Quantum Mechanics

Edited by Michael Cuffaro (LMU Munich)
Assistant editor: Radin Dardashti (LMU Munich, University of Wuppertal)

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  1. Metaphysical Naturalism.Ilexa Yardley - 2025 - Dallas, TX: Intelligent Design Center, Inc..
    A circle joining and separating any X and Y explains (and controls) everything. Autonomous Intentional Masking (AIM) is the SUPRA-CONSCIOUS PROCESSOR (the super-chip) that controls the circular-linear relationship between mind and matter (nuclear energy) (abstract and concrete reality) (the Metaverse called Mind) (the Singularity called Nature). Giving humans (who understand it) a competitive advantage in all situations (virtual anticipation) (intelligent decisioning).
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  2. Why Do We Want a Theory of Quantum Gravity?Karen Crowther - 2025 - Cambridge University Press.
    The search for a new scientific theory is typically prompted by an encounter with something in the world that cannot be explained by current theories. This is not the case for the search for a theory of quantum gravity, which has been primarily motivated by theoretical and philosophical concerns. This Element introduces some of the motivations for seeking a theory of quantum gravity, with the aim of instigating a more critical perspective on how they are used in defining and constraining (...)
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  3. On the Motivations for Seeking a Theory of Quantum Gravity.Karen Crowther - 2025 - Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2948 (012002).
    While there are some empirical problems that could suggest the need for a theory of quantum gravity, most of these are not standardly taken as motivations for seeking a new theory. Rather, the quest for a theory of quantum gravity has been primarily motivated, guided, and constrained by philosophical and theoretical concerns. A critical examination of these can help us better understand what the theory is supposed to achieve—and, further, what it should be expected to achieve. On the other hand, (...)
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    The philosophy of superdeterminism is based on a single scientific fact about the universe, namely that cause and effect in physics are not real. In 2020, accomplished Swedish theoretical physicist, Dr. Johan Hansson published a physics proof using Albert Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity that our universe is superdeterministic meaning a predetermined static block universe without cause and effect in physics. There are various grounds for objecting to Dr. Hansson’s version of superdeterminism, but none hold any water. The most common (...)
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  5. Lunch-to-Dinner in Quantum Mechanics and Relativity.Paul Merriam & M. A. Z. Habeeb - manuscript
    Dinner today is 6 hours after lunch today. Also, these are in our future, then in our present (consecutively), and then in our past (consecutively). How do both quantum mechanics and relativity account for these?
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  6. The Circular Theory (2024).Ilexa Yardley - 2024 - Https://Medium.Com/the-Circular-Theory/.
    Conservation of the Circle is the only dynamic in Nature. Yin and Yang (ancient) is Zero and One (modern). Circumference and Diameter of an Always-Present (Technically Prescient) Circle.
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  7. Can the Future Influence the Past? A Philosophical Analysis of Retrocausality.Yi Jiang - 2023 - Journal of Human Cognition 7 (2):30-38.
    Huw Price and Ken Wharton claimed recently in their paper published in The Conversation that quantum mechanics shows that the future can influence the past. According to their paper, many scientists are convinced about it. However, there is still something mystical for philosophers. The first is about the definition of retrocausality and its philosophical relation to causality. Second, it is concerned with understanding the relationship between cause and effect, not only scientifically but also logically. In this talk, I will answer (...)
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  8. Is quantum mechanics real or complex?Shu-Di Yang - manuscript
    It has been long debated whether quantum mechanics is real or complex. Local experiments have been carried out confirming the complex nature of quantum mechanics in the standard formalism. Nevertheless, recent theoretical work demonstrated that in a closed universe, quantum mechanics is real. We discuss the philosophical implications of whether quantum mechanics is real or complex.
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  9. Typical Quantum States of the Universe are Observationally Indistinguishable.Eddy Keming Chen & Roderich Tumulka - 2024
    This paper is about the epistemology of quantum theory. We establish a new result about a limitation to knowledge of its central object---the quantum state of the universe. We show that, if the universal quantum state can be assumed to be a typical unit vector from a high-dimensional subspace of Hilbert space (such as the subspace defined by a low-entropy macro-state as prescribed by the Past Hypothesis), then no observation can determine (or even just narrow down significantly) which vector it (...)
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  10. What is time? A glimpse of its Beginning during the Eclipse!John E. Blaszynski - forthcoming - Galilean Electrodynamics.
