Results for 'Meno'

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  1. Meno's Paradox in Context.David Ebrey - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (1):4-24.
    I argue that Meno’s Paradox targets the type of knowledge that Socrates has been looking for earlier in the dialogue: knowledge grounded in explanatory definitions. Socrates places strict requirements on definitions and thinks we need these definitions to acquire knowledge. Meno’s challenge uses Socrates’ constraints to argue that we can neither propose definitions nor recognize them. To understand Socrates’ response to the challenge, we need to view Meno’s challenge and Socrates’ response as part of a larger disagreement (...)
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  2. The Meno.David Ebrey - 2024 - In Vasilis Politis & Peter Larsen (eds.), The platonic mind. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 32-45.
    The Meno includes some of Plato’s best known epistemological puzzles and theories, as well as classic discussions of so called Socratic ethics. It also includes important examples from mathematics and an argument that the soul exists before birth – topics which, as far as we can tell, did not especially interest the historical Socrates. Because it discusses these topics without presenting bold metaphysical claims about the forms, it is often considered a “transitional dialogue,” coming between Plato’s (allegedly) early, Socratic (...)
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  3. Meno’s Paradox is an Epistemic Regress Problem.Andrew Cling - 2019 - Logos and Episteme 10 (1):107-120.
    I give an interpretation according to which Meno’s paradox is an epistemic regress problem. The paradox is an argument for skepticism assuming that (1) acquired knowledge about an object X requires prior knowledge about what X is and (2) any knowledge must be acquired. (1) is a principle about having reasons for knowledge and about the epistemic priority of knowledge about what X is. (1) and (2) jointly imply a regress-generating principle which implies that knowledge always requires an infinite (...)
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  4. Decoding the Meno.Wood David R. - 2023 - In Wood Stephen Foster (ed.), On the Origin of Artificial Species. RSG Federal.
    DECODING THE MENO The truth the dialectic Meno attempts to search for is human excellence or virtue. Part of this process is defining exactly what each concept really means. In truth, however, Plato has given the reader the answer – the greatest human virtue or excellence is imagination. The answer is subtly weaved into the dialogue itself. Plato has subliminally communicated the pattern of excellence.
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  5. Socrates' Defensible Devices in Plato's Meno.Mason Marshall - 2019 - Theory and Research in Education 17 (2):165-180.
    Despite how revered Socrates is among many educators nowadays, he can seem in the end to be a poor model for them, particularly because of how often he refutes his interlocutors and poses leading questions. As critics have noted, refuting people can turn them away from inquiry instead of drawing them in, and being too directive with them can squelch independent thought. I contend, though, that Socrates' practices are more defensible than they often look: although there are risks in refuting (...)
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  6. Aristotle’s Solution to Meno’s Paradox.Eugene Orlov - 2012 - Sententiae 26 (1):5-27.
    The paper is devoted to Aristotle's solution to Meno's paradox: a person cannot search for what he knows -- he knows it, and there is no need to search for such a thing -- nor for what he doesn't know -- since he doesn't know what he's searching for. The autor argues that Aristotle proposes solutions of this paradox for every stage of cognition, not only for exercising available scientific knowledge as regarded by most Aristotelian scholars. He puts more (...)
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  7. ¡Menos ideas y más moderación!Miguel Angel Quintana Paz (ed.) - 2023 - Madrid: Fundación Disenso.
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  8. Menos, es más: reconstruir una ética clásica normativa para un futuro responsable de la inteligencia artificial.Fabio Morandín-Ahuerma - 2023 - In Principios normativos para una ética de la Inteligencia Artificial. Puebla, México: Consejo de Ciencia y Tecnología del Estado de Puebla (Concytep). pp. 186-205.
