Results for 'Aristoteles’in Dört Neden Kuramı, Fenotip, Nedensellik'

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  1. Aristoteles’in Dört Neden Kuramının Günümüz Biyolojisi Açısından Önemi.Özlem Yilmaz - 2013 - FLSF Felsefe Ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 16 (16):221-230.
    Felsefe tarihinin hiç şüphesiz en önemli filozoflarından biri olan Aristoteles (M.Ö. 384-322), aynı zamanda bilim tarihinin de en önemli kişilerindendir. Yaşadığı dönemde henüz bilim ve felsefe ayrılmamıştır; bununla birlikte Aristoteles, bilimsel ve sistemli düşünmenin, örnekleme yapmanın, bilim insanının doğaya öğrenmek için yaklaşmasının ilkelerini, ilk kez bu derece düzenli şekilde ortaya koyan kişi olmuştur. Dört neden kuramı söz konusu ilkelerin temelini oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada günümüz biyolojisinin en kapsamlı tartışmalarından biri olan ‘fenotipin ne olduğu ve nasıl oluştuğu’ konusunun, Aristoteles’in (...)
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  2. Aristoteles’ in izahat Yöntemi Hakkindaki Yorumlar.Murat Kelikli - 2014 - Kutadgubilig Felsefe-Bilim Araştırmaları Dergisi 25:115-127.
    There is very little information about the proving by Aristotle’s ecthesis method both in Aristotle’s and his commentators’ articles. Researches on ecthesis which were made by recent commentators are only on expository term. In our study, comments have been evaluated, points that are subject to contradiction have been determined, and opinions about ecthesis have been cited by giving proofs obtained by the ecthesis method.
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  3. Aristoteles in Actie. Praktische wijsheid voor professionals in het onderwijs.Elke Ingeborg Müller (ed.) - 2019 - Leusden, Nederland: ISVW Uitgevers.
    De auteurs van Aristoteles in actie menen dat nog iets anders essentieel is voor de vorming van professionals: de notie van praktische wijsheid. Zij ontlenen dit begrip aan de Griekse filosoof Aristoteles (384-322 v.Chr.). Aan de hand van verhalen en casussen uit de onderwijspraktijk laten zij zien hoe praktische wijsheid het fundament vormt onder alle vaardigheden en competenties en hoe je studenten in het middelbaar en hoger beroepsonderwijs praktische wijsheid bijbrengt. -/- Aristoteles in actie is samengesteld door Elke Müller. Het (...)
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  4. Aristoteles’in Matematik Felsefesi ve Matematik Soyut­lama.Murat Kelikli - 2017 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):33-49.
    Although there are many questions to be asked about philosophy of mathematics, the fundamental questions to be asked will be questions about what the mathematical object is in view of being and what the mathematical reasoning is in view of knowledge. It is clear that other problems will develop in parallel within the framework of the answers to these questions. For this rea­ son, when we approach Aristotle's philosophy of mathematics over these two basic problems, we come up with the (...)
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  5. Erklärungen. Aristoteles & Gottfried Scherer - 2012 - Bautz.
    Aristoteles Περὶ ἑρμηvείας Erklärungen Griechisch-deutsch ins Deutsche übersetzt von Gottfried Scherer -/- In seiner Schrift Erklärungen handelt Aristoteles von Namen, die alles, vieles oder Einzelnes bezeichnen, von Prädikatswörtern, die bestimmende oder zufällige Eigenschaften angeben, und von Worten und deren Kombinationsmöglichkeiten. Dabei untersucht er konkret die Struktur von Aussagesätzen, die er von anderen Redensarten abgrenzt, und stellt fest, dass sie etwas als existent und zutreffend, als wahr oder falsch bezeichnen. Er gibt an, wann mehrwertige Aussagen entstehen und beschreibt, was für Gattungsnamen (...)
