Results for 'Quadrotor, Adaptive fuzzy, Fuzzy logic, PID'

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  1. Integrated Design of Adaptive & Fuzzy Logic Control for Trajectory Tracking of 2 DOF Quadrotor.Mustefa Jibril - 2021 - ScienceOpen 7 (3):1-16.
    Accurate and precise trajectory tracking is crucial for a quadrotor to operate in disturbed environments. This paper presents a novel tracking hybrid controller for a quadrotor UAV that combines the Adaptive and Fuzzy logic controller. The Adaptive fuzzy controller is implemented to govern the behavior of two degrees of freedom quadrotor UAV. The proposed controller allows controlling the movement of UAVs to track a given trajectory in a 2D vertical plane. The Fuzzy Logic system provides (...)
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  2. Comparisons of Fuzzy MRAS and PID Controllers for EMS Maglev Train.Mustefa Jibril & Tesfabirhan Shoga - 2020 - Report and Opinion Journal 12 (2):55-61.
    In this paper, a Magnetic Levitation (MAGLEV) train is designed with a single degree of freedom electromagnet-based system that allows the train to levitate vertically up and down. Fuzzy logic, PID and Mras controllers are used to improve the Magnetic Levitation train passenger comfort and road handling. A matlab Simulink model is used to compare the performance of the three controllers using step input signals. The stability of the Magnetic Levitation train is analyzed using root locus technique. Controller output (...)
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  3. Design and Control of EMS Magnetic Levitation Train using Fuzzy MRAS and PID Controllers.Mustefa Jibril, Mesay Tadesse & Elias Alemayehu - 2020 - International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education 6 (2):1023-1031.
    In this paper, a Magnetic Levitation (MAGLEV) train is designed with a first degree of freedom electromagnetbased totally system that permits to levitate vertically up and down. Fuzzy logic, PID and MRAS controllers are used to improve the Magnetic Levitation train passenger comfort and road handling. A Matlab Simulink model is used to compare the performance of the three controllers using step input signals. The stability of the Magnetic Levitation train is analyzed using root locus technique. Controller output response (...)
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  4. Modeling and Performance Analysis of Shell Tube Surface Condenser under Lumped Parameters using Fuzzy Self-tuning PI Controller.Mustefa Jibril, Mesay Tadesse, Nurye Hassen & Yonas Abebe - 2020 - International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Systems 3 (4):1-8.
    Shell tube surface condenser (STSC) is a heat exchanger system that exchange a high pressure steam into low pressure water and it is widely used in applications like textile industries and nuclear power plants. The modelling of the system has been established based on lumped parameters. In this paper, a fuzzy expert system is developed in order to improve the performance of the condenser. A pressure feedback system has been developed to analyze the effect of the condenser output temperature, (...)
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  5. Some Strong Conditionals for Sentential Logics.Jason Zarri - manuscript
    In this article I define a strong conditional for classical sentential logic, and then extend it to three non-classical sentential logics. It is stronger than the material conditional and is not subject to the standard paradoxes of material implication, nor is it subject to some of the standard paradoxes of C. I. Lewis’s strict implication. My conditional has some counterintuitive consequences of its own, but I think its pros outweigh its cons. In any case, one can always augment one’s language (...)
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  6. FUZZY LOGIC OF LUTFI ZADEH AND METHODOLOGICAL AND EPISTEMO-LOGICAL ANALYSIS OF SET THEORY.Aziz Mammadov & Fuad Gurbanov - 2022 - Science, Education and Innovations in the Context of Modern Problems 5 (4):100-110.
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  7. Kripke Semantics for Fuzzy Logics.Saeed Salehi - 2018 - Soft Computing 22 (3):839–844.
    Kripke frames (and models) provide a suitable semantics for sub-classical logics; for example, intuitionistic logic (of Brouwer and Heyting) axiomatizes the reflexive and transitive Kripke frames (with persistent satisfaction relations), and the basic logic (of Visser) axiomatizes transitive Kripke frames (with persistent satisfaction relations). Here, we investigate whether Kripke frames/models could provide a semantics for fuzzy logics. For each axiom of the basic fuzzy logic, necessary and sufficient conditions are sought for Kripke frames/models which satisfy them. It turns (...)
