Results for 'DAX-1'

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  1. Desenvolvimento Embrionário e Diferenciação Sexual nos Animais Domésticos.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    DESENVOLVIMENTO EMBRIONÁRIO E DIFERENCIAÇÃO SEXUAL -/- E. I. C. da Silva Departamento de Agropecuária – IFPE Campus Belo Jardim Departamento de Zootecnia – UFRPE sede -/- 1.1 INTRODUÇÃO O sexo foi definido como a soma das diferenças morfológicas, fisiológicas e psicológicas que distinguem o macho da fêmea permitindo a reprodução sexual e assegurando a continuidade das espécies. Os processos de diferenciação sexual são realizados durante o desenvolvimento embrionário, onde ocorre a proliferação, diferenciação e maturação das células germinativas e primordiais, precursoras (...)
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  2. Diferenciação e Determinação Sexual dos Animais.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva -
    DIFERENCIAÇÃO SEXUAL -/- Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco Embrapa Semiárido -/- • _____OBJETIVO -/- Os estudantes de Veterinária e de Zootecnia estão ligados à disciplina Reprodução Animal, um pelos mecanismos fisiológicos para evitar e tratar as possíveis patologias do trato reprodutivo dos animais domésticos, e outro para o entendimento dos processos fisiológicos visando o manejo reprodutivo e a procriação para a formação de um plantel geneticamente melhorado. Sendo assim, a finalidade do presente trabalho é apresentar os (...)
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  3. (1 other version)The Christian Worldview of St. Thomas Aquinas.Dax Bennington - 2021 - In Mark J. Boone, Rose M. Cothren, Kevin C. Neece & Jaclyn S. Parrish (eds.), The Good, the True, the Beautiful: A Multidisciplinary Tribute to Dr. David K. Naugle. Eugene, OR: Pickwick.
    My task for this paper is threefold. First, I’ll discuss the notion of a Christian worldview which has been aptly articulated and defended by David Naugle. In particular, I’ll focus on the way in which a worldview in general is a systematic way of thinking, and how a Christian worldview in particular, is structured in terms of the creation, fall, redemption, and consummation of all things. Second, I’ll discuss Alvin Plantinga’s advice to Christian philosophers in light of what has been (...)
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  4. The Christian Philosophical Worldview of St. Thomas Aquinas.Dax R. Bennington - 2021 - In Mark J. Boone, Rose M. Cothren, Kevin C. Neece & Jaclyn S. Parrish (eds.), The Good, the True, the Beautiful: A Multidisciplinary Tribute to Dr. David K. Naugle. Eugene, OR: Pickwick.
    My task for this paper is threefold. First, I’ll discuss the notion of a Christian worldview which has been aptly articulated and defended by David Naugle. In particular, I’ll focus on the way in which a worldview in general is a systematic way of thinking, and how a Christian worldview in particular, is structured in terms of the creation, fall, redemption, and consummation of all things. Second, I’ll discuss Alvin Plantinga’s advice to Christian philosophers in light of what has been (...)
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  5. On the Epistemic Significance of Expert Conversion.Dax Bennington - 2021 - Dissertation,
    Much of our knowledge of the world depends on the testimony of experts. Experts sometimes change their minds and disagree with each other. What ought a novice do when an expert changes their mind? This dissertation provides an account of when expert conversion is epistemically significant and how the novice ought to rationally defer to expert conversion. In answering when expert conversion is epistemically significant, I provide a diagnostic tool that emphasizes the conversion seeming to be evidence-based and that there (...)
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  6. Not Rational, But Not Brutely Causal Either: A response to Fodor on concept acquisition.Louise Antony - 1/22/20 - Theoria : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science 35 (1):45-57.
    Jerry Fodor has argued that concept acquisition cannot be a psychological or “rational-causal” process, but can only be a “brute-causal” process of acquisition. This position generates the “doorknob  DOORKNOB” problem: why are concepts typically acquired on the basis of experience with items in their extensions? I argue that Fodor’s taxonomy of causal processes needs supplementation, and characterize a third type: what I call “intelligible-causal processes.” Armed with this new category I present what I regard as a better response than (...)
