Results for 'Hendrik de Man'

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  1.  53
    Care biography: A concept analysis.Matthew Tieu, Regina Allande-Cussó, Aileen Collier, Tom Cochrane, Maria A. Pinero de Plaza, Michael Lawless, Rebecca Feo, Lua Perimal-Lewis, Carla Thamm, Jeroen M. Hendriks, Jane Lee, Stacey George, Kate Laver & Alison Kitson - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (3).
    In this article, we investigate how the concept of Care Biography and related concepts are understood and operationalised and describe how it can be applied to advancing our understanding and practice of holistic and person‐centred care. Walker and Avant's eight‐step concept analysis method was conducted involving multiple database searches, with potential or actual applications of Care Biography identified based on multiple discussions among all authors. Our findings demonstrate Care Biography to be a novel overarching concept derived from the conjunction of (...)
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    Das Phänomen der Diskursvermeidung.Hendrik Wilmsen - manuscript
    Der Essay „Das Phänomen der Diskursvermeidung“ untersucht die stagnierende Diskurskultur in modernen Gesellschaften. Zwei zentrale Thesen werden vorgestellt: Erstens die Idee des „moralischen Kapitals“, bei der Individuen Debatten meiden, um ihren sozialen Status zu wahren, und zweitens die „lähmende Unsicherheit“, bei der offene Diskussionen aus Angst vor gesellschaftlichen Rückschritten vermieden werden. Es wird argumentiert, dass diese Tendenzen den gesellschaftlichen Fortschritt behindern, indem sie kontroverse Themen tabuisieren und den Dialog erschweren, was letztlich zu einer Vertiefung sozialer Gräben führt. -/- The essay (...)
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  3. Oriental animals as moral examples in Aelian’s De natura animalium.Hendrik Müller-Reineke - 2010 - Graeco-Latina Brunensia 15:117-126.
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    The Architecture of (Hu)man Exceptionalism. Redrawing our Relationships to Other Species.Eva Perez de Vega (ed.) - 2023 - Cham: Springer International Publishing.
    Architecture and human-built structures are embedded with speciesist practices of domination over the environment, where humans are considered special and superior to other species. This (hu)man exceptionalism has driven architecture and the built environment to be conceived in opposition to ‘nature’, dominating natural terrains and consequently displacing or instrumentalizing the many other species that are given little to no ethical consideration. This way of intervening in the world is leading to the existential questions that must be posed given our global (...)
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  5. Hegel contra Schlegel; Kierkegaard contra De Man.Ayon Roy - 2009 - PMLA 124 (1):107-126.
    At the turn of the nineteenth century, Friedrich Schlegel developed an influential theory of irony that anticipated some of the central concerns of postmodernity. His most vocal contemporary critic, the philosopher Hegel, sought to demonstrate that Schlegel’s theory of irony tacitly relied on certain problematic aspects of Fichte’s philosophy. While Schlegel’s theory of irony has generated seemingly endless commentary in recent critical discourse, Hegel’s critique of Schlegelian irony has gone neglected. This essay’s primary aim is to defend Hegel’s critique of (...)
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  6. MAN WITHOUT FOUNDATION IN PIETRO PIOVANI.Marta de Grandi - 2016 - In III International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences e Arts. pp. 611-615.
    Pietro Piovani is a philosopher who is still, unjustly, little known. Here we set out to investigate the absence of foundation as a crossroads in contemporary philosophy and to evaluate the new contribution of Piovani’s reflection. In our study, we analysed mainly the works of the past twenty years and especially Principi di una filosofia della morale (1972) and Oggettivazione etica e assenzialismo(1980). The basic option in Piovani’s thinking is that, given the finite nature of the individual, as the willing (...)
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  7. Cognición de la Realidad ante la Ciencia del Control - Problemas de ontología de la fotografía después de la Cibernética (Cognition of Reality before Science o Control – Ontology Problems of Photography after Cybernetics).Leonardo de Rezende C. Fares - 2024 - Fedro - Revista de Estética y Teoría de Las Artes 23:20-39.
    This essay aims to appreciate the evolution of the problems regarding the ontological understanding of the photographic image and its derivative, the film, in the face of the sophistication of the apparatus of its production. The creative freedom in making images through optical machines is inversely proportional to their credibility as documents. Since its appearance in the human landscape, as a cultural object, the technology of recording images with lights has brought with it a complex of aporias about what would (...)
