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  1. Glossing the title of Bernard Shaw's Arms and the Man.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - manuscript
    I believe that as a teacher I must provide high quality content for my students. And all these should be available for free online so that bright students globally can choose which editions of a seminal text they can study. In every UG, PG examination, one is asked about the importance of the title of Shaw's play. In this paper I have illustrated by my own reading how one should and can approach the play. For scholars, my annotations referring to (...)
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  2. Modifications to Aristotle's Poetics.E. Garrett Ennis - manuscript
    Aristotle's Poetics has been the basis for theories of entertainment for over 2,000 years. But the general approach it uses has led to a number of gaps, contradictions, and difficulties in predicting the success of books, plays, movies, and entertainment as a whole, so much so that sayings like "there are no rules, but you break them at your peril," and "in Hollywood, nobody knows anything" have become widespread and accepted. -/- However, it turns out that a model of entertainment (...)
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  3. Por uma Literatura Fatal e Complacente.Mota Victor - manuscript
    for a better literature, to understand literary tradition in Portugal.
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  4. Trouble (À Rasca).Mota Victor - manuscript
    the young generation seeking for a better future.
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  5. A Tenaz (Tena-city).Mota Victor - manuscript
    actor progressing social life and scale on screen.
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  6. Locking Force.Mota Victor - manuscript
    Lockin as a way of private honesty and preparation to a jump in social theory and literature.
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  7. Linguistic Turn.Mota Victor - manuscript
    semiology of social and global transformations on public relations and, by consequence, of human intimacy.
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  8. The Disclosure of Concealment. Søren Kierkegaard and the Three Levels of Authorial Performance.Martijn Boven - 2024 - In Stefan Lang, Performativität in der Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie [Performativity in Classical German Philosophy]. Heidelberg: J.B. Metzler. pp. 171-184.
    In 1848, the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard wrote a short yet highly significant theater review, titled “Mr. Phister as Captain Scipio.” This review deals with a seemingly prosaic problem: how can an actor convincingly play the role of a drunk police captain while simultaneously disclosing that this captain is deliberately concealing his intoxicated condition? This article argues that this ‘disclosure of concealment’ underlies Kierkegaard’s oeuvre. It elucidates this argument by illustrating that the three levels of theatrical performance highlighted in “Mr. (...)
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  9. Spirit Tactics, Exorcising Dances.Joshua M. Hall - 2024 - Idealistic Studies 54 (1):27-48.
    In Michel de Certeau’s Invention of the Everyday, improvisational community dance function as a catalyst for the subversive art of the oppressed, via its ancient Greek virtue/power of mētis, being “foxlike.” And in de Certeau’s The Possession of Loudun, this foxlike dance moves to the stage, as an improv chorus that disrupts the events at Loudon when reimagined as a tetralogy of plays at City Dionysia. More precisely, Loudun’s tetralogy could be interpreted as a series of three tragedies and one (...)
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  10. THE PHILOSOPHY OF ALBERT CAMUS.Alexis Karpouzos - 2024 - Cosmic Spirit:8.
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  11. SHALL LADY MACBETH BE CALLED AS FOURTH WITCH?Rituparna Ray Chaudhuri - 2024
    This is a short academic book based on Shakespeare’s Macbeth (original). The approach and procedure on writing critical answers of the play is authored on advanced thoughts of the Council for Indian School (XI and XII, ISC). This book can also be used by college students on preliminary understanding to analyse this Shakespearian play as The Prologue of Evil. .....In the play, Hecate is presented as a separate character from three witches who first appear in Act 1, Scene 1. Hecate's (...)
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  12. Motherhood as resistance in the bio-performance Analfabeta, an Interdisciplinary dialogue between Biology and Performance.Paulina Bronfman - 2023 - Documenta 41 ( Special Edition: Parliament of).
    Interdisciplinary dialogue acts as a symbiosis for all the areas that participate and imply enormous projections for both art and science. This paper explores the potential of an interdisciplinary dialogue between Biology and Performance using as a case study the Performance Analfabeta created by the artist Paulina Bronfman. The work was shaped in the context of The Third Conference of the Nucleus of Artistic Research (NIA) of In/Inter/Disciplinary Laboratories hosted by the Faculty of Art of The Pontificia University of Chile (...)
