Results for 'România'

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  1. România în al Doilea Război Mondial.Sfetcu Nicolae - manuscript
    România intră, în iunie 1941, în al Doilea Război Mondial de partea Axei și împotriva URSS, sperând să redobândească astfel teritoriile pierdute. Pe 22 iunie 1941, armatele germană și română au început campania împotriva Uniunii Sovietice prin „Operațiunea München”, armata română fiind motivată de dorința de a lua înapoi de la URSS Basarabia și Bucovina. Pe 1 august 1943, aliații au bombardat câmpurile petroliere și rafinăriile de la Ploiești (Operațiunea Tidal Wave). După bătălia de la Stalingrad din perioada 23 (...)
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  2. (1 other version)ORTHODOX FAITH AND ROMANIA CREDINTA ORTODOXĂ ȘI ROMÂNIA.Bugiulescu Marin - 2015 - ICON OF FAITH International Journal of Interdisciplinary Scientific Research 1 (1).
    Christian mission in the Romania has been continuous, but has adapted to the realities of everyday life and to historical conditions, both local and national. However, the clergy and the believers engaged in serving the Church in Romania continued preaching the Gospel and strengthening the faith and unity of the nation, a necessary component for effective ministry.
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  3. (1 other version)Applied ethics - Perspectives from Romania.Shunzo Majima & Valentin Muresan (eds.) - 2013 - Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy, Hokkaido University.
    The volume Applied Ethics. Perspectives from Romania is the first contribution that aims at showing to the Japanese reader a sample of contemporary philosophy in Romania. At the same time a volume of contemporary Japanese philosophy is translated into Romanian and will be published by the University of Bucharest Press. -/- Applied Ethics. Perspectives from Romania includes several original articles in applied ethics and theoretical moral philosophy. It is representative of the variety of research and the growing interest in applied (...)
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  4. CARACTERISTICILE SPIRITULUI ANTREPRENORIAL DIN ROMÂNIA.Dumitrașciuc Lorena Florentina - 2020 - In Apostoaie Marius Constantin, Bercu Ana-Maria, Boldureanu Gabriela, Manolescu Irina, Prodan Adriana & Voda Iolanda (eds.), Sustenabilitatea educației doctorale în economie și afaceri. pp. 268-275.
    Purpose: The purpose of this research is to analyze the characteristics of entrepreneurship in influential people in Romania, given that entrepreneurship is what guarantees the success of any business. -/- Methodology: There are five indicators that show that a certain person has the entrepreneurial spirit: passion, optimism, continuous improvement, take calculated risks and achieve their goals. -/- Results: Entrepreneurship is not learned, but is formed over time and is formed from within the person. So entrepreneurship becomes part of what people (...)
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  5. Management Students' Attitudes Toward Business Ethics: A Comparison Between France and Romania. [REVIEW]Daniel Bageac, Olivier Furrer & Emmanuelle Reynaud - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (3):391 - 406.
    This study focuses on the differences in the perception of business ethics across two groups of management students from France and Romania (n = 220). Data was collected via the ATBEQ to measure preferences for three business philosophies: Machiavellianism, Social Darwinism, and Moral Objectivism. The results show that Romanian students present more favorable attitudes toward Machiavellianism than French students; whereas, French students valued Social Darwinism and Moral Objectivism more highly. For Machiavellianism and Moral Objectivism the results are consistent with the (...)
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  6. Echoes of the Eugenic Movement from Interwar Romania in Communist Pronatalist Practices.Andreea Poenaru - 2016 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 3 (4):411-419.
    The present article dwells on the idea of the empowerment of women as it was used by the Communist regime. Eugenics, a field much discussed in inter-war Romania, was the main tool in controlling women. The principles of this science, related to the idea of biology as destiny, were adopted and applied so that the private sphere became public. My thesis is that even if these principles were used in the communist strategy in order to strengthen the nation, in fact, (...)
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  7. Management Students’ Attitudes Toward Business Ethics: A Comparison Between France and Romania.Daniel Bageac, Olivier Furrer & Emmanuelle Reynaud - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (3):391-406.
    This study focuses on the differences in the perception of business ethics across two groups of management students from France and Romania (n = 220). Data was collected via the ATBEQ to measure preferences for three business philosophies: Machiavellianism, Social Darwinism, and Moral Objectivism. The results show that Romanian students present more favorable attitudes toward Machiavellianism than French students; whereas, French students valued Social Darwinism and Moral Objectivism more highly. For Machiavellianism and Moral Objectivism the results are consistent with the (...)