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  8. Alexa, wie hast du's mit der Religion? Theologische Zugänge zu Technik und Künstlicher Intelligenz.Anna Puzio, Nicole Kunkel & Hendrik Klinge (eds.) - 2023 - Darmstadt: Wbg.
    Technik und Künstliche Intelligenz gehören zu den brisanten Themen der gegenwärtigen Theologie. Wie kann Theologie zu Technik und KI beitragen? Der Technikdiskurs ist aufgeladen mit religiösen Motiven, und Technologien wie Roboter fordern die Theologie, z. B. das Menschenbild, die Ethik und die religiöse Praxis, neu heraus. Der Sammelband erforscht aus theologischer Perspektive die drängenden Themen unserer Zeit. Dazu begibt sich die Theologie in Dialog mit den Technikwissenschaften. Untersucht werden die Veränderungen des Menschenbildes durch Roboter, Religiöse Roboter, Optimierung des Körpers, medizinische (...)
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  9. Judith Butler's Reading of the Sartrian Bodies and the Cartesian Ghosts.Eva Man - 2009 - Modern Philosophy 1:85-91.
    American philosopher Zhu Dien • Ba Tele that for granted with a series of related discussion, and while there are of a fixed body of the material. Bate Le read de Beauvoir's "Second Sex" that this is not Sartre's "Being and Nothingness" women's issues or situations in the application. De Beauvoir said that consciousness exists in which a person's body, and in the cultural vein, the participation in the formation of a person's gender. Ba Tele think understanding the philosophy of (...)
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  10. Superação da dualidade kantiana com Schiller centrada em seu conceito de liberdade estética.Edson Siquara de Souza - manuscript
    This article aims to identify the possibility of interpreting in Schiller's philosophical thought a unity, as opposed to the Kantian duality. For this we will resort to the "center of the thing" as identified by Schiller, which is in the third series of letters published in Die Horen, which formed, together with the first and second series, the Aesthetic Education of Man.
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  11. Man Ray and Photography as a Poetic Communication Technology.Rafael Duarte Oliveira Venancio & Marina Colli de Oliveira - 2015 - International Journal of Modern Communication Technologies and Research 3 (10).
    This article wants to analyze how Man Rayin his photographs, engages a poetry of silenceusing this medium as a poetic communication technology. To understand the functioning of this poetic language, we will adopt the Groupe μ analysis method (both the General Rhetoricand the Treatise on the Visual Sign). Whereas the language is manifold as the forms of representation, and it present in all media, whatever the lack of speech -silence -would find its richest form in both directions through the metaphors (...)
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  12. As implicações antidemocráticas do transumanismo. The anti-democratic implications of transhumanism.Bruno Camilo de Oliveira - 2022 - Problemata: International Journal of Philosophy 13 (2):81-90.
    The objective of this paper is to present the thesis of the Japanese-American philosopher and economist Francis Fukuyama, known as the “end of history”, to reflect on the central argument of this thesis that transhumanism represents a problem for democracy. Therefore, a conceptual analysis will be carried out, based on selected excerpts, of Fukuyama's works entitledThe end of history and the last man, Our posthuman futureand “Transhumanism”.
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  13. Dretske and the causality of reasons.Henk Bij de Weg - manuscript
    In his work on reasons Dretske argues that reasons are only worthwhile for having them if they are causally relevant for explaining behaviour, which he elaborates in his representational theory of explanation. The author argues against this view by showing that there are reasons that are relevant for explaining behaviour but not causally relevant. He gives a linguistic foundation of his argumentation and shows that Dretske’s representational theory cannot explain human actions because man does not only perceive things that have (...)
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  14. La visione politica in Plotino.Franco De Capitani - 2016 - Noctua 3 (1):1-28.
    Contrary to the common opinion of the scarce important of politics in Plotinus’ thought, in this paper the relevance of this notion is stressed. Even though Plotinus’ main interest is evidently toward interiority and rational spirituality, men’s actual condition, born and living in a social context, forces him to acknowledge the importance of man’s social and political life. The discussion on virtues in Enneads I, 2 is essential in establishing the real weight of politics in Plotinus’ philosophy.
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  15. Paideia delle virtù e antropologia cristiana: un incipit per riformare pensiero ed educazione.Viviana De Angelis - 2022 - Pedagogia Piu' Didattica.