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  6. Nachweise aus Jacob Bernays, Die Dialoge des Aristoteles in ihrem Verhältniss zu seinen übrigen Werken.Jing Huang - 2015 - Nietzsche Studien 44 (1).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nietzsche-Studien Jahrgang: 44 Heft: 1 Seiten: 490-493.
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  7. UMA ANÁLISE DA (IN)JUSTIÇA DA CONDIÇÃO ESCRAVIDÃO NA POLÍTICA DE ARISTÓTELES A PARTIR DE HANNAH ARENDT.Daniel Pires Nunes - 2021 - In Giovane Rodrigues Jardim & Cristiéle Santos de Souza (eds.), Pluralidade, mundo e política: interlúdios em tempos sombrios. Mundo Acadêmico. pp. 45-55.
    Este capítulo se propõe a analisar os fundamentos utilizados por Aristóteles (2006) para justificar a escravidão. Para isso, é tomada como chave de leitura a categorização das atividades humanas fundamentais proposta por Hannah Arendt (2008). A escravidão no mundo grego antigo era tida como uma forma de liberar o cidadão dos afazeres domésticos e do trabalho para que pudesse ter ócio e, assim, dedicar-se às atividades entre seus iguais, sobretudo à política.
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  8. Aristoteles'te Dilin Politik Rolü [The Political Role of Language in Aristotle].Güremen Refik - 2017 - Felsefe Tartismalari 53:16-38.
    Human beings, according to Aristotle, are not the only political animals. Bees, wasps, ants and cranes are the other political species mentioned by Aristotle in the History of Animals. Politics, I, 2 confirms this point and makes the additional statement that human beings, if not the only political animals, are nevertheless more political than the other political animals. There has been a traditional scholarly agreement that the capacity for rational speech is the reason why human beings are more political. This (...)
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  9. Aristotele e le virtù sociali: EN IV, 1126b 1-1128b 9.María Silvia Vaccarezza - 2012 - Acta Philosophica 21 (2):309 - 336.
    In EN II, 1108 9-1108 b10 e più estesamente in EN IV, 1126b 10-1128b 9 Aristotele analizza tre virtù (amichevolezza, sincerità e arguzia) che, coinvolgendo il linguaggio e il senso dell’umorismo, riguardano quell’aspetto fondamentale della natura umana che è la socialità, al punto che pare giustificato l’utilizzo dell’etichetta “virtù sociali” per riferirsi ad esse. Tali virtù, infatti, rappresentano le eccellenze nell’ambito dei rapporti sociali non connotati da affetto e amicizia, ma caratterizzati da un legame ben definito, sufficiente a giustificare l’emergere (...)
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  10. Zur mittelalterlichen Herkunft einiger Theoreme in der modernen Aristoteles-Interpretation.Erwin Sonderegger - 2024 - Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
    Der hier vorliegende Text befasst sich mit der Rezeption von Aristoteles’ Metaphysik Λ bei Albertus Magnus und Thomas von Aquin. Er stellt das Material bereit für die Auswertung, die als Band 61 der Bochumer Studien zur Philosophie unter dem Titel Zur mittelalterlichen Herkunft einiger Theoreme in der modernen Aristoteles-Interpretation Eine Fallstudie anhand der Kommentare von Albertus Magnus und Thomas von Aquin zu Aristoteles’ Metaphysik Λ, bei John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam / Philadelphia 2024, erscheinen wird. **************************** This text deals with (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Aristóteles, Segundos Analíticos, Livro I.Lucas Angioni - 2004 - Campinas, Brazil: Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de Campinas.
    Translation of Aristotle's Posterior Analytics I into Portuguese, with a few notes, experimental glossary and introduction. The translation, which was made at 2003/4, was preliminary and its publication was intended to provide a didactic tool for courses as well as a provisional resource in research seminars. It needs some revision. I am currently working (slowly...) on the revision of the translation and a new revised one will surely appear at some point.
