Results for 'Sl Todes'

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    Deontologie şl etică jurnalistică în secolul al XXI-Lea: Consideraţii generale.Ileana Boldişor - 2023 - Mediamorfoze 1:39-52.
    De când au apărut mijloacele de comunicare în masă şi s-au răspândit la scară largă, au existat unele care au încălcat morala specifică anumitor epoci, promovând, nu de puţine ori, dezordinea socială, intrând astfel în conflict cu legile în vigoare în anumite perioade de timp. în zilele noastre, cel mai des reproş adus mass-media se referă la faptul că „servesc partidului aflat la putere ori unei elite culturale, în cazul în care sunt instituţii de stat, şi că sacrifică slujirea publicului (...)
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  2. Die Freiheit zum Tode: Ein Plädoyer für den ärztlich-assistierten Suizid.Edgar Dahl - 2015 - Aufklärung Und Kritik 2:130-135.
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  3. Daniel P. Todes, Pavlov’s Physiology Factory: Experiment, Interpretation, Laboratory Enterprise, Baltimore: John Hopkins, 2002. [REVIEW]Gabriel Finkelstein - 2005 - Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 14 (1):70-71.
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  4. „Tot, Doktor, ich?! Würde das zu mir passen?“ Über den Anspruch auf ein nicht endendes Leben.Berendes Jochen - 2014 - In Berendes Jochen & Jochen Berendes Knud Böhle (eds.), Computertechnik und Sterbekultur. Münster, Deutschland: LIT. pp. 205-230.
    Die strittige ‚Faktizität des Todes‘ eröffnet die Frage, wie man sich zu ihr stellen soll. Der Beitrag bietet ein Panorama beispielhafter Ex-plikationen von Haltungen gegenüber dem Tod. Hierbei wird aufgewiesen, dass die bloße Bejahung des Todes unzureichend ist, wenn nicht zugleich die abträglichen und abgründigen Aspekte von Sterben und Tod wahrgenommen werden. Eine Abwägung der Effekte ist allerdings kaum durchführbar und das verbreitete Argument drohender Langeweile problematisch. Mit dem Hinweis auf Aristoteles und Kant werden Lektüremöglichkeiten aufgezeigt, die vertraute (...)
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  5. This.Phil Corkum - 2019 - Ancient Philosophy Today 1 (1):38-63.
    The expression tode ti, commonly translated as ‘a this’, plays a key role in Aristotle’s metaphysics. Drawing lightly on theories of demonstratives in contemporary linguistics, I discuss the expres...
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  6. Universal Core Semantic Layer.Barry Smith, Lowell Vizenor & James Schoening - 2009 - In Barry Smith, Lowell Vizenor & James Schoening (eds.), Universal Core Semantic Layer. CEUR, vol. 555. pp. 1-5.
    The Universal Core (UCore) is a central element of the National Information Sharing Strategy that is supported by multiple U.S. Federal Government Departments, by the intelligence community, and by a number of other national and international institutions. The goal of the UCore initiative is to foster information sharing by means of an XML schema providing consensus representations for four groups of universally understood terms under the headings who, what, when, and where. We here describe a project to create an ontology-based (...)
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  7. Gelingendes Leben, Epikurs Weg zur Stressfreiheit.Erwin Sonderegger - manuscript
    Wissen wir, wer oder was unseren Lebensgang bestimmt? Wissen wir überhaupt, was in uns und ausserhalb von uns abläuft? Das einzig Gewisse ist unser Tod, doch was hilft die Gewissheit unseres Todes, wenn ungewiss bleibt, wann er kommt? Unsere Bedürfnisse kennen wir, aber wo sind die Grenzen der Befriedigung? Wenn unsicher geworden ist, wer oder was das bestimmt, was faktisch geschieht, wenn die Welt uns körperlich und seelisch bedrängt und die einzige Gewissheit in der Zukunft unser Tod ist, wenn (...)
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  8. Dyskusja redakcyjna. Polityka senioralna w Polsce.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2018 - Studia Z Polityki Publicznej 4:97--143.
