Results for 'Rita Santos'

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  1. How (not) to be a buck-passer about art.Miguel F. Dos Santos - forthcoming - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy.
    According to buck-passers about art, such as Dominic Lopes, every work of art belongs to some art. I distinguish two versions of the buck-passing theory of art—what I call the double-buck-passers’ (DBP) view and the single-buck-passers’ (SBP) view—and point out that Lopes’s view is an instance of the latter. Then I argue the SBP view faces a dilemma, each horn of which leads to trouble. In doing so, I explore uncharted territory: the implications of vagueness for theories of art. I (...)
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  2. An empirical study on using visual metaphors in visualization.Rita Borgo, Alfie Abdul-Rahman, Mohamed Farhan, Philip W. Grant, Irene Reppa, Luciano Floridi & Min Chen - 2012 - IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 18 (12):2759-2768.
    In written and spoken communications, metaphors are often used as an aid to help convey abstract or less tangible concepts. However, the benefits of using visual metaphors in visualization have so far been inconclusive. In this work, we report an empirical study to evaluate hypotheses that visual metaphors may aid memorization, visual search and concept comprehension. One major departure from previous metaphor-related experiments in the literature is that we make use of a dual-task methodology in our experiment. This design offers (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Ethical implications of co-benefits rationale within climate change mitigation strateg.Vasconcellos Oliveira Rita & Thorseth May - 2016 - Etikk I Praksis- Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics:141-170.
    The climate change mitigation effort is being translated into several actions and discourses that make collateral benefits and their rationale increasingly relevant for sustainability, in such a way that they are now a constant part of the political agenda. Taking a broader and consensual perspective, co-benefits are considered here to be emerging advantages of implementing measures to lower greenhouse gases. Starting with the analysis of policy documents referring to two European urban transportation strategies, the emergent co-benefits are problematized and discussed (...)
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  4. An empirical study on using visual embellishments in visualization.Rita Borgo, Alfie Abdul-Rahman, Farhan Mohamed, Philip W. Grant, Irene Reppa, Luciano Floridi & Men Chin - 2012 - IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 18 (12):2759–2768.
    In written and spoken communications, figures of speech (e.g., metaphors and synecdoche) are often used as an aid to help convey abstract or less tangible concepts. However, the benefits of using rhetorical illustrations or embellishments in visualization have so far been inconclusive. In this work, we report an empirical study to evaluate hypotheses that visual embellishments may aid memorization, visual search and concept comprehension. One major departure from related experiments in the literature is that we make use of a dual-task (...)
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  5. Território e sociedade: entrevista com Milton Santos.Mílton Santos - 2000 - São Paulo, SP, Brasil: Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo. Edited by Odette Seabra, Mônica de Carvalho & José Corrêa Leite.
    Entrevista com o geógrafo brasileiro Milton Santos, onde ele faz uma profunda reflexão sobre o Brasil e o mundo atual, abordando criticamente temas como a globalização, a ideologização da vida social, a geografia como disciplina crítica e o papel do intelectual nos dias atuais.
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  6. The phylogeography debate and the epistemology of model-based evolutionary biology.Alfonso Arroyo-Santos, Mark E. Olson & Francisco Vergara-Silva - 2014 - Biology and Philosophy 29 (6):833-850.
    Phylogeography, a relatively new subdicipline of evolutionary biology that attempts to unify the fields of phylogenetics and population biology in an explicit geographical context, has hosted in recent years a highly polarized debate related to the purported benefits and limitations that qualitative versus quantitative methods might contribute or impose on inferential processes in evolutionary biology. Here we present a friendly, non-technical introduction to the conflicting methods underlying the controversy, and exemplify it with a balanced selection of quotes from the primary (...)
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  7. A composição real da proposição mental ockhamiana.Ernesto Perini-Santos - 2005 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 9 (1):67-92.