    The numbness and emotional consciousness in front of the evil and suffering produced by a more widespread «communication spectacularized» pose questions and urge to intervene critically in reflection on interpersonal communication and media, to stem as much as possible some tendencies of contemporary culture. This contribution aims to cross transversely knowledge, tradition, and some socio-cultural productions of man (in particular Philosophyand Religion) to identify some critical points, which can be useful in the pedagogical debate. It also pursues the purpose of (...)
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  16. Trusting the (ro)botic other: By assumption?Paul B. de Laat - 2015 - SIGCAS Computers and Society 45 (3):255-260.
    How may human agents come to trust (sophisticated) artificial agents? At present, since the trust involved is non-normative, this would seem to be a slow process, depending on the outcomes of the transactions. Some more options may soon become available though. As debated in the literature, humans may meet (ro)bots as they are embedded in an institution. If they happen to trust the institution, they will also trust them to have tried out and tested the machines in their back corridors; (...)
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  17. Cook Ding meets homo oeconomicus: Contrasting Daoist and economistic imaginaries of work.Lisa Herzog, Tatiana Llaguno & Man-Kong Li - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    In this paper, we attempt to de-naturalize the prevailing economistic imaginary of work that Max Weber and later commentators described as ‘protestant work ethic,’ epitomized in the figure of homo economicus. We do so by contrasting it with the imaginary of skillful work that can be found in vignettes about artisans in the Zhuangzi. We argue that there are interesting contrasts between these views concerning 1) direct goal achievement vs. indirect goal achievement through the cultivation of skills; 2) the hierarchization (...)
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  18. Resenha: Man and Nature: The Spiritual Crisis in Modern Man de Seyyed Hossein Nasr. (3rd edition).Paulo Henrique Fernandes da Silva Ferreira Braga - 2023 - Ítaca (Ufrj).
    Resenha do livro: "Man and Nature: The Spiritual Crisis in Modern Man" é uma obra de Seyyed H. Nasr que examina a crise espiritual enfrentada pelo ser humano moderno em relação à natureza. Nasr aborda a crescente desconexão entre o homem e a natureza devido à visão mecanicista predominante na sociedade moderna. O livro propõe uma visão alternativa que busca restaurar a harmonia entre o homem e a natureza. Com sua abordagem interdisciplinar, o livro desafia as concepções convencionais e convida (...)
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  19. Nuove tecnologie, fede e formazione dell’umano.Viviana De Angelis - 2015 - Mètis.
    In the complex and problematic context of the contemporary Society, in the time of the digital revolution, of the Mobile Learning and of the crisis of the conventional paradigms of the mass societies, the present study shows how only an innovative and multidisciplinary research, – capable of both, observing and interpreting the reality as well as of consolidating a pedagogic model open to the inter-culture and to the dialogue with the faith and the ethics –, allows the world of the (...)
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  20. Pietro Piovani, la filosofia dell'assenza.Marta de Grandi - 2015 - Comunicazione Filosofica 34:38-46.
    The thought of Pietro Piovani (Naples 1922 1980) ranges from moral philosophy, the history of philosophy and the philosophy of law, but in the anti-ontology of his most original core. In Principles of moral philosophy Piovani said that given the finite nature of the individual, the existing "no longer needs no foundation (...) because it is based." In particular, the contemporary individual is more than ever unfounded, having to constantly rely so. In this regard Piovani speaks of assenzialismo: being a (...)
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  21. Figuren des Unpersönlichen bei Deleuze: Ein Leben, Haecceïtas, man, homo tantum….Ralf Gisinger - 2021 - In Robert Lehmann (ed.), Philosophische Dimensionen des Impersonalen. Ergon – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. pp. 187-210.
    Eine Spurensuche nach dem Impersonalen im Werk von Gilles Deleuze. Zu diesem Zweck werden einige seiner zentralen Figuren – ein Leben, haecceïtas, man, homo tantum… – so zur Sprache gebracht, dass die methodisch wie inhaltlich entscheidende Stelle des Unpersönlichen in Deleuzes Philosophie erkennbar wird. Von diesem Ergebnis her lassen sich mit Deleuze (anschließend an Esposito und Weil) Ansätze einer Politik des Impersonalen erörtern. Sie greift auf eine Sphäre des Unbestimmten zurück, die in eins unpersönlich und doch singulär gedacht ist und (...)
