Results for 'Triple entrada'

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  1. Blockchain dando respuesta a la contabilidad y la contabilidad dando respuesta a blockchain.Flavia M. Fernandez, Martín Núñez, Gabriel Budiño & Carolina Asuaga - 2021 - Dissertation, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Uba)
    The 21st century is undergoing an unprecedented productivity shift due to the use of disruptive technologies, including artificial intelligence, cloud computing, blockchain, big data, robotics, and augmented reality, among others. The use of these technologies is expanding across all sectors of the economy, blurring the boundaries between different activities, and digital systems are permeating them, leading to a reevaluation of knowledge and techniques in various fields of study. Accounting is not exempt from this reality, and blockchain technology is emerging as (...)
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  2. Triple-Aspect Monism and the Ontology of Quantum Particles.Gilbert B. Côté - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (4):451.
    An analysis of the physical implications of abstractness reveals the reality of three interconnected modes of existence: abstract, virtual and concrete, corresponding in physics to information, energy and matter. This triple-aspect monism clarifies the ontological status of subatomic quantum particles. It also provides a non-spooky solution to the weirdness of quantum physics and a new outlook for the mind-body problem. The ontological implications are profound for both physics and philosophy.
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  3. Triple definition or explanation of consciousness.Xinyan Zhang - manuscript
    The author argues that consciousness, just like matter and energy, space and time, life and self, knowledge and intelligence, and language and meaning, may never be defined or explained fundamentally or comprehensively as entities or their properties. As an alternative, the author created a theoretical mind with matter, energy, and lives as its components, and with all its components defined as changes. Based on the relationships among these three components, a triple definition or explanation of consciousness is reached: • (...)
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  4. Would Adopting Triple-Blind Review Increase Female Authorship in Interdisciplinary Journals? A Comment on Hassoun et al.Joona Räsänen & Julian Savulescu - 2024 - Ethics 135 (2):333-336.
    In the article “The Past 110 Years: Historical Data on the Underrepresentation of Women in Philosophy Journals,” Hassoun et al. claim that there is a connection between triple anonymous review and the proportion of women authors in interdisciplinary journals. However, the sample size of interdisciplinary journals using triple-blind review practice in the analysis is 1. In addition, the sole interdisciplinary journal claimed to be triple-blind, the Journal of Medical Ethics, is not and has not been triple-blind. (...)
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    (1 other version)La triple dinámica: educación, ética y estética.José Emilio Silvaje Aparisi - 2018 - In Adela Cortina Orts & Domingo García Marzá (eds.), Ética y filosofía política: homenaje a Adela Cortina. Madrid: Editorial Tecnos. pp. 132-138.
    The importance of this article for society lies in its exploration of the intersection between ethics and aesthetics as a foundation for quality education. In today's rapidly evolving and complex world, there is a pressing need to cultivate individuals who are not only knowledgeable but also ethically conscious and culturally sensitive. By integrating ethical and aesthetic considerations into educational practices, this article advocates for a holistic approach that fosters the full development of human personality and promotes a culture of peace. (...)
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  6. A Note on Triple Repetition Sequence of Domination Number in Graphs.Leomarich Casinillo, Emily Casinillo & Lanndon Ocampo - 2022 - Inprime: Indonesian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 4 (2):72-81.
    A set D subset of V(G) is a dominating set of a graph G if for all x ϵ V(G)\D, for some y ϵ D such that xy ϵ E(G). A dominating set D subset of V(G) is called a connected dominating set of a graph G if the subgraph <D> induced by D is connected. A connected domination number of G, denoted by γ_c(G), is the minimum cardinality of a connected dominating set D. The triple repetition sequence denoted (...)
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  7. Triple definition of complexity.Xinyan Zhang - manuscript
    Complexity may not be defined or explained with entities and properties. Instead, a system is proposed ontologically, epistemologically, and semantically as the definition or explanation in this paper, with matter, energy and lives as its components, and with all its components defined as changes, which might improve upon our prediction in/with complexity. -/- .
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  8. Conceptualising the structure of the biophysical organising principle: Triple-aspect-theory of being.Joseph Naimo - 2012 - In Patricia Hanna (ed.), An Anthology of Philosophical Studies Vol. VI,. ATINER. pp. 121-132.