    Poniższa dyskusja odbyła siȩ we wrześniu 2018 w Szkole Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie. Skupiła zarówno badaczy problematyki polityki senioralnej, ekspertów, analityków. Dyskusjȩ moderował i zaplanował Andrzej Klimczuk, zwi¸a}zany z SGH, natomiast zaproszenie do dyskusji przyjȩli: Barbara Szatur-Jaworska, polityk społeczny i gerontolog z Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Paweł Kubicki, ekonomista, SGH, Marek Niezabitowski, socjolog z Politechniki Śl¸a}skiej, Ryszard Majer, polityk społeczny, Agnieszka Cieśla, architektka i urbanistka, Politechnika Warszawska, Marzena Rudnicka, fundatorka oraz prezeska Krajowego Instytutu Gospodarki Senioralnej. Paneliści podczas dyskusji analizowali nastȩpuj¸a}ce zagadnienia: I. (...)
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    Stoa Okulu'nda Felsefe ve Ahlâk.Aysel Tan - 2002 - Dissertation, Ankara University
    Ahlak ve ahlaki değerler insanın varoluşuyla başlayan bir olgudur. Ahlak, insanın yaşamını devam ettirmesi için gereklidir. Ahlâki değerlerden uzak bir ferd düşünülemeyeceği gibi, milletler ve toplumlar da düşünülemez. Ahlâkî değerler insanları ister istemez kuşatır ve yaşamın idamesini sağlar. İnsan varlığının yaşam koşullarını bu denli etkileyen bir olguyu tez konusu seçmemdeki amacı, özelde Stoa Ahlakı’nı, genelde ise ahlak felsefesini araştırmak ve ahlak olgusunu anlaşılmasına katkıda bulunmaktır. Stoa Okulu milattan önce üç yüzlü yıllarda Kıbrıslı Zenon’un (335-264) öncülüğünden kurulmuştur. Kıbrıslı Zenon insan için (...)
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  10. Vitaminas e minerais na nutrição de bovinos.Joyanne Mirelle de Sousa Ferreira, Cleyton de Almeida Araújo, Rosa Maria dos Santos Pessoa, Glayciane Costa Gois, Fleming Sena Campos, Saullo Laet Almeida Vicente, Angela Maria dos Santos Pessoa, Dinah Correia da Cunha Castro Costa, Paulo César da Silva Azevêdo & Deneson Oliveira Lima - 2023 - Rev Colombiana Cienc Anim. Recia 15 (2):e969.
    RESUMO A alimentação é o fator que mais onera um sistema de produção animal. Assim, a utilização de diferentes estratégias de alimentação dos animais ainda é o grande desafio da nutrição animal, principalmente, levando em consideração as exigências nutricionais de diferentes categorias de ruminantes, em especial bovinos em regiões tropicais, haja vista que a sazonalidade na produção de forragens afeta diretamente a produção bovina, promovendo inadequação no atendimento das exigências nutricionais dos animais principalmente em minerais e vitaminas. Uma alimentação que (...)
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  11. Misologie und Misanthropie in Platons Phaidon.Ulrich Diehl - 2013 - In H.-J. Gerigk / H. Koopmann (ed.), Hass. Darstellung und Deutung in den Wissenschaften und Künsten.
    Das Thema der Misologie und Misanthropie lässt sich wie so viele anderen philosophischen Themen der europäischen Geistesgeschichte bis zu einem platonischen Dialog zurückverfolgen. In diesem Fall handelt es sich um Platons berühmten Dialog Phaidon. Nun handelt dieser Dialog bekanntlich von der Frage nach der Unsterblichkeit der menschlichen Seele. Dennoch verweist Sokrates an einer bestimmten Stelle des Dialoges auf die für den Menschen drohenden Gefahren der Misologie und der Misanthropie hin, dem Hass auf die Vernunft und den Hass auf den Menschen, (...)
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  12. Dziedzictwo śmierci — Ricoeur i Derrida.Urszula Idziak - 2011 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 1 (2):291-300.
    English title: Ricoeur and Derrida — the Heritage of Death. In this article the author juxtaposes two different attempts of defending life against Heidegger’s horizon of death (Sein zum Tode) (the survie (survival) of Jacques Derrida and the “Living up to Death” of Paul Ricoeur). Their false proximity introduces a new insight into the discussion about the paradoxical positiveness of deconstruction. Ricoeur’s concept of life makes impossible the understanding of deconstruction as faithfulness to the other not in his identity, but (...)
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  13. Jung and Existentialism.Bolea Stefan - 2018 - Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai-Philosophia 63 (1):91-103.
    In the following paper I will argue that there are interesting connections between the founder of analytical psychology, Carl Gustav Jung, and the school of existentialism. Analytical psychology and existentialism share almost the same Zeitgeist (becoming influential between the 1930’s and 1960’s) and are both interested in the concept of individuality. I would like to follow the liaison between Jung and existentialism regarding authenticity and death. First of all, the concept of authenticity deserves extensive treatment. Heidegger’s das Man and Sartre’s (...)