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  12. (1 other version)Aristóteles, Metafísica Livros IV e VI.Lucas Angioni - 2007 - Campinas, Brazil: Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de Campinas.
    Translation of Aristotle's Metaphysics IV and VI, with notes. The translation is preliminary and intended as a provisional teaching tool to be also used in seminars and discussions with peers in order to reach a more elaborated version.
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  13. Aristóteles, Metafísica Livros I, II e III.Lucas Angioni - 2008 - Campinas, Brazil: Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de Campinas.
    Translation of Aristotle's Metaphysics I-III into Portuguese, with a few notes and introduction. The translation, which was made at 2007, is preliminary and its publication was intended to provide a didactic tool for courses as well as a provisional resource in research seminars. It needs some revision. I am currently working (slowly...) on the revision of the translation and a new revised one will surely appear at some point.
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  14. Aristóteles, Metafísica Livros IX e X.Lucas Angioni - 2004 - Campinas, Brazil: Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de Campinas.
    Translation of Aristotle’s Metaphysics IX and X (Theta & Iota) into Portuguese, with a few notes, experimental glossary and introduction. The translation, which was made at 2004, is preliminary and its publication was intended to provide a didactic tool for courses as well as a provisional resource in research seminars. It needs some revision. I am currently working (slowly...) on the revision of the translation and a new revised one will surely appear at some point.
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  15. Ontologia e Predicação em Aristóteles.Lucas Angioni - 2000 - Campinas, Brazil: Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de Campinas.
    Este livro é um 'ancestral' em pré-print do meu livro de 2006, Introdução à Teoria da Predicação em Aristóteles (ISBN 978-85-268-0716-1), publicado pela Editora da Unicamp (ver %C3%B3teles). O ancestral foi felizmente muito citado, mesmo depois da aparição do livro definitivo em 2006. -/- This is an ancestor (in pré-print) of my 2006 Book, 'Introdução à Teoria da Predicação em Aristóteles' (ISBN 978-85-268-0716-1), published by Editora da Unicamp (see %C3%B3teles). The ancestor was cited by many, even after the definitive book (...)
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  16. Aristóteles e o Uso da Matemática nas Ciências da Natureza.Lucas Angioni - 2003 - In M. Wrigley P. Smith (ed.), Coleção CLE (Universidade de Campinas, Brazil). CLE. pp. 207-237.
    I discuss the issue whether Aristotle's philosophy of science allows the use of mathematical premises or mathematical tools in general for explanaing phenomena in the natural sciences. I thereby discuss the concept of "metabasis eis allo genos" as it appears in Posterior Analytics I.7.
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  17. Natur, Technik, Geist. Kontexte der Natur nach Aristoteles und Descartes in lebensweltlicher und subjektiver Erfahrung.Gregor Schiemann - 2005 - de Gruyter.
    Gregor Schiemann verteidigt die Aktualität des aristotelischen und cartesianischen Naturbegriffes, die Natur in Gegensatz zu Nichtnatürlichem definieren. Als gültig könnnen sich diese traditionellen Naturbegriffe jedoch nur noch innerhalb begrenzter Kontexte erweisen. -/- Im ersten Teil seines Buches zeigt der Autor, dass Aristoteles' Bestimmung der Natur als Gegenbegriff zur Technik in der Lebenswelt sowie Descartes' Dualismus von Natur und Geist für das eigene Bewusstseinserleben orientierungsleitend geblieben sind. Dass die Begriffspaare nicht nur in gesonderten Kontexten vorkommen, sondern sich ihre Anwendungen auch wechselseitig (...)
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  18. Aristoteles 2002.Barry Smith - 2003 - In Thomas Buchheim (ed.), Kann man heute noch etwas anfangen mit Aristoteles? Meiner. pp. 3-38.