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  7. A History of the Dutch Republic: Northern Troubles — The State of Villa Cruoninga and the Ommelanden before, during and after the signing of the Treaty of Reduction (1594).Jan M. Van der Molen - Sep 1, 2017 - Saxion University.
    This paper’s aim is to establish an explanation for the separation of Northern minds, by examining the influence of a variety of factors on the shaping of people’s sense of identity at the time. Near the end of the 16th century the Groningers had proven to be a people with a mind of their own—impetuous, unruly and, in the end, unwilling to join the Republic in its efforts to liberate itself from its oppressive Spanish overlord. One by one the Dutch (...)
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    Аннотация Понятие «парресия» впервые появляется в греческой литературе в V в. до н. э. Парресия — это возможность говорить свободно и открыто, не считаясь с авторитетами, говорить то, что без этого права может привести к наказанию или смерти. Парресия позволяла говорить правду властям, принося пользу тому, кто властвует, кому зачастую не хватает понимания сути реального положения дел. 1 Перевод статьи выполнен С. В. Борисовым по изданию: Tillmanns, Maria daVenza (2022). “How Parrhesia in Doing Philosophy With Children: Develops Their Touchstones of (...)
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    Fair Allocation of GLP-1 and Dual GLP-1-GIP Receptor Agonists. Reply.Govind Persad, Johan Dellgren & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 2024 - New England Journal of Medicine 391 (8):776.
    In our reply to critiques of our GLP-1 receptor agonist allocation framework, we explain that using potential years of life lost (PYLL) as a metric addresses racial health disparities without explicitly allocating resources based on race. This approach is "racism-conscious" and has legal and ethical challenges over race-based approaches. Meanwhile, though acknowledging the importance of cardiovascular risk assessment, we maintain in response to other interlocutors that focusing solely on immediate risk would ignore the broader goal of mitigating disadvantage. We emphasize (...)
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  10. 1,000 Holes in the Wall.Gavin Keeney - manuscript
    Co-authored research paper written with José Vela Castillo on the subject of Pablo Román's wall of 1,000 images, Vienna, 2013. -/- “Vienna” or “The Wall” is an ongoing project by architect/artist Pablo Román that, upon its completion, will consist of the round number of 1,000 images taped onto an off-white wall. One of the many walls he has designed/produced in the past months (architectural or otherwise), its elementary condition is at the same time enhanced and diminished by its very presence (...)
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  11. Fair Allocation of GLP-1 and Dual GLP-1-GIP Receptor Agonists.Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Johan L. Dellgren, Matthew S. McCoy & Govind Persad - forthcoming - New England Journal of Medicine.
    Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists, such as semaglutide, and dual GLP-1 and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) receptor agonists, such as tirzepatide, have been found to be effective for treating obesity and diabetes, significantly reducing weight and the risk or predicted risk of adverse cardiovascular events. There is a global shortage of these medications that could last several years and raises questions about how limited supplies should be allocated. We propose a fair-allocation framework that enables evaluation of the ethics of current (...)
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  12. International coverage of GLP-1 receptor agonists: a review and ethical analysis of discordant approaches.Johan Dellgren, Govind Persad & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 2024 - The Lancet 404 (10455):902-906.
    This Viewpoint analyzes policies for covering GLP-1 receptor agonist drugs for obesity treatment across 13 high-income countries. It identifies four key lessons for developing coverage policies: 1) using up-to-date cost-effectiveness analyses that incorporate new evidence of benefits, 2) negotiating lower prices while preserving innovation incentives, 3) prioritizing coverage for specific populations rather than issuing blanket denials, and 4) treating obesity medications similarly to high-cost drugs for other conditions. It argues that blanket coverage denials are unethical and that countries should implement (...)
