Fehlschluß zunächst in argumentationstheoretischer Hinsicht und stellt dabei ein Diagnoseschema auf. Dann werden zwei Anwendungsfelder erörtert: Instanzenmodelle der Psyche (Platon, (...)
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  8. Empedocle e Freud: riflessioni su logica e linguaggio.Federica Montevecchi - 2017 - Aretè: International Journal of Philosophy, Human & Social Science 2:260-274.
    The present piece, first presented on 19 November 2016 at the Centre Léon Robin (CNRS-Univ. Paris-Sorbonne-ENS Ulm) as part of the“Présocratiques” Seminar, is an investigation of the relationship between Empedocles and Freud. The analysis is divided into three parts: the first section examines the nature of Freud’s engagement with Empedocles; next, consideration is given to the similarities between their doctrines, based on the extant fragments of the Empedoclean corpus; finally, I offer a series of observations about Empedocles’ poetic (...)
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  9. Genetic Protection Modifications: Moving Beyond the Binary Distinction Between Therapy and Enhancement for Human Genome Editing.Rasmus Bjerregaard Mikkelsen, Henriette Reventlow S. Frederiksen, Mickey Gjerris, Bjørn Holst, Poul Hyttel, Yonglun Luo, Kristine Freude & Peter Sandøe - 2019 - CRISPR Journal 2 (6):362-369.
    Current debate and policy surrounding the use of genetic editing in humans often relies on a binary distinction between therapy and human enhancement. In this paper, we argue that this dichotomy fails to take into account perhaps the most significant potential uses of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing in humans. We argue that genetic treatment of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease, breast- and ovarian-cancer causing BRCA1/2 mutations and the introduction of HIV resistance in humans should be considered within a new category of genetic protection (...)
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  10. Via Platonica zum Unbewussten. Platon und Freud (pdf: Inhaltszerzeichnis, Vegetti Vorwort, Einleitung).Marco Solinas - 2012 - Turia + Kant.
    Solinas’ Studie untersucht den Einfluss von Platons Anschauungen von Traum, Wunsch und Wahn auf den jungen Freud. Anhand der Untersuchung einiger zeitgenössischer kulturwissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, die bereits in die ersten Ausgabe der Traumdeutung Eingang fanden, wird Freuds nachhaltige Vertrautheit mit den platonischen Lehren erläutert und seine damit einhergehende direkte Textkenntnis der thematisch relevanten Stellen aus Platons Staat aufgezeigt. Die strukturelle Analogie von Freud’schem und platonischem Seelenbegriff wird inhaltlich am Traum als »Königsweg zum Unbewussten«, in dem von Freud selbst (...)
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  11. Platone e i suoi commentatori.Domenico Cufalo - 2006 - Memorie dell'Accademia Roveretana Degli Agiati 256 (A.A. 2006, ser. II, vol. X):121-137.
    Some remarks about commentaries on Plato in the medieval Byzantium.
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  12. Socrate e Freud. Due psicoterapie a confronto, in "Kykéion. Semestrale di idee in discussione", 8 , pp. 105-116.Marco Solinas - 2002 - Kykéion. Semestrale di Idee in Discussione 8:105-116.
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  13. Platon, Phaidros 249BC: Über den Menschen.E. Sonderegger - 1996 - Hermes 124 (3):375–377.
    Abstract Platon, Phaidros 249bc A philological check of the grammar of this passage shows its philosophical impact. To be able to understand the many as unity, thanks to the ideas, is the specifity of us human beings.
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  14. A MORTE: SPINOZA E FREUD DIANTE DA DISSOLUÇÃO DA VIDA - REFLEXÕES A PARTIR DO JUDAÍSMO.Nei Ricardo de Souza - 2021 - Dissertation, Pontifícia Universidade Católica Do Paraná
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  15. L’hermeneus prima dell’ermeneutica: Platone e la filosofizzazione coatta.Walter Lapini - 2019 - Noctua 6 (1–2):325-345.
    The essay aims at demonstrating that it is dangerous to try to reconstruct a philosophical doctrine taking into account solely or predominantly the analysis of vocabulary. This is particularly true of the philosophical doctrines of the ancients, who generally did not feel obliged to adopt a coherent and unambiguous technical terminology. Starting from the essay of F. Camera, Sui molteplici significati di hermeneia in Platone, which was published in 2004 and then re-edited in 2011 with few modifications but with (...)