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  22. La leggerezza. Nietzsche e Calvino.Marta De Grandi - 2010 - Comunicazione Filosofica 24.
    An analysis on the topic of lightness according to a philosophical perspective, which, on the trace of Parmenides, questions what is positive: the lightness or heaviness? The main point is that of Nietzsche and Calvin, but references ranging from Ovid to Kundera to the world of science. That of light, literary, scientific, philosophy, appears to be the preferred way forward in the eternal man's attempt to bring order to chaos. -/- .
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  23. Boude bewoordingen. De historische fenomenologie van Jan Hendrik van den Berg.Hub Zwart - 2003 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 65 (4):759-760.
    Tussen zijn veertigste en zijn zestigste levensjaar was Jan Hendrik van den Berg (1914) een uitermate succesvol en populair auteur. Boeken van zijn hand, zoals Metabletica (1956) en Medische macht en medische ethiek (1969), waren ongekende bestsellers. Hij was de Nederlandse vertegenwoordiger van een belangrijke Europese stroming in de filosofie: de historische fenomenologie. In de jaren zeventig raakte hij echter in conflict met zijn tijd. Terwijl de Nederlandse publieke opinie een wending naar links doormaakte, bond Van den Berg de (...)
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  24. Religiosidad platónica: relaciones de proximidad y lejanía entre hombre y divinidad (Platonic Religiosity: Distance and Proximity Between Man and Divinity).Pietro Montanari - 2022 - Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara, UDG, ISBN: 978-607-571-671-8.
    Platonic religiosity is the first of two volumes devoted to the analysis of religiosity or religious feeling (pathos) in Plato. -/- (Back cover) Platonic Religiosity is a hermeneutical attempt to read Platonic works from the perspective of their religiosity. The aspects examined in the book are limited for the moment to the most basic, perhaps even the simplest, dimensions of religious feeling, those involving the representation of a relationship between man and divinity, Earth and Heaven, "low" and "high". Low and (...)
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  25. Cupiditas veri videndi: Pierre de villemandy's dogmatic vs. cicero's sceptical interpretation of 'man's desire to know.Luciano Floridi - 1995 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 3 (1):29–56.
    Throughout history, dogmatists and sceptics of various branches have been inclined to agree on the description of man as a 'filaletes zoon' - a 'truth-loving animal' as Sextus Empiricus had defined him - on the fact that 'the desire to know is innate in man' and on interpreting this as the ideal force inspiring the search for knowledge. The two parties have, however, always dissented considerably about the consequences to be drawn from such a vision of man as a knowledge-seeker. (...)
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  26. A época das imagens de homem: Foucault leitor da Antropologia de Kant /The era of the pictures of man Kant’s Anthropology: A study by Foucault.Piza Suze - 2015 - Natureza Humana 17 (1):108-143.
    Michel Foucault defends the thesis that man is a recent invention and with a foretold death. In this article, we will present a study that Foucault carried out on Kant’s Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, and his complementary thesis, as the basis of the thesis of the birth and death of the subject in modernity. Foucault’s philosophy will be presented as a chapter of Kantianism, a critique of anthropological reason that is rooted in Heidegger’s study on Kant. In (...)
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    Wie man Schüler*innen zum begrifflichen Denken ermutigt.Alexander Brödner - 2023 - Zeitschrift Für Didaktik der Philosophie Und Ethik 4.
    Dieser Beitrag setzt sich mit der unterrichtspraktischen Frage nach der Einführung und Vertiefung von Begriffsverständnissen im Philosophie- und Ethikunterricht aus- einander. Als Ausgangspunkt dient dazu Sistermanns Bonbonmodell. Es wird dafür argumentiert, dass dieses Modell sowie die Leitidee der Problemorientierung erweitert werden sollten, so man dem Anspruch einer Vermittlung tiefgehender Begriffsverständnisse gerecht werden will. Um eine solche Erweiterung vorzuschlagen, werden erstens ein lernproduktorientiertes Lehr-Lern-Modell aus der Physikdidaktik und zweitens lernpsychologische Grundlagen, die als Darstellungsebenenwechsel in der Mathematikdidaktik Anwendung finden, hinzugezogen.