    When examining the human being as a conscious being, we are still to arrive at an understanding of, firstly, the conditions required whereby physical processes give rise to consciousness and secondly, how consciousness is something fundamental to life as an intrinsic part of nature. Humans are complex organisms with myriad interacting systems whereby the convergence of the activities toward the support and development of the whole organism requires a high level of organisation. Though what accounts for the dynamic unity of (...)
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    Sobre la triple raíz del argumento comunitarista y su crítica al contractualismo.Carlos Eduardo de Tavira - 2024 - Stoa. Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía 15 (30):85-108.
    El presente artículo analiza los principales argumentos de la reacción comunitarista frente al liberalismo, debido a su enfoque individualista y su defensa del modelo contractual. Se destaca la presencia de una triple raíz que se hunde hasta la filosofía política de Aristóteles, Hegel y Marx. Finalmente, se analizarán los l ́ımites dela frontera entre ambas comprensiones de la política, as ́ı como los riesgos en que incurren las democracias modernas al omitir la presencia del libertarismo como ideología depositaria de (...)
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  10. The philosophical implications of the loophole-free violation of Bell’s inequality: Quantum entanglement, timelessness, triple-aspect monism, mathematical Platonism and scientific morality.Gilbert B. Côté - manuscript
    The demonstration of a loophole-free violation of Bell's inequality by Hensen et al. (2015) leads to the inescapable conclusion that timelessness and abstractness exist alongside space-time. This finding is in full agreement with the triple-aspect monism of reality, with mathematical Platonism, free will and the eventual emergence of a scientific morality.
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  11. Note on Triple Aboodh Transform and Its Application.T. ÖZIS S. Alfaqeih - 2019 - IJEAIS 3 (3):1-7.
    Abstract— In this paper, we introduce the definition of triple Aboodh transform, some properties for the transform are presented. Furthermore, several theorems dealing with the properties of the triple Aboodh transform are proved. In addition, we use this transform to solve partial differential equations with integer and non-integer orders.
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  12. (1 other version)Comparison of a Triple Inverted Pendulum Stabilization using Optimal Control Technique.Mustefa Jibril, Messay Tadese & Eliyas Alemayehu - 2020 - Report and Opinion Journal 12 (10):62-70.
    In this paper, modelling design and analysis of a triple inverted pendulum have been done using Matlab/Script toolbox. Since a triple inverted pendulum is highly nonlinear, strongly unstable without using feedback control system. In this paper an optimal control method means a linear quadratic regulator and pole placement controllers are used to stabilize the triple inverted pendulum upside. The impulse response simulation of the open loop system shows us that the pendulum is unstable. The comparison of the (...)
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  13. Note on Fractional Triple Aboodh Transform and Its Properties.S. Alfaqeih & T.ÖZIS - 2019 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 3 (5):34-37.
    Abstract: In this paper, the definition of triple Aboodh transform of fractional order α, where α ϵ [0, 1], is introduced for functions which are fractional differentiable. We also present several properties of this transform. Furthermore, some main theorems and their proofs are discussed.
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  14. El nuevo horizonte constitucional para la Unión Europea: a propósito de la entrada en vigor del Tratado de Lisboa y la Carta de Derechos Fundamentales.Joaquin Sarrión - 2011 - Ceflegal. Revista Práctica de Derecho 121:53-102.
    Con la entrada en vigor del Tratado de Lisboa, la Carta de Derechos Fundamentales adquiere eficacia jurídica, y se prevé la posibilidad de que la Unión Europea se adhiera al Convenio de Roma. En este trabajo pretendemos acercarnos a los antecedentes que han justificado una huída de la tutela de los derechos fundamentales de base jurisprudencial desarrollada por el Tribunal de Justicia hacia una formalización de la misma, a través de dos caminos: la formalización a través de una declaración (...)
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  15. Enactivism and Cognitive Science: Triple Review of J. Stewart, O. Gapenne, and E. A. Di Paolo (eds.), Enaction: Towards a New Paradigm for Cognitive Science; Anthony Chemero, Radical Embodied Cognitive Science; and Mark Rowlands, The New Science of the Mind”. [REVIEW]Robert D. Rupert - 2016 - Mind 125 (497):209-228.