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  13. Применение Проприоцепции Мышления В Философствовании С Детьми1.Maria daVenza Tillmanns - 2019 - Социум И Власть 4 (78):69-76. Translated by Sergey Borisov.
    Статья посвящена обоснованию смены парадиг- мы в философии для детей, а именно тому, что философия для детей сама может привнести в академическую философию, а не наоборот. Сме- на парадигмы связана с раскрытием категории «отношение» (М. Бубер, Д. Бом). Это априорное отношение к миру формирует основу для инту- итивного знания о нем, поскольку интуитивное мышление исходит из полного участия человека в «переживаемом отношении» с бытием. Вместо акцентирования внимания на том, как можно развить у детей навыки критического мышления посредством абстрактного мышления, необхо- (...)
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    Writing while Reading : Part 1 : First-Pass Thoughts , Early Arg-Line Consideration , Refutations , Commentary , Textual Excursions , Mostly From-Memory Argument Construction : Jacob R. Parr Reads Averroes’s De Substantia Orbis.Jacob Parr - manuscript
    Part 1 in a two-part work , Jacob Parr , the author , has written his first thoughts while he reads a book by Averroes for the first time . Part 2 will be written while reading a book by Nicholas de Autrecourt that specifically mentions Averroes . -/- In Writing while Reading : Part 1 , you dear reader will find a short refutation against Speculative Philosophy , various contexts addressed among the commentary , wondrously tidy analysis-scopes , some (...)
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  15. Editorial 1.Eric R. Scerri - 1999 - Foundations of Chemistry 1 (1):107-109.
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  16. Chapter 1: People and Planet in Need of Sustainable Wisdom.Darcia Narvaez, Four Arrows, Eugene Halton, Brian Collier & Georges Enderle - 2019 - In Darcia Narvaez, Four Arrows, Eugene Halton, Brian Collier & Georges Enderle (eds.), Indigenous Sustainable Wisdom: First-Nation Know-How for Global Flourishing. Peter Lang. pp. 1-23.
    Introductory chapter to the book, Indigenous Sustainable Wisdom.
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  17. Comentario 1°, desde un enfoque transcultural, en el marco de la tesis “Un Estudio en Metodología Intertextual y Exegética en Salmo 91” cuanto al uso conjugado de la figura del רגל en posición de sujeto gramatical del verbo מוט, uso que la referida investigación percibe como una fraseología.Anderson Rodrigues de Paula - manuscript
    Comentario 1°, desde un enfoque transcultural, en el marco de la tesis “Un Estudio en Metodología Intertextual y Exegética en Salmo 91” cuanto al uso conjugado de la figura del רגל en posición de sujeto gramatical del verbo מוט, uso que la referida investigación percibe, debido a su frecuencia y estabilidad, como una fraseología. (fecha de publicación del comentario en Academiaedu: 2/6/2022) . . . . Nada de lo que voy a decir a continuación es conclusivo, yo solamente estoy argumentando, (...)
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  18. BAB 1: RENCANA YANG SEMPURNA.Quan-Hoang Vuong & Sari N. P. W. P. - 2024 - The Kingfisher Story Collection (Indonesian Translation). Translated by Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari.
    Pekakak adalah salah satu tokoh yang memiliki pengetahuan mendalam dan perencanaan yang cermat. Saat fajar menyingsing, ia terlihat bertengger di atas pohon. Dengan kemampuan sempurna untuk mengontrol kecepatan penerbangan miliknya, seperti kapan harus memperlambat atau mempercepat, dia dapat dengan mudah menghitung cara optimal untuk menangkap ikan.
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  19. Подходи към осмисляне на периода на "перестройка" в СССР. Проектът за репроектиране на социализма (1 част).Vasil Penchev - 2008 - История 16 (2-3):113-121.