    Within we prove Time is the potential of omnipotence. It also demonstrates that when we try to control it from a philosophical point of view it obscures us from Serendipity and access to the splendor of the perfect balance between Freewill and the Will of THE Universe as constrained by the Laws of the Universe. It creates Math or the language of the Creator. It is in fact Time that makes everything from nothing while the net sum of time remains (...)
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  11. If the Sun Suddenly Went Out in the Presentist Fragmentalist Interpretation of QM.Paul Merriam & M. A. Z. Habeeb - manuscript
    If the sun were to suddenly go out we wouldn't know it for 8 minutes. But if Alice is sitting in the middle of the sun and measures one of a pair of entangled particles and we measure the other one, what direction she measures her particle in has instantaneous effects on the one we measure. This is resolved in the Presentist Fragmentalist interpretation of QM.
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  12. Laws of Physics.Eddy Keming Chen - 2024 - Cambridge, United Kingdom : New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Despite its apparent complexity, our world seems to be governed by simple laws of physics. This volume provides a philosophical introduction to such laws. I explain how they are connected to some of the central issues in philosophy, such as ontology, possibility, explanation, induction, counterfactuals, time, determinism, and fundamentality. I suggest that laws are fundamental facts that govern the world by constraining its physical possibilities. I examine three hallmarks of laws-simplicity, exactness, and objectivity-and discuss whether and how they may be (...)
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  13. Density Matrix Realism.Eddy Keming Chen - 2024 - In Michael E. Cuffaro & Stephan Hartmann, Open Systems: Physics, Metaphysics, and Methodology (2025: Oxford University Press). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Realism about quantum theory naturally leads to realism about the quantum state of the universe. It leaves open whether it is a pure state represented by a wave function, or an impure (mixed) one represented by a density matrix. I characterize and elaborate on Density Matrix Realism, the thesis that the universal quantum state is objective but can be impure. To clarify the thesis, I compare it with Wave Function Realism, explain the conditions under which they are empirically equivalent, consider (...)
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  14. Causal Set Theory and Growing Block? Not Quite.Marco Forgione - manuscript
    In this contribution, I explore the possibility of characterizing the emergence of time in causal set theory (CST) in terms of the growing block universe (GBU) metaphysics. I show that although GBU seems to be the most intuitive time metaphysics for CST, it leaves us with a number of interpretation problems, independently of which dynamics we choose to favor for the theory —here I shall consider the Classical Sequential Growth and the Covariant model. Discrete general covariance of the CSG dynamics (...)
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  15. Quantum Consummation.Alexej Savreux - 2020 - Tommy Aqua's Journal of Philosophy 1:45-47.
    This essay focuses on the MWI hypothesis's characteristic features and logical extrapolations. To substantiate our argument, it uses a "rational structure of causality" argument to support quantum immortality based loosely on quantum theory and neuroscience. By identifying and articulating arguments in favor of quantum immortality based on the immutable laws of physics, we argue that the death of a conscious being is impossible on ideological and scientific grounds.
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  16. Black Hole Paradoxes: A Unified Framework for Information Loss.Saakshi Dulani - 2024 - Dissertation, University of Geneva
    The black hole information loss paradox is a catch-all term for a family of puzzles related to black hole evaporation. For almost 50 years, the quest to elucidate the implications of black hole evaporation has not only sustained momentum, but has also become increasingly populated with proposals that seem to generate more questions than they purport to answer. Scholars often neglect to acknowledge ongoing discussions within black hole thermodynamics and statistical mechanics when analyzing the paradox, including the interpretation of Bekenstein-Hawking (...)
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  17. Compatibilism in Quantum Mechanics: A New Perspective on Free Will and Determinism.Kaden McCullough - manuscript
    This paper presents a novel argument for compatibilism, the view that free will and determinism are compatible. Drawing on principles from quantum mechanics, specifically the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the concept of superposition, the paper proposes an analogy between the behavior of particles at the quantum level and the choices made by free agents. It argues that just as particles exist in a field of possibilities until observed, actions exist in a field of possibilities until a decision is made. The (...)
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  18. Communities of Quantum Technologies: Stakeholder Identification, Legitimation, and Interaction.Steven Umbrello, Zeki Seskir & Pieter E. Vermaas - 2024 - International Journal of Quantum Information 22 (07):2450012.