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  28. Den gamle (mannen) som Den Andre. Feministisk filosofi og metode i Simone de Beauvoirs Alderdommen og Det annet kjønn [The old (man) as the Other. Feminist philosophy and method in Simone de Beauvoir’s The Coming of Age and The Second Sex].Tove Pettersen - 2020 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 55 (4):224-241.
    I Alderdommen (1970) fremsetter Simone de Beauvoir en filosofisk analyse av alderdom og eldre menneskers situa- sjon, og hevder at behandlingen de får er «skandaløs»; samfunnet «returnerer dem som en vare det ikke lenger er bruk for». Hun tilkjennegir et like stort engasjement mot den urett som eldre utsettes for som hun gjør i Det annet kjønn (1949) når det gjelder undertrykkelsen av kvinner. Likevel påstår Beauvoir at alderdommen først og fremst er et problem for mannen, og det har blitt (...)
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  29. Kann man das „Paradigma der der Farbenlehre“ auf einen anderen Bereich von Naturerscheinungen anwenden? – Phänomenologie der Natur nach Goethe am Beispiel der Krafterscheinungen.Boris Heithecker - manuscript
    Die vorliegende Arbeit geht zunächst der Frage der Möglichkeit einer spezifischen, methodisch von den Naturwissenschaften unterschiedenen „Phänomenologie der Natur“ nach. Das Paradigma einer solchen Phänomenologie der Natur ist Goethes Farbenlehre, deren Methode über die Farberscheinungen hinaus Anwendungsmöglichkeiten auf neue Gegenstände eröffnet. Im Zusammenhang damit werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Ergebnisse eines philosophischen Versuchs vorgestellt, das Paradigma der Farbenlehre auf die Erscheinung Kraft zu übertragen. Die Anwendung des Paradigmas der Farbenlehre auf den Kraftbegriff ist möglich; das Ergebnis stellt bis in (...)
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  30. Esbozo para una interpretación política en El destino del hombre de J. G. Fichte. Outline for a political interpretation in J. G. Fichte’s The vocation of Man.Choque Osman - 2023 - Yachay 77:127-153.
    El artículo se centra en el escrito Die Bestimmung des Menschen [El destino del hombre] con el fin de poner de manifiesto un conjunto de ideas sobre la política. Dentro de la obra del filósofo, los intérpretes han señalado en contadas ocasiones que de este escrito se desprende una vertiente que conduce a pensamientos acerca de la política. La reflexión sistemática de Johann Gottlieb Fichte sobre el derecho y la política se desarrolla en otras publicaciones o textos de referencia, como (...)
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  31. Nietzsche e a exigência de uma filosofia retoricamente consciente.Rogerio Lopes - 2023 - In Helcira Maria Rodrigues Lima & Maria Cecília Miranda N. Coelho (eds.), Percursos Retóricos: antigos e contemporâneos. Pontes Editores. pp. 411-436.
    Nietzsche mobiliza recursos retóricos de natureza heterogênea em sua obra, que podem ser distribuídos em pelo menos quatro grandes rubricas: elementos que (1) incidem sobre a materialidade sonora e rítmica da linguagem (dimensão expressiva associada à prova ética); (2) orientam a adoção de um conjunto de estratégias argumentativas que variam conforme as necessidades filosóficas do momento (dimensão argumentativa ou dialética); (3) dizem respeito a escolhas relativas à forma de apresentação dos argumentos, ou à sua inserção no interior de diferentes gêneros (...)
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  32. Facerea lumii și a omului. Sinteză de Teologie Dogmatică (Creation of the world and man. Synthesis of Dogmatic Theology).PhD Bugiulescu Marin - 2015 - ICOANA CREDINȚEI. REVISTA INTERNATIONALA DE CERCETARE ȘTIINȚIFICA INTERDISCIPLINARA 1 (2):12-23.
    This articles presents the creation of the world and of man, and especially the relation between God and His creation. In the act of creation, God Shows His love for man. The man is the companion of God and the continuer of creation.This article presents the creation of man and alienation from God by sin and has the following themes: The image of God and man's relationship with God, Man's ikeness to God. Man was created as being different from the (...)
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  33. Wie fängt (man) eine Handlung an?Geert Keil - 2014 - In Anne-Sophie Spann & Daniel Wehinger (eds.), Vermögen und Handung. Mentis. pp. 135-157.