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  13. Performance, Citizenship and Activism in Chile.Paulina Bronfman - 2023 - Santiago . Chile: Editorial Osoliebre..
    "This book explores the relationship between performance and activism in Chile as a form of political expression and citizen participation during the period 2010-2020. Since the student mobilizations of 2006, the social movements that have taken place in Chile are characterized, in many cases, by the appropriation of public space and the political use of the body. This became particularly evident during the social outbreak of October 2019. The social upheaval was accompanied by a cultural explosion, where the arts in (...)
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  14. From the Proscenium: The influence of Konstantin Stanislavski and the psychology of acting in Vygotsky’s work.Geoffrey Pelfrey, Michael Glassman, Irina Kuznetcova & Shantanu Tilak - 2023 - Theory & Psychology 34 (1).
    The Soviet psychologist L. S. Vygotsky was immersed in theater and the arts through much of his life, collaborating with scholars of the psychology of acting, including Konstantin Stanislavski’s close confidante and long-time editor Liubov Gurevich, on terms and theories expressed in his historically defining text, An Actor’s Work. This article connects linguistic, theoretical, and methodological aspects of Stanislavski’s work with Vygotsky’s quest to develop a new psychology, finding its apogee in the works of his final years, especially after he (...)
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  15. Sana esiintyy lihassa. [REVIEW]Jussi M. Backman - 2022 - Tiede Ja Edistys 47 (4):348-351.
    Book review of Esa Kirkkopelto, Logomimesis: tutkielma esiintyvästä ruumiista (Helsinki: Tutkijaliitto, 2020).
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  16. Zeami: Blumenspiegel. Ein Grundlagentext Zur Praxis und Ästhetik des Japanischen Nō-Theaters.Leon Krings (ed.) - 2022 - Paderborn: Brill | Fink.
    Das Buch bietet eine philosophisch kommentierte Übersetzung des altjapanischen Textes von Zeami zur Praxis und Ästhetik des Nō-Theaters. Zeami beschreibt nicht nur die Praxis des Schauspielers in verschiedenen Aspekten, sondern entwickelt auch zentrale ästhetische Kategorien für die Rezeption des Nō-Theaters. Die Übersetzung wird ergänzt durch einen Kommentar mit Worterklärungen sowie interpretierende Aufsätze zu Themen wie der Maske im Nō-Theater, dem Gebrauch des Körpers und der Ästhetik des Atmens. Der Band liefert somit eine solide Grundlage für eine philosophisch-ästhetische Auseinandersetzung mit einer (...)
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  17. The Secret Life of Literature.Lisa Zunshine - 2022 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    An innovative account that brings together cognitive science, ethnography, and literary history to examine patterns of “mindreading” in a wide range of literary works.
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  18. Life Writing and Cognition.Lisa Zunshine - 2022 - Substance 51 (3):3-14.
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  19. The Art of Uncertainty: A Scrutiny in Theatre of Michael Frayn.Midia Mohammadi - 2021 - International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences 6 (3):245-252.
    The central idea upon which plays of Micheal Frayn are established is that a text or event is reborn and reconstructed every time it is recited or recalled. He sublimated history, physics, and various dramatic techniques into splendid drama to reflect upon the dilemmas thrown to the human in today’s world of indeterminacy. It will be explored how Frayn has plied the ‘uncertainty principle’ to drama with a distance from Becket and Brecht by analyzing three plays. Furthermore, his expressed perspective (...)
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  20. Un approccio ecologico cognitivo alla presenza scenica nelle arti della performance.Sarah Pini - 2021 - Antropologia E Teatro 12 (12):88-108.
    The concept of stage presence in performing arts is generally understood as the ability of the skilled performer to capture the attention of the audience, a prerogative of the talented actor, who occupies a position of power in respect to the audience. This work challenges the classic model of stage presence as an intrinsic quality of the performer and proposes instead a cognitive ecological ethnographic framework which considers the role played by various social actors — the public and the performers, (...)