    The essay surveys recent developments in ontology and defends a strategy for improvement of ontologies based on ontological realism. As a thought experiment, we consider central theses of Aristotelian metaphysics, and show how they fall short of what we believe to be the requirements of ontology today. Above all, Aristotle provides us with no strategy for the reconciliation of common-sense realism and scientific realism where these diverge. We focus specifically on shortfalls in Aristotle’s treatment of individual accidents, especially in regard (...)
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  19. El método de estudio de Aristóteles según Brentano.David Torrijos-Castrillejo & Franz Brentano - 2016 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 33 (2):671-688.
    This paper consists in the Spanish translation of a manuscript by Franz Brentano, where he deals with “The Method of Study of Aristotle and, More Generally, the Method of Historical Research in Philosophical Field”. In these pages, Brentano challenges the Aristotelian studies of his time by criticizing the approach followed by E. Zeller and other scholars. Meanwhile, he suggests some hermeneutical rules in order to interpret Aristotle in the right way. The core of his proposal is the use of philosophical (...)
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  20. Aristoteles, Met. XII – eine Theologie?Erwin Sonderegger - 1996 - Méthexis 1 (1):58–83.
    The aim of this article is to free Aristotle's Metaphysics, especially book XII (Lambda), frome some metaphysical and theological presuppositions by detecting their inappropriate conceptual framwork, which once was progressive, but now holds an obsolete position. Ousia, being (not substance, a much later concept, construed to solve other problems than Aristotle's), stand for a question, not for an answer. Book Lambda develops a highly speculative argument for this queston. The famous noesis noeseos says that empirical being and knowledge is the (...)
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  21. Aristoteles' Beschreibung der ethischen Tugenden.Boris Hennig - 2015 - In Jens Kertscher & Jan Müller (eds.), Lebensform und Praxisform. Münster: Mentis.
    Wenn Tugenden Praxisformen sind, dann kann man einiges über Praxisformen lernen, indem man nachsieht, was Tugenden sind. Ich werde dies im Folgenden partiell und indirekt tun, indem ich die sprachliche Form untersuche, in der Aristoteles die ethischen Tugenden beschreibt. Er tut dies im Wesentlichen dadurch, dass er den derart Tugendhaften in der dritten Person Singular beschreibt. Dann werde ich kurz auf die Grenzen von Aristoteles’ Verfahren zu sprechen kommen, indem ich auf eine den Tugenden und anderen Praxisformen inhärente Pluralität hinweise. (...)
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  22. (2 other versions)Aristoteles’ Kategorie des Relativen zwischen Dialektik und Ontologie.Ludger Jansen - 2006 - Philosophie­Geschichte Und Logische Analyse 9.
    Like the doctrine of the categories in general, Aristotle’s category of the relative fulfils disparate functions: On the one hand, the category of the pros ti fulfils a dialectic or logical function that aims at the avoidance of fallacies. On the other hand, the category respects the peculiar mode of being of the relative. Taking these two different functions into consideration helps with the interpretation of Aristotle’s two definitions of the relative and his treatment of the properties of the relative (...)
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  23. Νóμισμα - Ein Beitrag zum Verständnis von Geld und Wert bei Aristoteles.Sergiusz Kazmierski - 2012 - In Ivo de Gennaro (ed.), Value: sources and readings on a key concept of the globalized world. Boston: Brill. pp. 305-329.
    Aristoteles verwendet im Kontext seiner Bestimmung des Geldes in der Nikomachischen Ethik und Politik zwei Ausdrücke, die das ins Wort bringen, was im Deutschen Geld heißt: τὸ νόµισµα und τὰ χρήµατα. Beide Ausdrücke bezeichnen die selbe Sache, das Geld, aber nicht das selbe Geldphänomen. Der Singular auf der einen Seite und der Plural auf der anderen deuten an, worin das Problem der Phänomenalität dieses Phänomens liegt: Es ist die Doppeldeutigkeit dessen, was wir als Geld bezeichnen.