    Das Verb „anfangen“ lässt sich sowohl mit einem Akteur an Subjektstelle als auch subjektlos verwenden. Sogenannte subjektlose Sätze wie „Es fängt zu regnen an“ haben freilich ein grammatisches Subjekt, aber auf die Rückfrage „Wer oder was fängt zu regnen an?“ ist die einzig mögliche Antwort „Es“ unbefriedigend. Das grammatische Subjekt fungiert in solchen Sätzen lediglich als synkategorematischer Ausdruck. Menschliche Akteure können in gehaltvollerem Sinn etwas anfangen, zum Beispiel Streit, oder, wie es bei Kant heißt, „eine Reihe von Begebenheiten“. Mit dem (...)
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  34. Elementos de Retórica em Nietzsche.Rogério Antonio Lopes - 2006 - São Paulo: Loyola.
    O estudo se detém tanto na teorização que Nietzsche oferece do tema -- em alguns cursos oferecidos na Universidade de Basel nos anos 1870 e no escrito inacabado e póstumo Sobre Verdade e mentira -- quanto nos aspectos discursivos da obra de Nietzsche que podem ser descritos em termos retóricos. Exploro na primeira parte o tratamento temático da retórica nos textos filológicos e acadêmicos de Nietzsche. Argumento no prelúdio contra as escolhas filológicas de Heidegger, que conferem prioridade às notas póstumas (...)
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  35. De la protection de la nature au développement durable : Genèse d'un oxymore éthique et politique.Donato Bergandi & Patrick Blandin - 2012 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 65 (1):103-142.
    Le concept de développement durable s’enracine dans l’histoire des mouvements de préservation de la nature et de conservation des ressources naturelles et de leurs relations avec les sciences de la nature, en particulier l’écologie. En tant que paradigme sociétal, à la fois écologique, politique et économique, il se présente comme un projet politique idéal applicable à l’ensemble des sociétés, qui prétend dépasser l’opposition entre ces deux visions profondément divergentes des relations homme‑nature. L’analyse des textes internationaux pertinents permet de dégager les (...)
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  36. Aquinas’ De malo and the Ostensibly Problematic Status of Natural Evil as Privation.Iñaki Xavier Larrauri Pertierra - 2018 - Aristos 4 (1):1-14.
    Arguments concerning the nature of natural evil vary in their conclusions depending on the particular approach with which they commence inquiry; one of the most contested conclusions regards evil as privation, sourcing its justification primarily from Aquinas’ metaphysical conception of good as being and evil as non-being. It should be of no surprise, then, that the dismissal of natural evil’s privative nature comes about when the understanding of natural evil favours a phenomenological approach rather than a metaphysical one. Proponents of (...)
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  37. The Latin “Third Man”. A Survey and Edition of Texts from the XIIIth Century.Leone Gazziero - 2012 - Cahiers de L’Institut du Moyen Age Grec Et Latin 81:11-93.
    Latin commentators came across the « Third Man » in Aristotle’s Sophistici elenchi. The way they dealt with the argument is a fair illustration of how they were both faithful to the text and innovative in their understanding of its most challenging issues. Besides providing a detailed survey of all manuscript sources, the introductory essay shows that Latin interpretation originates from a mistake in Boethius’ translation which radically transformed the argument. The edition makes available for the first time a considerable (...)
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  38. De la antropología filosófica a la filosofía de la historia: el materialismo sensualista del joven L. Feuerbach como suelo para un concepto de historia.Ezequiel Burstein - 2019 - El Arco y la Lira. Tensiones y Debates 7 (2019):35-42.
    This paper focuses on elucidating the manner in which, funded upon Feuerbach’s peculiar sen- sualist philosophical anthropology found in his early work Gedanken über Tod und Übsterlichkeit (1830), a notion of history is raised which tends towards an immanence and anti-theological ap- proach, where memory takes on a fundamental role as a becoming-communicable of the subject. History, according to a young Feuerbach, is to be understood as an uninterrupted process of commu- nal remembrance, in which individual man finds his transcendence. (...)
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  39. Kann man nichtzeitliche Verursachung verstehen? : Kausalitätstheoretische Anmerkungen zu Kants Freiheitsantinomie.Geert Keil - 2012 - In Mario Brandhorst, Andree Hahmann & Bernd Ludwig (eds.), Sind wir Bürger zweier Welten?: Freiheit und moralische Verantwortung im transzendentalen Idealismus. Hamburg: Meiner. pp. 223-257.