    This paper focuses on stakeholder identification as per the value sensitive design (VSD) approach applied to the context of quantum technologies (QT). We provide two comprehensive lists of stakeholders as starting points for VSD researchers and practitioners. These lists encompass a diverse range of organizations, including private companies, government agencies, NGOs, partnerships, and professional/trade organizations. Our aim is to facilitate the recognition, legitimation, and understanding of stakeholder interactions in the development of QT. These stakeholder lists can serve as a foundation (...)
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  19. The Quantum Complexity behind Quantum Reality.Graeme Robertson - manuscript
    The talk is called ‘The QUANTUM COMPLEXITY behind Quantum Reality’. It is divided into 3 parts: an outline of the essentials of quantum theory, a discussion of some glaring problems of interpretation, and my shocking philosophical conclusions.
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  20. The Ontology of Haag’s Local Quantum Physics.Gregg Jaeger - 2024 - Entropy 26 (1):33.
    The ontology of Local Quantum Physics, Rudolf Haag’s framework for relativistic quantum theory, is reviewed and discussed. It is one of spatiotemporally localized events and unlocalized causal intermediaries, including the elementary particles, which come progressively into existence in accordance with a fundamental arrow of time. Haag’s conception of quantum theory is distinguished from others in which events are also central, especially those of Niels Bohr and John Wheeler, with which it has been compared.
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  21. Four questions about Quantum Bayesianism (QBism) and their answers by Ontology of Knowledge (OK) issue 20231208.Jean-Louis Boucon - unknown - Academia.
    The following article will attempt to highlight four questions which, in my opinion, are left unanswered (or overlooked) by QBism and to show the answers that the Ontology of Knowledge (OK) can provide. ● How does the subject come to exist for itself, individuated and persistent? ● From what common reality do world, mind, and meaning emerge? ● How does meaning emerge from the mathematical fact of probabilistic expectation? ● Is meaning animated by its own nature?
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  22. Incoherent? No, Just Decoherent: How Quantum Many Worlds Emerge.Alexander Franklin - 2024 - Philosophy of Science 91 (2):288 - 309.
    The modern Everett interpretation of quantum mechanics describes an emergent multiverse. The goal of this paper is to provide a perspicuous characterisation of how the multiverse emerges making use of a recent account of (weak) ontological emergence. This will be cashed out with a case study that identifies decoherence as the mechanism for emergence. The greater metaphysical clarity enables the rebuttal of critiques due to Baker (2007) and Dawid and Th\'ebault (2015) that cast the emergent multiverse ontology as incoherent; responses (...)
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  23. Color may be the phenomenal dual aspect of two-state quantum systems in a mixed state.Tal Hendel - manuscript
    Panmicropsychism is the view that the fundamental physical ingredients of our universe are also its fundamental phenomenal ingredients. Since there is only a limited number of fundamental physical ingredients, panmicropsychism seems to imply that there exists only a small set (palette) of basic phenomenal qualities. How does this limited palette of basic phenomenal qualities give rise to our rich set of experiences? This is known as ‘the palette problem’. One class of solutions to this problem, large-palette solutions, simply denies that (...)
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  24. After Qbism, Contextual Quantum Realism (Response to C. Fuchs’s Question).Francois-Igor Pris - 2023 - ФИЛОСОФИЯ НАУКИ 3 (98):143-165.
    In his recent paper, C. Fuchs formulates QBism in the form of eight postulates. We criticise QBism as an anti-realist position and propose an alternative – contextual quantum realism (QCR). 1. A quantum state is not “an agent’s personal judgement” (QBism), nor is it subjective (QBism), but objective (QCR). It describes not the current experience (QBism), but a state of a physical system in context (QCR). 2. A quantum measurement is a (literally) measurement of quantum reality (QCR), rather than an (...)
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  25. Finding Time for Wheeler-DeWitt Cosmology.Nick Huggett & Karim Thebault - manuscript
    We conduct a case study analysis of a proposal for the emergence of time based upon the approximate derivation of three grades of temporal structure within an explicit quantum cosmological model which obeys a Wheeler-DeWitt type equation without an extrinsic time parameter. Our main focus will be issues regarding the consistency of the approximations and derivations in question. Our conclusion is that the model provides a self-consistent account of the emergence of chronordinal, chronometric and chronodirected structure. Residual concerns relate to (...)
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  26. Contextual quantum realism and other interpretations of quantum mechanics.Francois-Igor Pris - 2023 - Moscow: Lenand.