    La repetición y la superposición innecesaria de principios éticos similares para el desarrollo de una inteligencia artificial responsable no solo entran en conflicto, sino que esta confusión y ambigüedad pueden llegar, incluso, a resultar peligrosas si los postulados son un mero “lavado de cara” y las verdaderas intenciones se esconden detrás de intereses mezquinos. Esto aplica tanto a particulares, a empresas, como a gobiernos. El proceso de establecer leyes, normas, estándares y mejores prácticas para asegurar que la IA sea benéfica (...)
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  9. Knowledge, discovery and reminiscence in Plato's meno.Alejandro Farieta - 2013 - Universitas Philosophica 30 (60):205-234.
    This work articulates two thesis: one Socratic and one Platonic; and displays how the first one is heir of the second. The Socratic one is called the principle of priority of definition; the Platonic one is the Recollection theory. The articulation between both theses is possible due to the Meno’s paradox, which makes a criticism on the first thesis, but it is solved with the second one. The consequence of this articulation is a new interpretation of the Recollection theory, (...)
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  10. Recollecting the Religious: Augustine in Answer to Meno’s Paradox.Ryan Haecker & Daniel Moulin-Stożek - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (6):567-578.
    Philosophers of education often view the role of religion in education with suspicion, claiming it to be impossible, indoctrinatory or controversial unless reduced to secular premises and aims. The ‘post-secular’ and ‘decolonial’ turns of the new millennium have, however, afforded opportunities to revaluate this predilection. In a social and intellectual context where the arguments of previous generations of philosophers may be challenged on account of positivist assumptions, there may be an opening for the reconsideration of alternative but traditional religious epistemologies. (...)
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  11. Decoding The Meno.Wood David R. - 2023 - In Wood Stephen Foster (ed.), On the Origin of Artificial Species. RSG Federal. pp. 230.
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  12. Plato on Geometrical Hypothesis in the Meno.Naoya Iwata - 2015 - Apeiron 48 (1):1-20.
    This paper examines the second geometrical problem in the Meno. Its purpose is to explore the implication of Cook Wilson’s interpretation, which has been most widely accepted by scholars, in relation to the nature of hypothesis. I argue that (a) the geometrical hypothesis in question is a tentative answer to a more basic problem, which could not be solved by available methods at that time, and that (b) despite the temporary nature of a hypothesis, there is a rational process (...)
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  13. Plato's Hypothetical Inquiry in the Meno.Naoya Iwata - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (2):194-214.
    This paper argues that the hypothesis proposed in the Meno is the proposition ‘virtue is good’ alone, and that its epistemic nature is essentially insecure. It has been an object of huge scholarly debate which other hypothesis Socrates posited with regard to the relationship between virtue and knowledge. This debate is, however, misleading in the sense of making us believe that the hypothesis that virtue is good is regarded as a truism in the light of the process of positing (...)
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  14. Can you seek the answer to this question? (Meno in India).Amber Carpenter & Jonardon Ganeri - 2010 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 88 (4):571-594.
    Plato articulates a deep perplexity about inquiry in ?Meno's Paradox??the claim that one can inquire neither into what one knows, nor into what one does not know. Although some commentators have wrestled with the paradox itself, many suppose that the paradox of inquiry is special to Plato, arising from peculiarities of the Socratic elenchus or of Platonic epistemology. But there is nothing peculiarly Platonic in this puzzle. For it arises, too, in classical Indian philosophical discussions, where it is formulated (...)
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  15. A New Philosophical Tool in the Meno: 86e-87c.David Ebrey - 2013 - Ancient Philosophy 33 (1):75-96.
    I argue that the technique Socrates describes in the Meno at 86e-87c allows him to make progress without definitions, even while accepting that definitions are necessary for knowledge. Some contend that the technique involves provisionally accepting a claim. I argue, instead, that it provides a secure biconditional that one can use to reduce the question one cares care about to a new question that one thinks will be easier to answer.
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  16. Introducción a ¡Menos ideas y más moderación!.Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz - 2023 - Madrid: Fundación Disenso.
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  17. Cuba necesita cambios, aunque muchos menos de los que necesita el resto del mundo.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2010 - Sudestada 89 (89):1-3.
