Results for 'Exteriority'

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  1. Bare exteriority. Philosophy of the Image and the Image of Philosophy in Martin Heidegger and Maurice Blanchot.Emmanuel Alloa - 2005 - Colloquy (10):69-82.
    The article explores the striking coincidences in Heidegger's and Blanchot's account of the image as death mask. The analysis of the respective theories of the image brings forth two radically divergent conceptions of thinking as "laying patent" (Heidegger) and of thinking as "laying bare" (Blanchot).
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  2. Of the Exterior Calculus and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics.Jose G. Vargas - manuscript
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  3. Revisão de ' Os Limites Exteriores da Razão ' (The Outer Limits of Reason)por Noson Yanofsky 403p (2013) (revisão revisada 2019).Michael Richard Starks - 2019 - In Delírios Utópicos Suicidas no Século XXI - Filosofia, Natureza Humana e o Colapso da Civilization - Artigos e Comentários 2006-2019 5ª edição. Las Vegas, NV USA: Reality Press. pp. 188-202.
    Eu dou uma revisão detalhada de "os limites exteriores da razão" por Noson Yanofsky de uma perspectiva unificada de Wittgenstein e psicologia evolutiva. Eu indico que a dificuldade com tais questões como paradoxo na linguagem e matemática, incompletude, undecidabilidade, computabilidade, o cérebro eo universo como computadores, etc., todos surgem a partir da falta de olhar atentamente para o nosso uso da linguagem no apropriado contexto e, consequentemente, a falta de separar questões de fato científico a partir de questões de como (...)
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  4. Vietnam, el milagro: política exterior y relaciones con EEUU después de la reforma.Omar Everleny - 2024 - On Cuba News (Abril 24, 2024).
    El acceso al mercado estadounidense y a los de Asia le permitió a Vietnam acelerar su transformación en una economía orientada a la exportación y basada en la fabricación de manufacturas y productos agrícolas.
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  5. Reseña de ' Los Límites Exteriores de la Razón '(The Outer Limits of Reason) por Noson Yanofsky 403p (2013) (revision revisada 2019).Michael Richard Starks - 2019 - In Delirios Utópicos Suicidas en el Siglo 21 La filosofía, la naturaleza humana y el colapso de la civilización Artículos y reseñas 2006-2019 4a Edición. Reality Press. pp. 283-298.
    Doy una revisión detallada de ' los límites externos de la razón ' por Noson Yanofsky desde una perspectiva unificada de Wittgenstein y la psicología evolutiva. Yo indiqué que la dificultad con cuestiones como la paradoja en el lenguaje y las matemáticas, la incompletitud, la indeterminación, la computabilidad, el cerebro y el universo como ordenadores, etc., surgen de la falta de mirada cuidadosa a nuestro uso del lenguaje en el adecuado contexto y, por tanto, el Error al separar los problemas (...)
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  6. "Outside and In: Hegel on natural history".David Kolb - 2011 - Poligrafi 16 (61-62):27-43.
    The relation between nature and spirit in Hegel is not as simple as slogans such as "nature has no history" or a simple interior/exterior dichotonmy would suggest.
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  7. La problemática del cuerpo en Michel Foucault.Gonzalo Montenegro - 2008 - Alcances. Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía (ISSN 0718–316X) (No 2).
    The Foucault’s conception of power, so as those instructions that lead to think the body as a surface or exteriority, enable to suppose that body transcends the restrictive context with the one usually associated with. For that, it’s necessary to inquire into the Foucault’s form to think about the exteriority; principally the one that persists between visibility and enunciation. This subject will be analyzed starting from the multiples forms with which they appear in the foucaultian’s proposition, especially about (...)
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  8. Realismo pitagórico y realismo cantoriano en la física cuántica no relativista.Rafael Andrés Alemañ-Berenguer - 2012 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 25 (12):61-81.
    El carácter fundamentalmente probabilista de la teoría cuántica cuestionó el realismo como filosofía básica de la ciencia, si bien ciertas interpretaciones instrumentalistas podrían no amenazar por sí solas la existencia de un mundo exterior e independiente de nuestra conciencia. La falta de un valor definido para tales magnitudes antes de la medición alentó la suposición de que tales valores “no existen” antes de la medida. Una reinterpretación de nuestras ideas sobre las magnitudes físicas, considerándolas formalmente representadas por conjuntos de valores (...)