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  8. New Tuning Approach of Fuzzy Logic System Using Proportional Integral Observer for Tracking a Nonlinear System.Mustefa Jibril - 2021 - ScienceOpen 7 (3):1-13.
    Proportional integral observer (PIO) for tracking a nonlinear method has a lower sentiency to cipher the state and output variables. So a more nonlinear controller has to be else to control to activity. In this paper, a fuzzy logic (FLC) controller has been added to the PIO to meliorate the calculation transmute. A fuzzy proportional integral observer (FPIO) for following a nonlinear system has been premeditated to decimate the susceptibleness to cipher the tell and turnout variables with the (...)
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  9. Many-Valued And Fuzzy Logic Systems From The Viewpoint Of Classical Logic.Ekrem Sefa Gül - 2018 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 4 (2):624 - 657.
    The thesis that the two-valued system of classical logic is insufficient to explanation the various intermediate situations in the entity, has led to the development of many-valued and fuzzy logic systems. These systems suggest that this limitation is incorrect. They oppose the law of excluded middle (tertium non datur) which is one of the basic principles of classical logic, and even principle of non-contradiction and argue that is not an obstacle for things both to exist and to not exist (...)
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  10. Hypersequents and the proof theory of intuitionistic fuzzy logic.Matthias Baaz & Richard Zach - 2000 - In Clote Peter G. & Schwichtenberg Helmut, Computer Science Logic. 14th International Workshop, CSL 2000. Springer. pp. 187– 201.
    Takeuti and Titani have introduced and investigated a logic they called intuitionistic fuzzy logic. This logic is characterized as the first-order Gödel logic based on the truth value set [0,1]. The logic is known to be axiomatizable, but no deduction system amenable to proof-theoretic, and hence, computational treatment, has been known. Such a system is presented here, based on previous work on hypersequent calculi for propositional Gödel logics by Avron. It is shown that the system is sound and complete, (...)
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  11. Performance Investigation of AC Servomotor Position Control using Fuzzy Logic and Observer Based Controllers.Mustefa Jibril, Mesay Tadesse & Elias Alemayehu - 2021 - Report and Opinion Journal 13 (1):1-5.
    An AC servomotor which is mostly a two-phase induction motor with two stator field coils placed 90 electrical degrees apart used for controlling position, speed and acceleration in manufacturing industries. In this paper, a two-phase induction motor has been designed with a fuzzy logic and observer based controllers to improve the performance of the system. Comparison of the AC servomotor with the proposed controllers for tracking a step and a square desired position signal input has been done using Matlab/Simulink (...)
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  12. Self-reference and Chaos in Fuzzy Logic.Patrick Grim - 1993 - IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 1:237-253.
    The purpose of this paper is to open for investigation a range of phenomena familiar from dynamical systems or chaos theory which appear in a simple fuzzy logic with the introduction of self-reference. Within that logic, self-referential sentences exhibit properties of fixed point attractors, fixed point repellers, and full chaos on the [0, 1] interval. Strange attractors and fractals appear in two dimensions in the graphing of pairs of mutually referential sentences and appear in three dimensions in the graphing (...)
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  13. Medical Diagnosis via Refined Neutrosophic Fuzzy Logic: Detection of Illness using Neutrosophic Sets.Florentin Smarandache, K. Hemabala & B. Srinivasa Kumar - 2023 - Journal of Advanced Zoology 44.
    The objective of the paper is to implement and validate diagnosis in the medical field via refined neutrosophic fuzzy logic (RNFL). As such, we have proposed a Max-Min composition (MMC) method in RNFL. This method deals with the diagnosis under certain constraints like uncertainty and indeterminacy. Further, we have considered the diagnosis problems to validate the sensitivity analysis of the novel multi attribute decision-making technique. Finally, we gave the graphical representations and compared the obtained results with other existing measures (...)
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  14. Application of Fuzzy Logic in Design of an Aesthetics-Based Interactive Architectural Space.Mihai Nadin - 2018 - International Journal of Applied Research on Information Technology and Computing 9 (2):113-134.