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  16. Elementos de una filosofía realista-personalista: Método fenomenológico con seguimiento iterativo triple.Maria Teresa Pringle - 2014 - Academia.Edu.
    Abstracto: Notas introductorias a la fenomenología realista de la persona, fundada en el seguimiento del saber del corazón y de la voluntad además del intelecto. Se presenta un método iterativo triple de seguimiento filosófico que corresponde con las facultades humanas y la vida intencional. Sentido trascendente de la verdad, valor y virtud y visión espiritual de la persona. Escrito inspirado en la filosofía de von Hildebrand.
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  17. Las crónicas de Narnia: Puerta de entrada al universo literario de C.S. lewis.Leopoldo Cervantes-Ortiz - 2006 - Teología y Cultura:1-7.
    Reseña introductoria para una interpretación teológica de la obra literaria de C.S. Lewis.
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  18. The Incarnation of the Free Spirits in Nietzsche: A Continuum of the Triple Dialectic.Alexis Deodato S. Itao - 2018 - Kritike 12 (1):250-276.
    Most studies on Nietzsche seldom associate him with the dialectic method. We readily think of Socrates, Hegel, and Marx when we hear of dialectic, but very rarely, if at all, of Nietzsche. To date, very few studies on Nietzsche have claimed that one of the German philosopher's underpinning philosophical methodologies in his literary oeuvre is the dialectic. This paper thus intends to show that Nietzsche has been employing the dialectic throughout his writings, especially in his treatment of the "free spirits"-a (...)
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  19. O Sacerdócio como vocação: Motivos de entrada no Seminário.Eduardo Duque & Cícero Pereira - 2015 - Theologica 50 (1):63-83.
    English: We analyzed the motivations that Catholic seminarians in Portugal evoke as important factors for their decision to follow the priesthood. We proposed working hypotheses according to which the speech of seminarians could reflect both the influence of classical religious socialization, agents like family and the parish community, as well as more subjective elements related to the idea of a vocation to the priesthood. The results indicated the presence of these factors and showed that the reasons related to the priestly (...)
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  20. [Review] La triple raíz de la posverdad. [REVIEW]Pablo Vera Vega - 2021 - Laguna: Revista de Filosofía 48:98 - 100.
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  21. Some Results on a Generalized Version of Congruent Numbers.Leomarich Casinillo & Emily Casinillo - 2021 - Inprime: Indonesian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 3 (1):1-6.
    This paper aims to construct a new formula that generates a generalized version of congruent numbers based on a generalized version of Pythagorean triples. Here, an elliptic curve equation is constructed from the derived generalized version of Pythagorean triples and congruent numbers and gives some new results.
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  22. Imaginação.Fiora Salis - 2014 - Compêndio Em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica.
    Nesta entrada irei apresentar uma nova taxonomia sistemática das nossas capacidades imaginativas, coerente com os tratamentos convencionais em ciência cognitiva, filosofia da mente e estética. Em particular, irei distinguir entre a imaginação não-proposicional e a imaginação proposicional, o que inclui ainda outras subvariedades, como a imaginação objectual, a imagética, a imaginação experiencial, a suposição, o faz-de-conta e outras.
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  23. O "Eu", a Autoria e os Vlogs: Formas Históricas do poder-dizer.Guilherme Adorno - 2015 - Anais Do SEAD 7:1-9.
    Uma entrada produtiva para explorar o funcionamento discursivo das textualidades digitais é o modo como a autoria se relaciona com a inscrição político-ideológica do sujeito, historizando o discurso em suas diferentes materialidades significantes2. Para este trabalho, trago compreensões sobre os vlogs (videologs) que circulam e são produzidos para a plataforma YouTube. Nos vlogs, a tomada de posição de um “eu”, no efeito de falar diretamente para a câmera e assumindo o “falar sobre” (a vida pessoal, fatos cotidianos, comentários sobre (...)
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  24. Filosofía de la Física Estadística y la Termodinámica.Aldo Filomeno - forthcoming - Enciclopedia de la Sociedad Española de Filosofía Analítica.
    En esta entrada se mencionan las principales cuestiones en los fundamentos de la mecánica estadı́stica y la termodinámica, y las cuestiones filosóficas en las que repercuten estas áreas de la fı́sica. Al final se añaden lecturas recomendadas, enfatizando las traducidas al español.