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  8. Actul de la 23 august 1944 în România.Sfetcu Nicolae - manuscript
    În toată perioada celui de Al Doilea Război Mondial, serviciile secrete române au colectat informații privind localizarea unităților germane în țară. Ofițerii din grupul conspirativ pentru întoarcerea armelor împotriva Germaniei sporesc numărul unităților românești prezente în capitală, pentru a putea face față germanilor. O misiune interaliată clandestină a fost parașutată în București și găzduită în secret de generalul Constantin Sănătescu. Urmare a succesului ofensivei germane pe aliniamentul Iași-Chișinău, grupul conspirativ a decis accelerarea pregătirilor. Pe 20 august, Mihai I și grupul (...)
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    The paper grasps and outlines the concepts and practices of library marketing as well as generally the marketing of non-profit institutions or organizations, conceptually defined as symbolic marketing- However, what is termed here as symbolic should not be understood as a "weaker " version of marketing, but as the proper way in which marketing perspectives can be actually implemented in such institutions; that is, as a practice which concerns and mobilizes all services and activities of such institutions. The paper also (...)
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  10. On Diffident and Dissident Practices: a Picture of Romania at the End of the 19th Century.Roxana Patraș - 2015 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 2 (1):35-51.
    The present paper explores diffident and dissident practices reflected by the political talk at the end of the 19th-century in Romania. Relying on Jacques Rancière’s theories on the ‘aesthetic regime of politics,’ the introduction sketches a historical frame and proposes a focus change: the relation between ‘politics’ and ‘aesthetics’ does not stand on a set of literary cases, but on political scripts as such. Thus, the hypotheses investigated by the next three parts can be formulated as follows: 1. though determined (...)
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  11. 10 ani de la Declarația comună privind Parteneriatul Strategic pentru secolul XXI între România și Statele Unite ale Americii.Alexandru Cristian - 2021 - Encyclopedia of Romanian-American Relations.
    Istoria ne-a demonstrat că statele învecinatese se războiesc mai mult iar cele care nu au frontieră comună pot fi într-o relație politică și diplomatică excelentă. Statele Unite ale Americii și România și-au construit relația în jurul așezării geografice și a comerțului. Tânărul stat american era concentrat pe dezvoltare, iar poziția geografică a țării noastre la gurile Dunării a fost un imbold în a dezvolta relații comerciale cu Principatele Române.
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  12. Aspecte ale educației religioase în România. Asemănări şi deosebiri cu modele europene.Boldișor Adrian - 2017 - In Adrian Boldişor Adrian Ivan & Adrian Boldișor (eds.), PARADIGMA CREŞTINĂ A UNEI EUROPE UNITE. Educaţia religioasă – valori, exigenţe, finalităţi. Craiova, Romania: Editura Mitropolia Olteniei. pp. 116-131.
    The analysis performed in connection with religious education in Romania has pointed out that after fatal atheist communist period in which religious denominations were excluded from social life and religious education was restricted and then completely excluded from public education in most cases being only present in families who passed it on ancestral beliefs, in our time, with the establishment of democratic regime in Romania, religion has regained the place it deserves in society. In the last 25 years were made (...)
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  13. Privire ortodoxă asupra provocărilor intercreştine şi interreligioase din România actuală.Adrian Boldisor - 2020 - Revista Mitropolia Olteniei 2 (5-8):72-90.
    According to our understanding, when we discuss about the religious life in Romania, one must take into account, first of all, the characteristics of this people, its culture and traditions that are over two millennia old. The similarities and differences with the organization and functioning of other religious systems in Europe and around the world cannot and must not exclude the defining elements of a people that has asserted its origins and defended its spiritual integrity over the centuries. In our (...)
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  14. The Act of August 23, 1944 in Romania.Sfetcu Nicolae - manuscript
    Throughout World War II, Romanian secret services collected information on the location of German units in the country. The officers from the conspiracy group for the return of weapons against Germany increase the number of Romanian units present in the capital, in order to be able to face the Germans. A clandestine allied mission was parachuted into Bucharest and secretly hosted by General Constantin Sanatescu. Following the success of the German offensive on the Iasi-Chisinau lineup, the conspiracy group decided to (...)