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  15. Syntactic characterizations of first-order structures in mathematical fuzzy logic.Guillermo Badia, Pilar Dellunde, Vicent Costa & Carles Noguera - forthcoming - Soft Computing.
    This paper is a contribution to graded model theory, in the context of mathematical fuzzy logic. We study characterizations of classes of graded structures in terms of the syntactic form of their first-order axiomatization. We focus on classes given by universal and universal-existential sentences. In particular, we prove two amalgamation results using the technique of diagrams in the setting of structures valued on a finite MTL-algebra, from which analogues of the Łoś–Tarski and the Chang–Łoś–Suszko preservation theorems follow.
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  16. Review of Susan Haack, Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic: Beyond the Formalism[REVIEW]Achille C. Varzi - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (3):468-471.
    Book information: Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic: Beyond The Formalism. By SUSAN HAACK. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1996. Pp. xxvi, 291.
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  17. Comparison of DC motor speed control performance using fuzzy logic and model predictive control method.Mustefa Jibril - 2020 - International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science 2 (4):141-145.
    The main target of this paper is to control the speed of DC motor by comparing the actual and the desired speed set point. The DC motor is designed using Fuzzy logic and MPC controllers. The comparison is made between the proposed controllers for the control target speed of the DC motor using square and white noise desired input signals with the help of Matlab/Simulink software. It has been realized that the design based on the fuzzy logic controller (...)
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  18. Concepts and Fuzzy Logic. (review article). [REVIEW]Mihai Nadin - 2012 - International Journal of General Systems 41 (8):860-867.
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  19. Fuzzy time”, a Solution of Unexpected Hanging Paradox (a Fuzzy interpretation of Quantum Mechanics).Farzad Didehvar - manuscript
    Although Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy Mathematics is a widespread subject and there is a vast literature about it, yet the use of Fuzzy issues like Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy numbers was relatively rare in time concept. This could be seen in the Fuzzy time series. In addition, some attempts are done in fuzzing Turing Machines but seemingly there is no need to fuzzy time. Throughout this article, we try to change this picture and (...)
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  20. Fuzzy Networks for Modeling Shared Semantic Knowledge.Farshad Badie & Luis M. Augusto - 2023 - Journal of Artificial General Intelligence 14 (1):1-14.
    Shared conceptualization, in the sense we take it here, is as recent a notion as the Semantic Web, but its relevance for a large variety of fields requires efficient methods of extraction and representation for both quantitative and qualitative data. This notion is particularly relevant for the investigation into, and construction of, semantic structures such as knowledge bases and taxonomies, but given the required large, often inaccurate, corpora available for search we can get only approximations. We see fuzzy description (...)
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  21. Two Adaptive Logics of Norm-Propositions.Mathieu Beirlaen & Christian Straßer - 2013 - Journal of Applied Logic 11 (2):147-168.
    We present two defeasible logics of norm-propositions (statements about norms) that (i) consistently allow for the possibility of normative gaps and normative conflicts, and (ii) map each premise set to a sufficiently rich consequence set. In order to meet (i), we define the logic LNP, a conflict- and gap-tolerant logic of norm-propositions capable of formalizing both normative conflicts and normative gaps within the object language. Next, we strengthen LNP within the adaptive logic framework for non-monotonic reasoning in order to (...)
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  22. Fuzzy and more. Implementing a logic calculator for comparing philosophical theories of vagueness using Structured Query Language. Part 1.Marian Călborean - manuscript
    I aim to develop a tool for comparing theories of vagueness, using Structured Query Language. Relevant SQL snippets will be used throughout.
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  23. Fuzzy R Systems and Algebraic Routley-Meyer Semantics.Eunsuk Yang - 2022 - Korean Journal of Logic 25 (3):313-332.
    Here algebraic Routley-Meyer semantics is addressed for two fuzzy versions of the logic of relevant implication R. To this end, two versions R t and R T of R and their fuzzy extensions FRt and FRT , respectively, are first discussed together with their algebraic semantics. Next algebraic Routley-Meyer semantics for these two fuzzy extensions is introduced. Finally, it is verified that these logics are sound and complete over the semantics.
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  24. Relational Semantics for Fuzzy Extensions of R : Set-theoretic Approach.Eunsuk Yang - 2023 - Korean Journal of Logic 26 (1):77-93.