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  21. Accidents Made Permanent: Theater and Automatism in Stanley Cavell, Michael Fried, and Matías Piñeiro.Byron Davies - 2020 - Modern Language Notes 135 (5):1283-1314.
    This essay provides an interpretation of the potential and limits of Michael Fried's difficult claims in his essay "Art and Objecthood" (1967) that cinema by its nature escapes the problems of modernism and also escapes the problems of theater. By focusing on Stanley Cavell's account of how cinema as an automatic medium escapes problems associated with variability across performances, I try to render a version of Fried's claim about cinema and theater that can ground a figurative version of his claim (...)
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  22. Vom Fehlen des Sinnes zum Sinn des Fehlens. Euripides, "Iphigenie bei den Taurern", vv. 218ff. ökonomisch gelesen.Sergiusz Kazmierski - 2020 - In Sergiusz Kazmierski, Ivo De Gennaro, Ralf Lüfter & Robert Simon, Ökonomie als Problem. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zu einer Kritik ökonomischen Wissens. Freiburg-München: Verlag Karl Alber. pp. 139-184.
    Ausgehend von den vv. 218ff. der Iphigenie bei den Taurern zeigt der Beitrag, wie in dem Drama die tragische Dimension des menschlichen Daseins als eine unwirtliche zu Tage tritt. Diese offenbart eine wirtliche Ökonomie, die diesem Dasein ein Fundament geben kann, das nicht zunächst nach dem ausgerichtet ist, was recht und billig erscheint, sondern, allem voran, im sinnstiftenden Reichtum eines tragischen Schicksals wurzelt, das dem Menschen sein Eigenes und Freies zu gewähren vermag.
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  23. Challenges Kenyan Television Journalists Face in Spotting Fake News.Kabucua John Mutugi - 2020 - Journal of Development and Communication Studies 7 (1).
    A fake news story can travel half way across the world as the truth puts on its socks. There are myriads of challenges facing journalists in spotting fake news hence its wide proliferation. Fake news has become a prominent subject of enquiry especially following its alleged influence of the 2016 general elections in US. Unfortunately, research on fake news has focused on social media, politics, elections, and economies. Few studies have focused on the challenges that TV journalists face in spotting (...)
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  24. Ἐγώ εἰμι.Andrej Poleev - 2020 - Enzymes 18.
    Появление человека, говорящего о себе Ἐγώ εἰμι, люди воспринимают в той же логике абсурда, к которой они привыкли. То, что кто-то может не играть и не носить маску, а реально быть, жить настоящей, а не выдуманной жизнью, для них немыслимо, невозможно, невыносимо и недопустимо. Но такой человек был, есть, и будет, и именно он преображает всё остальное человечество своим Ἐγώ εἰμι.
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  25. "Who Is He to Speak of My Sorrow?".Lisa Zunshine - 2020 - Poetics Today 41 (2):223-41.
    This article suggests that comparative literature scholars may benefit from the awareness that different communities around the world subscribe to different models of mind and that works of fiction can thus be fruitfully analyzed in relation to those local ideologies of mind. Taking as her starting point the “opacity of mind” doctrine, the author compares cultural practices originating in communities in which people think but do not talk publicly about others’ internal states, to those originating in communities in which people (...)
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  26. Review of Siddhartha Biswas's Theatre Theory and Performance: A Critical Interrogation. [REVIEW]Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2019 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 124 (9):672-4.
    Biswas's book is a panoramic treatment of contemporary world theatre. The book under review will help both the neophyte, as also a scholar to negotiate ancient dramaturgy and more recent theatre. Biswas's eye for details is also remarked in this review. The review shows how Biswas, as it were, has written a manifesto of protest in this book.
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  27. Multiculturalism in Nigeria as a Factor in Promoting National Integration through Cross-Cultural Communication.Barigbon Gbara Nsereka - 2019 - International Journal of Innovative Research and Development 8 (1).
    It is widely believed that Nigeria consists of a minimum of 250 ethnic groups with Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo as the three dominant ones. Each group has its own language and custom and accepts one or more of the main religions of Christianity, Islam and African traditional religion. This multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-lingual and multi-religious nature of the country makes the pursuit of national unity, unity in diversity, a difficult task. And this is the background for the disruption and violence that (...)