    Die von Kant vorgeschlagene Auflösung der Freiheitsantinomie gehört zu denjenigen Theoriestücken, die auch für den transzendentalen Idealismus aufgeschlossene Philosophen schwer zu verteidigen finden. Dies gilt insbesondere für die Lehre von der nichtzeitlichen Verursachung. Nach dieser Doktrin hebt die »Causalität der Vernunft im intelligibelen Charakter […] nicht zu einer gewissen Zeit an, um eine Wirkung hervorzubringen«. In diesem Beitrag wird nicht Kants Auflösung der Freiheitsantinomie im Mittelpunkt stehen, sondern die Frage, wie das Junktim zwischen Freiheitsrettung und transzendentalem Idealismus allererst motiviert ist. (...)
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  40. Manuscritos inéditos de D. Báñez sobre las tesis de Alcalá (1602).David Torrijos-Castrillejo - 2022 - In David Torrijos Castrillejo & Jorge Luis Gutiérrez (eds.), La Escuela de Salamanca: la primera versión de la modernidad. Madrid: Sinderesis. pp. 247-283.
    In 1601 certain Jesuits in Alcalá de Henares defended the following thesis: «It is not by faith that we confess that this man, for example, Clement VIII, is Pope.» During 1602 this fact became known in Rome and the Pope urged that the Spanish Inquisition imprison these Jesuits. To defend themselves, they alleged that the thesis was not unusual among scholars, indicating the names of several authors who defended it, among them, the eminent professor emeritus of Salamanca Domingo Báñez. However, (...)
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  41. Boude bewoordingen. De historische fenomenologie van J.H. van den Berg.Hub Zwart - 2002 - Kampen, Nederland: Klement.
    Tussen zijn veertigste en zijn zestigste levensjaar was Jan Hendrik van den Berg (1914) een uitermate succesvol en populair auteur. Boeken van zijn hand, zoals Metabletica (1956) en Medische macht en medische ethiek (1969), waren ongekende bestsellers. Hij was de Nederlandse vertegenwoordiger van een belangrijke Europese stroming in de filosofie: de historische fenomenologie. In de jaren zeventig raakte hij echter in conflict met zijn tijd. Terwijl de Nederlandse publieke opinie een wending naar links doormaakte, bond Van den Berg de (...)
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  42. Liebeskunst – Kann man Liebe lehren und lernen?Magnus Frisch - 2013 - IANUS 34:50-68.
    Der Artikel stellt eine Unterrichtseinheit für die Lektürephase des Lateinunterrichts dar, die vor allem für die Sekundarstufe II geeignet ist. Die vorzustellende Unterrichtsreihe geht von der Fragestellung "Kann man Liebe lehren und lernen?" aus, wobei zunächst herausgearbeitet werden soll, was wir und was die Schüler unter "Liebe" verstehen, und dann allgemein und in Bezug auf unsere eigene Lebenswelt diskutiert wird, ob sich Liebe lehren und lernen lasse, sei es durch Ratgeber, Flirtschulen, oder Tipps von anderen. Im Anschluss beginnt die Lektüre (...)
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  43. Kritik des Naturalismus.Geert Keil - 1993 - New York: de Gruyter.
    Thema der Arbeit ist die Frage, ob eine naturalistische Revolutionierung unseres Selbstverständnisses sprachlich möglich ist. Nach der sprachlichen Möglichkeit wird gefragt, weil nach dem linguistic turn kein Naturalisierungsprogramm ohne den Anspruch auskommt, dass eine Reduktion, Elimination oder Uminterpretation bestimmter Diskurse über den Menschen möglich sei: Die Diskurse über den Menschen sollen an den naturalistischen Diskurs assimiliert werden. Wodurch dieser sich auszeichnet, ist nicht einfach zu bestimmen, doch ist die Intuition nicht von der Hand zu weisen, dass wir über Erfahrungen, die (...)
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  44. Elementaire verbeelding. Over het werk van Gaston Bachelard en Jan Hendrik van den Berg.Hub Zwart - 2002 - de Uil Van Minerva 18.