    This paper addresses a set-theoretic completeness based on a relational semantics for fuzzy extensions of two versions Rt and R T of R (Relevance logic). To this end, two fuzzy logics FRt and FRT as extensions of Rt and R T, respectively, and the relational semantics, so called Routley-Meyer semantics, for them are first recalled. Next, on the semantics completeness results are provided for them using a set-theoretic way.
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  25. The logic of metabolism and its fuzzy consequences.A. Danchin - 2014 - Environmental Microbiology 16 (1):19-28.
    Intermediary metabolism molecules are orchestrated into logical pathways stemming from history (L-amino acids, D-sugars) and dynamic constraints (hydrolysis of pyrophosphate or amide groups is the driving force of anabolism). Beside essential metabolites, numerous variants derive from programmed or accidental changes. Broken down, variants enter standard pathways, producing further variants. Macromolecule modification alters enzyme reactions specificity. Metabolism conform thermodynamic laws, precluding strict accuracy. Hence, for each regular pathway, a wealth of variants inputs and produces metabolites that are similar to but not (...)
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  26. Fuzziness and the sorites paradox.Marcelo Vasconez - 2006 - Dissertation, Catholic University of Louvain
    The dissertation has two parts, each dealing with a problem, namely: 1) What is the most adequate account of fuzziness -the so-called phenomenon of vagueness?, and 2) what is the most plausible solution to the sorites, or heap paradox? I will try to show that fuzzy properties are those which are gradual, amenable to be possessed in a greater or smaller extent. Acknowledgement of degrees in the instantiation of a property allows for a gradual transition from one opposite to (...)
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  27. Probabilistic Justification Logic.Joseph Lurie - 2018 - Philosophies 3 (1):2.
    Justification logics are constructive analogues of modal logics. They are often used as epistemic logics, particularly as models of evidentialist justification. However, in this role, justification (and modal) logics are defective insofar as they represent justification with a necessity-like operator, whereas actual evidentialist justification is usually probabilistic. This paper first examines and rejects extant candidates for solving this problem: Milnikel’s Logic of Uncertain Justifications, Ghari’s Hájek–Pavelka-Style Justification Logics and a version of probabilistic justification logic developed by Kokkinis et al. It (...)
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  28. On Fuzziness and Ordinary Reasoning.María G. Navarro - 2013 - Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 216 (463):468.
    In 1685, in The Art of Discovery, Leibniz set down an extraordinary idea: "The only way to rectify our reasonings is to make them as tangible as those of the Mathematicians, so that we can find our error at a glance, and when there are disputes among persons, we can simply say: Let us calculate [calculemus], without further ado, to see who is right." Calculemus.
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  29. 4. Contradictorial Gradualism Vs. Discontinuism: Two Views On Fuzziness And The Transition Problem.Marcelo VÁsconez - 2006 - Logique Et Analyse 49 (195).
    The dissertation has two parts, each dealing with a problem, namely: 1) What is the most adequate account of fuzziness -the so-called phenomenon of vagueness?, and 2) what is the most plausible solution to the sorites, or heap paradox? I will try to show that fuzzy properties are those which are gradual, amenable to be possessed in a greater or smaller extent. Acknowledgement of degrees in the instantiation of a property allows for a gradual transition from one opposite to (...)
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  30. About Fuzzy time-Particle interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (it is not an innocent one!) version one.Farzad Didehvar - manuscript
    The major point in [1] chapter 2 is the following claim: “Any formalized system for the Theory of Computation based on Classical Logic and Turing Model of Computation leads us to a contradiction.” So, in the case we wish to save Classical Logic we should change our Computational Model. As we see in chapter two, the mentioned contradiction is about and around the concept of time, as it is in the contradiction of modified version of paradox. It is natural to (...)
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  31. A simple logic for comparisons and vagueness.Theodore J. Everett - 2000 - Synthese 123 (2):263-278.
    This article provides an intuitive semantic account of a new logic for comparisons (CL), in which atomic statements are assigned both a classical truth-value and a “how much” value or extension in the range [0, 1]. The truth-value of each comparison is determined by the extensions of its component sentences; the truth-value of each atomic depends on whether its extension matches a separate standard for its predicate; everything else is computed classically. CL is less radical than Casari’s comparative logics, in (...)