    El artículo busca desmentir la imagen desastrosa que sobre Cuba trasmiten las mayor parte de las transnacionales de la información y, al mismo tiempo, señalar algunas de las líneas generales de los cambios necesarios a Cuba. Publicado también bajo el título de "Cuba y la 'impresición' de las matemáticas, el trabajo apareció en su momento, al menos en 22 sitios de la web, en español y francés.
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  18. Romanos 1: menos filtro e mais próximo.Aislan Pereira - 2019 - Revista de Teologia 13 (23):94-113.
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    Forme del più e del meno in Meinong.Venanzio Raspa - 2005 - Rivista di Estetica 45 (3):185-219.
    In Meinong’s object theory there is, alongside a classificatory aspect, one having to do with degrees, increase and variation. This other aspect comes out of Meinong’s intention of extending his object theory’s aprioristic method to the empirical world. The forms of ‘more’ and ‘less’ concerning psychical experiences are first investigated; they consist in degrees of certainty of judgment and of shadiness (Schattenhaftigkeit) and seriousness (Ernstartigkeit) of imaginary representations and assumptions. Secondly, forms of variability regarding objects are shown, specifically the incompleteness (...)
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  20. The Possibility of Inquiry. Meno's Paradox from Socrates to Sextus. [REVIEW]Justin Joseph Vlasits - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (3):580-583.
    Review of Gail Fine, The Possibility of Inquiry (OUP 2014).
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  21. The Practice of Dialogue: Socrates in the Meno.J. Gregory Keller - 2010 - In Hanna Patricia (ed.), An Anthology of Philosophical Studies, Volume 4. Atiner. pp. 19-26.
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  22. Clitophon's Challenge: Dialectic in Plato's Meno, Phaedo, and Republic. [REVIEW]Naoya Iwata - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (1):200-202.
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  23. Clitophon's Challenge: Dialectic in Plato's “Meno,” “Phaedo,” and “Republic”. [REVIEW]George Rudebusch - 2018 - Philosophical Review 127 (2):229-232.
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  24. Plato’s Recollection Argument in the Philebus.Naoya Iwata - 2018 - Rhizomata 6 (2):189-212.
    Many scholars have denied that Plato’s argument about desire at Philebus 34c10–35d7 is related to his recollection arguments in the Meno and Phaedo, because it is concerned only with postnatal experiences of pleasure. This paper argues against their denial by showing that the desire argument in question is intended to prove the soul’s possession of innate memory of pleasure. This innateness interpretation will be supported by a close analysis of the Timaeus, where Plato suggests that our inborn desires for (...)
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  25. Luck and the Value of Communication.Megan Hyska - 2023 - Synthese 201 (96):1-19.
    Those in the Gricean tradition take it that successful human communication features an audience who not only arrives at the intended content of the signal, but also recognizes the speaker’s intention that they do so. Some in this tradition have also argued that there are yet further conditions on communicative success, which rule out the possibility of communicating by luck. Supposing that both intention-recognition and some sort of anti-luck condition are correctly included in an analysis of human communication, this article (...)
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  26. Conhecimento e Definição no Mênon de Platão.Davi Heckert César Bastos - 2020 - Kinesis 12 (31):172-185.
    Through detailed analysis of Plato’s Meno, I identify and set general argumentative rules (useful both to scientists and philosophers) concerning how to use definitions. I show how the character Socrates establishes strong requirements for knowledge in general, i.e., that the knowledge of the definition of a thing must be prior to the knowledge of properties or instances of that thing. Socrate’s requirements and the way he characterizes a definition (as coextensive to the definiendum, not circular, true and explanatorily relevant) (...)
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  27. Knowledge, provenance and psychological explanation.Robert Lockie - 2004 - Philosophy 79 (3):421-433.