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  16. Platonism about Goodness—Anselm’s Proof in the Monologion.Jeffrey E. Brower - 2019 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 3 (2):1-28.
    In the opening chapter of the Monologion, Anselm offers an intriguing proof for the existence of a Platonic form of goodness. This proof is extremely interesting, both in itself and for its place in the broader argument for God’s existence that Anselm develops in the Monologion as a whole. Even so, it has yet to receive the scholarly attention that it deserves. My aim in this article is to begin correcting this state of affairs by examining Anslem’s proof in some (...)
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  17. LA ESTRATEGIA DEL ALMA TRIPARTITA-THE STRATEGY OF THE TRIPARTITE SOUL.Jesús Antonio Marcos - 2020 - Estudios Filosóficos 69 (202):481-505.
    Abstract: Our soul, as Plato proposed, responds to the nature, functions and interaction of the three parts of which it is composed, without this preventing it from possessing a unitary character. His model of psychism respected the universal perception of the diversity of soul entities, but, by using the tools provided by Greek thought, he turned them into components of a process of opposition and dialectical ascent that reproduced within man the structure of the cosmos. The triangular systems of Aristotle, (...)
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  18. La redécouverte de la « via regia ». Freud lecteur de Platon.Marco Solinas - 2015 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 113 (4):535-567.
    A partir du renvoi à la « maxime de Platon » insérée dans l’avant dernière page de la première édition de L’interprétation du rêve, l’auteur expose d’abord les convergences entre la conception du rêve de Platon présentée dans La République et les intuitions qui fondent l’édifice métapsychologique freudien. A la lumière des sources textuelles citées par Freud et de ses intérêts, l’auteur avance ensuite l’hypothèse selon laquelle Freud aurait non seulement omis de reconnaître la généalogie théorétique platonicienne de (...)
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  19. Inconscio e mondo. Freud testimone di un'epoca.Riccardo Martinelli - 2010 - Esercizi Filosofici 5 (2):102-111.
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    Tradução e notas de A Transitoriedade, de Sigmund Freud / Translation and Notes on Sigmund Freud’s A Transitoriness (3rd edition).Matheus dos Reis Gomes - 2024 - Polymatheia - Revista de Filosofia 17:314-327.
    During the First World War in 1915, Sigmund Freud wrote Vergänglichkeit, a short essaythat reflects, among other themes, on the ephemerality of life and beauty. Originally published in German, the essay explores how the awareness of transitoriness influences the human psyche through a dialogue between Freud, a young poet, and a melancholicfriend. Freud discusses the fragility of beauty, the appreciation of transitoriness, mourning, libido, the impact of war, and the renewal of meaning in the face of the (...)
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  21. MacIntyre and Kovesi on the Nature of Moral Concepts.Alan Tapper & R. E. Ewin - 2012 - In Alan Tapper & T. Brian Mooney (eds.), Meaning and morality: essays on the philosophy of Julius Kovesi. Leiden: Brill. pp. 123-37.
    Julius Kovesi was a moral philosopher contemporary with Alasdair MacIntyre, and dealing with many of the same questions as MacIntyre. In our view, Kovesi’s moral philosophy is rich in ideas and worth revisiting. MacIntyre agrees: Kovesi’s Moral Notions, he has said, is ‘a minor classic in moral philosophy that has not yet received its due’. Kovesi was not a thinker whose work fits readily into any one tradition. Unlike the later MacIntyre, he was not a Thomistic Aristotelian, nor even an (...)
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  22. Phonological Ambiguity Detection Outside of Consciousness and Its Defensive Avoidance.Ariane Bazan, Ramesh Kushwaha, E. Samuel Winer, J. Michael Snodgrass, Linda A. W. Brakel & Howard Shevrin - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
    Freud proposes that in unconscious processing, logical connections are also (heavily) based upon phonological similarities. Repressed concerns, for example, would also be expressed by way of phonologic ambiguity. In order to investigate a possible unconscious influence of phonological similarity, 31 participants were submitted to a tachistoscopic subliminal priming experiment, with prime and target presented at 1ms. In the experimental condition, the prime and one of the 2 targets were phonological reversed forms of each other, though graphemically dissimilar (e.g., “nice” (...)