    В средата на 80-те години съветското общество не е в криза, а в изчерпаност. До криза довежда тъкмо опитът да се преодолее тази изчерпаност. Дотогава, макар в последните години на Брежнев все по-бавно, икономиката и обществото се развиват за сметка сметка на екстензивни фактори. Това, което се опитва да направи Горбачов е да· прехвърли развитието на интензивни релси. Възможно ли е изобщо обаче интензивно развитие в рамките на егалитаристка и колективитека менталност или в икономика, която може да си позволи да (...)
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  20. 1. Liberalism.Alan Ryan - 2012 - In The Making of Modern Liberalism. Princeton University Press. pp. 21-44.
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  21. Relativism 1: Representational Content.Max Kölbel - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (1):38-51.
    In the pair of articles of which this is the first, I shall present a set of problems and philosophical proposals that have in recent years been associated with the term “relativism”. All these problems and proposals concern the question of how we should represent thought and speech about certain topics. The main issue here is whether we should model such mental states or linguistic acts as involving representational contents that are absolutely correct or incorrect, or whether, alternatively, their correctness (...)
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    1 Aristotle.Jussi Backman - 2017 - In Adam Kotsko & Carlo Salzani (eds.), Agamben's Philosophical Lineage. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 13-26.
    This chapter is an overview of Giorgio Agamben's engagement, in the Homo Sacer series (1995–2014), with Aristotelian philosophy. It specifically studies Agamben's attempt to deconstruct two Aristotelian conceptual oppositions fundamental for the Western tradition of political thought: (1) that between the bare fact of being alive and "qualified" living (associated by Agamben with an alleged distinction between zōē and bios) and (2) that between potentiality (dynamis) and actuality (energeia). Agamben's concept of form-of-life (forma-di-vita), a life that is never "bare" but (...)
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  23. BAB 1 RENCANA YANG SEMPURNA.Sari Ni Putu Wulan Purnama & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Pekakak adalah salah satu tokoh yang memiliki pengetahuan mendalam dan perencanaan yang cermat. Saat fajar menyingsing, ia terlihat bertengger di atas pohon. Dengan kemampuan sempurna untuk mengontrol kecepatan penerbangan miliknya, seperti kapan harus memperlambat atau mempercepat, dia dapat dengan mudah menghitung cara optimal untuk menangkap ikan. Ditambah pengalamannya menangani ikan di kolam, dia bisa tahu dari jauh mana ikan yang besar, kecil, gesit, atau kelam. Hanya dengan menangkap ikan pada saat yang paling tepat, dia bisa menghemat banyak waktu untuk merenungkan (...)
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  24. Проблема сущности как рода сущего в контексте критики плотином аристотелевской системы категорий в трактате VI 1 о родах сущего.Nadezhda Volkova - 2018 - Schole 12 (1):137-146.
    The main subject of the study is the criticism of Aristotelian categorical system proposed by Plotinus. Treatises VI 1-3 focus on the problem of the possibility of thought within particular system of categories. Plotinus identifies categories with the kinds of being, being based on the tradition of such identification originated in the Plato’s “Sophist”. In some texts Aristotle himself speaks of categories as the kinds of being. The article is divided into two main parts. The first part is about Aristotle’s (...)
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  25. 150+1 Probleme (și soluțiile lor) / 150+1 Problems (and their solutions).Carina Maria Viespescu, Lucian Tuțescu & Florentin Smarandache - 2023 - Miami: Global Knowledge.
    This book is written for middle and high school students, for teachers and for those with a passion for math, containing 150+1 problems (which are followed by solutions) to make it more accessible to the reader. The last problem (150+1), a very interesting one, leaves some space for comments and generalizations. The book is a collaboration between a multi-awarded student at Romania’s National Mathematics Olympiad (Carina Maria Viespescu, student in year 10 at Liceul International of Informatics Bucuresti), a teacher from (...)
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  26. Degrees of Membership > 1 and < 0 of the Elements with Respect to a Neutrosophic OffSet.Florentin Smarandache - 2016 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 12:3-8.