    Analytic theories of knowledge have traditionally maintained that the provenance of a true belief is critically important to deciding whether it is knowledge. However, a comparably widespread view is that it is our beliefs alone, regardless of their (potentially dubious) provenance which feature in psychological explanation, including the explanation of action: thus, that knowledge itself and as such is irrelevant in psychological explanation. The paper gives initial reasons why the ‘beliefs alone’ view of explanation should be resisted—arguments deriving ultimately from (...)
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  28. Five Platonic Characters.Debra Nails - 2015 - In Gabriele Cornelli (ed.), Plato's Styles and Characters: Between Literature and Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 297-316.
    As a way of arguing that Platonic characters' individual roles within familial, social, and religious structures could deepen our understanding of some philosophical issues--human nature, epistemology, justice and education in the polis, virtue--I present information about the characters Meno of Thessaly, Theaetetus of Sunium, Diotima of Mantinea, Phaenarete (wife of Sophroniscus and Chaeredemus), and [unnamed] of Athens (wife of Pericles and Hipponicus).
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  29. La objeción de Aristóteles a la teoría platónica de la reminiscencia.Alejandro Farieta - 2015 - Pensamiento y Cultura 18 (2):6-28.
    This paper provides an interpretation of Aristotle’s criticism to the solution to Meno’s Paradox suggested by Plato. According to Aristotle, when Plato says that reminiscence (anámnēsis) is achieved, what is actually achieved is induction (epagōgê). Our interpretation is based on two aspects: (1) semantic criticism, since Plato’s use of the term anámnēsis is unusual; and (2) the theory is not able to give an adequate explanation of the effective discovery.
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  30. “Music to the Ears of Weaklings”: Moral Hydraulics and the Unseating of Desire.Louise Rebecca Chapman & Constantine Sandis - 2018 - Manuscrito 41 (4):71-112.
    Psychological eudaimonism is the view that we are constituted by a desire to avoid the harmful. This entails that coming to see a prospective or actual object of pursuit as harmful to us will unseat our positive evaluative belief about that object. There is more than one way that such an 'unseating' of desire may be caused on an intellectualist picture. This paper arbitrates between two readings of Socrates' 'attack on laziness' in the Meno, with the aim of constructing (...)
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  31. La ricerca del rischio nella cultura del narcisismo.Ferruccio Vigna - 2010 - CedoStar - Medicina, Psicologia, Salute.
    I meno giovani tra di voi ricorderanno che in passato il servizio militare obbligatorio rappresentava una brusca separazione dall’abituale contesto familiare; anche perché, intenzionalmente, le giovani reclute venivano spedite lontano dal luogo di residenza. Di quando in quando i giornali raccontavano di ragazzi che non avevano retto alla separazione e avevano dovuto essere ricoverati.
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  32. Review of Samuel Scolnicov, Plato’s Method of Hypothesis in the Middle Dialogues, edited by Harold Tarrant. [REVIEW]Evan Rodriguez - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (3):549-550.
    This volume, a lightly-edited version of Professor Samuel Scolnicov’s 1974 Ph.D. thesis, is a fitting tribute to his impressive career. It will perhaps be most useful for those interested in better understanding Scolnicov’s work and his views on Plato as a whole, not least for the comprehensive list of his publications that requires a full twelve pages of print. Scholars with an interest in Plato’s method of hypothesis will also find some useful remarks on key passages in the Meno, (...)
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  33. Ética da Crença.Eros Carvalho - 2022 - In Rogel Esteves de Oliveira, Kátia Martins Etcheverry, Tiegue Vieira Rodrigues & Carlos Augusto Sartori (eds.), Compêndio de Epistemologia. Editora Fi. pp. 467-493.
    Há pelo menos três modos pelos quais o debate sobre a conduta doxástica se relaciona com a ética. O primeiro e menos contencioso assinala que o ato de crer, analogamente às ações morais, responde a um tipo de normatividade, não necessariamente moral. Por exemplo, as normas para o ato de crer podem ser puramente epistêmicas. Nesse caso, essas normas diriam respeito a como o agente deve visar ou buscar a verdade. O segundo modo como o debate da ética da crença (...)