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  24. HIZ SİYASETİ: PAUL VİRİLİO’NUN DROMOLOJİ KURAMI * THE POLITICS OF SPEED: THE DROMOLOGY THEORY BY PAUL VIRILIO.Aykut Aykutalp - 2017 - Journal of Academic Social Science Studies 1 (61):429-440.
    This work focuses on the analysis of Paul Virilio, an important representative of the Contemporary French Thought, pertaining to society. Virilio sees modern society as the transformation of time-space relations within the context of the proliferation of speed-producing vehicles. The proliferation of speed and speed producing tools has brought about the end of space and also has reconstructed time as accelerated time. Speed is seen as a dominant logic in the organization of economic, political, military, social and urban spheres. In (...)
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  25. Der Mensch als Lebewesen. Zum zoologischen Denken des Aristoteles.Sergiusz Kazmierski - manuscript
    Vortrag, gehalten am 11. November 2020 im Rahmen einer Ringvorlesung am Regensburger Zentrum für Klassikstudien zum Thema "Entfernte Verwandte - Mensch und Tier". Die aristotelische Bestimmung des Menschen ist ein Rätsel. Daher soll sie im Folgenden auch als ein Rätsel behandelt werden. Ziel ist es, hier nicht das bei Aristoteles finden zu wollen, was wir heute ohnehin schon über den Menschen als ein Lebewesen wissen oder zu wissen glauben, sondern es gilt im Folgenden von Aristoteles ahnen zu lernen, was wir (...)
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  26. Aristoteles’te abese irca yöntemiyle ispatlama.Murat Kelikli - 2013 - Kutadgubilig Felsefe-Bilim Araştırmaları Dergisi 23:91-105.
    Redictio ad absurdum is an important part of Aristotle’s syllogistic. It is connected with direct proof and they are complementary methods. All moods of Aristotle are provable by direct methods and redictio ad absurdum. In this paper, I have studied on the bases and principles of redictio ad absurdum, I showed how to prove by redictio ad absurdum, and how to prove Aristotle by redictio ad absurdum. By redictio ad absurdum, all forms of Aristotle’s method proved in the first figure (...)
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  27. Aristóteles y la lluvia, una vez más [Aristotle and the Rain, Once Again].Gabriela Rossi - 2010 - Dianoia 55 (65):91-123.
    The text of Physics 2.8 has been recently interpreted so as to restore the reading that Aristotle holds an external, and even an anthropocentric, natural teleology. This reading has been defended by D. Furley, and especially by D. Sedley. In this paper I present several arguments against this interpretation of the text. Thus, I will argue that Aristotle does not claim, in this chapter, that it rains for the sake of the growing of the crop, against an opinion which is (...)
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  28. Zur Formulierung prädikativer Aussagen in den logischen Schriften des Aristoteles.Theodor Ebert - 1977 - Phronesis 22 (2):123 - 145.
    Why does Aristotle not use the copulative wording for categorical propositions, but instead the clumsier terminological formulations (e. g. the B belongs to every A) in his syllogistic? The proposed explanations by Alexander, Lukasiewicz and Patzig: Aristotle wants to make clear the difference between subject and predicate, seems to be insufficient. In quantified categorical propositions, this difference is always sufficiently clear by the use of the pronouns going with the subject expressions. Aristotle opts for the terminological wording because in premiss (...)
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    Conoscere l'essere. Platone, Aristotele e la costruzione della filosofia prima.Roberto Granieri - 2024 - Bologna: Il Mulino.
    Nella «Metafisica» Aristotele fonda una scienza filosofica a cui assegna il compito di occuparsi dell’«essere in quanto essere», indagandone le cause e i principi primi. Egli denomina questa scienza «filosofia prima» e la eleva a forma massima di sapere. La filosofia prima è abitualmente riconosciuta come il punto di partenza per la formazione della disciplina filosofica che, a partire dalla prima età moderna, chiamiamo ontologia. Nel delinearne la fisionomia teorica e lo statuto, tuttavia, Aristotele si confronta da vicino con un (...)