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    A teologia como antropologia e a religião como ilusão: dimensões acerca do fenômeno religioso em Ludwig Feuerbach e Sigmund Freud / Theology as Anthropology and Religion as Illusion: Dimensions about the Religious Phenomenon in Ludwig Feuerbach and Sigmund Freud.M. R. Gomes - 2020 - Caderno Intersaberes 9:143-156.
    Bringing to the fore the situation of religion in the face of the psychoanalytic perspective, it reminds us — within the advent of the psychology of religion in the nineteenth century — to a Weltanschauung on the sacred and, at the same time, to the religious phenomenon itself in its contemporary complexity. On the religious phenomenon, Sigmund Freud directs his gaze to one of the most important criticisms of religion; according to the Viennese, religion is an ingrained illusion of (...)
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  24. From playfulness and self-centredness via grand expectations to normalisation: a psychoanalytical rereading of the history of molecular genetics. [REVIEW]H. A. E. Zwart - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (4):775-788.
    In this paper, I will reread the history of molecular genetics from a psychoanalytical angle, analysing it as a case history. Building on the developmental theories of Freud and his followers, I will distinguish four stages, namely: (1) oedipal childhood, notably the epoch of model building (1943–1953); (2) the latency period, with a focus on the development of basic skills (1953–1989); (3) adolescence, exemplified by the Human Genome Project, with its fierce conflicts, great expectations and grandiose claims (1989–2003) and (...)
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  25. "All The Things We Could [Se]e by Now [Concerning Violence & Boko Haram], If Sigmund Freud's Wife was Your Mother": Psychoanalysis, Race, & International Political Theory.Babajide I. Ajishafe - 2017 - International Journal of Political Theory 2 (1):11-37.
    In response to the sonic media and ludicrosity of her time, Hortense J. Spillers' paradigmatic essay ""All the Things You Could Be by Now, If Sigmund Freud's Wife Was Your Mother": Psychoanalysis and Race," transfigures Charles Mingus' melodic, cryptic, and most puzzling record title into a workable theoretical cacophony. Closely written within the contexts and outside the confines of "some vaguely defined territory between well established republics," Spillers is able to open up the sarcophagus of meaning(s) within the Black (...)
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    Conoscere l'essere. Platone, Aristotele e la costruzione della filosofia prima.Roberto Granieri - 2024 - Bologna: Il Mulino.
    Nella «Metafisica» Aristotele fonda una scienza filosofica a cui assegna il compito di occuparsi dell’«essere in quanto essere», indagandone le cause e i principi primi. Egli denomina questa scienza «filosofia prima» e la eleva a forma massima di sapere. La filosofia prima è abitualmente riconosciuta come il punto di partenza per la formazione della disciplina filosofica che, a partire dalla prima età moderna, chiamiamo ontologia. Nel delinearne la fisionomia teorica e lo statuto, tuttavia, Aristotele si confronta da vicino con un (...)
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  27. Il Platonismo e l'Antropologia Filosofica di Gregorio di Nissa. Con Particolare Riferimento agli Influssi di Platone, Plotino e Porfirio. [REVIEW]Ignacio Yarza - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (2):422-425.
    Just after my return from a symposium at the University of Navarre on the dialogue between faith and culture in Christian antiquity, I had the opportunity to read Peroli's book. His approach is strikingly in accord with many of the claims made at Navarre. The overall approach of his study may be summed up with the following words: early Christian thought effected an authentic inculturation, [[sic]] not just by expressing the faith in the dominant philosophical categories of the time, but (...)
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  28. Platon, La République : De la justice – Dialectique et éducation.Sfetcu Nicolae - 2022 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Platon s'est inspir? des travaux philosophiques de certains de ses pr?d?cesseurs, en particulier Socrate, mais aussi Parm?nide, H?raclite et Pythagore, pour d?velopper sa propre philosophie, qui explore les domaines les plus importants, notamment la m?taphysique, l'?thique, l'esth?tique et la politique. Avec son professeur Socrate et son ?l?ve Aristote, il pose les bases de la pens?e philosophique occidentale. Platon est consid?r? comme l'un des philosophes les plus importants et les plus influents de l'histoire humaine, ?tant l'un des fondateurs de la religion (...)
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  29. Platon: Biografia.Sfetcu Nicolae - 2022 - Cunoașterea Științifică 1 (1):88-100.