    A linguagem mental explica o caráter significativo das linguagens falada e escrita: seus elementos e estrutura são identificados através de critérios teóricos que servem a este fim. Estes critérios parecem manter uma certa indeterminação em relação aos elementos e estruturas da linguagem mental, se se espera que eles decidam entre diferentes formas de apresentação possíveis. Esta expectativa, contudo, não é razoável dentro da filosofia ockhamiana. A teoria da linguagem mental pode desempenhar os papéis teóricos a ela destinados sem determinar a (...)
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  8. Reframing the Debate between Contextualism and Minimalism.Ernesto Perini-Santos - 2021 - Proceedings of the 2021 Workshop on Context, 21-22 June 202.
    The distinction between semantics and pragmatics is often seen as a discussion about where to place pragmatic inferences: while minimalists think that they only come into play after the proposition is grasped, for contextualists, there are already pragmatic processes in the very determination of what is said, leading to ad hoc conceptual adjustments. There is, however, another way to look at this matter: we may keep a sensitive truth-distribution across contexts without ad hoc conceptual manoeuvres. An intuitive distribution of truth-values (...)
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  9. O problema da autenticidade do conhecimento: uma breve apresentação.César Schirmer dos Santos - 2016 - Sképsis 9 (13):85-103.
    Minha proposta, nesta introdução a “Autoconhecimento e os limites da autenticidade”, texto de Sven Bernecker traduzido e publicado neste número de Sképsis, é dar razões para que defensores do anti-individualismo que sejam partidários da estratégia do autoconhecimento básico, no que diz respeito ao debate sobre a compatibilidade entre anti-individualismo e conhecimento de si, mudem de posição, e passem a defender anti-individualismo com teoria da autenticidade.
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  10. Disjuntivismo epistemológico e ceticismo radical.Breno Ricardo Guimarães Santos - 2017 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 62 (3):624-656.
    Epistemological disjunctivism is a philosophical theory that has received special attention in the recent years. Particularly because it has been seen by many as a way of renewing discussions that range from the nature of justification of our daily beliefs to the possibility of unveiling the structure of the problem of radical skepticism and of responding to it. Duncan Pritchard is one of the authors who have offered a particular view of disjunctivism and ways of conceiving of disjunctivist treatments to (...)
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    Verifiability: An Essay on an Empirical Account of Meaning.Paulo Guilherme Santos - forthcoming
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  12. Paradoxos Semânticos.Ricardo Santos - 2014 - Compêndio Em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica.
    The semantic paradoxes are a family of arguments – including the liar paradox, Curry’s paradox, Grelling’s paradox of heterologicality, Richard’s and Berry’s paradoxes of definability, and others – which have two things in common: first, they make an essential use of such semantic concepts as those of truth, satisfaction, reference, definition, etc.; second, they seem to be very good arguments until we see that their conclusions are contradictory or absurd. These arguments raise serious doubts concerning the coherence of the concepts (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Karma Chameleon: Performative Acts, Gender Constitution, and the Second British Invasion.Diego Santos Vieira de Jesus - 2021 - Philosophy Study 11 (1):56-60.
    The aim is to examine the performative acts and gender constitution in the context of the Second British Invasion. Despite the pervasive character of patriarchy and the prevalence of sexual difference as an operative cultural distinction, gender was not passively scripted on the bodies of many British singers. The subversive performances did not exclude suffering and marginalization but simultaneously undermined compulsory coherence.
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  14. A captação do objeto cognitivo pela epistemologia de Aristóteles.José Gabriel Trindade Santos - 2020 - Prometheus 33:28-45.
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  15. (1 other version)Practice oriented controversies and borrowed epistemic support in current evolutionary biology. The case of phylogeography.Alfonso Arroyo-Santos, Mark E. Olson & Francisco Vergara-Silva - 2015 - Perspectives on Science 23 (3):310-334.