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  15. The Economic Cybernetics Analysis and the Effects of the Occurrence of COVID-19 in Romania.Ionuț Nica & Nora CHIRIȚĂ - 2020 - Journal of E-Health Management 2020:644164.
    From the perspectives of early warning and identification of risk, risk quantification and analysis, also as risk management, we propose recommendation, which includes analysis of citizen behavior in panic, cooperation of the institutions in Romania. The whole analysis will be performed from a perspective of the field of economic cybernetics. The 2019-nCoV coronavirus epidemic started in China's Wuhan city, which has spread throughout the country and subsequently, in a very short period of time, in several states, being viewed as a (...)
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  16. Methodological Issues Related to Radio Measurement and Ratings in Romania: Solutions and Perspectives.Rareș Obadă - 2018 - Argumentum. Journal of the Seminar of Discursive Logic, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric 1 (16):94-119.
    The aim of this article is to address the issue of measuring radio audience from a methodological perspective. Although our approach is contextualized, the case study of radio audience measurement in Romania is relevant to a large number of EU countries, in which scholars and practitioners use Day-After-Recall technique. Considering the size of the radio advertising market, as well as the number of radio listeners (about 90% in EU), it is crucial for both radio broadcasters and advertisers to measure radio (...)
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  17. Paternal Responsibility for Children and Pediatric Hospital Policies in Romania.Daniela Cutas & Anca Gheaus - 2019 - In Daniela Cutas & Anca Gheaus (eds.), What About the Family? Practices of Responsibility in Care. Oxford, UK:
    In this brief text we look at one instance of how gender norms continue to inform institutional treatment of parents regarding care for children: specifically, at how the exercise of fathers’ responsibilities for their children can be discouraged or altogether blocked.
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  18. FOND SECRET FOND S SPECIAL - Contribuţii la istoria fondurilor secrete de bibliotecă din România - Studiu de caz. Biblioteca Central Universitară Lucian Blaga Cluj-Napoca.Kiraly V. Istvan, Radosav Doru & Costea Ionut - 1995 - Cluj, Romania: Dacia.
    O cercetare monografica asupra fondurilor si a arhivei comuniste secrete a BCU Cluj.
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  19. Poate cineva să culeagă fructele înainte să planteze pomii? De ce ar trebui managerii universităților din România să reflecteze mai des la „modelul Chinei”.Ovidiu Gherasim-Proca - 2021 - Analele Științifice Ale Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Din Iași 16:53-63.
    Over the years, as the all-encompassing processes of globalization and neoliberalization unfolded, the Popular Republic of China increasingly deepened its developmental policies intended to grow its technological and economic competitiveness. Chinese universities experimented with various forms of managerial techniques imported from the West, including those inspired by the neoliberal ideology. Their achievements in the field of tertiary education were so impressive that they easily became a source of inspiration for neoliberal managers aspiring to „excellence” all around the world. On the (...)
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  20. How to Think Critically about the Common Past? On the Feeling of Communism Nostalgia in Post-Revolutionary Romania.Lavinia Marin - 2019 - The Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series 68 (2):57-71.
    This article proposes a phenomenological interpretation of nostalgia for communism, a collective feeling expressed typically in most Eastern European countries after the official fall of the communist regimes. While nostalgia for communism may seem like a paradoxical feeling, a sort of Stockholm syndrome at a collective level, this article proposes a different angle of interpretation: nostalgia for communism has nothing to do with communism as such, it is not essentially a political statement, nor the signal of a deep value tension (...)
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  21. Book review on: Patriarch Daniel. Rebuilding Orthodoxy in Romania. Yonkers, NY: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2021. Pp. 278. [REVIEW]Doru Marcu - 2021 - Acta Missiologiae 9 (1):106-107.
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  22. Duplicity, corruption, and exceptionalism in the Romanian experience of modernity.Marius Ion Benta - 2020 - In Agnes Horvath, Manussos Marangudakis & Arpad Szakolczai (eds.), Duplicity, corruption, and exceptionalism in the Romanian experience of modernity. pp. 211–228.
    The problem of trickster leadership is discussed in this chapter in the context of the Romanian experience of modernity. This experience has emerged as a Post-Byzantine condition; it was strongly marked by the forty years of communist regimes and was loaded with a high amount of duplicity and ambivalence. The chapter argues that the communist type of trickster leadership in Romania was the outcome of a clash between two types of corruption: a domestic one and a global one. The idea (...)