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  32. The Logical Consistency of Simultaneous Agnostic Hypothesis Tests.Julio Michael Stern - 2016 - Entropy 8 (256):1-22.
    Simultaneous hypothesis tests can fail to provide results that meet logical requirements. For example, if A and B are two statements such that A implies B, there exist tests that, based on the same data, reject B but not A. Such outcomes are generally inconvenient to statisticians (who want to communicate the results to practitioners in a simple fashion) and non-statisticians (confused by conflicting pieces of information). Based on this inconvenience, one might want to use tests that satisfy logical requirements. (...)
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  33. Neutrosophic logics: prospects and problems.Umberto Rivieccio - 2008 - Fuzzy Sets and Systems 159 (14):1860-1868.
    Neutrosophy has been introduced some years ago by Florentin Smarandache as a new branch of philosophy dealing with “the origin, nature and scope of neutralities, as well as their interactions with different ideational spectra”. A variety of new theories have been developed on the basic principles of neutrosophy: among them is neutrosophic logics, a family of many-valued systems that can be regarded as a generalization of fuzzy logics. In this paper we present a critical introduction to neutrosophic logics, focusing (...)
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  34. Contextualizing Individual Competencies for Managing the Corporate Social Responsibility Adaptation Process: The Apparent Influence of the Business Case Logic.Martin Mulder, Vincent Blok, Renate Wesselink & Eghe R. Osagie - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (2):369-403.
    Companies committed to corporate social responsibility should ensure that their managers possess the appropriate competencies to effectively manage the CSR adaptation process. The literature provides insights into the individual competencies these managers need but fails to prioritize them and adequately contextualize them in a manner that makes them meaningful in practice. In this study, we contextualized the competencies within the different job roles CSR managers have in the CSR adaptation process. We interviewed 28 CSR managers, followed by a survey to (...)
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  35. Nonlinear Active Suspension System Control using Fuzzy Model Predictive Controller.Mustefa Jibril, Mesay Tadesse & Nurye Hassen - 2021 - Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 16 (9):289-295.
    Recent years, active suspension system has been widely used in automobiles to improve the road holding ability and the riding comfort. This study presents a new fuzzy model predictive control for a nonlinear quarter car active suspension system. A nonlinear dynamical model of active suspension is established, where the nonlinear dynamical characteristic of the spring and damper are considered. Based on the proposed fuzzy model predictive control method is presented to stabilize the displacement of the active suspension in (...)
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  36. Neutrosophic Regular Filters and Fuzzy Regular Filters in Pseudo-BCI Algebras.Xiaohong Zhang, Yingcan Ma & F. Smarandache - 2017 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 17:10-15.
    Neutrosophic set is a new mathematical tool for handling problems involving imprecise, indetermi nacy and inconsistent data. Pseudo-BCI algebra is a kind of non-classical logic algebra in close connection with various non-commutative fuzzy logics. Recently, we applied neutrosophic set theory to pseudo-BCI al gebras. In this paper, we study neutrosophic filters in pseudo-BCI algebras. The concepts of neutrosophic regular filter, neutrosophic closed filter and fuzzy regular filter in pseudo-BCI algebras are introduced, and some basic properties are discussed. Moreover, (...)
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  37. Neutrosophic overset, neutrosophic underset, and neutrosophic offset: similarly for neutrosophic over-/under-/off-logic, probability, and statistics.Florentin Smarandache - 2016 - Brussels: Pons Editions.
    Neutrosophic Over-/Under-/Off-Set and -Logic were defined for the first time by Smarandache in 1995 and published in 2007. They are totally different from other sets/logics/probabilities. He extended the neutrosophic set respectively to Neutrosophic Overset {when some neutrosophic component is > 1}, Neutrosophic Underset {when some neutrosophic component is < 0}, and to Neutrosophic Offset {when some neutrosophic components are off the interval [0, 1], i.e. some neutrosophic component > 1 and other neutrosophic component < 0}. This is no surprise with (...)