    It is proposed a critique of existing interpretations of quantum mechanics, both anti-realistic and realistic, and, in particular, the Copenhagen interpretation, the interpretations with hidden variables, the metaphysical interpretation of H. Everett’s interpretation, the many-worlds interpretation by D. Wallace, QBism by C. Fuchs, D. Mermin and R. Schack, the relational interpretation by C. Rovelli, neo-Kantian and phenomenological interpretations by M. Bitbol, the informational interpretation by A. Zeilinger, the Nobel Prize Winner in Physics 2022, and others. As is known compared to (...)
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  27. (1 other version)History of Western Philosophy from the quantum theoretical point of view; [Ver. 5] (5th edition). [REVIEW]Shiro Ishikawa - manuscript
    In this paper, we will reconsider the history of dualistic idealism (i.e., the main stream of western philosophy: chiefly, Plato, Descartes, Kant, Wittgenstein, etc.) under the quantum mechanical worldview. Recall that quantum mechanics also has the aspect of being a scientifically complete form of dualistic idealism. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that almost all unsolved problems of philosophy (i.e., dualistic idealism) can be clarified under the linguistic Copenhagen interpretation. In this paper, we will show that the expectation is completely (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Quantum Mechanics versus Epistemologically Different Worlds.Gabriel Vacariu - forthcoming - Iasi: Editura Revista Timpul.
    I investigate the main concepts and interpretations of quantum mechanics under my approach: the Epistemologically Different Worlds. I indicate that almost all concepts and interpretations have been quite wrong being constructed within a wrong framework, the Universe/world.
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  29. (1 other version)Quantum Mechanics and Epistemologically Different Worlds.Gabriel Vacariu - 2023 - Dissertation, University of Bucharest
    I investigate the main concepts and interpretations of quantum mechanics under my approach: the Epistemologically Different Worlds. I indicate that almost all concepts and interpretations have been quite wrong being constructed within a wrong framework, the Universe/world.
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  30. Time-energy uncertainty does not create particles.Bryan W. Roberts & Jeremy Butterfield - 2020 - Journal of Physics 1638:012005.
    In this contribution in honour of Paul Busch, we criticise the claims of many expositions that the time-energy uncertainty principle allows both a violation of energy conservation and particle creation, provided that this happens for a sufficiently short time. But we agree that there are grains of truth in these claims: which we make precise and justify using perturbation theory.
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  31. Open Problems in the Development of a Quantum Mereology.Federico Holik & Juan Pablo Jorge - 2023 - In Jonas R. B. Arenhart & Raoni W. Arroyo, Non-Reflexive Logics, Non-Individuals, and the Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics: Essays in Honour of the Philosophy of Décio Krause. Springer Verlag. pp. 157-176.
    Mereology deals with the study of the relations between wholes and parts. In this work we will discuss different developments and open problems related to the formulation of a quantum mereology. In particular, we will discuss different advances in the development of formal systems aimed to describe the whole-parts relationship in the context of quantum theory.
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  32. Qurio: QBit Learning, Quantum Pedagogy, and Agentive AI Tutors.Shanna Dobson & Julian Scaff - manuscript
    We propose Qurio, which is our new model of pedagogy incorporating the principles of quantum mechanics with a curiosity AI called Curio AI equipped with a meta-curiosity algorithm. Curio has a curiosity profile that is in a quantum superposition of every possible curiosity type. We describe the ethos and tenets of Qurio, which we claim can create an environment supporting neuroplasticity that cultivates curiosity powered by tools that exhibit their own curiosity. We give examples of how to incorporate non-locality, complementarity, (...)
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  33. Reversing the arrow of time.Bryan W. Roberts - 2022 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    'The arrow of time' refers to the curious asymmetry that distinguishes the future from the past. Reversing the Arrow of Time argues that there is an intimate link between the symmetries of 'time itself' and time reversal symmetry in physical theories, which has wide-ranging implications for both physics and its philosophy. This link helps to clarify how we can learn about the symmetries of our world, how to understand the relationship between symmetries and what is real, and how to overcome (...)
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  34. Quantum Intrinsic Curiosity Algorithms.Shanna Dobson & Julian Scaff - manuscript
    We propose a quantum curiosity algorithm as a means to implement quantum thinking into AI, and we illustrate 5 new quantum curiosity types. We then introduce 6 new hybrid quantum curiosity types combining animal and plant curiosity elements with biomimicry beyond human sensing. We then introduce 4 specialized quantum curiosity types, which incorporate quantum thinking into coding frameworks to radically transform problem-solving and discovery in science, medicine, and systems analysis. We conclude with a forecasting of the future of quantum thinking (...)