    Principala sursă biografică despre Platon, după mărturia neoplatonicului Simplicius, ar fi fost scrisă de discipolul Xenocrate, dar din păcate nu a ajuns la noi. Cea mai veche biografie a lui Platon care a ajuns până la noi, De Platone et dogmate eius, este a unui autor latin din secolul al II-lea, Apuleius. Toate celelalte biografii ale lui Platon au fost scrise la peste cinci sute de ani de la moartea sa. Istoricul grec Diogene (secolele II și III) este autorul (...)
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  30. review of A Platonic Theory of Moral Education: Cultivating Virtue in Contemporary Democratic Classrooms (Routledge, 2020) by Mark E. Jonas and Yoshiaki Nakazawa. [REVIEW]Mason Marshall - 2021 - Educational Theory 71 (4):539-545.
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    «Sostituire in ciascuno la natura con la Storia»: Sartre, Freud e la critica all’antisemitismo.Giovanni Battista Soda - 2024 - Studi Sartriani 14:85-103.
    This paper aims at providing a side-by-side analysis of Freud’s enquiry into the historical origins and the psychological characterisation of antisemitism and Sartre’s famous 1948 essays on the topic. It is well known that after heavily criticising psychoanalysis in Being and Nothingness Sartre undertakes a process of reassessment of it culminating in Search for a Method and The Family Idiot. The first claim that this paper seeks to advance belongs to the field of Sartrean scholarship and argues that already (...)
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  32. Il Lexicon quod Theaeteti vocatur e il codice Palatino greco 173 di Platone.Domenico Cufalo - 2015 - In Maria Tziatzi (ed.), Lemmata. Beiträge zum Andenken an Christos Theodoridis / Essays in Honour of Christos Theodoridis. pp. 452-472.
    In this paper, I have been able to demonstrate that the so-called Lexicon Theeteti is an apographon of Pal. gr. 173, a well known Plato's manuscript of Xth century. The codex Laurentianus 57,24, which contains the lexicon, previously dated to XIV/XV century, was also backdated to the first half of XIVth century.
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  33. Intelectualismo ético de Platón. La relación de gnoseología y ética desde República VII.Estiven Valencia Marín - 2021 - Análisis 53 (98):307-325.
    El conocimiento ha incursionado como tema de gran alcance dadas las múltiples disciplinas que lo evocan y cuyos intereses investigativos incurren en una definición para este. Primeras cavilaciones acerca del conocimiento se adelantaron bajo una óptica dualista de materialismo e idealismo, ambas posturas de carácter filosófico que determinaron el pensar de Occidente. Dicho así, desde la Grecia clásica pensadores como Platón, entre otros clásicos, entronizaron esta cuestión, pero dicho trato dualista en el ámbito del saber estuvo fuertemente vinculado con una (...)
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  34. Palpacelli, L. Aristotele interprete Platone. Anima e cosmo. [REVIEW]Andrey Pukhaev - 2017 - Folia Petropolitana 3:242-243.
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  35. Newton’s Neo-Platonic Ontology of Space.Edward Slowik - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (3):419-448.
    This paper investigates Newton’s ontology of space in order to determine its commitment, if any, to both Cambridge neo-Platonism, which posits an incorporeal basis for space, and substantivalism, which regards space as a form of substance or entity. A non-substantivalist interpretation of Newton’s theory has been famously championed by Howard Stein and Robert DiSalle, among others, while both Stein and the early work of J. E. McGuire have downplayed the influence of Cambridge neo-Platonism on various aspects of Newton’s own spatial (...)
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  36. A filosofia após Freud.Vladimir Safatle, Ronaldo Manzi & Antonio Teixeira (eds.) - 2008 - São Paulo, SP, Brasil: Humanitas.
    Este livro é o resultado do II Encontro Nacional de Pesquisadores em Filosofia e Psicanálise, realizado em 2006 na Universidade de São Paulo, e reúne vários pesquisadores em torno de três temas - a filosofia após Freud, os problemas ...
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  37. Platon, Republica: Aspecte generale.Sfetcu Nicolae - manuscript
    Republica a fost scrisă aproximativ între 380 și 370 î.e.n. Titlul Republica este derivat din latină, fiind atribuit lui Cicero, care a numit cartea De re publica (Despre treburile publice), sau chiar ca De republica, creând astfel confuzie în ceea ce privește adevărata ei semnificație. Republica este considerată parte integrantă a genului literar utopic. Al doilea titlu, Peri dikaiou (περὶ δικαίου, Despre justiție), este posibil să fi fost inclus ulterior. Tema centrală a cărții este dreptatea, argumentată cu ajutorul mai multor (...)