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  23. Sovereign Order of Royal El Roman Intro-angeles (polygyny) Family Sub-mission of the Jesus Christ' Holy See Teachings on His Kingdoms Mission.Hari Seldon - 2023 - Royal Journal of the Family Sub-Mission in Christ Mission 1 (1):1-5.
    Sovereign Order of Royal El Roman Intro-angeles (polygyny) Family Sub-mission of the Jesus Christ' Holy See Teachings on His Kingdoms Mission, called the SOVEREIGN ORDER OF ROYAL EL-ROMANIA, The SO°RER†‡ Mission is a Bible scriptures studies, research, publications and teachings oriented sovereign polygyny family household basis mission order whereas Council of the Queens is the major organ and Queens are the principal research associates of the mission organization, Sovereign Order of Royal El-Romania, which aim to print a book entitled "Christ (...)
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  24. Considerații privind educația și formarea analiștilor de intelligence într-o lume în continuă schimbare.Alba Iulia Catrinel Popescu - 2022 - Intelligence Info 1 (2):23-35.
    În prezent, în România, ca și în toate celelalte state euro-atlantice și în cadrul organizațiilor internaționale din care facem parte (NATO de exemplu), există o cerere puternică de analiști de informații „bine pregătiți”. Pentru a funcționa într-un mod eficient, structurile de informații au nevoie de analiști de informații eficienți, sau cu alte cuvinte, de analiști de informații bine pregătiți. Acesta este cazul comunității noastre naționale de informații, precum și al componentelor și structurilor sale. Necesitatea și importanța proiectului este în (...)
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  25. Contextul intrării României în al Doilea Război Mondial.Sfetcu Nicolae - 2022 - Cunoașterea Științifică 1 (1):69-74.
    La 23 august 1939 Germania și Uniunea Sovietică au semnat la Moscova pactul Ribbentrop-Molotov, conform căruia URSS revendica Bucovina de Nord și Basarabia. În septembrie 1939 Polonia este invadată de Germania. În acest context Consiliul de Coroană a decis, la 6 septembrie 1939, proclamarea neutralității României, securizând frontierele și evitând confruntarea militară prin activarea “Blocului Balcanic al Neutrilor”, a Acordului Balcanic din 1934 și prin încercarea de a încheia un pact de neagresiune cu URSS. La 29 martie 1940, V. M. (...)
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  26. Library Secret Fonds and the Competition of Societies.Istvan Kiraly - 2001 - Libraries and Culture 36 (1):185-192.
    Communist library secret fond in Romania,.
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  27. « Articuler » vie familiale et vie professionnelle.Anca Dohotariu - 2015 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 2 (1):73-93.
    This article intends to show the distance between work-life balance as a political and social issue at the EU and Romanian level, through the lens of the local gender equality policies following the process of EU accession. The article provides, in its first part, a brief presentation of the main theoretical axes structuring the available literature, followed up by the analysis of the occurrence of the work-life balance issue at the European level. Then the study examines the normative dimension of (...)
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  28. Mărturii importante despre momentul 23 august 1944.Tănase Tiberiu - 2022 - Intelligence Info 1 (2):59-64.
    Mărturii importante despre momentul 23 august 1944 deţinem şi ca urmare a existenţei, în Arhivele Naţionale ale României – Fondul „Manuscrise”, a Memoriului de activitate al lui Traian Borcescu, şeful Secţiei a II-a Contrainformaţii din cadrul Serviciului Special de Informaţii (SSI). Ofiţerul, din postura sa de conducător al structurii SSI-ului cu atribuţii în ceea ce priveşte cunoaşterea şi combaterea fenomenelor care puteau atinge ordinea şi stabilitatea internă a ţării în timp de război, este unul din participanţii direcţi la acţiunea de (...)
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  29. 140 Years of Us- Romanian Relations - Partners whitout a Partnership.Alexandru Cristian - 2020
    Romania and the United States of America share some history that is similar in many respects. Both states have struggled to gain their independence, their sovereignty, and historical recognition. That in which they have followed a different path was about the civilization pattern in which each of the two states was established. We need to remind here and pay all the due respect to them, the Romanian and American historians who have dealt with the early issues of the US-Romanian relations, (...)