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  14. Reflexive Ungewissheit in der Literaturrezeption.Berendes Jochen - 2013 - In Sabina Jeschke, Eva-Maria Jakobs & Alicia Dröge (eds.), Exploring Uncertainty. Ungewissheit und Unsicherheit im interdisziplinären Diskurs. Springer Gabler. pp. 17-32.
    Die Rezeption von Literatur ist von besonderen Herausforderungen gekennzeichnet. Einerseits gibt es erlernbare Techniken des Lesens und Deutens, andererseits gibt es das Wissen um eine dennoch verbleibende Deutungsvielfalt. Statt die Ungewissheiten bei der Deutung zu beklagen, besteht die (in der Moderne zunehmend wichtiger werdende) Möglichkeit, diese Ungewissheit als produktiv zu deuten und das Lesen von Literatur als einen ästhetisch eröffneten Spielraum zu fassen, in dem wir gefahrlos unsere Kenntnisse, Erwartungen und Überzeugungen einsetzen, erproben und erweitern können. Es werden zunächst grundlegende (...)
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  15. The acknowledgement of transcendence: Anti-theodicy in Adorno and Levinas.Carl B. Sachs - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (3):273-294.
    It is generally recognized that Adorno and Levinas should both be read as urging a rethinking of ethics in light of Auschwitz. This demand should be understood in terms of the acknowledgement of transcendence. A phenomenological account of the event of Auschwitz developed by Todes motivates my use of Cavell’s distinction between acknowledgement and knowledge. Both Levinas and Adorno argue that an ethically adequate acknowledgement of transcendence requires that the traditional concept of transcendence as represented in theodicy must be (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Über die Unsterblichkeit der Seele.Corey W. Dyck & Georg Friedrich Meier (eds.) - 1962 - Hildesheim: Olms.
    Meier’s Gedancken von dem Zustande der Seele nach dem Tode (Gedancken) deserves a prominent place among treatments of the immortality of the soul in 18th century German philosophy, both within and without the Wolffian tradition of rational psychology. It does not wilt next to Mendelssohn’s Phädon in its quality of expression, and might even be compared with Kant’s discussion in the Paralogisms chapter of his Kritik der reinen Vernunft in terms of the boldness of its argument and its philosophical rigour. (...)
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  17. Musikalische Schlußbildung als philosophische Herausforderung Bach, Beethoven, Schönberg.Claudia Sophia Fuß - 2016
    Musikalische Schlußbildung gehört zu den zentralsten Themen in der Musikwissenschaft und führt in tiefere philosophische Bereiche, denn das Schließen und Enden ist an einem langen Ende für den Menschen auch mit dem schwierigen Rätsel des Todes verbunden. Ist dieses nicht gelöst, bleibt auch musikalisches Enden und Schließen eine ungeknackte Nuß. Bach, Beethoven und Schönberg haben, aufeinander aufbauend, drei Lösungskonzepte entwickelt.
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  18. Fenomenologia existentiala a secretului - Incercare de filosofie aplicata.István Kiraly V. - 2001 - Pitesti, Roimania: Editura Paralela '45.
    Cuprins INTRODUCERE EXCURSIVĂ 5 CAPITOLUL I SECRETUL CA TEMA A UNEI ANALIZE DE FILOSOF1E APLICATA ...9 Preliminarii 9 /. Schiţa ideii de „aplicare" a fiiosofiei şi a unei „filosofii aplicate" 10 //. Tematica secretului 27 Excurs: Despre temati-are 28 CAPITOL Uli^T) _ ANALIZA CATEGORIALA Şl SECRETUL 40 /. Filosofía aplicată şi analiza categorială 40 //. Secretul şi structura lui categorială 6,5, Excurs: Secret - Privat - Public 70 CAPITOLUL III SECRETUL ŞI SOCIALISMUL 76 Excurs: Fonduri secrete sau fonduri interzise? 90 (...)
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  19. Effects of Gluteus Maximus Muscle Strength on Ataxia, Gait, and Equilibrium in Multiple Sclerosis.Fatma Erdeo, Ali Ulvi Uca, Osman Serhat Tokgöz, Yeliz Salcı & Ayla Fil Balkan - 2023 - European Journal of Therapeutics 29 (1):81-87.
    Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that causes scar tissue in the nervous system and seriously affects the quality of life of people. Muscle weakness, spasticity and coordination problems are seen primarily in the lower extremities. Strengthening exercises improve muscle strength in people with multiple sclerosis, but there is no consensus on their effect on walking capacity. -/- Methods: To determine the relationship between gluteus maximus muscle strength, ataxia, balance and walking capacity in Multiple Sclerosis. An experimental study (...)
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  20. Zarar İlkesi Üzerine: Üç Temel Eleştiriyi Tartışmak.Utku Ataş - 2024 - Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi 23 (1):68-93.
    Turkish Bu makalede bireylerin eylemlerine müdahale etmenin tek haklı gerekçesinin başkalarına zarar gelmesini önlemek olduğunu ifade eden ‘‘zarar ilkesine (Zİ)’’ getirilen üç eleştiriyi tartıştım. Öncelikle ilkeyi anlamlı kılabilecek bir zarar tarifinin bulunmadığı eleştirisini ele alarak bu eleştirinin, ilkenin ancak problemsiz bir zarar tanımı ile birlikte makul kabul edilebileceği varsayımına dayandığını tespit ettim. Zarar kavramına ilişkin var olan bilgi dağarcığımızı görmezden gelmesi ve zarara başvuran ilkeler haricindeki diğer birçok ilkeyi de kapsayan genel bir şüpheciliğin önünü açması nedeniyle ilgili varsayımı reddetmemiz gerektiğini (...)
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  21. Dromme.Melanie G. Rosen - 2020 - Aarhus: Aarhus University press.
    Hvad der sker i vores sovende hjerner, kan være et mareridt at tyde for en drømmeforsker. Og vi er desværre elendige til at huske det, når vi vågner. Heldigvis kan teknologien hjælpe med at løfte sløret for, hvad der foregår, mens vi ligger og trækker torsk i land. Nogle drømme er dybt bizarre. Andre fører til Nobelpriser. Og så er der dem, som bare er pinlige. De sidste vil vi nødig sende i en hjernescanner. Ifølge Melanie Gillespie Rosen, lysvågen filosof (...)
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  22. Libertação, Raça e Decolonialidade.Felipe Nogueira de Carvalho, Breno Augusto Costa, Rodrigo Marcos Jesus, Milena Oliveira Pires & Leonardo Rennó Santos (eds.) - 2024 - Toledo, PR: Editora Quero Saber.
    O objetivo do presente volume é apresentar à comunidade filosófica parte do trabalho realizado nos GTs de Filosofia da Libertação, Latino-americana e Africana e Filosofia e Raça durante o XIX Encontro Nacional da ANPOF (Goiânia, 2022), através de textos apresentados no XIX Encontro Nacional da ANPOF (Goiânia, 2022), ou frutos de discussões e debates realizados nos GTs supracitados. Agradecemos a todos, todas e todes que apresentaram seus trabalhos e/ou participaram ativamente das discussões que deram origem aos textos deste volume, (...)
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  23. Popperjeva evolucijska epistemiologija.Brian Baigrie - 1998 - Anthropos 18 18:270-278.
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  24. Heteroglossa: možnost filozofije religije.Nijaz Ibrulj - 1998 - Phainomena 7 (23/24):217-222.
    Prepoved heteroglosse, ki jo je v imenu oblikovanja nekakšne komunikacijske skupnosti prvi izpeljal sam Pavel iz Tarza, tj. prepoved samoizgrajevanja, prepoved osebnega pristopa k ontološkemu misteriju, večkratno nakazuje strah pred tranzitivnostjo misterija. S tem je tudi prvič v zgodovini prišel na dan strah institucije pred posameznikom. Taisti strah se je pozneje ohranjal stoletja: naj v Poeziji molči tisti, ki govori s simboli; naj v Umetnosti molči simbolična umetnost; naj v Filozofiji molči tisti, ki misli nemisljivo, ki izreka neizrekljivo. To implicira, (...)
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  25. Prepričanje v umno prakso, epistemsko družbenost in epistemsko kulturo.Nijaz Ibrulj - 2019 - In Olga Markič & Maja Malec (eds.), Filozofska pot Andreja Uleta. Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani. pp. 239-251.