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    Enciclopédia Mulheres na Filosofia: verbete Catharine Trotter Cockburn / Encyclopedia Women in Philosophy: Catharine Trotter Cockburn entry.Sofia Calvente - 2024 - Enciclopédia Mulheres Na Filosofía (Https://Www.Blogs.Unicamp.Br/Mulheresnafilosofia/).
    Esta es la entrada que preparé sobre Catharine Trotter Cockburn para la Enciclopédia Mulheres na Filosofía, de la Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Brasil). Es un panorama general de su vida y obra filosófica. This is the entry I wrote on Catharine Trotter Cockburn for the Encyclopedia Women in Philosophy, hosted by Campinas State University (Brasil). It presents an overview of her life and philosophical work.
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    El análisis de H. Marcuse en torno a la transición del existencialismo filosófico a existencialismo político en el realismo heroico.Jordi Magnet Colomer - 2018 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 21 (2):321-332.
    Coincidiendo con su entrada como miembro del equipo de trabajo del Institut für Sozialforschung, Herbert Marcuse comienza a desarrollar una teoría materialista de la sociedad alejada del heideggerianismo de su juventud. Durante el período comprendido entre 1933 y 1936, el autor berlinés escribe una serie de artículos cuestionando la deriva política de la filosofía existencial en Alemania. En ellos se confronta con las versiones vulgarizadas de la Lebensphilosophie y de la fenomenología -encabezadas por Heidegger- que proveyeron una suerte de (...)
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  27. Ciencia de la computación y filosofía: unidades de análisis del software.Juan Manuel Durán - 2018 - Principia 22 (2):203-227.
    Una imagen muy generalizada a la hora de entender el software de computador es la que lo representa como una “caja negra”: no importa realmente saber qué partes lo componen internamente, sino qué resultados se obtienen de él según ciertos valores de entrada. Al hacer esto, muchos problemas filosóficos son ocultados, negados o simplemente mal entendidos. Este artículo discute tres unidades de análisis del software de computador, esto es, las especificaciones, los algoritmos y los procesos computacionales. El objetivo central (...)
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  28. Epistemologia da Percepção.Eros Carvalho - 2022 - In Rogel Esteves de Oliveira, Kátia Martins Etcheverry, Tiegue Vieira Rodrigues & Carlos Augusto Sartori (eds.), Compêndio de Epistemologia. Editora Fi. pp. 268-286.
    Tomamos como certo que os nossos sentidos nos colocam em contato com o ambiente ao nosso redor. Enquanto caminhamos em uma rua, vemos obstáculos que temos de contornar ou remover. Mesmo de costas, podemos ouvir a bicicleta que se aproxima e dar passagem. Em suma, por meio de experiências perceptivas (visuais, auditivas, olfativas etc.), ficamos conscientes de objetos ou eventos que estejam ocorrendo ao nosso redor. Além disso, com base no que percebemos, podemos formar e manter crenças acerca do ambiente (...)
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  29. Construção Social.Teresa Marques - 2015 - Compêndio Em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica.
    A ideia de que certas categorias, propriedades, eventos, ou factos, são construídos socialmente tem sido defendida nas ciências sociais e humanidades desde meados do século xx. Nas últimas décadas, vários filósofos da tradição analítica começaram a dedicar mais atenção à possibilidade de que haja tipos de coisas construídas socialmente. A ideia complementa outra ideia relativamente consensual hoje em dia: a de que existem tipos naturais, mas que nem tudo o que existe constitui um tipo natural. São particularmente interessantes os tipos (...)
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  30. A ordem do discurso de Michel Foucault: 50 anos de uma obra que revelou o jogo da rarefação dos sujeitos e a microfísica dos discursos (19th edition).Alex Pereira de Araújo - 2020 - Unidad Sociológica 5:14-23.
    Este ensaio celebra as cinco décadas da publicação do livro A ordem do discurso de Michel Foucault, realizando uma reflexão acerca de sua repercussão entre as ciências sociais e sobre seus usos, principalmente, no campo da linguagem na parte relacionada à análise do discurso de linha francesa. Portanto, trata-se de uma retrospectiva crítica cuja análise começa com a entrevista que Foucault concedeu algumas semanas antes de proferir esta aula aos brasileiros Sergio Paulo Rouanet e José Guilherme Merquior. Em seguida, o (...)