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  30. The Logic of Sir William Hamilton: Tunnelling Through Sand to Place the Keystone in the Aristotelic Arch.Ralph Jessop & Dov M. Gabbay (eds.) - 2008
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  31. Aristoteles, Metaphysik Z, Einführung, Übersetzung, Kommentar.Erwin Sonderegger (ed.) - 2012 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    In almost every handbook and in almost every history of philosophy you will find the thesis that Aristotle in Metaphysics Z has developed a theory about substance – an imperfect one unfortunately. From the Middle Ages until now this has been the most widely accepted claim about this book. Because the basis for this claim is not so easy to find in the text, there is a dispute about the question what a substance really is and ”which things“ are substances. (...)
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  32. Aristotele e il primo Agostino secondo gli apporti della critica recente.Franco De Capitani - 2016 - In Fabrizio Amerini & Stefano Caroti (eds.), _Ipsum verum non videbis nisi in philosophiam totus intraveris. Studi in onore di Franco De Capitani_. Raccolti da Fabrizio Amerini e Stefano Caroti. Firenze-Parma, Torino: E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni, Università degli Studi di Torino. pp. 233-280.
    This work sheds light on the presence of Aristotelian elements in Augustine’s early works, which was more substantial than what it is usually believed. In fact, the young African rhetorician did not only know Aristotle’s Categoriae, which he read when he was a student in Carthage, but also other works by him, such as his De interpretatione, already translated into Latin at Augustine’s time, as well as Aristotelian-inspired works. That is the case of Themistius’s paraphrases of Aristotle’s Analytica and his (...)
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  33. Uno sguardo filosofico alla teoria della sensazione di Aristotele.Lorenzo Maria Pacini - manuscript
    splorando con interesse il vasto mondo delle scienze filosofiche, l’autore del presente saggio si è proposto di indagare la cosiddetta teoria della sensazione . Tema trattato da molti pensatori, sin dall’antichità esso ha affascinato ed occupato la specula zione di tuttele branche della materia, riscuotendo particolare successo ai giorni nostri con leneuroscienze, il cui progresso sta permettendo di coniugare la riflessione filosofica con lescoperte scientifiche, aprendo nuovi scenari di approfondimento e ridefinizione concettuale.Senza la pretesa di una completa esaustività, la presente (...)
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    Dalla phronesis di Aristotele alla prudentia di Tommaso d'Aquino.Angelo Campodonico - 2009 - In Walter Lapini, Luciano Malusa, Letterio Mauro & A. M. Battegazzore (eds.), Gli antichi e noi: scritti in onore di Antonio Mario Battegazzore. Genova: G. Brigati. pp. 511-524.
    The article concerns the relationship between the concept of phronesis in Aristotle and that of prudentia in Thomas Aquinas.
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  35. Aristoteles: Erdemin Varlık Nedeni Olarak Özgürlük.Yavuz Adugit - 2006 - Felsefe Tartismalari 36:9-30.
    This paper is concerned with Aristotle’s role and impact on discussions coming down to us from ancient and recent times about the relation betwen the concepts of ethics and freedom. Departing from Aristotle’s works, I attempt to answer the questions “What is freedom?” and “What is the place of freedom in the construction of ethics?” Aristotle defines ethical action and affection in accordance with virtue; and he defines virtue as a habit concerning deliberation, which is determined by reason or by (...)
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  36. Aristóteles como protofenomenólogo: la destrucción fenomenológica heideggeriana como apropiación originaria de la conceptualidad filosófica.Jethro Masís - 2010 - Princípios. Revista de Filosofía 17 (28):5-36.
    This paper revises Heidegger’s interpretation of Aristotle, in which the greek philosopher is portrayed as a proto-phenomenologist. On this regard, an attempt is made in order to render an account of Heidegger’s teaching phase (1919-1927) right before the publication of Sein und Zeit, in which Heidegger develops a search of his own philosophical terminology, resulting from the phenomenological procedure of the so-called ‘destruction’ (Destruktion) of the ontological tradition.