    Although there is increasing recognition that theory and practice in science are often inseparably intertwined, discussions of scientific controversies often continue to focus on theory, and not practice or methodologies. As a contribution to constructing a framework towards understanding controversies linked to scientific practices, we introduce the notion of borrowed epistemic credibility, to describe the situation in which scientists exploit fallacious similarities between accepted tenets in other fields to garner support for a given position in their own field. Our proposal (...)
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  16. Sombrillas y operaciones en la construcción científica del mundo.Alfonso Arroyo-Santos - 2017 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 8:107--116.
    This paper argues that many of the conceptual controversies in evolutionary biology are due to the use of different operational definitions. Since the set of operations is not consistent, then there are many ways to understand, in practice, how concepts should be investigated. In this paper we introduce a formal analysis to study the scope of operationalism and we conclude that the controversial concepts are in fact umbrella variables, that is, a single term can be referring to different processes, phenomena (...)
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  17. Echo Chambers, Ignorance and Domination.Breno Santos - 2021 - Social Epistemology 35 (2):109-119.
    My aim in this paper is to engage with C. Thi Nguyen’s characterization of the echo chamber and to propose two things. First, I argue that a proper reading of his concept of echo chamber should make use of the notion of ignorance in the form of a structural epistemic insensitivity. My main contention is that ignorance as a substantive structural practice accounts for the epistemically deleterious effects of echo chambers. Second, I propose that from the talk of ignorance we (...)
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  18. Ontocommons in the standardization environment.Barry Smith & Rita Giuffrida - 2022 - OntoCommons.
    Ontologies and standards are strongly interrelated and can often be seen as two sides of the same coin. Indeed, standards reflect consensus on the semantics of terms, though different standards might employ different ways to explain the same or very similar concepts semantically. Given the crucial role played by both aspects in OntoCommons, we have interviewed Barry Smith, SUNY Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the University at Buffalo and one of the External Advisory Board (EAB) members of the OntoCommons project, (...)
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  19. O espaço social da dúvida - Negacionismo, ceticismo e a construção do conhecimento.Ernesto Perini-Santos - 2023 - Estudos de Sociologia 28 (1):1-23.
    À primeira vista, pode-se pensar que toda restrição à dúvida é contrária à progressão do conhecimento e antidemocrática. Este argumento é utilizado por diferentes sabores de negacionismo. No entanto, um exame do modo como funcionam dúvidas nos mostra que existem exigências epistêmicas para a legitimidade da dúvida que não são satisfeitas pelos negacionismos. Uma consequência deste argumento é que a normatividade epistêmica não é absorvida pela normatividade política. A especificidade da normatividade epistêmica, que explica porque a dúvida de negacionistas não (...)
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  20. Externalizando a Reflexão.Ernesto Perini-Santos - 2021 - Trans/Form/Ação 44:127-150.
    A principal crítica do internismo a teorias externistas é que elas parecem fazer o conhecimento o resultado de processos que permanecem inacessíveis ao sujeito. Epistemologias externistas buscaram acomodar esta exigência, como é o caso da epistemologia de Sosa. A incorporação das exigências internistas não se faz sem tensões – no caso de Sosa, os mecanismos reflexivos podem ser inacessíveis ao sujeito. Na medida em que buscamos compreender como podemos conhecer e refletir sobre nossas próprias crenças, encontramos mecanismos externos ao sujeito (...)
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  21. Memory, environment, and the brain.César Schirmer Dos Santos - 2013 - Filosofia Unisinos 14 (3):204-214.
    In recent decades, investigation of brain injuries associated with amnesia allowed progress in the philosophy and science of memory, but it also paved the way for the hubris of assuming that memory is an exclusively neural phenomenon. Nonetheless, there are methodological and conceptual reasons preventing a reduction of the ecological and contextual phenomenon of memory to a neural phenomenon, since memory is the observed action of an individual before being the simple output of a brain (or, at least, so we (...)