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  34. A Teoria Trivalente da Vagueza e o Problema da Precisão.Sagid Salles - 2019 - In Marcus José Alves de Souza & Maxwell Morais de Lima Filho (eds.), Escritos de Filosofia III: Linguagem e Cognição. pp. 184-200..
    Há pelo menos duas coisas que tornam o fenômeno da vagueza interessante. Primeiro, a vagueza está espalhada por toda a linguagem natural. Uma parte significativa das expressões de nossa linguagem são vagas e podemos encontrar a vagueza em expressões de diferentes categorias lógicas, como termos singulares, predicados e quantificadores. Por razões de simplicidade, contudo, ao longo deste artigo considero apenas o caso dos predicados vagos. Segundo, o fenômeno da vagueza está por trás de um difícil paradoxo, conhecido como Paradoxo Sorites. (...)
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  35. NATURALEZA Y TECNOLOGÍA: RUPTURA Y RECONCILIACIÓN.Miguel Acosta - 2007 - In Acosta Miguel (ed.), Technoethics. Proceedings of the III International Conference on Technoethics. Ethical Subjects Related to Science, Technology and Their Social Applications. Fundación EPSON & Instituto Tecnoética - Universidad de Barcelona. pp. 236-247.
    Que la tecnología nos ha cambiado la vida es una verdad de perogrullo. Y, la pertinencia de una reflexión científica sobre la tecnología, a estas alturas, tampoco plantea dudas. La técnica nos rodea y no es posible ignorarla ni detenerla, ya no hay vuelta atrás, a menos que se produzca una catástrofe. Pero, ¿es posible que se produzca? En esta comunicación pongo de manifiesto la necesidad de congeniar dos puntos que suelen presentarse enconados: la naturaleza y la tecnología. Esta necesidad (...)
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  36. EL RELATIVISMO FILOSÓFICO.Miguel Acosta & José María Garrido (eds.) - 2005 - Madrid, Spain: Instituto de Humanidades Ángel Ayala-CEU (Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU).
    Esta obra compila los estudios presentados en las I Jornadas de Filosofía del Instituto CEU de Humanidades Ángel Ayala y está prologada por Abelardo Lobato, O. P. Los filósofos tienen el deber de buscar y alcanzar la verdad apelando a las fuerzas de la razón, la cual, por cierto, no impide otras vías genuinas de conocimiento, como la fe. La búsqueda intelectual exige un trabajo de análisis que debe afinarse ante las obcecaciones que a menudo se interponen en el horizonte (...)
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  37. LOS AFECTOS INFERIORES. UN ESTUDIO A PARTIR DE TOMÁS DE AQUINO.Miguel Acosta - 2006 - Madrid, Spain: Publicep.
    La afectividad humana es compleja y muchas veces se ha cometido el error de considerarla como desligada de otras facultades, especialmente de la inteligencia, como si fueran actos completamente separados e independientes. Las manifestaciones afectivas son de diverso grado, ya en mi tesis doctoral mostré la conveniencia de hablar al menos de tres dimensiones afectivas, cada una de ellas según su relación más o menos directa con las facultades superiores y con la persistencia de su presencia a lo largo de (...)
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  38. La metáfora ecologista en torno a la técnica.Lucas Benet - 2021 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 103:187-210.
    Insertar el fenómeno dentro del discurso es posible únicamente cuando se lo arropa conceptualmente. La metáfora cumple la función retórica cuando se aleja de su fenómeno en la vida empírica y surge en la vida simbólica como forma de expresión ulterior y conceptual respecto al fenómeno mentado. Las metáforas no son literales, sino que tienen un sentido figurado. Los límites de la metáfora en torno a la tecnología, en nuestro caso, se delimitan cuando el fenómeno no permite un segundo plano (...)
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  39. Gorgias' defense: Plato and his opponents on rhetoric and the good.Rachel Barney - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 48 (1):95-121.