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  37. Aristoteles Etiğinde Akıl Ve Duyguların Yeri.Yavuz Adugit - 2008 - Felsefe Tartismalari 41:49-84.
    In this paper Aristotle’s views concerning the place of reason and emotions in ethics are investigated. Aristotle ranks first among the philosophers who examined the problem of “the place of reason and emotions in ethics”in detail, which is basically the problem of the origin of ethical relationships or of ethical acts, and his solution was that reason is the origin or the fundament; because for him ethical relationships and ethical acts are appropriate to virtue. In his view, since virtue is (...)
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  38. Situando Aristóteles na Discussão Acerca da Natureza da Causação.Davi Heckert César Bastos - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Campinas, Brazil
    I present Aristotle’s theory of causation in a way that privileges a comparison with contemporary discussion on causation. I do so by selecting in Aristotle’s theory points that are interesting to contemporary discussion and by translating Aristotle in the contemporary philosophical terminology. I compare Aristotle’s views with Mackie’s (1993/1965) and Sosa’s (1993/1980). Mackie is a humean regularist regarding the metaphysics of causal necessity, but his theory postulates some formal aspects of the causal relation which are similar to the Aristotelian theory. (...)
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  39. Aristoteles’ Theorie der Natur.Sonderegger Erwin - manuscript
    It is becoming increasingly clear that there is something wrong with the way we treat nature, because it is apparently even harmful to ourselves. Therefore it could be good for us, if this dealing with nature would be corrected by an alternative conception of nature. Since our own thinking is influenced by Aristotle in some deep and essential aspects - but in a very mediated form - and nevertheless originates from another world, it has at the same time a closeness (...)
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  40. Gli eph'hemin e l'involontario nell'Etica Eudemia: gli aspetti giuridici e sociali della responsabilità morale in Aristotele.Flavia Farina - 2020 - Dissertation, Università Degli Studi Roma Tre
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  41. Aristóteles e a necessidade do conhecimento científico.Lucas Angioni - 2020 - Discurso 50 (2):193-238.
    I discuss the exact meaning of the thesis according to which the object of scientific knowledge is necessary. The thesis is expressed by Aristotle in the Posterior Analytics, in his definition of scientific knowledge. The traditional interpretation understands this definition as depending on two parallel and independent requirements, the causality requirement and the necessity requirement. Against this interpretation, I try to show, through the examination of several passages that refer to the definition of scientific knowledge, that the necessity requirement specifies (...)
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  42. Princípio da Não-Contradição e Semântica da Predicação em Aristóteles.Lucas Angioni - 1999 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 4 (2):121-158.
    My object is Aristotle's discussion of principle of non-contradiction in the first stretch of Metaphysics IV.4. My main focus rests on the connections between Aristotle's discussion of the principle and some key notions of his (explicit or implied) semantics.
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  43. Aristóteles e a noção de sujeito de predicação (Segundos analíticos I 22, 83a 1-14).Lucas Angioni - 2007 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 12 (2):107-129.
    This paper explores some aspects of Aristotle’s notion of subject for predications. I examine the argument Aristotle develops in Posterior Analytics I.22, 83a1-14. I argue that the notion advanced by Aristotle in that argument is different from the one found in his Categories, although they are far from being incompatible with each other. I also add some philological considerations to justify the Portuguese translation of “hypokeimenon” as “algo subjacente” (“underlying thing”) instead of “sujeito” (“subject”).
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  44. Nietzsche als Leser des Aristoteles.Jing Huang - 2021 - In Hans-Peter Anschütz, Armin Thomas Müller, Mike Rottmann & Yannick Souladié (eds.), Nietzsche als Leser. De Gruyter. pp. 131-155.