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  22. A explicação ockhamiana de proposições passadas, ou instruções para um aprendiz.Ernesto Perini-Santos - 2003 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 7 (1):49-63.
    Na semântica ockhamiana, o predicado ‘verdadeiro’ deriva de uma outra relação semântica mais fundamental, a relação de suposição. O autor mostra como esta relação de dependência entre dois predicados semânticos figura na análise das condições de verdade de proposições passadas, um modelo que pode ser estendido a proposições futuras e possíveis. O texto procura indicar como a explicação das condições de verdade de proposições possíveis situa a semântica das modalidades aléticas em continuidade com a semântica de proposições não presentes. Este (...)
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  23. Does contextualism make communication a miracle?Ernesto Perini-Santos - 2009 - Manuscrito 32 (1):231-247.
    In this paper, I argue against the thesis suggested by Cappelen and Lepore, according to which if contextualism were true, communication would require many items, and therefore would be fragile; communication is not fragile, and therefore, communication does not demand a large number of conditions, and contextualism is false. While we should grant the robustness of communication, it is not guaranteed by some unchanging conditions, but by different flexible mechanisms that enhance the chances of mutual understanding at a relatively low (...)
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  24. Does the Principle of Compositionality Explain Productivity? For a Pluralist View of the Role of Formal Languages as Models.Ernesto Perini-Santos - 2017 - Contexts in Philosophy 2017 - CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
    One of the main motivations for having a compositional semantics is the account of the productivity of natural languages. Formal languages are often part of the account of productivity, i.e., of how beings with finite capaci- ties are able to produce and understand a potentially infinite number of sen- tences, by offering a model of this process. This account of productivity con- sists in the generation of proofs in a formal system, that is taken to represent the way speakers grasp (...)
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  25. Mga Salik sa Pagkabigo ng Protestantismo na Lumaganap sa Pilipinas noong Panahon ng Kolonyalismong Amerikano.Mark Joseph Santos - 2023 - Yaman Digital History.
    Nang masakop ng Estados Unidos ang Pilipinas, dumating sa bansa ang isa pang uri ng Kristiyanismo na iba sa bitbit ng mga Espanyol-ang Protestantismo (na nagsimulang isilang noong ika-16 na dantaon sa Europa sa pamumuno nina Luther, Calvin, at Zwingli). Salaysay ni T. Valentino Sitoy (1989, iii, 7-11), 1899 unang dumating ang mga misyonerong Protestante sa Pilipinas, na kinabibilangan ng mga Presbyterian, Baptist, at Methodist. Kalaunan ay sinundan ito ng pagdating ng mga Episcopalian, Seventh-Day Adventist, United Brethren, Disciples, Christian and (...)
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    O Modelo Educacional Egkyklia – Educação Formal Grega.Dielson Santos Costa - 2022 - Nearco - Revista Eletrônica de Antiguidade e Medievo 14 (2):69-83.
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    The Semi-Future Democracy. A Liberal Theory of the Long-term View.Andre Santos Campos - 2024 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Traditional institutions are often considered inadequate to govern for the long term as their politicians promote short-term thinking which can harm the future. This book proposes a novel theory of social time perception to address the short-term thinking of traditional institutions which threaten to stifle liberal democracies. The semi-future reconfigures liberal democracies’ franchises, representative instruments, deliberative practices, accountability mechanisms, and policymaking to include in the demos all citizens, regardless of age, and holders of representable objective interests in the future. The (...)
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  28. Abstracta.Gonçalo Santos - 2014 - Compêndio Em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica.
    A noção de objecto abstracto desempenha um papel central em diferentes debates filosóficos contemporâneos, da metafísica à estética, passando pela filosofia da linguagem. A sua origem está contudo relacionada com a filosofia da matemática e em particular, com o trabalho de Frege nos fundamentos da aritmética. O nosso primeiro objectivo será assim o de explicar o contributo desta noção para o entendimento Fregeano da realidade matemática. Veremos também que, em virtude de certas dificuldades inerentes ao projeto Fregeano, a dada altura (...)