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  38. Platone a Ferrara: il De providentia ad sententiam Platonis et Platonicorum liber unus di Tommaso Giannini.Simone Fellina - 2019 - In Fabrizio Amerini, Simone Fellina & Andrea Strazzoni (eds.), _Tra antichità e modernità. Studi di storia della filosofia medievale e rinascimentale_. Raccolti da Fabrizio Amerini, Simone Fellina e Andrea Strazzoni. Firenze-Parma, Torino: E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni, Università degli Studi di Torino. pp. 466-553.
    Tommaso Giannini (1556-1638) was a prominent professor at the Ferrara Studium between the sixteenth and the seventeenth century. Probably influenced by Platonic sympathies nurtured by the Court and partly by the University milieu, in 1587 he published his first work titled De providentia ad sententiam Platonis et Platonicorum liber unus, which was a catalyst for his academic career. His De providentia displays a large amount of sources always tacitly used: Marsilio Ficino, Jacques Charpentier, Giulio Serina, Stefano Tiepolo, Teofilo Zimara, Bessarion, (...)
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  39. Theophrastus on Platonic and 'Pythagorean' Imitation.Phillip Sidney Horky - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):686-712.
    In the twenty-fourth aporia of Theophrastus' Metaphysics, there appears an important, if ‘bafflingly elliptical’, ascription to Plato and the ‘Pythagoreans’ of a theory of reduction to the first principles via ‘imitation’. Very little attention has been paid to the idea of Platonic and ‘Pythagorean’ reduction through the operation of ‘imitation’ as presented by Theophrastus in his Metaphysics. This article interrogates the concepts of ‘reduction’ and ‘imitation’ as described in the extant fragments of Theophrastus’ writings – with special attention to his (...)
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  40. Grenzen des Gesprächs über Ideen. Die Formen des Wissens und die Notwendigkeit der Ideen in Platons "Parmenides".Gregor Damschen - 2003 - In Gregor Damschen, Rainer Enskat & Alejandro G. Vigo (eds.), Platon und Aristoteles – sub ratione veritatis. Festschrift für Wolfgang Wieland zum 70. Geburtstag. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. pp. 31-75.
    Limits of the Conversation about Forms. Types of Knowledge and Necessity of Forms in Plato's "Parmenides". - Forms (ideas) are among the things that Plato is serious about. But about these things he says in his "Seventh Letter": "There neither is nor ever will be a treatise of mine on the subject." (341c, transl. J. Harward). Plato's statement suggests the question, why one does not and never can do justice to the Platonic forms by means of a written text about (...)
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  41. Reseña de libro: Stella, Fabio. Νόος e νοεῖν da Omero a Platone. Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, Besançon, 2021, 808 pp. [REVIEW]David Torrijos-Castrillejo - 2024 - Anuario Filosófico 57:179-181.
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  42. Sull'opera Melanconia e società di Wolf Lepenies.Luca Corchia - 2007 - The Lab's Quarterly 8 (2):1-38.
    In Melanconia e società (1969), W. Lepenies si propone di individuare le cause storico-sociali e le conseguenze sociologicamente rilevanti degli atteggiamenti individuali e collettivi melanconici per la genesi, la conservazione e innovazione delle strutture sociali. Egli afferma che non intende definire a priori che cosa sia la melanconia, ma piuttosto ricostruirne il significato tramite le rappresentazioni dei vissuti interiori di coloro che si sono autodefiniti tali attingendo alla letteratura di corte, salottiera nobiliare e borghese, francese e tedesca. In realtà, egli (...)
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  43. Moritz Geiger’s Notion of Dynamic Essence – a Challenge for the Contemporary ‘Platonic’ Conception of Essence?Robert Michels - manuscript
    In 1924, the Munich-school phenomenologist Moritz Geiger argued that there are dynamic essences. His two examples are the tragic, and being human, his main ideas are that what it takes to be tragic varies over time historically and that what makes an organism human varies across different stages of its ontogenetic development. He hence points to two ways in which essences may be dynamic, that is, subject to change. The current paper takes Geiger’s view seriously and assumes that it poses (...)
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  44. Chaldean and Neo-Platonic Theology.Katelis Viglas - 2016 - Philosophia E-Journal of Philosophy and Culture 14:171-189.