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  31. Argument maps improve critical thinking.Charles Twardy - 2004 - Teaching Philosophy 27 (2):95--116.
    Computer-based argument mapping greatly enhances student critical thinking, more than tripling absolute gains made by other methods. I describe the method and my experience as an outsider. Argument mapping often showed precisely how students were erring (for example: confusing helping premises for separate reasons), making it much easier for them to fix their errors.
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  32. Probability and quantum foundation.Han Geurdes - manuscript
    A classical probabilistics explanation for a typical quantum effect in Hardy's paradox is demonstrated.
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  33. The Space Object Ontology.Alexander P. Cox, Christopher Nebelecky, Ronald Rudnicki, William Tagliaferri, John L. Crassidis & Barry Smith - 2016 - In Alexander P. Cox, Christopher Nebelecky, Ronald Rudnicki, William Tagliaferri, John L. Crassidis & Barry Smith (eds.), 19th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2016). IEEE.
    Achieving space domain awareness requires the identification, characterization, and tracking of space objects. Storing and leveraging associated space object data for purposes such as hostile threat assessment, object identification, and collision prediction and avoidance present further challenges. Space objects are characterized according to a variety of parameters including their identifiers, design specifications, components, subsystems, capabilities, vulnerabilities, origins, missions, orbital elements, patterns of life, processes, operational statuses, and associated persons, organizations, or nations. The Space Object Ontology provides a consensus-based realist framework (...)
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  34. When journal editors play favorites.Remco Heesen - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (4):831-858.
    Should editors of scientific journals practice triple-anonymous reviewing? I consider two arguments in favor. The first says that insofar as editors’ decisions are affected by information they would not have had under triple-anonymous review, an injustice is committed against certain authors. I show that even well-meaning editors would commit this wrong and I endorse this argument. The second argument says that insofar as editors’ decisions are affected by information they would not have had under triple-anonymous review, it (...)
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  35. The Second-Person Standpoint in Law and Morality.Herlinde Pauer-Studer - 2014 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 90 (1):1-3.
    The papers of this special issue are the outcome of a two-­‐day conference entitled “The Second-­‐Person Standpoint in Law and Morality,” that took place at the University of Vienna in March 2013 and was organized by the ERC Advanced Research Grant “Distortions of Normativity.” -/- The aim of the conference was to explore and discuss Stephen Darwall’s innovative and influential second-­‐personal account of foundational moral concepts such as „obligation“, „responsibility“, and „rights“, as developed in his book The Second-­‐Person Standpoint: Morality, (...)
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  36. Populismo.Rubén Marciel - 2024 - Enciclopedia de la Sociedad Española de Filosofía Analítica.
    Aunque el populismo es uno de los conceptos políticos más empleados en nuestra época, suele decirse que también es uno de los más escasamente comprendidos (Taggart 2002, 62), y hay incluso quien cree que está rodeado de un “completo caos conceptual” (Müller 2016, 11). También hay quien ha intentado clasificar diferentes aproximaciones al populismo (véase especialmente Taggart 2000, 10-22; también Panizza 2005, 2-3; Rovira Kaltwasser 2012, 186-96; Weyland 2017, 51-55). Sin embargo, lo cierto es que el principal consenso académico sobre (...)
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  37. The Block Universe: A Philosophical Investigation in Four Dimensions.Pieter Thyssen - 2020 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to closely explore the nature of Einstein’s block universe and to tease out its implications for the nature of time and human freedom. Four questions, in particular, are central to this dissertation, and set out the four dimensions of this philosophical investigation: (1) Does the block universe view of time follow inevitably from the theory of special relativity? (2) Is there room for the passage of time in the block universe? (3) Can we (...)
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  38. Naturalness, Arbitrariness, and Serious Ontology.A. R. J. Fisher - 2022 - In Helen Beebee & A. R. J. Fisher (eds.), Perspectives on the Philosophy of David K. Lewis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 134-53.