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  9. Representing the Zoo World and the Traffic World in the language of the causal calculator.Varol Akman, Selim T. Erdoğan, Joohyung Lee, Vladimir Lifschitz & Hudson Turner - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 153 (1-2):105-140.
    The work described in this report is motivated by the desire to test the expressive possibilities of action language C+. The Causal Calculator (CCalc) is a system that answers queries about action domains described in a fragment of that language. The Zoo World and the Traffic World have been proposed by Erik Sandewall in his Logic Modelling Workshop—an environment for communicating axiomatizations of action domains of nontrivial size. -/- The Zoo World consists of several cages and the exterior, gates between (...)
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  10. Truth and the visual field.Barry Smith - 1999 - In Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, Bernard Pachoud & Jean-Michel Roy, Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. Stanford University Press. pp. 317-329.
    The paper uses the tools of mereotopology (the theory of parts, wholes and boundaries) to work out the implications of certain analogies between the 'ecological psychology' of J. J Gibson and the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl. It presents an ontological theory of spatial boundaries and of spatially extended entities. By reference to examples from the geographical sphere it is shown that both boundaries and extended entities fall into two broad categories: those which exist independently of our cognitive acts (for example, (...)
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  11. Margaret Cavendish's Epistemology.Kourken Michaelian - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (1):31 – 53.
    This paper provides a systematic reconstruction of Cavendish's general epistemology and a characterization of the fundamental role of that theory in her natural philosophy. After reviewing the outlines of her natural philosophy, I describe her treatment of 'exterior knowledge', i.e. of perception in general and of sense perception in particular. I then describe her treatment of 'interior knowledge', i.e. of self-knowledge and 'conception'. I conclude by drawing out some implications of this reconstruction for our developing understanding of Cavendish's natural philosophy.
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  12. Biological Emergence: a Key Exemplar of the Open Systems View.George F. R. Ellis - forthcoming - In Michael E. Cuffaro & Stephan Hartmann, Open Systems: Physics, Metaphysics, and Methodology (2025: Oxford University Press). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The context for biological emergence is modular hierarchical structures; their existence is what enables functional complexity to arise. Because of the openness of organisms to their environment, complete initial data (position, momentum) of all particles making up their structure is insufficient to determine future outcomes, because unpredictable new matter, energy, and information impacts each organism from the exterior. Consequently, through Darwinian evolution, life has developed processes to handle this issue functionally on short time scales as well on longer developmental timescales. (...)
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  13. On Globes, the Earth and the Cybernetics of Grace.Claudia Westermann - 2021 - Technoetic Arts 19 (1):29-47.
    Following the traces of a statement by Margaret Mead, emphasizing that the first photographic images of the Earth from space presented notions of fragility, the article contextualizes the recent critique of the dominant representation of the Earth as a globe that emerged in conjunction with the discourse on the Anthropocene. It analyses the globe as an image and the sentiments that accompanied it since the first photographs of our planet from space were published in 1968. The article outlines how the (...)
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  14. Black Hole Paradoxes: A Unified Framework for Information Loss.Saakshi Dulani - 2024 - Dissertation, University of Geneva
    The black hole information loss paradox is a catch-all term for a family of puzzles related to black hole evaporation. For almost 50 years, the quest to elucidate the implications of black hole evaporation has not only sustained momentum, but has also become increasingly populated with proposals that seem to generate more questions than they purport to answer. Scholars often neglect to acknowledge ongoing discussions within black hole thermodynamics and statistical mechanics when analyzing the paradox, including the interpretation of Bekenstein-Hawking (...)
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  15. From Exile to Hospitality.Abi Doukhan - 2010 - Philosophy Today 54 (3):235-246.
    Our era is profoundly marked by the phenomenon of exile and it has become increasingly urgent to rethink the concept and our stance towards it. Permeated with references to the stranger, the other and exteriority, the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas signifies towards a positive understanding of exile. This article distills from Levinas' philosophy a wisdom of exile, for the first time shedding a positive light on the condition itself.
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  16. La función del arte en la teoría del conocimiento de Hegel.Hector Ferreiro - 2024 - In Luis Eduardo Gama, Idealismo, naturaleza y arte: ensayos sobre Kant y Hegel. Bogotá: Centro Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. pp. 165–184.