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  35. Quantum Dreams.Brian Wachter - manuscript
    The correlation between quantum phenomena and information is explored using relational quantum mechanics (RQM) and quantum monism as potential frameworks for understanding informational reality's emergence from the merely physical. Emphasizing a top-down approach, the paper advocates applying knowledge of quantum components to our classical world. It highlights the contributions of researchers such as Rovelli, Wheeler, and Everett, who have made strides in this direction. -/- The paper elucidates the duality of quantum states as counterintuitive when applied to physical objects but (...)
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  36. Physics rewritten.Gabriel Vacariu - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Bucharest
    Physics Overwritten in a new perspective: “Epistemologically Different Worlds” (Einsteins’ relativities without “spacetime”, quantum me-chanics, pre-Big Bang, Big Bangs and “inflation”, dark mat-ter and dark energy, the superstring theory, and Bohr’s com-plementarity) -/- .
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  37. A discussion on the origin of quantum probabilities.Federico Holik, Manuel Sáenz & Angelo Plastino - 2014 - Annals of Physics 340 (1):293-310.
    We study the origin of quantum probabilities as arising from non-Boolean propositional-operational structures. We apply the method developed by Cox to non distributive lattices and develop an alternative formulation of non-Kolmogorovian probability measures for quantum mechanics. By generalizing the method presented in previous works, we outline a general framework for the deduction of probabilities in general propositional structures represented by lattices (including the non-distributive case).
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  38. On the Connection Between Quantum Probability and Geometry.Federico Holik - 2021 - Quanta 10 (1):1-14.
    We discuss the mathematical structures that underlie quantum probabilities. More specifically, we explore possible connections between logic, geometry and probability theory. We propose an interpretation that generalizes the method developed by R. T. Cox to the quantum logical approach to physical theories. We stress the relevance of developing a geometrical interpretation of quantum mechanics.
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  39. Non-Kolmogorovian Probabilities and Quantum Technologies.Federico Holik - 2023 - Entropy 24 (11):1666.
    In this work, we focus on the philosophical aspects and technical challenges that underlie the axiomatization of the non-Kolmogorovian probability framework, in connection with the problem of quantum contextuality. This fundamental feature of quantum theory has received a lot of attention recently, given that it might be connected to the speed-up of quantum computers—a phenomenon that is not fully understood. Although this problem has been extensively studied in the physics community, there are still many philosophical questions that should be properly (...)
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  40. Quantum Mechanical Reality: Entanglement and Decoherence.Avijit Lahiri - manuscript
    We look into the ontology of quantum theory as distinct from that of the classical theory in the sciences. Theories carry with them their own ontology while the metaphysics may remain the same in the background. We follow a broadly Kantian tradition, distinguishing between the noumenal and phenomenal realities where the former is independent of our perception while the latter is assembled from the former by means of fragmentary bits of interpretation. Theories do not tell us how the noumenal world (...)
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  41. The Governing Conception of the Wavefunction.Nina Emery - 2022 - In Valia Allori, Quantum Mechanics and Fundamentality: Naturalizing Quantum Theory between Scientific Realism and Ontological Indeterminacy. Cham: Springer. pp. 283-302.
    I distinguish between two different ways in which the wavefunction might play a role in explaining the behavior of quantum systems and argue that a satisfactory account of quantum ontology will make it possible for the wavefunction to explain the behavior of quantum systems in both of these way. I then show how this constraint has the potential to impact two quite different accounts of quantum ontology.
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  42. Interpreting Quantum Entanglement: Steps towards Coherentist Quantum Mechanics.Matteo Morganti & Claudio Calosi - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (3):865-891.
    We put forward a new, ‘coherentist’ account of quantum entanglement, according to which entangled systems are characterized by symmetric relations of ontological dependence among the component particles. We compare this coherentist viewpoint with the two most popular alternatives currently on offer—structuralism and holism—and argue that it is essentially different from, and preferable to, both. In the course of this article, we point out how coherentism might be extended beyond the case of entanglement and further articulated.
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  43. Dirac’s Refined Unification of Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity: An Intertheoretic Context.Rinat M. Nugayev - 2022 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 44 (1):37-57.