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  28. Coordenadas epistemológicas para una estética en construcción.Mayra Sánchez Medina & José Ramón Fabelo-Corzo (eds.) - 2019 - Puebla, Pue., México: Colección La Fuente.
    Desde la certidumbre del sentido necesariamente inacabado, nómada y abierto de sus propuestas, el presente volumen de la Colección La Fuente da cuentas del esfuerzo de un grupo de investigadores del Instituto de Filosofía de La Habana (IF) y de la Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) por esbozar, más que respuestas, aquellas interrogantes sociales, culturales y artísticas que, desde constelaciones cambiantes de conceptos y reflexiones estéticas, puedan ser emplazadas en sus respectivas realidades. El presente libro es el tercero de la (...)
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  29. Material und Begriff. Arbeitsverfahren und theoretische Beziehungen Walter Benjamins.Frank Voigt, Nicos Tzanakis-Papadakis, Jan Loheit & Konstantin Baehrens - 2019 - Hamburg, Deutschland: Argument.
    Die Rezeption von Walter Benjamins Arbeiten ist von einer Paradoxie durchzogen: Obwohl Konsens darüber besteht, dass er seine Begriffe in ›enger Fühlung‹ mit dem jeweiligen Material entwickelt, werden seine Schriften häufig ohne ein eigenständiges Studium seiner Quellen gelesen, losgelöst vom jeweiligen Problem- und Debattenzusammenhang. Das verstärkt den Eindruck einer Esoterik seiner Texte und kann zu der Annahme verleiten, Benjamin entnehme Motive willkürlich aus seinem Material- und Quellenstudium und nutze sie als Vehikel eines an sich schwer in eine Tradition einzuordnenden Denkens. (...)
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  30. سوسيولوجيا السينما: الصورة والمجتمع.الصديق الصادقي العماري & Seddik Sadiki Amari - 2019 - Revue Sinvilya مجلة سينفيليا 1 (19):14-17.
     تقديم تعد السينما فنا من بين الفنون عرفت مجموعة من التحولات العميقة في مسارها التاريخي، بدأ من تجارب الأخوين لوميير كرائدي اختراع جهاز العرض السينمائي، مرورا بالسينما الصامتة خاصة مع شارلي شابلن، ثم المزج بين الصورة والصوت. وخلال هذه المحطات بلورت السينما نضجا على مستوى الممارسة والتنظير خاصة مع الموجة الجديدة الفرنسية. و "قد يتبادر إلى الذهن أن السينما مجرد آلات تقنية لعرض الصورة، ولعب فنية تصلح لإيهام المتفرج وجعله يتماهى مع ما يشاهد من صور متحركة. معتقدا أن المشاهدة (...)
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  31. “Propositions in Theatre: Theatrical Utterances as Events”.Michael Y. Bennett - 2018 - Journal of Literary Semantics 47 (2):147-152.
    Using William Shakespeare’s Hamlet and the play-within-the play, The Murder of Gonzago, as a case study, this essay argues that theatrical utterances constitute a special case of language usage not previously elucidated: the utterance of a statement with propositional content in theatre functions as an event. In short, the propositional content of a particular p (e.g. p1, p2, p3 …), whether or not it is true, is only understood—and understood to be true—if p1 is uttered in a particular time, place, (...)
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  32. A Theater of Ideas: Performance and Performativity in Kierkegaard’s Repetition.Martijn Boven - 2018 - In Eric Ziolkowski, Kierkegaard, Literature, and the Arts. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University press. pp. 115-130.
    In this essay, I argue that Søren Kierkegaard’s oeuvre can be seen as a theater of ideas. This argument is developed in three steps. First, I will briefly introduce a theoretical framework for addressing the theatrical dimension of Kierkegaard’s works. This framework is based on a distinction between“performative writing strategies” and “categories of performativity.” As a second step, I will focus on Repetition: A Venture in Experimenting Psychology, by Constantin Constantius, one of the best examples of Kierkegaard’s innovative way of (...)
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  33. L'autre scène du désir : Strange Fruit de Caryl Phillips.Frédéric Lefrançois (ed.) - 2018 - Paris: Yehkri.