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  30. Marcel Chelba - On Kant's Modernity - Streams of philosophy (2nd edition).Marcel Chelba - 2023 - Kantinomus.
    A show on Radio Romania Cultural, ”Springs of Philosophy” 22 May 2010. Moderator: Constantin Aslam. Guest: Marcel Chelba. The subject of the discussion was the topicality and modernity of Kant, on Marcel Chelba's book: Critical Introduction (On the Possibility of Metaphysics, as Science, in the Perspective of Kantian Critical Philosophy), Crates, 2004. The central idea is that Kant's transcendental aesthetics is the epistemological paradigm of modern science and that modern science has confirmed Kant, not refuted him, as is widely believed.
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  31. Intimacy and the face of the other: A philosophical study of infant institutionalization and deprivation. Emotion, Space, and Society.E. M. Simms - 2014 - Emotion, Space, and Society 13:80-86.
    The orphans of Romania were participants in what is sometimes called “the forbidden experiment”: depriving human infants of intimacy, affection, and human contact is an inhuman practice. It is an experiment which no ethical researcher would set out to do. This paper examines historical data, case histories, and research findings which deal with early deprivation and performs a phenomenological analysis of deprivation phenomena as they impact emotional and physical development. A key element of deprivation is the absence of intimate relationships (...)
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  32. Etica relației dintre copii, părinți și stat.Daniela Cutas - 2021 - In Alexandru Volacu, Daniela Cutas & Adrian Miroiu (eds.), Alegeri morale. Teme actuale de etică aplicată. Polirom.
    Care este statutul moral al copiilor? Ce înseamnă egalitatea morală dintre copii şi adulți? Care sunt constrângerile pe care le impune acceptarea acestei egalități în ceea ce priveşte felul în care pot fi tratați copiii în familie sau în societate ? Cine are ce fel de responsabilitate pentru copii ? În capitolul de față voi discuta astfel de întrebări. Voi analiza relația dintre copii, părinți şi stat, în dimensiunea ei practică (felul în care ne raportăm la copii), din punct de (...)
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  33. Censorship And The Fissured Time.Kiraly V. Istvan - 2003-2004 - Philobiblon - Transilvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities 8.
    Review essay about Adrian Marino's book. Analyse of the Communist Censorship in Romania.
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  34. Italycizing. A photoalbum.Florentin Smarandache - 2023 - Miami, FL: Global Knowledge.
    This photo album contains images from a trip to the fabulous cities of Florence, Venice and Pisa, in a visit I made to Italy in June 2006 with the occasion of an international scientific conference on FUSION. -/- A travel journal (in Romanian) extensively narrates this visit: SMARANDACHE, FLORENTIN. Frate cu meridianele şi paralelele (note de călătorie), vol. 4. Râmnicu Vâlcea (Romania): Offsetcolor, 2004.
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  35. Cunoașterea Științifică, Volumul 2, Numărul 2, Iunie 2023.Sfetcu Nicolae (ed.) - 2023 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Revista Cunoașterea Științifică este o publicație trimestrială din domeniile științei și filosofiei, și domenii conexe de studiu și practică. -/- Cuprins: -/- EDITORIAL Cunoașterea științifică – Metodologii, de Nicolae Sfetcu -/- ȘTIINȚE NATURALE Drobeta Turnu Severin Heavy Water Plant: Functioning and Shutting Down, de Nicolae Sfetcu Pandemia: Women and Policewomen, de Albert Torma -/- ȘTIINȚE SOCIALE Poziția statelor emergente în raport cu politica externă şi de securitate comună a Uniunii Europene, de Alexandru Cristian Parohia în textul sfintelor canoane și în (...)
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  36. 150+1 Probleme (și soluțiile lor) / 150+1 Problems (and their solutions).Carina Maria Viespescu, Lucian Tuțescu & Florentin Smarandache - 2023 - Miami: Global Knowledge.
    This book is written for middle and high school students, for teachers and for those with a passion for math, containing 150+1 problems (which are followed by solutions) to make it more accessible to the reader. The last problem (150+1), a very interesting one, leaves some space for comments and generalizations. The book is a collaboration between a multi-awarded student at Romania’s National Mathematics Olympiad (Carina Maria Viespescu, student in year 10 at Liceul International of Informatics Bucuresti), a teacher from (...)