    One of the key episodes of history of modern physics – Paul Dirac’s startling contrivance of the relativistic theory of the electron – is elicited in the context of lucid epistemological model of mature theory change. The peculiar character of Dirac’s synthesis of special relativity and quantum mechanics is revealed by comparison with Einstein’s sophisticated methodology of the General Relativity contrivance. The subtle structure of Dirac’s scientific research program and first and foremost the odd principles that put up its powerful (...)
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  44. A Decoherence-Based Approach to the Classical Limit in Bohm’s Theory.Davide Romano - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (2):1-27.
    The paper explains why the de Broglie–Bohm theory reduces to Newtonian mechanics in the macroscopic classical limit. The quantum-to-classical transition is based on three steps: (i) interaction with the environment produces effectively factorized states, leading to the formation of _effective wave functions_ and hence _decoherence_; (ii) the effective wave functions selected by the environment—the pointer states of decoherence theory—will be well-localized wave packets, typically Gaussian states; (iii) the quantum potential of a Gaussian state becomes negligible under standard classicality conditions; therefore, (...)
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  45. Symmetry and Symmetry Breaking in the Periodic Table: Towards a Group-Theoretical Classification of the Chemical Elements.Pieter Thyssen - 2013 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    At the heart of chemistry lies the periodic system of chemical elements. Despite being the cornerstone of modern chemistry, the overall structure of the periodic system has never been fully understood from an atomic physics point of view. Group-theoretical models have been proposed instead, but they suffer from several limitations. Among others, the identification of the correct symmetry group and its decomposition into subgroups has remained a problem to this day. In an effort to deepen our limited understanding of the (...)
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  46. Quantum sensing and quantum engineering: a strategy for acceleration via metascience.Charles Clark, Mayur Gosai, Terry Janssen, Melissa LaDuke, Jobst Landgrebe, Lawrence Pace & Barry Smith - 2023 - Proceedings of Spie: Quantum Sensing, Imaging, and Precision Metrology 12447.
    Research and engineering in the quantum domain involve long chains of activity involving theory development, hypothesis formation, experimentation, device prototyping, device testing, and many more. At each stage multiple paths become possible, and of the paths pursued, the majority will lead nowhere. Our quantum metascience approach provides a strategy which enables all stakeholders to gain an overview of those developments along these tracks, that are relevant to their specific concerns. It provides a controlled vocabulary, built out of terms that are (...)
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  47. Libertà come spazio liminale. L’approccio della scienza fisica alla questione filosofica del libero arbitrio.Cristiano Calì - 2022 - Quaderni Leif 20:23-45.
    All’interno dell’essere umano si situa, forse, una delle facoltà più peculiari, sulla quale sono stati costruiti interi sistemi morali e giuridici: la libertà. La relazione si propone di cogliere il libero arbitrio come spazio liminale dal quale emerge in modo singolare l’inscindibile rapporto tra le cosiddette scienze dure e la filosofia, che sin dai suoi albori si è occupata di questo argomento. Si analizzeranno in particolare le ricadute che hanno avuto sulla riflessione del libero agire umano le scoperte della fisica (...)
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  48. Quantum Foundations of Free Will.Logan Carter - manuscript
    This paper is intended to persuade an uncommitted audience that free will is illusory. I examine free will through the lens of three interpretations of quantum theory: dynamical collapse theories, hidden variable theories, and many-worlds theories. Dynamical collapse theories, hereon called collapse theories, are the primary focus of this work since they are the most widely accepted in the current philosophy of physics climate. The core postulations and mechanics of the collapse theories are articulated. Accompanying these postulations are a few (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Can we quarantine the quantum blight?Craig Callender - 2020 - In Juha Saatsi & Steven French, Scientific Realism and the Quantum. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    No shield can protect scientific realism from dealing with the quantum measurement problem. One may be able to erect barriers around the observable or classical, preserving a realism about tables, chairs and the like, but there is no safety zone within the quantum realm, the domain of our best physical theory. The upshot is not necessarily that scientific realism is in trouble. That conclusion demands further arguments. The lesson instead may be that scientific realists ought to stake their case on (...)
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  50. Quasi-set theory: a formal approach to a quantum ontology of properties.Federico Holik, Juan Pablo Jorge, Décio Krause & Olimpia Lombardi - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-26.
    In previous works, an ontology of properties for quantum mechanics has been proposed, according to which quantum systems are bundles of properties with no principle of individuality. The aim of the present article is to show that, since quasi-set theory is particularly suited for dealing with aggregates of items that do not belong to the traditional category of individual, it supplies an adequate meta-language to speak of the proposed ontology of properties and its structure.
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