    In the present paper, the meanings the term “Chaldeans” acquired during the Antiquity and the early Middle Ages are presented, but mainly the role the Chaldean Oracles played inside the movement of Neo-Platonism is emphasized. The stratification of Being according to the theology of the Chaldean Oracles, suggests a reformation of the ancient Chaldean dogmas by the Neo-Platonists. The kernel of this paper is the demonstration of the similarity between the name “En” that the ancient Babylonians used as the first (...)
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  45. Entre ética e dialética: defronte a Platão e Gadamer.Marcelo Perine - 2020 - Filosofia Unisinos 21 (2).
    From Gadamer's Habilitation thesis, “Plato’s dialectical ethics. Phenomenological Interpretations Relating to the Philebus” (1928), this article seeks to highlight the fundamental lines of Plato’s image, outlined in that author’s first philosophical publication (1931). The confrontation with the themes of ethics and dialectic, in the current state of Platonic studies, indicates that in Plato’s image drawn in the early confrontation with the Philebus, clearly influenced by the phenomenological notion of Dasein, one already finds the fundamental features of what will become Gadamer's (...)
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  46. Oggetto, soggetto e destinatario dell'insegnamento filosofico: una riflessione teoretica.Floriana Ferro - 2015 - Forum. Supplement to Acta Philosophica 1:379-390.
    Nel presente scritto, l’attività di insegnamento filosofico viene sottoposta ad interrogativi riguardanti gli elementi che la caratterizzano, ovvero ciò che viene insegnato, chi insegna e a chi si insegna. Nasce così una riflessione teoretica su tre concetti basilari, ovvero la filosofia, il soggetto e l’altro. Attraverso le suggestioni di grandi pensatori, in primis l’Heidegger di Essere e Tempo, ma anche Platone, Aristotele, Cartesio, Deleuze e Levinas, vengono proposte possibili definizioni dei concetti suddetti. La filosofia viene così considerata in senso (...)
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  47. Método e discurso filosófico no diálogo 'O Sofista' de Platão.Alexandre Alves - 2021 - Princípios: Revista de Filosofia (Ufrn) 28 (57):131-142.
    Due to its discussion of the question of non-being and its intention of grounding the philosophical discourse, Plato ́s dialogue The Sophist occupies a central position in the history of philosophy. The purpose of this article is to relate the definition method used by Plato in the dialogue (the diaeresis) with his conception of philosophical discourse. The different definitions for the sophist proposed in the dialogue are not only part of Plato's polemic against sophistry, but underpin the very Platonic conception (...)
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  48. Buñuel e seus interlocutores: Uma visão sobre o filme 'El Angel Exterminador'.Gustavo Ruiz da Silva - 2021 - Idealogando 5 (1):56-71.
    This paper aims to perform a possible heuristic analysis of the film "The Exterminating Angel" (El Angel Exterminador) – produced in 1962 by the Hispanic Mexican director Luís Buñuel – through the platonic thought present in the books: "The Symposium" (Συμπόσιον), and "Republic" (Πολιτεία). It also presents an argument on the film's scriptural, artistic, and historical characteristics, such as some /intersections of its aesthetic movement, the Surrealism – specific correlations with Breton and Benjamin will also be made. Finally, the guiding (...)
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  49. Marxismo e psicanalisi in 'Il secondo sesso' di Simone de Beauvoir.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1975 - Vita E Pensiero 61 (3-4):510-526.
    The paper reconstructs Beauvoir's interpretation of the Marxist and the Freudian contributions to our understanding of the feminine condition. A number of epistemological assumptions derived from Sartre's philosophy are pointed out. Beauvoir's reading of Marx, Engels, and Freud is discussed claiming that her reading is biased by humanistic and historicist assumptions.
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  50.  94
    Sofò e Fefilìa.Maria Emanuela Randazzo - 2023 - Salerno: BookSprint.
    "Sofò e Fefilìa" attinge dal mondo antico - dalla sua potenza -, ma possiede come sfondo del lucido meditare la contemporaneità. Un'analisi estrema, tragica, della vasta gamma dei sentimenti umani, che coniuga - in modo personale e innovativo - diverse anime: la poetica di d'Annunzio; la filosofia di Cioran, Weil, Heidegger, Schopenhauer, Leopardi, Pascal; la psicologia del profondo di Jung. Un tema, tanti temi: la vita-morte con le sue molteplici declinazioni in chiave gnostica. Sofò, perché Sofia è sapienza, lucetempo delle (...)
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