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  29. PREÂMBULO DO ARGUMENTO CONTRA OS “AMADORES DE ESPETÁCULOS”: REPÚBLICA V 475E4-477A4.José Gabriel Trindade Santos - 2015 - Trilhas Filosóficas (2):11-30.
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    Alimentos alternativos na formulação de dieta para caprinos e ovinos.J. C. Marcos Neto, A. P. S. Santos, I. C. Dourado, R. P. L. Santos & E. N. R. Barbosa - 2024 - Revista Eletrônica Nutritime 21 (6):9456-9464.
    ALTERNATIVE FOODS IN THE FORMULATION OF DIETS FOR GOATS AND SHEEP ABSTRACT Alternative nutrition refers to the use of unconventional ingredients or agro-industrial byproducts in formulating diets that would otherwise be discarded (Moraes, et al., 2011). Providing nutritional support to animals is essential in optimizing digestibility, associated with good management and water availability, which increases the producer's profitability. The search for alternative foods to meet market demand can arise for several reasons, whether to obtain a greater supply of feed during (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Martes sa Escaler: Klase sa Historiograpiya ni Dr. Zeus Salazar.Mark Joseph Santos & Axle Christien Tugano - 2019 - Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines: Bagong Kasaysayan (BAKAS), Inc..
    Paunang Salita Ang kasalukuyang aklat ay produkto ng masigasig na pagsusumikap ng mga mag-aaral ng BA Kasaysayan sa Politeknikong Unibersidad ng Pilipinas, Sta. Mesa sa ilalim ng klase na Historiograpiya ni Dr. Zeus A. Salazar. Tinatangka nitong maitala para sa salinlahi ang mga kaganapan sa kanilang suplemental na klase tuwing Martes sa Bahay Escaler, ang tahanan ng kanilang Guro. -/- Magkagayumpaman, hindi ito talaga maitatangi sa mahabang kasaysayan ng pagtuturo ni Salazar. Ang pagkakatitikan/pagpapakatitikan higit sa lahat ay isa nang signature (...)
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  32. Innate Mathematical Characteristics and Number Sense Competencies of Junior High School Students.Raymundo A. Santos, Leila M. Collantes, Edwin D. Ibañez, Florante P. Ibarra & Jupeth Pentang - 2022 - International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 21 (10):325-340.
    The study determined the influence of innate mathematical characteristics on the number sense competencies of junior high school students in a Philippine public school. The descriptive-correlational research design was used to accomplish the study involving a nonrandom sample of sixty 7th-grade students attending synchronous math sessions. Data obtained from the math-specific Learning Style and Self-Efficacy questionnaires and the modified Number Sense Test (NST) were analyzed and interpreted using descriptive statistics, Pearson’s Chi-Square, and Simple Linear Regression analysis. The research instruments and (...)
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  33. Pagsasa-Filipino ng Pagtuturo at Pananaliksik sa Agham Panlipunan: Bahaginan ng Best Practices sa Antas ng Silid-Aralan at Departamento/Kolehiyo.Mark Joseph Santos - 2023 - Tala Kasaysayan: An Online Journal of History 6 (1):65-100.
    Ang pagpapalaganap ng wikang Filipino ay hindi payak na romantisasyon ng nasyonalismo. Sa halip, ito ay instrumento tungo sa higit na demokratisasyon ng wikang Filipino, at samakatuwid ay may malalim na implikasyon sa usapin ng katarungang panlipunan. Sa kontekstong ito mabibigyang-diin ang dulot na suliranin ng Dambuhalang Pagkakahating Pangkalinangan, na dahilan kung bakit mas namomonopolisa ng elit ang mga daluyan ng kapangyarihan tulad ng edukasyon, komersyo at pulitika. Tungo sa paghahanap ng lunas sa suliraning ito, makatutulong ang pagsasa-Filipino ng agham (...)