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  45. L’altruisme, l’utilitarisme, l’égoïsme et l’idéal de l’homme libre dans la philosophie de Spinoza.Jacques J. Rozenberg - 2024 - Actu Philosophia 3 (Mars 2024):21.
    La question des rapports du spinozisme à l’axiologie a fait l’objet de nombreux débats. Certains commentateurs considèrent Spinoza comme étant profondément immoraliste, alors que pour d’autres, il maintient l'ensemble des valeurs humaines. Spinoza a cherché à dépasser l’utilitarisme propre au conatus de chacun, afin de fonder un altruisme rationnel. Il souligne que le bien auquel l’homme aspire lorsqu’il suit la vertu, il le désirera aussi pour tous les autres hommes. Cependant, les moyens mis en œuvre pour démontrer cette thèse semblent (...)
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  46. Schelers Herz ­ - was man alles fühlen kann.Kevin Mulligan - 2009 - Swiss Philosophical Preprints.
    Schelers Anatomie des Herzens ist neben derjenigen seines Zeitgenossen Shand, die gründlichste, die das zwanzigste Jahrhundert vorzuweisen hat. Sie ist aufs Engste mit einer Ontologie, einer Metaphysik, einer Erkennt- nis- und Wahrnehmungslehre, einer Wert- und Normenlehre, einer Analy- se des Strebens, Überlegens, Wählens und Handelns, einer Sozialphiloso- phie und einer Anthropologie verwachsen. Aufgrund der deskriptive Klarheit und Vielfalt, die sie über weite Strecken auszeichnen, kann sie aber auch unabhängig von diesen Verbindungen betrachtet werden.
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  47. Мироздание в душе человека: Аристотель, De anima, III, 8, 431b.20-24 и Экклесиаст 3:10–11.Igor R. Tantlevskij - 2018 - Schole 12 (1):86-89.
    Comparing the passage of Aristotle’s treatise De anima, III, 8, 431b.21-24 and Ecclesiastes 3: 10-11, the author reveals a similar epistemological image: the universe is in the soul of the cognizing subject, for it embraces all existing things in the process of perception and cognition of the world.
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  48. De l’«ultradynamisme métaphysique» du R. P. Ignace Carbonnelle au «thomisme élargi» de Pierre Duhem, l’évolution philosophique, sollicitée par Rome, de la Société scientifique de Bruxelles.Jean-François Stoffel - 2012 - In Alain Deneef & Xavier Rousseaux (eds.), Quatre siècles de présence jésuite à Bruxelles – Vier eeuwen jezuïeten te Brussel. Prosopon. pp. 590-603.
    Le Père Ignace Carbonnelle, l'un des principaux fondateurs de la Société scientifique de Bruxelles en 1875 et son secrétaire général depuis cette époque, décède inopinément en 1889 après une quin­zaine d'années durant lesquelles il fut «l'homme fort» de ladite Société. Aussitôt, la Revue des questions scienti­fiques annonce la triste nouvelle, promettant, pour un prochain numéro, une étude détaillée de sa vie et de son œuvre. Elle ne paraîtra jamais, de sorte que sa mort ne fut pas saluée avec l'ampleur qu'on (...)
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  49. What Does It Mean to be Human, and Not Animal? Examining Montaigne’s Literary Persuasiveness in “Man is No Better Than the Animals”.Rory Collins - 2018 - Sloth: A Journal of Emerging Voices in Human-Animal Studies 4 (1).
    Michel de Montaigne famously argued in “Man is No Better Than the Animals” that humans and non-human animals cannot be dichotomized based on language or reasoning abilities, among other characteristics. This article examines a selection of writing features at play in the text and discusses how successfully they convey Montaigne’s claims. Throughout, I argue that Montaigne presents a superficially convincing case for doubting a categorical distinction between humans and animals on linguistic and rational grounds through the use of rhetorical questions, (...)
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  50. Kalbos vaidmuo Pierre Teilhard de Chardin evoliucijos teorijoje.Inga Mitkute Bartkiene - 2018 - Soter 54 (92):9-19.
    In the article foundations of evolutionary theory of a jesuit and a philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin are analysed as formed by the use of language. The theory as well as its main concepts are shortly presented as given in “The Phenomenon of Man”. The struggles of Teilhard de Chardin met in the attempt to describe the idea of the world’s evolutionary development are emphasized. It is shown that language itself is “against” the author’s attempts and that it creates it (...)
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