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  38. Automating Reasoning with Standpoint Logic via Nested Sequents.Tim Lyon & Lucía Gómez Álvarez - 2018 - In Michael Thielscher, Francesca Toni & Frank Wolter, Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2018). pp. 257-266.
    Standpoint logic is a recently proposed formalism in the context of knowledge integration, which advocates a multi-perspective approach permitting reasoning with a selection of diverse and possibly conflicting standpoints rather than forcing their unification. In this paper, we introduce nested sequent calculi for propositional standpoint logics---proof systems that manipulate trees whose nodes are multisets of formulae---and show how to automate standpoint reasoning by means of non-deterministic proof-search algorithms. To obtain worst-case complexity-optimal proof-search, we introduce a novel technique in the context (...)
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  39. Design of Temperature Control System for Infant Incubator using Auto Tuning Fuzzy-PI Controller. Sumardi, Darjat, Enda Wista Sinuraya & Rahmat Jati Pamungkas - 2019 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 3 (1):1-7.
    Premature birth or low birth weight (LBW) is predictor of infant morbidity and mortality. Generally, infant with premature birth will be treated on incubator device. Incubator must provide stable levels of temperature, relative humidity and oxygen concentration. Temperature on infant incubator must be maintaned around 36°C-38°C. In order to control that, adaptive Fuzzy- PI controller is proposed and implemented on infant incubator’s prototype. This research use DHT11 sensor as sensing element and the control method are actuated by lightbulbs. (...)
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  40. GENERAL SYSTEM THEORY, LIKEQUANTUM SEMANTICS AND FUZZY SETS.Ignazio Licata - 2006 - In G. Minati, Systemics of Emergence. Research and Developement. Springer.
    It is outlined the possibility to extend the quantum formalism in relation to the requirements of the general systems theory. It can be done by using a quantum semantics arising from the deep logical structure of quantum theory. It is so possible taking into account the logical openness relationship between observer and system. We are going to show how considering the truth-values of quantum propositions within the context of the fuzzy sets is here more useful for systemics. In conclusion (...)
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  41. Beyond Negation and Excluded Middle: An exploration to Embrace the Otherness Beyond Classical Logic System and into Neutrosophic Logic.Florentin Smarandache & Victor Christianto - 2023 - Prospects for Applied Mathematics and Data Analysis 2 (2):34-40.
    As part of our small contribution in dialogue toward better peace development and reconciliation studies, and following Toffler & Toffler’s War and Antiwar (1993), the present article delves into a realm of logic beyond the traditional confines of negation and the excluded middle principle, exploring the nuances of "Otherness" that transcend classical and Nagatomo logics. Departing from the foundational premises of classical Aristotelian logic systems, this exploration ventures into alternative realms of reasoning, specifically examining Neutrosophic Logic and Klein bottle logic (...)
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  42. Hedges: A study in meaning criteria and the logic of fuzzy concepts. [REVIEW]George Lakoff - 1973 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 2 (4):458 - 508.
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  43. Stable adaptive strategy of Homo sapiens. Biopolitical alternatives. God problem. (in Russian).Valentin Cheshko (ed.) - 2012 - "INGEK".
    Mechanisms to ensure the integrity of the system stable evolutionary strategy Homo sapiens – genetic and cultural coevolution techno-cultural balance – are analyzed. оe main content of the study can be summarized in the following the- ses: stable adaptive strategy of Homo sapiens includes superposition of three basic types (biological, cultural and technological) of adaptations, the integrity of the system provides by two coevolutionary ligament its elements – the genetic-cultural coevolution and techno-cultural balance, the system takes as result of (...)
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    Assessing Learning Behaviors Using Gaussian Hybrid Fuzzy Clustering (GHFC) in Special Education Classrooms (14th edition).DrR. Elankavi DrR. Udayakumar, Muhammad Abul Kalam, DrR. Sugumar - 2023 - Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications (Jowua) 14 (1):118-125.
    The article suggests an unsupervised model for featuring student’s learning patterns in an open-ended learning scenario. The article proceeds by generating powerful metrics to characterize the learner’s behavior and efficacy through Coherence investigation. Then, the selected features are combined through a Gaussian Hybrid Fuzzy Clustering (GHFC) that categorizes students based on their learning patterns. The proposed system features the essential behaviors of every group and associate the behaviors with ability to develop right models to gauge the learning gains between (...)