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  37. Etica aplicată şi de ce avem nevoie de ea.Daniela Cutas, Alexandru Volacu & Adrian Miroiu - 2021 - In Alexandru Volacu, Daniela Cutas & Adrian Miroiu (eds.), Alegeri morale. Teme actuale de etică aplicată. Polirom.
    În cele ce urmează vom prezenta pe scurt zona de cercetare a eticii aplicate și locul ei în cadrul disciplinei filosofiei. Vom discuta apoi despre ce fac filosofii când fac etică aplicată. Vom trece în revistă câteva concepte importante din etica aplicată, cum ar fi deontologie, virtute, grijă sau drepturi. Apoi vom încerca să oferim un răspuns la întrebarea din titlul introducerii: de ce avem nevoie de etica aplicată? Vom povesti pe scurt despre istoria eticii aplicate în România, iar (...)
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  38. On Love.Daniela Cutaş - 2018 - Analize – Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies 11:5-15.
    What is love? Is it an uncontrollable emotion? Is it, instead, socially shaped, both an emotion and a social practice? Can the bonds of care and affection between humans and non-human animals be said to be on a par with parent-child relationships between humans? Do parents owe love to their children – and do mothers and fathers, respectively, owe it to different degrees? Do subversive weddings challenge normative ideals about love? What is the significance of love for the value of (...)
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    Revenirea la vatră. Fotojurnal instantaneu.Florentin Smarandache - 2023
    Fotojurnalul instantaneu al unei vizite în România (iulie-august 2023).
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  40. (2021-2014) "Unbelievable similarities between my ideas and the ideas of other people".Gabriel Vacariu - manuscript
    PLAGIARISM? (Sean Carroll (Physics, Caltech) is on this list!) There are many physicists, cognitive neuroscientists and philosophers who have published UNBELIEVABLE similar ideas to my ideas long time after I published and posted many of my works (FREE) on various sites! There is a manuscript at these addresses (and in attachment)! The content is below. You are not the only one who received this email: I have sent this email to thousands… My name is Gabriel Vacariu (senior professor, Philosophy, Bucharest (...)
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  41. Relația dintre misiune și eclesiologie în viziunea Pr. Prof. Ion Bria.Doru Marcu - 2022 - Craiova: Editura Mitropolia Olteniei.
    Cartea de față este teza de doctorat în Teologie a autorului, alcătuită și susținută în cadrul Școlii Doctorale „Sf. Nicodim” a Universității din Craiova, în noiembrie 2021. Lucrarea se remarcă prin rigurozitatea și amploarea cercetării teologice despre o temă actuală în misiologie, anume relația dintre misiune și eclesiologie. În acest sens, opera și personalitatea Pr. Prof. Ion Bria sunt punctele de referință pentru susținerea dimensiunii misionare a Bisericii Ortodoxe. Amintim că Pr. Ion Bria ne-a fost un apropiat, mai ales în (...)
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  42. În genul înțelepților... Mircea Eliade – Nicolae Steinhardt.Adrian Boldisor - 2012 - Tabor 6 (8):82-94.
    In this study, we want to analyze the relation between two Romanian internationally-renowned men of culture: Mircea Eliade (often considered one of the greatest historians of religion of all times) and Nicolae Steinhardt (whose name and memory have been mentioned by Pope John the Second in his visit in Romania). Though they had about the same age (a difference of 5 years), they had little connections in the interwar period (a few meetings and, later, Steinhardt’s volume The Way of… the (...)
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  43. The Official Website as an Essential E-Governance Tool: A Comparative Analysis of the Romanian Cities’ Websites in 2019 and 2022.Gheorghe-Ilie Farte, Nicu Gavriluță & Virgil Stoica - 2022 - Sustainability 14 (11):1-23.
    This paper aims to measure the quality of all Romanian cities’ websites in 2019 and 2022, before and after the disruptive event of COVID-19. Since the official websites are the core instrument of e-governance, the changes in the quality of Romanian cities’ websites reflect the changes in the development of urban e-governance in Romania. The COVID-19 lockdowns and contact restrictions and the moving of most activities into the online environment had the potential to impact the performance of Romanian cities’ websites (...)
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  44. Orthodoxy and Islam.Adrian Boldisor - 2016 - Studia Oecumenica 16 (16):401-419.