    La exterioridad de una cosa o de un estado de cosas configurados por el ser humano no implica para Hegel que esa cosa o ese estado de cosas deban ya por ello ser considerados como formas del espíritu objetivo, mientras que en contrapartida las formas del espíritu absoluto estarían entonces conformadas por contenidos ideales del pensamiento. La diferencia entre espíritu objetivo y espíritu absoluto no radica en la diferencia entre lo que el espíritu humano “hace” y lo que “conoce”. En (...)
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  17. Lighting in Hospitals. Case Study: Military Hospital of Tirana, Albania (8th edition).Klodjan Xhexhi - 2024 - Engineering Innovations 8:17-30.
    Hospitals must have adequate lighting so that medical personnel can do their duties and attend to the requirements of patients and visitors. A comfortable recuperation environment may be created with the aid of good lighting. The relationship between daylighting and artificial lighting and their role in the design process will be mentioned. Specific areas of the hospital will be under adequate lighting analysis. The areas taken into consideration are entrance and waiting areas, circulation areas, operating theatres and clean rooms, wards (...)
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    The Other in His Impotence: The Problem of Multiplicity Across Deleuze, Laplanche and Lacan.Rafael Holmberg - 2024 - Cosmos and History 20 (2):221-238.
    A similar framing of inarticulable formations, of pure multiplicities, marks the respective projects of Deleuze and Laplanche. The absolute exteriority of a disjunctive multiplicity is re-inscribed as a relativised, interiorised trace. This trace-logic of Deleuze and Laplanche has definitive implications where the psychoanalytic subject and the unconscious is concerned. However, there is a difficulty in this logic of accounting for the unconscious formations enumerated by Freud (slips of the tongue, jokes, symptoms etc.). In turning to Lacan, however, the positions (...)
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    Anxiety in the Society of Preemption. On Gilbert Simondon and the Noopolitics of the Milieu.Anaïs Nony - 2017 - la Deleuziana 6:102-110.
    Responding to the power of algorithms to operate within our daily lives, this article proposes to think of our contemporary moment as that of a society of preemption. Preemption defines the action of taking away something before an opportunity emerges or is actualized. By coupling anticipatory algorithms and preemptive technologies—like the premeditation of future events prior to their occurrence, as exemplified in popular culture by Minority Report (Massumi, Hansen)—state apparatuses force upon their subjects a modality of control that forestalls behaviors (...)
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  20. The Technologies of Isolation.Steve Jones - 2010 - Japanese Studies 30 (2):185-198.
    In this investigation of the Japanese film Kairo, I contemplate how the horrors present in the film relate to the issue of self, by examining a number of interlocking motifs. These include thematic foci on disease and technology which are more intimately and inwardly focused that the film's conclusion first appears to suggest. The true horror here, I argue, is ontological: centred on the self and its divorcing from the exterior world, especially founded in an increased use of and reliance (...)
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  21. The Interior Life: An Interreligious Approach.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2021 - Indian Catholic Matters.
    The interface between Roman Catholic Christianity and the Sanatana Dharma is often limited to Vedantic discourses and neglects the Shakta traditions to be found within the woof of Hinduism. And generally, this dialogue is between celibates of both religions. This blog-post after removing false notions about Tantra, goes on to show how Tantra as a lived faith is about interiority and a life of contemplation. This post also touches upon three crucial differences between Christianity and Tantra. To quote from the (...)
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  22. Heyting Mereology as a Framework for Spatial Reasoning.Thomas Mormann - 2013 - Axiomathes 23 (1):137- 164.
    In this paper it is shown that Heyting and Co-Heyting mereological systems provide a convenient conceptual framework for spatial reasoning, in which spatial concepts such as connectedness, interior parts, (exterior) contact, and boundary can be defined in a natural and intuitively appealing way. This fact refutes the wide-spread contention that mereology cannot deal with the more advanced aspects of spatial reasoning and therefore has to be enhanced by further non-mereological concepts to overcome its congenital limitations. The allegedly unmereological concept of (...)
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  23. Hacia una reconstrucción axiológica del socialismo, el mercado y los valores humanos.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 1999 - In Rosa María Marrero, Las trampas de la globalización: paradigmas emancipatorios y nuevos escenarios en América Latina. pp. 187-215.
    La experiencia histórica confirma la necesaria presencia de relaciones mercantiles en cualquier proyecto socialista diseñado hoy con un mínimo de realismo. Parece ya evidente que no es la mera exclusión o inclusión del mercado lo que distingue al socialismo y al capitalismo. Mas el alto consenso actual que el mercado ha logrado a su favor, no mitiga las importantes secuelas negativas que este origina cuando es dejado a su funcionamiento espontáneo. De ahí que todos los modelos socialistas que se discuten (...)