    We have defined the Neutrosophic Over- /Under-/Off-Set and -Logic for the first time in 1995 and published in 2007. During 1995-2016 we presented them to various national and international conferences and seminars ([16]-[37]) and did more publishing during 2007-2016 ([1]-[15]). These new notions are totally different from other sets/logics/probabilities. We extended the neutrosophic set respectively to Neutrosophic Overset {when some neutrosophic component is > 1}, to Neutrosophic Underset {when some neutrosophic component is < 0}, and to Neutrosophic Offset {when some (...)
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  27. 1. Einleitung.Geert Keil - 2017 - In Willensfreiheit. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 1-16.
    This book surveys recent debates on freedom of will, incorporating the implications of modern brain research. The author develops an original, capability-based conception of freedom of will. Geert Keil proposes that the well-understood capability for deciding one way or another is reconcilable with the findings of empirical science, but not with the metaphysical doctrine of determinism.
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  28. 1/(4π ) √(H_vol/vol).Paul Studtmann - manuscript
    In this note, I discuss a very simple time-dependent formula and its relation to the cosmological constant. I first note that the the formula yields an exact match of the cosmological constant on the assumption that the age of the universe is 8.08×10^60 in Planck units. I then suggest a physical interpretation of the formula according to which the cosmological constant is the result of a magnetic field.
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  29. Colloquium 1: Theophrastus on Intellect in Aristotle’s De Anima.Bryan C. Reece - 2024 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 38 (1):1-27.
    Aristotle’s cryptic De Anima III 5 has precipitated an enormous volume of commentary, especially about the identity of what has come to be known as active intellect and how it relates to potential intellect. Some take active intellect to be the prime mover of Metaphysics Λ, others a hypostatic or cosmic principle (for example, an ideal Intellect, intellect associated with the tenth celestial sphere, etc.), and others a faculty, potentiality, or power of the human soul that is distinct in function, (...)
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  30. 1. A Conceptual Vocabulary of Interdisciplinary Science.Julie Thompson Klein - 2000 - In Peter Weingart & Nico Stehr (eds.), Practising Interdisciplinarity. University of Toronto Press. pp. 3-24.
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    1. LE PLAN PARFAIT.Vuong Quan Hoang - 2024 - The Kingfisher Story Collection.
    LE PLAN PARFAIT; Traduit de The Kingfisher Story Collection.
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    Девід Чалмерс. "Аргумент 1: логічна можливість зомбі" (пер. з англ. Андрія Леонова).Andrii Leonov - 2015 - Філософська Думка 5:60-67. Translated by Andrii Leonov.
    This is the first Ukrainian translation of the seminal excerpt "Argument 1: The logical possibility of zombies" from David Chalmers's 1996 magnum opus The Conscious Mind.
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    1 „The A. B. C. of Politicks”: Entstehungskontext und Rezeption von Lockes Zwei Abhandlungen über die Regierung.Michaela Rehm - 2012 - In Michaela Rehm & Bernd Ludwig (eds.), John Locke, „Zwei Abhandlungen über die Regierung“. Akademie Verlag. pp. 1-16.
    The paper is devoted to demonstrating the systematic value of the “Two Treatises of Government”. Even though their genesis is rooted in the political circumstances of Locke’s life-time, the “Treatises” are not simply a pamphlet designed to support the Whig cause, as Locke’s political ideas are derived from his theoretical philosophy and from his concept of natural law.
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  34. Supplement 1 to "'Adding Up' Reasons".Shyam Nair - manuscript
    This supplement provides the full proof of Theorem 2 from "'Adding Up' Reasons" (where the Theorem is stated and a proof is only gestured at).
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  35. Άδύνατον and material exclusion 1.Francesco Berto - 2008 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 86 (2):165 – 190.
    Philosophical dialetheism, whose main exponent is Graham Priest, claims that some contradictions hold, are true, and it is rational to accept and assert them. Such a position is naturally portrayed as a challenge to the Law of Non-Contradiction (LNC). But all the classic formulations of the LNC are, in a sense, not questioned by a typical dialetheist, since she is (cheerfully) required to accept them by her own theory. The goal of this paper is to develop a formulation of the (...)