    V besedilu, ki je posvečeno slovenskemu filozofu in logiku, univerzitetnemu profesorju in piscu znanstvenih del Andreju Uletu, izkazujem spoštovanje ob njegovem visokem jubileju in priznanje za njegov ogromni prispevek h komunikacijski skupnosti filozofov in znanstvenikov v evropskem okolju ter za uspešno dolgoletno sodelovanje pri razvoju filozofske in znanstvene misli v Bosni in Hercegovini. Na eni strani navajam ključna vprašanja sodobne filozofije in logike, sodobne družbe in tehnologije, ki so zaznamovala delo Andreja Uleta, po drugi pa v članek umeščam sekvence iz (...)
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  26. Descartes in arhitektura.Gregor Kroupa - 2006 - Filozofski Vestnik 27 (3):23-38.
    Descartes and Architecture -/- The article analyses the architectural metaphor in Descartes' Discourse on Method and The Seventh replies. The idea of Descartes' project, introduced to the reader as a construction of a building and planning of a city, is much more indebted to its architectural imagery than, or so its critics say, is "sound" for a philosophical theory. Architecture is an analogon of philosophy in Descartes' texts. By producing a figure of philosopher-architect, Descartes tries to legitimate his philosophical theory (...)
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  27. Dieu fainéant? Bog in telesa pri Descartesu, Malebranchu in Leibnizu.Gregor Kroupa - 2005 - Filozofski Vestnik 26 (1):67-82.
    "Dieu fainéant? God and Bodies in Descartes, Malebranche, and Leibniz" Conservation, concurrence with secondary causes, and occasionalism are the three attitudes that God can have towards the created universe in early modern philosophy. The aim of this article is to show how and in what forms these three originally mediaeval theories had survived the seventeenth century in Descartes, Malebranche, and Leibniz. I argue that although it cannot always be unequivocally determined which of the three doctrines each of the thinkers is (...)
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  28. Jezik in javno: reorganizacija trivija v Lockovem Eseju in v Portroyalski logiki.Gregor Kroupa - 2013 - Filozofski Vestnik 34 (3):57-74.
    "Language and its Public Features: Reorganizing the Trivium in Locke's Essay and Port-Royal Logic" The new theory of language in the 17th century coincides with the end the traditional order of disciplines in the trivium (grammar, logic and rhetoric), which in the mediaeval times provided a comprehensive view of the problems of discourse. The article focuses on some key passages in Port-Royal Logic and Locke's Essay that provide us with a typical early modern scheme of linguistic representation, characterised by heavily (...)
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  29. MacIntyre’s Contemporary Aristotelianism: Aristotelianism as a Tradition.Eleni Leontsini - 2010 - Phainomena 72:153-165.
    Since the 1980’s, a key issue in political philosophy has been the debate between communitarian philosophers, such as Alasdair MacIntyre, Michael Sandel, Michael Walzer and Charles Taylor, and those who support forms of liberal individualism, such as that found in Rawls’s Theory of Justice. In this debate, reference has quite often been made to Aristotle. This is particularly so in the case of Alasdair MacIntyre, who is frequently seen as presenting a neo-Aristotelian view. Nevertheless, it is not clear whether MacIntyre (...)
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    Ali ima domoljubje svoje mesto v vzgoji in izobraževanju?Michael S. Merry - 2022 - Dialogi 1 (2).
    Po svoji uèinkovitosti pri spodbujanju éustev glede pripadnosti oz. nepripadnosti je morda edino religija sposobna tekmovati z domoljubjem. Morda tudi samo religija lahko tekmuje z domoljubjem v svoji sposobnosti, da spodbuja in neguje pripadnost milijonov, da bi dosegla niz ciljev povezanih z zvestobo. Vendar paje, kotje opazil John Kleinig (2014: 5), 'domoljubna in verska zvestoba, kljub vsem svojim vznemirjujoèim lastnostim, pogosto pristranska, izkljuóujoéa in celo teroristiéna'. Ince se posamezniki nekritiéno identificirajo z narodom, njegovimi ideali, zgodovino, institucijami in voditelji, ima domoljub (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Schleiermacher, Hermenevtika In Neizrekljivo.Eric Nelson - 2001 - Phainomena 37:49-62.
    This essay is about the significance of communication and the ineffable for the question of hermeneutics. I argue that Friedrich Schleiermacher’s hermeneutics needs to be interpreted in the context of his early religious thought and that the play between communication and what resists and withdraws from communication provides an alternative conception of the tasks of hermeneutics. Hermeneutics is not only constituted by what is said and what is left unsaid but, further, by that which is unsayable. Finally, the relation and (...)
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  32. Nauk O Univoknostf: Deleuzova ontologija imanence.Daniel W. Smith - 2001 - Filozofski Vestnik 22 (1):163-179.
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