    David Lewis is typically interpreted as a class nominalist. One consequence of class nominalism, which he embraced, is that the reduction of ordered pairs, triples, etc to unordered sets of sets is conventional. The reaction by his Australian counterparts D.M. Armstrong and Peter Forrest was that Lewis was not being ontologically serious. This chapter evaluates this debate over serious ontology. It is argued that in one sense Lewis is ontologically serious, but that his additional commitment to structuralism about classes should (...)
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  39. Nota: ¿CUÁL ES EL CARDINAL DEL CONJUNTO DE LOS NÚMEROS REALES?Franklin Galindo - manuscript
    ¿Qué ha pasado con el problema del cardinal del continuo después de Gödel (1938) y Cohen (1964)? Intentos de responder esta pregunta pueden encontrarse en los artículos de José Alfredo Amor (1946-2011), "El Problema del continuo después de Cohen (1964-2004)", de Carlos Di Prisco , "Are we closer to a solution of the continuum problem", y de Joan Bagaria, "Natural axioms of set and the continuum problem" , que se pueden encontrar en la biblioteca digital de mi blog de Lógica (...)
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  40. The Space Domain Ontologies.Alexander P. Cox, C. K. Nebelecky, R. Rudnicki, W. A. Tagliaferri, J. L. Crassidis & B. Smith - 2021 - In Alexander P. Cox, C. K. Nebelecky, R. Rudnicki, W. A. Tagliaferri, J. L. Crassidis & B. Smith (eds.), National Symposium on Sensor & Data Fusion Committee.
    Achieving space situational awareness requires, at a minimum, the identification, characterization, and tracking of space objects. Leveraging the resultant space object data for purposes such as hostile threat assessment, object identification, and conjunction assessment presents major challenges. This is in part because in characterizing space objects we reference a variety of identifiers, components, subsystems, capabilities, vulnerabilities, origins, missions, orbital elements, patterns of life, operational processes, operational statuses, and so forth, which tend to be defined in highly heterogeneous and sometimes inconsistent (...)
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  41. Events, their names, and their synchronic structure.Nicola Guarino, Riccardo Baratella & Giancarlo Guizzardi - 2022 - Applied ontology 17 (2):249-283.
    We present in this paper a novel ontological theory of events whose central tenet is the Aristotelian distinction between the object that changes and the actual subject of change, which is what we call an individual quality. While in the Kimian tradition events are individuated by a triple ⟨ o, P, t ⟩, where o is an object, P a property, and t an interval of time, for us the simplest events are qualitative changes, individuated by a triple (...)
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  42. The Formal and Real Subsumption of Gender Relations.Elizabeth Portella & Larry Alan Busk - forthcoming - Historical Materialism.
    Attempts to unify Marxist and feminist social critique have been vexed by the fact that ‘patriarchy’ predates the advent of capitalism (its transhistorical status). Feminists within the Marxist, socialist, and materialist traditions have responded to this point by either granting patriarchy a certain autonomy relative to capitalism (the ‘dual/triple systems’ approach), or by suggesting that patriarchal relations have a foundational and necessary status in the history of capitalist development (which we term the ‘origins-subsistence’ approach). This paper offers an alternative (...)
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    Dialèctica, temporalitat i historicitat en els escrits primerencs de H. Marcuse.Jordi Magnet Colomer - 2019 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 62:79-97.
    La interpretación de la dialéctica hegeliana que el joven Marcuse lleva a cabo en sus escritos tempranos «Sobre el problema de la dialéctica I y II» (1930-1931) y «Ontología de Hegel y teoría de la historicidad» (1932) contrarresta las críticas de Heidegger a la dialéctica de Hegel. La lectura de ambos autores también diverge en su comprensión acerca del estatuto y el alcance del fenómeno de la temporalidad en la filosofía hegeliana. Sin embargo, cuando dilucida el concepto de historicidad (Geschichtlichkeit) (...)
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  44. Breve acercamiento a la filosofía de las matemáticas.Rodrigo Andrés Torres - 2020 - Scientia in Verba Magazine 6 (1):133-135.
    En las dos entregas anteriores abordamos el inicio de la evolución del pensamiento matemático, desde el uso de herramientas matemáticas para problemas de cálculo concreto en la antigua Babilonia, pasando por el inicio de las matemáticas abstractas, las demostraciones y el nacimiento de la “geometría por la geometría” desde la visión religioso-filosófica de Platón y los pitagóricos, hasta la síntesis de ambas visiones en las matemáticas de la India, China y el mundo árabe, que fue la puerta de entrada (...)