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  34. Self-Knowledge and Epistemic Virtues: Between Reliabilism and Responsibilism.César Schirmer dos Santos - 2015 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 60 (3):579-593.
    This paper is about the role of self-knowledge in the cognitive life of a virtuous knower. The main idea is that it is hard to know ourselves because introspection is an unreliable epistemic source, and reason can be a source of insidious forms of self-deception. Nevertheless, our epistemic situation is such that an epistemically responsible agent must be constantly looking for a better understanding of her own character traits and beliefs, under the risk of jeopardizing her own status as a (...)
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  35. A suposta indexicalidade dos designadores de espécies naturais segundo Burge.César Schirmer dos Santos - 2007 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 12 (2):87-105.
    Nos anos 1970s, Hilary Putnam defendeu a tese que designadores de espécies naturais, como “água”, “tigre” e “ouro”, são termos indexicais que mudam de significado a cada contexto. No entanto, Tyler Burge rejeitou essa tese, e Putnam veio a adotar a posição de Burge. A rejeição de Burge está apoiada na distinção entre crenças de dicto e crenças de re. Nesse artigo veremos os pontos de contato entre as posições de Putnam e Burge, a posição de Putnam nos anos 1970s, (...)
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  36. Tomás de Aquino e a Nova Filosofia Natural.Evaniel Brás dos Santos - 2016 - Dissertation, University of Campinas, Brazil
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  37. The sins of the nation and the ritual of apologies de Danielle Celermajer.César Schirmer Dos Santos - 2010 - Filosofia Unisinos 11 (3):340-342.
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  38. Habilidade e causalidade: uma proposta confiabilista para casos típicos de conhecimento.Breno Ricardo Guimarães Santos - 2014 - In Jaimir Conte & Cezar Mortari (eds.), Temas em Filosofia Contemporânea. Florianópolis, SC, Brasil: NEL/UFSC. pp. 38-48.
    Debates em epistemologia recente têm se pautado, em grande medida, pelo problema de caracterizar a natureza da justificação. De modo geral, a tarefa tem sido explorar o status epistêmico que faz com que uma crença verdadeira seja uma instância de conhecimento. Este debate traz consigo uma discussão mais ampla acerca do conteúdo da definição de conhecimento, ou seja, uma discussão cujo propósito é identificar o que compõe de forma necessária e suficiente esta noção epistêmica central. No entanto, paralelamente a este (...)
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  39. Ang 1872 sa Kasaysayan ng Pilipinas: Isang Pagsusuring Historiograpikal sa Ilang Pilipinong Historyador.Mark Joseph Santos - 2022 - Tala Kasaysayan: An Online Journal of History 5 (1):74-88.
    Bilang pagpapahalaga sa GOMBURZA, sa okasyon ng ika-150 anibersaryo ng kanilang kamatayan, ang pag-aaral na ito ay nagsagawa ng isang preliminaryong pagbaybay sa samu't saring pagpapakahulugan at pagbibigay-saysay na ikinakabit sa 1872 sa historiograpiyang Pilipino. Sa partikular, siniyasat ng sanaysay ang kapookan ng 1872 sa balangkas historiograpikal ng ilang prominenteng historyador tulad nina Teodoro Agoncillo, Zeus Salazar, Renato Constantino, Reynaldo Ileto, John Schumacher, Horacio de la Costa, at iba pa. Liban dito, tiningnan din ang pagpapakahulugan sa 1872 ng iba pang (...)
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  40. O Supervalorativismo e a Vagueza de Ordem Superior.Ricardo Santos - 2010 - In Humberto Brito (ed.), Filosofia e Literatura 1. Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem. pp. 197-217.