    This paper explores in detail Gorgias' defense of rhetoric in Plato 's Gorgias, noting its connections to earlier and later texts such as Aristophanes' Clouds, Gorgias' Helen, Isocrates' Nicocles and Antidosis, and Aristotle's Rhetoric. The defense as Plato presents it is transparently inadequate; it reveals a deep inconsistency in Gorgias' conception of rhetoric and functions as a satirical precursor to his refutation by Socrates. Yet Gorgias' defense is appropriated, in a streamlined form, by later defenders of rhetoric such as Isocrates (...)
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  40. Una aproximación pragmatista al testimonio como evidencia.Andrés Páez - 2013 - In Carmen Vázquez (ed.), Estándares de prueba y prueba científica. Ensayos de epistemología jurídica. Marcial Pons. pp. 215-238.
    El testimonio es nuestra mayor fuente de creencias. La gran mayoría de nuestras creencias han sido adquiridas a partir de las palabras de otros y no a través de la observación directa del mundo. Una de las peculiaridades de la mayor parte de las creencias testimoniales es que son aceptadas sin ninguna deliberación consciente. Mientras el testimonio sea consistente con nuestras creencias y la fuente sea confiable, la reacción más corriente es la aceptación automática de la información (Thagard 2004, 2005). (...)
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  41. Epistemic value in the subpersonal vale.J. Adam Carter & Robert D. Rupert - 2020 - Synthese 198 (10):9243-9272.
    A vexing problem in contemporary epistemology—one with origins in Plato’s Meno—concerns the value of knowledge, and in particular, whether and how the value of knowledge exceeds the value of mere true opinion. The recent literature is deeply divided on the matter of how best to address the problem. One point, however, remains unquestioned: that if a solution is to be found, it will be at the personal level, the level at which states of subjects or agents, as such, appear. (...)
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  42. Gadamer: aplicación y comprensión.Pedro Karczmarczyk (ed.) - 2007 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
    La obra es un estudio de una de las nociones fundamentales en la filosofía de Gadamer, el concepto de aplicación. Se intenta dar cuenta de la manera en que dicho concepto viene a solucionar, o tal vez sería mejor decir, a disolver, en la reflexión del siglo XX, el problema que enfrentaban las ciencias históricas en el siglo XIX para convertirse en conocimiento objetivo. Dicho problema consistía en dos importantes dificultades vinculadas entre sí: la imposibilidad de disponer de un objeto (...)
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  43. Toward an Integral Human Development Ethics.Lori Keleher - 2017 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 37:19-34.
    In this paper, i provide an introduction to development ethics and make some observations about integral human development. i argue that although there is very little dialogue between these two traditions, they have a lot of common ground, and can helpfully inform one another. International development ethics is a largely secular field concerned with ethical reflection on the ends and means of development. i discuss four levels of ethical reflection: meta-ethical, normative, practical, or applied, and personal or integral. The first (...)
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  44. The coincidentia oppositorum in Cusanus (1401–1464), Lanza del Vasto (1901–1981) and beyond.Antonino Drago - 2010 - Epistemologia 33:305-328.
    Nella storia della metafisica è stato un grande problema come chiarire l’idea della coincidentia oppositorum (la coincidenza degli opposti) di Cusano, il quale è riconosciuto comunque da Cassirer come il primo epistemologo del pensiero moderno, in particolare come colui che ha saputo conquistare l’infinito alla mente umana. Dopo alcuni secoli, ha avuto una grande importanza una idea simile a quella di Cusano, la dialettica di Hegel, la quale aggiunge una negazione ad una prima frase negata per ottenere una sintesi in (...)
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  45. Analítica de los deseos para una reivindicación del placer desde la propuesta ética de Epicuro.Estiven Valencia Marin - 2023 - San Martín, Argentina: Editorial Uuirto. Edited by Juan Manuel López Rivera.