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  36. n-1 Guilty Men.Clayton Littlejohn & Julien Dutant - 2025 - In Simon Kirchin (ed.), The future of normativity. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    We argue that there is nothing that can do the work that normative reasons are expected to do. A currently popular view is that in any given situation, a set of normative reasons (understood as a set of facts, typically about the agent’s situation) always determines the ways we prospectively should or should not respond. We discuss an example that we think shows no such collection of facts could have this normative significance. A radical response might be to dispense with (...)
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  37. Chapter 1 The Ethical Dimensions of Policy Analysis.Douglas MacKay - manuscript
    The field of public policy is dominated by the social sciences. Schools and departments of public policy and public administration are largely populated by economists, political scientists, and sociologists, and the vast majority of work in prestigious public policy journals employs empirical methods. This is unsurprising, in one respect, for collecting data, predicting and identifying the causal impacts of policies, and understanding political institutions and processes are massive, important tasks that require the tools of the social sciences. It is surprising, (...)
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  38. Ethical Approaches to Limiting Overall Costs for Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists for Weight Management.Johan Dellgren, Ezekiel Emanuel & Govind Persad - forthcoming - Annals of Internal Medicine.
    This article evaluates seven strategies for managing the high costs of GLP-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RAs) like semaglutide and tirzepatide for weight management: complete exclusion of coverage, annual cost increase caps, lifetime cost caps, tiered access, formulary reevaluation, subscription payment models, and patent reform. The authors assess each strategy against three ethical objectives: benefiting people and preventing harm, showing equal moral concern, and mitigating disadvantage. Complete coverage exclusions, arbitrary reimbursement caps, and lifetime limits are deemed unethical as they fail to meet (...)
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    Chapter 1: Wishes and Needs.Martin Janello - 2013 - In Philosophy of Happiness. Palioxis Publishing. pp. 13-31.
    Chapter 1 of the Philosophy of Happiness book by Martin Janello. Please refer to the Table of Contents for its contextual order. An audio version of this and all other sections of the book, an entire on-line review copy, and a host of other pertinent materials are available without charge at the referenced website.
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  40. Knowing in Aristotle part 1: Epistēmē, Nous, and non‐rational cognitive states.Caleb Murray Cohoe - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 17 (1):e12801.
    Philosophy Compass, Volume 17, Issue 1, January 2022.
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  41. 1 Uma revisão ‘Do Assassino Proxima Porta’ (The Murderer Next Door) por David Buss (2005)(revisão revisada 2019).Michael Richard Starks - 2019 - In Delírios Utópicos Suicidas no Século XXI - Filosofia, Natureza Humana e o Colapso da Civilization - Artigos e Comentários 2006-2019 5ª edição. Las Vegas, NV USA: Reality Press. pp. 273-283.
    Embora este volume é um pouco datado, há poucos livros populares recentes lidando especificamente com a psicologia do assassinato e é uma visão rápida disponível para alguns dólares, por isso ainda vale bem o esforço. Não faz nenhuma tentativa de ser detalhado e é um tanto superficial nos lugares, com o leitor esperado preencher os espaços em branco de seus muitos outros livros e a literatura vasta na violência. Para uma atualização ver, por exemplo, Buss, O Manual de Psicologia Evolucionária (...)
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  42. Новый мировой порядок и эпоха глобализации. Ст. 1. Американская гегемония: апогей и ослабление. Что дальше?Leonid Grinin - 2015 - Век Глобализации 2:2-17.
    В настоящей статье рассматривается, как формировался, разви-вался и начал ослабевать мировой порядок, основанный на американской гегемонии, анализируются истоки установления современного мирового порядка. Дается анализ характерных черт и методов, которые используют США для поддержания своих позиций в мире. Автор показывает также, каким образом глобализация стала более выгодной для развивающихся стран, а не для развитых, а также как постепенно формировалось убеждение в неизбежности ослабления лидерских позиций США. В статье дается характеристика современной ситуации в международных отношениях как обстановки, в которой началась реконфигурация Мир-Системы. (...)