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  24. O problema da objetividade.Donald Davidson - 2013 - Skepsis: A Journal for Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research 6 (9):141-159.
    Desde Descartes a epistemologia tem se baseado no conhecimento de primeira pessoa. Devemos começar, de acordo com a história usual, com o que é mais certo: o conhecimento de nossas próprias sensações e pensamentos. De uma maneira ou outra, progredimos então, se pudermos, para o conhecimento de um mundo externo objetivo. Há por fim uma passagem tênue ao conhecimento das outras mentes. Defendo uma total revisão desse quadro. Todo pensamento proposicional, quer positivo ou cético, sobre o interior ou sobre o (...)
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  25. The Philosophy of Social Segregation in Israel's Democratic Schools.Arie Kizel - 2013 - Philosophy Study 3 (11):1042 – 1050.
    Democratic private schools in Israel are a part of the neo-liberal discourse. They champion the dialogic philosophy associated with its most prominent advocates—Martin Buber, Emmanuel Levinas—together with Paulo Freire’s critical pedagogy, the humanistic psychology propounded by Carl Rogers, Nel Noddings’s pedagogy of care and concern, and even Gadamer’s integrative hermeneutic perspective. Democratic schools form one of the greatest challenges to State education and most vocal and active critique of the focus conservative education places on exams and achievement. This article describes (...)
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  26. El status ontológico del principio de no-contradicción.Obdulio Banda - 2014 - Exégesis 1 (2077-012X). Translated by Obdulio Banda.
    El presente trabajo, se avoca a determinar cuál es el status ontológico del principio de no-contradicción -(P -P). Rechazo que la exigencia que dicho principio implica, sea de naturaleza entitativa, es decir, que sea una dimensión constitutiva de los entes exteriores a la función racional de la mente humana. Afirmo que la exigencia que impone dicho principio, se reduce a ser nada más que una exigencia emanada de la humana mente racional, siempre que ésta participe como uno de los miembros (...)
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  27. Nutrição Sobre a Reprodução e Fertilidade dos Bovinos.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    APRESENTAÇÃO O material Nutrição sobre a Reprodução e Fertilidade dos Bovinos é fruto de diversas pesquisas realizadas com o rebanho leiteiro do Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco (IPA) de São Bento do Una em parceria com curso técnico em agropecuária do Instituto Federal de Pernambuco Campus Belo Jardim que visa demonstrar os fatores nutricionais como agentes diretos de alterações no sistema fisiológico do aparelho reprodutivo dos bovinos bem como na fertilidade destes animais. O trabalho estruturado de forma sistemática e mais didática (...)
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  28. Benefits of using critical thinking in high education.Abduljaleel Alwali - 2011 - Https://Library.Iated.Org/View/ALWALI2011BEN.
    Some people believe that critical thinking is not a modern science, but its roots are old and deeply rooted in the history of philosophy. Its roots date back to Aristotle, the inventor of logic and who was called the first teacher by virtue of this invention. Aristotle was impressed by the language of mathematics and wanted to invent a language to logic similar to the language of Mathematics. What encouraged Aristotle to do so is that Math language is quite different (...)
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  29. Riddles of the body: Derrida and Hegel on corporeality and signs.Sarah Horton - 2022 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (1):95-112.
    Proper attention to the theme of corporeality is crucial for understanding Derrida’s analysis of Hegel in “The Pit and the Pyramid.” This article argues that Derrida’s essay compels us to face the impossibility of giving a wholly coherent account of embodiment. The _Aufhebung_ supposedly unites the exteriority of the corporeal with interiority in a higher unity that cancels and preserves them both; Hegel’s own text reveals, however, that meaning is primordially absent from the body that was thought to incarnate (...)
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  30. La lingüística del decir: El logos semántico y el logos apofántico.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo (ed.) - 2004 - Granada, Spain: Granada Lingvistica.
    El decir es anterior y va más allá del hablar, se vale del hablar y constituye la determinación del hablar. No hay un hablar sin un decir y sí puede haber un decir sin un hablar. El acto lingüístico es la manifestación del lenguaje, la lengua, el pensamiento y el conocimiento. Es fruto de un hablar, está determinado por un decir, presupone un conocer y revela la actitud del hablante, un sujeto libre e histórico, que es, a la vez, sujeto (...)