    Within the historical approach on interreligious dialogue, it should not be overlooked that the representatives of Orthodox Churches were actively involved in promoting and supporting interreligious dialogue by participating in the meetings that have focused on relations with people of other religions. In this context, the Orthodox Churches come with a whole tradition that stretches to the early centuries, the relations with Jews and Muslims being an integral part of the history of Orthodox Christianity. The Orthodox Christians, with their bi-millennium (...)
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  45. The Paradoxism in Mathematics, Philosophy, and Poetry.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences 41 (1):46-48.
    This short article pairs the realms of “Mathematics”, “Philosophy”, and “Poetry”, presenting some corners of intersection of this type of scientocreativity. Poetry have long been following mathematical patterns expressed by stern formal restrictions, as the strong metrical structure of ancient Greek heroic epic, or the consistent meter with standardized rhyme scheme and a “volta” of Italian sonnets. Poetry was always connected to Philosophy, and further on, notable mathematicians, like the inventor of quaternions, William Rowan Hamilton, or Ion Barbu, the creator (...)
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  46. Religious Implications of the Migration Phenomenon. An Orthodox Perspective.Adrian Boldisor - 2015 - Revista de Ştiinţe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques (RSP) 46 (46):208-217.
    From a problem that concerned only a small number of people, migration has become a constant concern both nationally and internationally. The concrete realities in different regions have become over time subjects of analysis and reflection in order to find solutions that meet the many theoretical and practical issues raised by migration. In Romania people are increasingly discussing about migration and its implications on all sectors of human life. In this context, the Romanian Orthodox Church is called by his priests, (...)
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    Cunoașterea Științifică, Volumul 3, Numărul 2, Iunie 2024.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2024 - Cunoașterea Științifică 3 (2).
    Revista Cunoașterea Științifică este o publicație trimestrială din domeniile științei și filosofiei, și domenii conexe de studiu și practică. -/- Cuprins: -/- EDITORIAL / EDITORIAL -/- Nicolae SFETCU What is intelligence? Ce este inteligența? -/- ȘTIINȚE NATURALE / NATURAL SCIENCE -/- Nicolae SFETCU Epistemology of Loop Quantum Gravity in the Context of Canonical Quantum Gravity Epistemologia gravitației cuantice în buclă în contextul gravitației cuantice canonice -/- Valentin IONESCU Universal constants, vacuum energy and the growth of black holes over time in (...)
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    Volumul de articole, studii, cuvântări şi Pastorale publicat la Editura Mitropolia Olteniei din Craiova în anul 1986 trebuie văzut şi analizat, pentru o bună şi corectă înţelegere, în lumina vremurilor în care a apărut. În acelaşi timp, ideile pe care IPS Nestor Vornicescu, Arhiepiscopul Craiovei şi Mitropolitul Olteniei, le dezvoltă în scrierile sale sunt actuale şi după aproape 30 de ani de la strângerea lor între paginile aceleaşi cărţi, după ce văzuseră lumina tiparului cu ani în urmă în diferite reviste (...)
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  49. Să-mi mai văd o dată locul. Fotojurnal instantaneu.Florentin Smarandache - 2023
    Fotografiile acestui album s-au adunat, neprogramatic și fără pretenții artistice, în timpul recentei vizite pe care am făcut-o în România, în vara anului 2023. O vizită cu inima îngreunată de dor. Drumurile mele s-au întins mai mult pe Dunăre și pe Olt, de-a stânga și de-a dreapta acestor ape care au desenat și determinat o bună parte din istoria românilor. Instanțele foto sunt surprinse în și împrejurul Orșovei, Drobetei Turnu Severin, Cazanelor Dunării, Craiovei și Bălceștilor natali. Textele însoțitoare sunt (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Commercialization of the nature-resource potential of anthropogenic objects (on the example of exhausted mines and quarries).D. E. Reshetniak S. E. Sardak, O. P. Krupskyi, S. I. Korotun - 2019 - Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology 28 (1):180-187.
    In this article we developed scientific and applied foundations of commercialization of the nature-resource potential of anthropogenic objects, on the example of exhausted mines. It is determined that the category of “anthropogenic object” can be considered in a narrow-applied sense, as specific anthropogenic objects to ensure the target needs, and in a broad theoretical sense, meaning everything that is created and changed by human influence, that is the objects of both artificial and natural origin. It was determined that problems of (...)
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