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  43. ‘+1’: Scholem and the Paradoxes of the Infinite.Julia Ng - 2014 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio 8 (2):196-210.
    This article draws on several crucial and unpublished manuscripts from the Scholem Archive in exploration of Gershom Scholem's youthful statements on mathematics and its relation to extra-mathematical facts and, more broadly, to a concept of history that would prove to be consequential for Walter Benjamin's own thinking on "messianism" and a "futuristic politics." In context of critiquing the German Youth Movement's subsumption of active life to the nationalistic conditions of the "earth" during the First World War, Scholem turns to mathematics (...)
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  44. Chapter 1. Reading Kant in Herder’s Lecture Notes.Steve Naragon - 2015 - In Robert R. Clewis (ed.), Reading Kant's Lectures. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 37-62.
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  45. 4.1. Fondamenti ontologici per una scienza dei servizi.Roberta Ferrario & Nicola Guarino - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 49:227-246.
    Nonostante la pervasività della nozione di servizio e le recenti proposte per una Scienza dei Servizi unificata, esistono ancora parecchie inconsistenze tra le varie definizioni di servizio in uso nelle diverse discipline (e spesso anche all'interno della stessa disciplina). In particolare, a dispetto del fatto che l'obiettivo generale di questa scienza dovrebbe essere di permettere a persone e calcolatori di interagire agevolmente con i servizi nella vita di tutti i giorni, molti approcci alla modellazione dei servizi in informatica (specialmente quelli (...)
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  46. Painless Civilization 1: A Philosophical Critique of Desire.Masahiro Morioka - 2021 - Tokyo: Tokyo Philosophy Project.
    This is the English translation of Chapter One of Mutsu Bunmei Ron, which was published in Japanese in 2003. Since this book’s publication I have received many requests for an English translation from people around the world. I decided to begin by publishing this first chapter under the title Painless Civilization 1 and make it available to readers who have a keen interest in this topic. * The original text of this chapter was written in 1998, more than twenty years (...)
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  47. Constancy and Coherence in 1.4.2 of Hume’s Treatise: The Root of “Indirect” Causation and Hume’s Position on Objects.Stefanie Rocknak - 2013 - The European Legacy (4):444-456.
    This article shows that in of the Treatise of Human Nature, Hume presents his own position on objects, which is to be distinguished from both the vulgar and philosophical conception of objects. Here, Hume argues that objects that are effectively imagined to have a “perfect identity” are imagined due to the constancy and coherence of our perceptions (what we may call ‘level 1 constancy and coherence’). In particular, we imagine that objects cause such perceptions, via what I call ‘indirect (...)
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  48. Works for Works, Book 1: Useless Beauty.Gavin Keeney - 2022 - Santa Barbara, CA, USA: Punctum.
    Press Release for Works for Works, Book 1: Useless Beauty (Punctum Books, 2022).
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  49. Sleeping beauty: A note on Dorr's argument for 1/3.Darren Bradley - 2003 - Analysis 63 (3):266–268.
    Cian Dorr (2002) gives an argument for the 1/3 position in Sleeping Beauty. I argue this is based on a mistake about Sleeping Beauty's epistemic position.
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  50. Level theory, part 1: Axiomatizing the bare idea of a cumulative hierarchy of sets.Tim Button - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (4):436-460.
    The following bare-bones story introduces the idea of a cumulative hierarchy of pure sets: 'Sets are arranged in stages. Every set is found at some stage. At any stage S: for any sets found before S, we find a set whose members are exactly those sets. We find nothing else at S.' Surprisingly, this story already guarantees that the sets are arranged in well-ordered levels, and suffices for quasi-categoricity. I show this by presenting Level Theory, a simplification of set theories (...)
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