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  31. Visualizing Community: Images of Poverty in a Philippine Rural Community.Joseph Reylan Viray, Raul Roland Sebastian, Ronillo B. Viray & Nelson S. Baun - 2020 - Mabini Review 9:135-159.
    The study zeroed in on the perception of college students who are exposed to sights of poverty in their immediate environment. The student-participants were asked to provide their perception, understanding, and behaviour towards poverty using the photographs that they took on their own. In qualitative research practice, this methodology is called photo elicitation. It was revealed, among others, that the participants have shown negative perceptions about poverty. They strongly felt bad about each photograph that they took and what these images (...)
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  32. Entropology in the Philosophy of Georges Bataille.Linartas Tuomas - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (3).
    In this article, the notion of entropology introduced by Claude Lévi-Strauss is applied and developed in the context of Georges Bataille’s anthropological philosophy: Bataille’s project is defined as entropological. Four philosophical vectors are chosen for this: the theory of general economy, the concept of decay, the idea of extinction and the notion of inhumanism. The theory of general economy allows us to understand the immanent terrestrial nature of humanity and the negative – entropic – side of the capitalist economy. The (...)
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    The Hierarchical Definition of Systemic Balance in the Systemic Continuum Paradigm: Toward a Unified Theory of Emergent Organization.Ignacio Lucas de León - manuscript
    The Paradigm of the Systemic Continuum (PCS), presented in Toward a Systemic Continuum (de León Pontet, 2025), challenges the natural/artificial dichotomy as an anthropocentric bias that has fragmented systems theory for centuries. This second preprint formalizes Systemic Balance (BS) as a hierarchical principle—articulated as Balance Sistémico Interior (BSI), Umbral Sistémico (US), and Balance Sistémico Exterior (BSE)—that unifies biological, technological, social, and cosmic systems in an emergent continuum. Integrating the insights of homeostasis (Wiener), autopoiesis (Maturana & Varela), emergence (Kauffman), and cybernetics (...)
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  34. Apperceptive patterning: Artefaction, extensional beliefs and cognitive scaffolding.Ekin Erkan - 2020 - Cosmos and History 16 (1):125-178.
    In “Psychopower and Ordinary Madness” my ambition, as it relates to Bernard Stiegler’s recent literature, was twofold: 1) critiquing Stiegler’s work on exosomatization and artefactual posthumanism—or, more specifically, nonhumanism—to problematize approaches to media archaeology that rely upon technical exteriorization; 2) challenging how Stiegler engages with Giuseppe Longo and Francis Bailly’s conception of negative entropy. These efforts were directed by a prevalent techno-cultural qualifier: the rise of Synthetic Intelligence (including neural nets, deep learning, predictive processing and Bayesian models of cognition). This (...)
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  35. Fundamentos ontológicos del sistema educativo finlandés como referente para superar problemáticas en contextos emergentes.Jefferson Moreno - 2019 - Sophía: Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 2 (27):237-266.
    El presente trabajo surge de la reflexión acerca del fracaso de modelos educativos exteriores aplicados en contextos emergentes sin considerar la realidad de cada pueblo. A juicio de Carnoy (1974) en los países subdesarrollados existe una fuerte tradición en copiar las formas culturales y modelos de sociedades de primer mundo, sin analizar las condiciones objetivas y subjetivas que determinarán el éxito o el fracaso. El objetivo de este documento es analizar los fundamentos ontológicos presentes en el sistema educativo finlandés con (...)
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  36. La conformación de la persona como relación asimétrica en Emanuel Lévinas.Alejandro Ordieres - 2015 - EN-CLAVES Del Pensamiento 9 (18):13-40.
    This article covers the different stages of the constitution of the person that goes beyond selfishness and self-affirmation and is formed as the inseparable unity of the metaphysical subject that is expressed in the "Other-in-the same" and "Being-for-the-other". This leads one to say that the person is intrinsically relation and exteriority that is realized in the language that transcends the inner self. This relationship, considered internally as a footprint, and in the exterior as visage, invokes a third party that (...)
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  37. The Fantasy of Mind-Uploading. Defaults and the Ends of Junk.Adrian Mróz - 2021 - Kultura I Historia 39 (1).