    Este artigo apresenta a teoria supervalorativista da vagueza e discute a objecção, que frequentemente lhe é dirigida, segundo a qual essa teoria não consegue dar conta do fenómeno da vagueza de ordem superior.
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  41. Sarili, Kapwa, Iba: Ang Trikotomiya ni Zeus Salazar sa Pagpopook ng Kakanyahang Pilipino sa Kabihasnang Pan-Malayo at Austronesyano.Mark Joseph Santos - 2020 - Tala Kasaysayan: An Online Journal of History 3 (2):1-30.
    Ang sanaysay na ito ay isang pagsisiyasat sa rehiyunalistang batayan ng nasyonalistang historiograpiya ni Zeus Salazar. Isinagawa ito sa pamamagitan ng eksposisyon sa kanyang trikotomiya ng sarili, kapwa at iba. Ang mahabang panahon ng kolonyalismo ay nagdulot ng pagkakagapos ng kakanyahang Pilipino sa Kanluran. Nagkaroon ito ng samu’t saring implikasyon sa historiograpiyang Pilipino tulad ng pananaig ng tatluhang paghahati ng kasaysayan (prekolonyal-kolonyal-postkolonyal), labis-labis na pagtuon sa panahong kolonyal, at pagdakila sa mga banyagang impluwensya. Binaybay ang walong piling akda ni Salazar (...)
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  42. Ang Paglago ng Pantayong Pananaw sa Konteksto ng Kapantasan ni Zeus A. Salazar: Isang Maikling Pagsasakasaysayan, 1951-2019.Mark Joseph Santos - 2019 - Tala Kasaysayan: An Online Journal of History 2 (2):46-92.
    Bilang “kathang-buhay” ni Zeus A. Salazar, ang tinaguriang Ama ng Pantayong Pananaw (PP) at ng Bagong Historiograpiyang Pilipino, hindi mauunawaan ang PP nang hiwalay sa kanyang akademikong talambuhay. Kaya naman mainam na baybayin angkasaysayan ng Pantayong Pananaw sa konteksto ng kapantasanni Salazar. Maaaring hatiin ang kasaysayan ng PP sa konteksto ng kapantasan ni Salazar sa limang yugto, gamit ang metapora ng paglago ng halaman: 1. Panahon ng Pagpupunla ng mga ideyang magiging batayang kaisipan ng PP sa hinaharap, mula sapagpasok ni (...)
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    A CONTINGÊNCIA NA PSICANÁLISE LACANIANA: CONSEQUÊNCIAS TEÓRICAS E CLÍNICAS.Daniela Batista Santos - 2024 - Dissertation, Universidade Federal da Bahia
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  44. Ginhawa, Hanapbuhay, Himagsikan: Tungo sa Isang Pilipinong Pagdadalumat ng Katarungang Panlipunan/Katuwirang Bayan.Mark Joseph Santos - 2020 - Tala Kasaysayan: An Online Journal of History 3 (1):58-79.
    Founded upon ethnological studies on the concepts of ginhawa (well-being), hanapbuhay (livelihood), and himagsikan (revolution), the paper aims to provide an exploration on the possibility of a Filipino conceptualization of katarungang panlipunan (social justice) that is outside the bounds of Marxist theoretization. This essay insists that although Marxist theoretization of katarungang panlipunan is highly advanced, it is only one among many other possible versions of theorizing katarungang panlipunan. Since there is no concept that is possible to exist in the consciousness (...)
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  45. Kulturang Materyal bilang Batis at Larangan ng Kasaysayan.Mark Joseph Santos - 2018 - Saliksik E-Journal 7 (3):121-138.
    Namulat sa makipot na kasanayang disiplinal ng metodolohiyang pangkasaysayan na nakatuon sa pagsusuri ng mga dokumento sa arkibo, hindi pa katagalan mula nang mag umpisang mabatid ng mga historyador ang kahalagahan ng kulturang materyal sa kanyang larangan. Higit pa sa pagpapahalaga sa kulturang materyal bilang batis ng kasaysayan, paksa ng sinusuring aklat ang pagsasakasaysayan ng kulturang materyal bilang isang bagong larangan. Tinipon ng mga historyador na patnugot na sina Anne Gerritsen at Giorgio Riello sa Writing Material Culture History ang kontribusyon (...)