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  45. Pragmemes revisited. A theoretical framework.Alessandro Capone & Roberto Graci - 2024 - Frontiers in Psychology 31 (15):1-28.
    In this paper, we take up an old issue that of pragmemes, broached by Mey and further explored by Capone. It is not easy to define pragmemes and distinguish them sufficiently from speech acts (units of language use broached by Austin and Searle) or from Wittgensteinian language games or from macro speech acts (see van Dijk on macrostructures) or from Goffman’s scripts. The best idea we could develop about pragmemes is that they instantiate the triple articulation of language, proposed (...)
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  46. Antología de la Guía de Maimónides por Leibniz. Maimonides, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Walter Hilliger & Lloyd Strickland - 2022 - Cercle Hilliger.
    La traducción al latín de la obra de Maimónides Moreh Nevukhim | Guía para Perplejos, ha sido la obra judía más influyente en los últimos milenios (Di Segni, 2019; Rubio, 2006; Wohlman, 1988, 1995; Kohler, 2017). Ésta marcó el comienzo de la escolástica, «hija del judaísmo nutrida por pensadores judíos, » según el historiador Heinrich Graetz (Geschichte der Juden, L. 6, Leipzig 1861, p. xii). Impresa por la primera imprenta mecánica de Gutenberg, su influencia en Occidente se extendió hasta el (...)
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  47. Parfit on Reasons and Rule Consequentialism.Douglas W. Portmore - 1998 - In Martina Herrmann (ed.), Reading Parfit. Springer Netherlands.
    I argue that rule consequentialism sometimes requires us to act in ways that we lack sufficient reason to act. And this presents a dilemma for Parfit. Either Parfit should concede that we should reject rule consequentialism (and, hence, Triple Theory, which implies it) despite the putatively strong reasons that he believes we have for accepting the view or he should deny that morality has the importance he attributes to it. For if morality is such that we sometimes have decisive (...)
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  48. El arte y lo indecible: Meditaciones desde el pensamiento levinasiano.Esteban J. Beltrán Ulate - 2015 - HUMANITAS, Revista de Investigación, Universidad Católica de Costa Rica Anselmo Llorente y Lafuente 12 (12):125-136.
    Resumen Al artículo presenta una reflexión acerca de la obra de arte desde una lectura levinasiana, a partir de la noción de epifanía del rostro. La pesquisa asume en un primer momento una lectura de la crisis de los esteticismos del siglo XX, como manifestación del sinsentido de la vida, y se centra en el carácter meta-ontológico que deviene de la relación asincrónica rostro, teniendo como puerta de entrada la obra de arte. Palabras Clave: Estética, Infinito, Belleza, Otro, Trascendencia. (...)
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  49. El joven Marcuse y su camino de Heidegger a Horkheimer.Jordi Magnet Colomer - 2013 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 49:223-240.
    El artículo aborda el itinerario biográfico e intelectual del primer Marcuse con el trasfondo del influjo de la Lebensphilosophie diltheyana, la analítica ontológica del Dasein y la hermenéutica de la facticidad heideggerianas en su pensamiento. Hasta su entrada en el Institut für Sozialforschung en 1932, la obra de Marcuse aspira a combinar la ontología fundamental de la historicidad con una antropología filosófica de inspiración marxiana. Sin embargo, Marcuse va a ir abandonando progresivamente cualquier pretensión de fundamentar ontológicamente el materialismo (...)
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  50. Criticism of individualist and collectivist methodological approaches to social emergence.S. M. Reza Amiri Tehrani - 2023 - Expositions: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities 15 (3):111-139.
    ABSTRACT The individual-community relationship has always been one of the most fundamental topics of social sciences. In sociology, this is known as the micro-macro relationship while in economics it refers to the processes, through which, individual actions lead to macroeconomic phenomena. Based on philosophical discourse and systems theory, many sociologists even use the term "emergence" in their understanding of micro-macro relationship, which refers to collective phenomena that are created by the cooperation of individuals, but cannot be reduced to individual actions. (...)
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