    From a behaviorist perspective, the desire to upload “minds” is already being realized on a mass, hyper-industrial scale thanks to the convergence of cognitive computing and Big Data. The accusation is that the “mind” is not an entity that exists intracranially. Instead, it is conceived as a process of individuation, which occurs in different modes and numbers. Some narratives of mind-uploading and technics in popular culture are explored: Transcendence (2014, dir. Wally Pfister) and Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut. The discussed (...)
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  38. The Bright Lights on Self Identity and Positive Reciprocity: Spinoza’s Ethics of the Other Focusing on Competency, Sustainability and the Divine Love.Ignace Haaz - 2018 - Journal of Dharma 43 (3):261-284.
    The claim of this paper is to present Spinoza’s view on self-esteem and positive reciprocity, which replaces the human being in a monistic psycho-dynamical affective framework, instead of a dualistic pedestal above nature. Without naturalising the human being in an eliminative materialistic view as many recent neuro-scientific conceptions of the mind do, Spinoza finds an important entry point in a panpsychist and holistic perspective, presenting the complexity of the human being, which is not reducible to the psycho-physiological conditions of life. (...)
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  39. Educación para la libertad en Stuart Mill.Juan Ramón Fuentes Jiménez - 2010 - Magister: Revista Miscelánea de Investigación - Universidad de Oviedo (España) 23 (Philosophy of education in John):139-164.
    El presente artículo es un extracto de la Tesis Doctoral leída en la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad de Oviedo el 16 de abril de 2010 titulada Educación para la Libertad en el pensamiento de John Stuart Mill. Este artículo recoge de forma resumida, a lo largo de sus páginas, los aspectos más destacables de dicha Tesis Doctoral. Se subraya el aspecto de la educación como elemento fundamental en el pensamiento del filósofo inglés John Stuart Mill, en el sentido (...)
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  40. O que é a Educação Infantil?Khyara Fantollini dos Santos - manuscript
    Entendemos a Educação Infantil em amplo sentido, isto é, há um leque de conceitos em que pode-se gozar dentro da Pedagogia e as Ciências da Educação, é nessa modalidade de ensino que podem-se englobar todas as esferas educativas vivenciadas pelas crianças de, conforme Lei, 0 à 5 anos de idade, pela família e, também, pelo próprio corpo social, antes mesmo de atingir a idade educativa obrigatória que é, vide Lei, aproximadamente a partir dos 7 anos de idade. A EI também (...)
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  41. A Phenomenological Theory of the Human Rights of an Alien.William E. Conklin - 2006 - Ethical Perspectives 13 (3):411-467.
    International human rights law is profoundly oxymoronic. Certain well-known international treaties claim a universal character for human rights, but international tribunals often interpret and enforce these either narrowly or, if widely, they rely upon sovereign states to enforce the rights against themselves. International lawyers and diplomats have usually tried to resolve the apparent contradiction by pressing for more general rules in the form of treaties, legal doctrines, and institutional procedures. Despite such efforts, aliens remain who are neither legal nor illegal (...)
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  42. "Utilité de la théologie naturelle pour la connaissance de Dieu aujourd’hui" [Usefulness of Natural Theology for God's Knowledge Today].Philippe Gagnon - 2017 - Connaître : Cahiers de l'Association Foi Et Culture Scientifique (48):83-92.
    In this public debate with Philippe Deterre (research director in immunology at the CNRS) – held at l'Enclos Rey in Paris' 15th district during the biennial Conference of the Réseau Blaise Pascal in March 2017 –, I defended the usefulness of natural theology. I first clarify theology's nature and understanding, then I speak about a tradition that upheld the public and exterior knowledge of God, and make an effort to show the presence of a theme reminiscent of natural theology behind (...)
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  43. Foucault, Sade e as Luzes.Philippe Sabot - 2013 - Revista Eletrônica de Estudos Do Discurso e Do Corpo 2 (2):111-121. Translated by Alex Pereira de Araújo.
    Este artigo é dedicado aos usos que Foucault propõe da obra de Sade (desde História da Loucura até A vontade de Saber), ou seja, de que forma estes usos são suscetíveis de despertar um esclarecimento indireto sobre o status equivocado que recebem as Luzes no pensamento foucaultiano. Aqui, encontram-se explicitamente opostas à figura literária de um Sade transgressivo que se associa à escrita e ao pensamento do “exterior”, e aquela de um Sade “sargento do sexo”, provedor de um erotismo disciplinar (...)