    Strange Fruit is an exemplary study of the question of the integration of West Indians of immigrant origin living in England in the 1980s. Through this play structured in three acts, Caryl Phillips offers the reader-viewer privileged access to the inner world of a West Indian family living in a deprived London neighborhood. At the heart of this intimate drama with tragic overtones, there is a cultural conflict between two successive generations of immigrants. Philosophical and existential issues are deftly treated (...)
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  34. Performance como uma Prática de si: mapeando noções de treinamento performativo.Ronaldo Francisco dos Santos - 2017 - Dissertation, Unicamp, Brazil
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  35. Un manifesto dell'inumano. Carmelo Bene a quindici anni dalla morte.Fabio Vergine - 2017 - Kasparhauser 1.
    Articolo in occasione del quindicesimo anniversario della morte di Carmelo Bene.
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  36. Yeats considered as the Archetypal Fool.Margot Wilson - 2017 - Dissertation, Sheffield University
    I argue a case for interpreting Yeats through the metaphysics of The Order of the Golden Dawn and the human/cosmic life cycle of their Rider-Waite tarot deck. In doing so, I will explain how the metaphysics of Indian and Egyptian sacred geometry inform his poetry, and his plays, in particular, ‘A Vision’ (1925) and ‘The Herne’s Egg’ (1938).
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  37. A Dramaturgia Negativa: Dialética Trágica e Formação do Teatro Brasileiro.Ivan Delmanto Franklin de Matos - 2016 - Dissertation, Usp, Brazil
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  38. Entre dos tempestades. Boal dialoga con Shakespeare.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo & Ana Lucero López Troncoso - 2016 - In José Ramón Fabelo-Corzo & Ana Lucero López Troncoso, Teatro y Estética del Oprimido. Homenaje a Augusto Boal. Puebla, Pue., México: Colección La Fuente, BUAP. pp. 285-299.
    Los autores realizan un análisis comparativo entre The Tempest de Willian Shakespeare y La Tempestad de Augusto Boal, siguiendo la pauta de este último autor, quien ve en su obra no la adaptación de la del clásico dramaturgo inglés, sino la respuesta a aquella desde la perspectiva de Caliban y no de Próspero.
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  39. Roots Reloaded. Culture, Identity and Social Development in the Digital Age.Ayman Kole & Martin A. M. Gansinger (eds.) - 2016 - Anchor.
    This edited volume is designed to explore different perspectives of culture, identity and social development using the impact of the digital age as a common thread, aiming at interdisciplinary audiences. Cases of communities and individuals using new technology as a tool to preserve and explore their cultural heritage alongside new media as a source for social orientation ranging from language acquisition to health-related issues will be covered. Therefore, aspects such as Art and Cultural Studies, Media and Communication, Behavioral Science, Psychology, (...)
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  40. Ludic role of religious rituals. The use of play for religious ceremony.Tudor Cosmin Ciocan - 2015 - Dialogo 2 (1):120-128.
    This paper was made as part of a wider research I made about rituals and their meaning and roles they are playing in the religious system of thinking. The way they are thought, displayed, precisely followed as instructed and believed, makes them a powerful social act that has been always provided by any religion, and also a tool for religion to make the human society what it is today. After I speak about what is a ritual and its religious content (...)
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  41. The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Literary Studies.Lisa Zunshine (ed.) - 2015 - Oxford University Press.
    The Oxford handbook of cognitive literary studies' applies developments in cognitive science to a wide range of literary texts that span multiple historical periods and numerous national literary traditions. The volume is divided into five parts: Narrative, History, Imagination; Emotions and Empathy; The New Unconscious; Empirical and Qualitative Studies of Literature; and Cognitive Theory and Literary Experience. Most notably, the volume features case studies representing not just North American and British literary traditions, but also Argentinian, Chinese, Colombian, Dominican, German, French, (...)
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  42. Wagner und Hanslick. Kurze Geschichte einer Feindschaft.Christian Jung - 2012 - Österreichische Musikzeitschrift 67 (6):14-21.