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  45. Type-2 Fuzzy Sets and Newton’s Fuzzy Potential in an Algorithm of Classification Objects of a Conceptual Space.Adrianna Jagiełło, Piotr Lisowski & Roman Urban - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (3):389-408.
    This paper deals with Gärdenfors’ theory of conceptual spaces. Let \({\mathcal {S}}\) be a conceptual space consisting of 2-type fuzzy sets equipped with several kinds of metrics. Let a finite set of prototypes \(\tilde{P}_1,\ldots,\tilde{P}_n\in \mathcal {S}\) be given. Our main result is the construction of a classification algorithm. That is, given an element \({\tilde{A}}\in \mathcal {S},\) our algorithm classifies it into the conceptual field determined by one of the given prototypes \(\tilde{P}_i.\) The construction of our algorithm uses some physical (...)
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  46. Advancing Uncertain Combinatorics through Graphization, Hyperization, and Uncertainization: Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, Soft, Rough, and Beyond. Second volume.Takaaki Fujita & Florentin Smarandache - 2024
    The second volume of “Advancing Uncertain Combinatorics through Graphization, Hyperization, and Uncertainization: Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, Soft, Rough, and Beyond” presents a deep exploration of the progress in uncertain combinatorics through innovative methodologies like graphization, hyperization, and uncertainization. This volume integrates foundational concepts from fuzzy, neutrosophic, soft, and rough set theory, among others, to further advance the field. Combinatorics and set theory, two central pillars of mathematics, focus on counting, arrangement, and the study of collections under defined rules. Combinatorics excels (...)
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  47. Introduction to Plithogenic Logic as generalization of MultiVariate Logic.Florentin Smarandache - 2021 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 45 (1):1-7.
    A Plithogenic Logical proposition P is a proposition that is characterized by many degrees of truth-values with respect to many corresponding attribute-values (or random variables) that characterize P. Each degree of truth-value may be classical, fuzzy, intuitionistic fuzzy, neutrosophic, or other fuzzy extension type logic. At the end, a cumulative truth of P is computed.
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  48. Advancing Uncertain Combinatorics through Graphization, Hyperization, and Uncertainization: Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, Soft, Rough, and Beyond. Third volume.Florentin Smarandache - 2024
    The third volume of “Advancing Uncertain Combinatorics through Graphization, Hyperization, and Uncertainization: Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, Soft, Rough, and Beyond” presents an in-depth exploration of the cutting-edge developments in uncertain combinatorics and set theory. This comprehensive collection highlights innovative methodologies such as graphization, hyperization, and uncertainization, which enhance combinatorics by incorporating foundational concepts from fuzzy, neutrosophic, soft, and rough set theories. These advancements open new mathematical horizons, offering novel approaches to managing uncertainty within complex systems. Combinatorics, a discipline focused on (...)
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  49. Logical information and epistemic space.Mark Jago - 2009 - Synthese 167 (2):327 - 341.
    Gaining information can be modelled as a narrowing of epistemic space . Intuitively, becoming informed that such-and-such is the case rules out certain scenarios or would-be possibilities. Chalmers’s account of epistemic space treats it as a space of a priori possibility and so has trouble in dealing with the information which we intuitively feel can be gained from logical inference. I propose a more inclusive notion of epistemic space, based on Priest’s notion of open worlds yet which contains only those (...)
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  50. A Logic for Reasoning about Group Norms.Daniele Porello - 2018 - In Jan M. Broersen, Gabriella Pigozzi, Cleo Condoravdi & Shyam Nair, Deontic Logic and Normative Systems - 14th International Conference, {DEON} 2018, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 3-6, 2018. pp. 301--315.
    We present a number of modal logics to reason about group norms. As a preliminary step, we discuss the ontological status of the group to which the norms are applied, by adapting the classification made by Christian List of collective attitudes into aggregated, common, and corporate attitudes. Accordingly, we shall introduce modality to capture aggregated, common, and corporate group norms. We investigate then the principles for reasoning about those types of modalities. Finally, we discuss the relationship between group norms and (...)
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