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  44. La relación entre lenguaje y pensamiento en el Sistema hegeliano.Hector Ferreiro - 2010 - In Carlos Oliva Mendoza, Hegel: Ciencia, experiencia y fenomenología. Ediciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. pp. 21-33.
    Además de la percepción sensible y del conocimiento por medio de conceptos abstractos, Hegel distingue una tercera forma específica de conocer de la inteligencia humana, a saber: el “pensar”. Hegel define el pensar como la unidad del objeto y el sujeto. Ahora bien, ¿no es el objeto exterior dado a la percepción sensible después de todo siempre diferente del contenido de la representación abstracta del sujeto? Si con la categoría “pensar” Hegel no se refiere en realidad a una forma más (...)
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  45. Alteridad e infinito. La substitución en Levinas // Otherness and infinite. The substitution in Levinas.Francisco Javier Herrero Hernández - 2000 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 27:243-278.
    El propósito de Levinas coincide con el intento moderno de recuperación de la verdad y del sentido aunque en una dirección y contenidos distintos. Si en Hegel la Aufhebung tendía a la Totalidad y lo Mismo , para Husserl será esencial la apertura de Mundo que tiene lugar ya en la experiencia de conciencia del ego trascendental, mientras que Heidegger, por su parte, primará la pregunta por el Ser. El intento de Levinas, en cambio, no será recomponer la relación entre (...)
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  46. Litotes, Irony and other Innocent Lies.Ignace Haaz - 2018 - In Obiora Ike, Andrea Grieder & Ignace Haaz, Poetry and Ethics: Inventing Possibilities in Which We Are Moved to Action and How We Live Together. Geneva, Switzerland: Globethics Publications. pp. 138-159.
    In the following text we would like to present the philosophical discussion on untrusting lies, which introduces a space for innocent lie understood as figurative manipulation of the speech: a poetic trope that we would argue could not only be generously used to help us tolerating our sometime deceiving human condition—which is global and universally ours, that of the finitude of human capacity of knowledge and ethical action—but also to maximise our capacity for knowledge formation and adaptation to values. Concepts (...)
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  47. Constitución horizontal e intersubjetividad. Una aproximación husserliana a la experiencia de lo ajeno.Juan Diego Bogotá - 2018 - Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 11:35-56.
    El propósito de este artículo es presentar una aproximación fenomenológica a la experiencia intersubjetiva en contraste a las teorías de la mente y a como estas conciben dicho tipo de experiencia. Se identificará un supuesto esencial de estas teorías según el cual todo tipo de intersubjetividad supone una inferencia y, por lo tanto, elementos normativos. Se argumentará que las investigaciones de Husserl a propósito del concepto de “sentido noemático”, en relación con su concepción del horizonte experiencial, revelan un tipo de (...)
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  48. Religião e política no pensamento de Maquiavel.J. L. Ames - 2006 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 47 (113):51-72.
    For Machiavelli, religion is valued not by the importance of its founder, the content of its teachings, the truth of its dogmas or the significance of its rites. It is not the essence of what really matters but its function and importance for collective life. Religion teaches to recognize and respect political rules through the religious commandments. This collective norm could assume the outer coercive aspect of the military discipline as well as the inner persuasive character of civic and moral (...)
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  49. “Being outside-Itself” in Schelling and Heidegger.Andrei Patkul - 2015 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 4 (2):121-138.
    The author of the article framed the question of the possible relevance of the treatment of the Schelling's philosophy in the context of a phenomenological one. Thereby, he points its problematic character, referencing Husserl's treatment of German idealism after Kant (including the thought of Schelling) as the romantic idealism. At the same time, he also states the influence of Schelling on the few phenomenologists who made their careers after Husserl. The article's author reviews the concept of the «being outside-itself» or (...)
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    A não transparência do discurso.Guilherme Adorno (ed.) - 2017 - Londrina: Editora e Distribuidora Educacional S.A..
    Nesta unidade, vamos começar nossa “aventura teórica” nos meandros da Análise do Discurso questionando a própria transparência do discurso, porque, como veremos, a transparência, ou a produção da evidência, é apenas um efeito para os sujeitos. Para compreender o funcionamento social da linguagem é preciso não se deixar levar pela superfície cristalina. Nesse sentido, para depreender a riqueza e a complexidade do que está opaco, turvo ou não transparente nos sentidos, é necessário ficar atento às marcas linguísticas apresentadas no discurso. (...)
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