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  46. Intellectual Virtues and Scientific Endeavor: A Reflection on the Commitments Inherent in Generating and Possessing Knowledge.Oscar Eliezer Mendoza-De Los Santos - 2023 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 43 (1-2):18-31.
    In this essay, I reflect on the implications of intellectual virtues in scientific endeavor. To this end, I first offer a depiction of scientific endeavor by resorting to the notion of academic attitude, which involves aspects concerning the generation and possession of knowledge. Although there are differences between these activities, they have in common the engagement of diverse intellectual agents (scientists). In this sense, I analyze how intellectual virtues are linked to 1) scientific research tasks, such as theory appraisal, and (...)
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  47. Epistemologia da Virtude – Virtude Epistemology (SEP Translation).Breno Ricardo Guimarães Santos, Pedro Merlussi, John Greco & John Turri - 2015 - Intuitio 1 (8):325-362.
    [From SEP]: Contemporary virtue epistemology (hereafter ‘VE’) is a diverse collection of approaches to epistemology. At least two central tendencies are discernible among the approaches. First, they view epistemology as a normative discipline. Second, they view intellectual agents and communities as the primary focus of epistemic evaluation, with a focus on the intellectual virtues and vices embodied in and expressed by these agents and communities. This entry introduces many of the most important results of the contemporary VE research program. These (...)
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  48. Ignorância Branca - White Ignorance (Translation to Portuguese).Breno Ricardo Guimarães Santos & Charles Mills - 2018 - Griot 1 (17):413-438.
    In this paper, Charles Mills discusses what he calls “white ignorance”, developing one of the main themes of his 1997 book, The Racial Contract. His discussion is concerned with the idea of a cognitive disadvantage based on membership in a social group, which is not strange to the radical philosophical tradition, and that has been explored with more vigor in the recent Social Epistemology, in debates about epistemic injustices, silencing, willful ignorance, cognitive biases, epistemological standpoints, etc. Mills argues for an (...)
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  49. Can ChatGPT be an author? Generative AI creative writing assistance and perceptions of authorship, creatorship, responsibility, and disclosure.Paul Formosa, Sarah Bankins, Rita Matulionyte & Omid Ghasemi - forthcoming - AI and Society.
    The increasing use of Generative AI raises many ethical, philosophical, and legal issues. A key issue here is uncertainties about how different degrees of Generative AI assistance in the production of text impacts assessments of the human authorship of that text. To explore this issue, we developed an experimental mixed methods survey study (N = 602) asking participants to reflect on a scenario of a human author receiving assistance to write a short novel as part of a 3 (high, medium, (...)
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  50. Ang Attack on Titan ni Hajime Isayama Batay sa Iba't Ibang Pilosopikal na Pananaw.Mark Joseph Santos - 2022 - Dalumat E-Journal 8 (1):68-91.
    Dalawa sa mga hibla ng Pilosopiyang Filipino ay patungkol sa paggamit ng banyagang pilosopiya at pamimilosopiya sa wikang Filipino. Makatutulong ang dalawang ito tungo sa pagsasalin ng mga banyagang kaisipan sa talastasang bayan. Ang dalawang hiblang ito ang nais na ambagan ng kasalukuyang sanaysay, sa pamamagitan ng pagsasagawa ng rebyu sa isang halimbawa ng anime/manga na Hapon: ang Attack on Titan (AOT) ni Hajime Isayama. Gagamitin sa pagbasa ng AOT ang mga pilosopikal na pananaw ng ilang Aleman/Austrianong pilosoper/sikolohista na sina (...)
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