    La doctrina sugerida por el filósofo de Samos, al menos en lo que respecta al placer como fin de la vida dichosa, informa de ciertos rasgos teóricos los cuales convergen en una finalidad: la defensa de la vida feliz que, en sentido omnímodo, recoge variados aspectos de la existencia (material y anímica), siendo preeminente el propósito de un filosofar que busca de la salud del cuerpo y la imperturbabilidad del alma. Para ello, un conocimiento de la realidad de lo provechoso (...)
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  46. NEUROTEOLOGÍA ¿ES HOY LA NUEVA TEOLOGÍA NATURAL? / Is Neurotheology Now the New Natural Theology?Miguel Acosta - 2015 - Naturaleza y Libertad. Revista de Estudios Interdisciplinares 5:11-51.
    La Neuroteología surge como una nueva forma de explicar las relaciones entre el ser humano y Dios, las religiones y la espiritualidad en general a partir de la neurología (estudio del sistema nervioso, especialmente del encéfalo). Pero en algunos casos pretende incluso demostrar la existencia o no existencia de Dios. En este trabajo deseo exponer de qué manera algunas formas de Neuroteología manifiestan un rasgo sintomático de la cultura actual donde la ciencia actúa como un saber omnímodo que aspira explicar (...)
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  47. Plato's Theory of Recollection.Norman Gulley - 1954 - Classical Quarterly 4 (3-4):194-.
    This book is an attempt "to give a systematic account of the development of plato's theory of knowledge" (page vii). thus it focuses on the dialogues in which epistemological issues come to the fore. these dialogues are "meno", "phaedo", "symposium", "republic", "cratylus", "theastetus", "phaedrus", "timaeus", "sophist", "politicus", "philebus", and "laws". issues discusssed include the theory of recollection, perception, the difference between belief and knowledge, and mathematical knowledge. (staff).
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  48. Algunos argumentos y reflexiones sobre la exigibilidad de los derechos económicos y sociales.Julieta Manterola - 2006 - In Manterola Julieta (ed.), Concurso de ensayos: derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, Ana María Mulcahy (compiladora), Grupo Voluntópolis, Amnistía Internacional, Argentina.
    El objetivo de este ensayo es hacer una defensa de la exigibilidad de los derechos económicos y sociales. Esta noción se refiere a “la posibilidad de reclamar ante un juez o tribunal de justicia el cumplimiento, al menos, de algunas de las obligaciones que se derivan [de estos derechos]”. Para realizar este objetivo, procederé de la siguiente manera. En la sección II, haré una reconstrucción de uno de los argumentos más tradicionales que se han ofrecido en contra de la exigibilidad (...)
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  49. Knowledge: Value on the Cheap.J. Adam Carter, Benjamin Jarvis & Katherine Rubin - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (2):249-263.
    ABSTRACT: We argue that the so-called ‘Primary’ and ‘Secondary’ Value Problems for knowledge are more easily solved than is widely appreciated. Pritchard, for instance, has suggested that only virtue-theoretic accounts have any hopes of adequately addressing these problems. By contrast, we argue that accounts of knowledge that are sensitive to the Gettier problem are able to overcome these challenges. To first approximation, the Primary Value Problem is a problem of understanding how the property of being knowledge confers more epistemic value (...)
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  50. What If Plato Took Surveys? Thoughts about Philosophy Experiments.William M. Goodman - 2012 - In Patricia Hanna (ed.), An Anthology of Philosophical Studies - Volume 6. Athiner.
    The movement called Experimental Philosophy (‘x-Phi’) has now passed its tenth anniversary. Its central insight is compelling: When an argument hinges on accepting certain ‘facts’ about human perception, knowledge, or judging, the evoking of relevant intuitions by thought experiments is intended to make those facts seem obvious. But these intuitions may not be shared universally. Experimentalists propose testing claims that traditionally were intuition-based using real experiments, with real samples. Demanding that empirical claims be empirically supported is certainly reasonable; though experiments (...)
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