    The controversy between Richard Wagner and his critic Eduard Hanslick is well known, but rarely looked at in detail. It is mostly believed that Hanslick was unable to see Wagner's genius, stuck deeply in an antiquated aesthetical world. By reassessing Wagner's and Hanslick's letters and publications it can be seen, however, that Hanslick's detailed criticism (and also appreciation) was much more objective and less spiteful than is often assumed.
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  43. Introdução ao Estudo Histórico-Filosófico da Técnica e da Ação Cômica do ator.Douglas Rodrigues Novais - 2012 - Dissertation, University of Campinas, Brazil
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  44. History Plays as History.Tom Stern - 2012 - Philosophy and Literature 36 (2):285-300.
    Now that she is old enough to be taken to boring, so-called “cultural” events by her aging, academic relatives, we have just taken Anya to see a performance of Julius Caesar. When it’s over, we discuss the acting, the poetry, the famous lines. At some point, Anya asks: “I wonder if it happened like that?” Anya has not radically misunderstood what we just watched; she did not, for example, rush down and yell at Caesar that he’d better read that scroll. (...)
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  45. Communication Imperatives and the Theatre Administrator.Essien Edet & Brenda Akpan - 2011 - Nduñòde 9 (2).
    To succeed, every organization including theatre necessarily requires human and material resources. The material resources cannot on their own function. It is the human capital within the organization that utilizes and drives the materials in a certain direction in order to achieve predetermined objectives. This places the human capital in a pivotal role and justifies the attention often paid to personnel matters in organizations. Personnel themselves have to be managed. One potent avenue for adequately managing human resources towards the realization (...)
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  46. THE CONTRADICTORY NATURE OF THE GHOST IN HAMLET.Ali Salami - 2011 - Sarjana 26 (1).
    This article explores the contradictory nature of the ghost in Hamlet and shows how Shakespeare seeks to manipulate the reader’s response in Hamlet by using contradictions and ambiguities. The article also explores the ways in which the reader responds to these contradictions and reconstructs a palpable world in the impalpable world of the text. These contradictions compel the reader to participate in the composition of the text and make him keep changing his own approach to the work with the result (...)
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  47. Global Media and Cultural Domination: Strategies for a New World Information Order (NWICO) for Africa.Essien Edet & Stanis Iyorza - 2009 - Journal of Globalization and International Studies 4 (2).
    The thrust of this paper is to access the efficacy of establishing African Global Media channel to strike a balance in communication between Africa and the rest of the world. This paper is a reaction to the imbalance in communication flow as engineered by the global media. Global media has contributed greatly to cultural domination in Africa by Europe and the Western World. These channels of communication such as, Cable News Network (CNN), British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Deutse Welle Television (DWTV) (...)
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    The objective of theatre establishments as business concerns remains predominantly to cover costs and make profits. Of all the avenues generation, gate-takings remain readily available and have been used by theatres for centuries now. But due to fraudulent activities, theatre establishments can be short-changed. Consequently, revenues can be lost and the establishments unable to meet their obligations; taxes, honoraria, rents, wages etc. it is therefore imperative to adopt measures that would strengthen gate-takings as revenue machinery, devoid of fraudulent practices. This (...)
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  49. Media Imperative for the Globalization of Nigerian Culture.Stanislaus Iyorza - 2008 - Journal of West African Association for Common Wealth Literature and Language 2 (2):79-96.
    The problem of cultural degradation and high respect for foreign cultures of Europe and America more than Nigerian cultures are the major problems in this study. The paper sets to examine media imperatives for the globalization of Nigerian cultures. The paper answers the question of if Nigeria has a culture in the affirmative and adopts the analytical research method to identify Nigerian cultures, to find out how foreign cultures have affected Nigerian cultures and to explain how Nigerian cultures can be (...)
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  50. Perception, action and identification in the theatre.Bence Nanay - 2006 - In Saltz Krasner, Staging Philosophy. Michigan University Press.
    My endeavor in this paper is to examine the ways in which exactly the general structure of perception is modified in the case of the reception of theatre performances. First, perception in general is examined and it is argued that a basic characteristic of perception is that it is sometimes interdependent with action. After the analysis of perception in general, I turn to the special case of the perception of a theatre performance (or, theatre-perception, for short) and examine the role (...)
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