    This study attempts to reconstruct Nietzsche’s reading of Aristotle in the 1860s and 1870s—the years before he left his career as a philologist. Against the popular view that Nietzsche read only one book by Aristotle, namely the Rhetoric, the present study hopes to show that he had direct knowledge of several of Aristotle’s main works, while much of his interest in Aristotle centred on the latter’s account of art. The particular aim of this study is to explore how Nietzsche’s reading (...)
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  45. O léxico filosófico de Aristóteles (III): Comentários a Metafísica V.18-30.Lucas Angioni - 2019 - Dissertatio 48:295-376.
    These are the commentaries (or notes) for Aristotle's Metaphysics V (Delta) 18-30. This file must be read together with the translation into Portuguese, which has been published as a different item, with a different DOI. In the Introduction, I discuss many issues about Aristotle's jargon, Aristotle's style and Aristotle's awareness of many philosophical problems that nowadays we locate within the branch Philosophy of Language.
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  46. Conhecimento e Opinião em Aristóteles (Segundos Analíticos I-33).Lucas Angioni - 2013 - In Marcelo Carvalho (ed.), Encontro Nacional Anpof: Filosofia Antiga e Medieval. Anpof. pp. 329-341.
    This chapter discusses the first part of Aristotle's Posterior Analytics A-33, 88b30-89a10. I claim that Aristotle is not concerned with an epistemological distinction between knowledge and belief in general. He is rather making a contrast between scientific knowledge (which is equivalent to explanation by the primarily appropriate cause) and some explanatory beliefs that falls short of capturing the primarily appropriate cause.
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  47. Intelecto agente, motor inmóvil y Dios en Aristóteles.Alejandro Farieta - 2019 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 31 (1):35-76.
    This article faces the classic problem of the interpretation of what Aristotle calls in de An. III, 5 “the intellect that produces all things”, which is commonly named agent intellect. Historically, there have been two approaches: one that goes back to Alexander of Aphrodisias, who associates the agent intellect with the unmoved mover and the divinity, and another one, associated with Theophrastus but whose major representatives are Philoponus and St. Thomas of Aquinas, who consider that agent intellect is an exclusively (...)
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  48. Anassagora e la sua ricezione in Aristotele.David Torrijos-Castrillejo - 2014 - Mater Clementissima:101-110.
    An Italian abstract of my thesis, which contains an interpretation of the most important issues of Anaxagoras' philosophy and the early history of his reception (among his disciples, the Academy and, prominently, Aristotle).
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  49. Warum fehlt bei Aristoteles die 4. Figur?Theodor Ebert - 1980 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 62 (1):13-31.
    The reason for Aristotle’s treatment of (traditional) fourth figure syllogisms as first figure syllogisms with inverted terms in the conclusion is the following: To disprove the conclusiveness of a premiss pair Aristotle formulates two triplets of true propositions such that two of them correspond to the premiss pair in question and that the third proposition corresponding to a conclusion is an a-proposition in the first case, an e-proposition in the other. Since the truth of an a-proposition grants the falsity of (...)
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  50. Zur spezifischen Geruchswahrnehmung des Menschen bei Aristoteles.Sergiusz Kazmierski - 2020 - Eudia. Yearbook for Philosophy, Poetry and Art 14:1-42.
    Der Aufsatz möchte, ausgehend von einer zureichenden Darstellung des thematischen Bereichs von Ernährung und Kühlung bei Aristoteles (Abschnitt 1.1) sowie seiner Physiologie der Geruchswahrnehmung im allgemeinen (Abschnitt 1.2), zum einen zeigen, wie Aristoteles das Gegebensein der Wahrnehmung von Düften beim Menschen zoologisch und physiologisch begründet und dabei medizinische Implikationen formuliert (Abschnitt 2); zum anderen wird zu sehen sein, inwiefern die Wahrnehmung von Düften ethische und ästhetische Züge aufweist, wofür das entsprechende zoologische und physiologische Wissen den ausdrücklichen oder unausdrücklichen Horizont zu (...)
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