Results for 'Serena Dal Maso'

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  1. The Risk in the Educational Strategy of Seneca.Stefano Maso - 2011 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 5 (1).
    To his pupil Nero and to Lucilius (friend and, as metonymy, representative of the entire mankind), Seneca testifies to his pedagogic vocation. With conviction he applies himself to demonstrate the perfect correspondence between the Stoic doctrine and the edu¬cational strategy that he proposes. Firstly, the reciprocity of the relationship between educator and pupil appears fundamental; both further their individual knowledge. Secondly, the limitations of an ethical precept that is not anchored in the intensity and concreteness of human life becomes clearly (...)
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  2. Diez estudios de filosofía helenística y romana. La escuela italiana contemporánea.Maso Stefano (ed.) - 2022 - Madrid: UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE EDUCACIÓN A DISTANCIA.
    En la obra que ahora presentamos al público hispanoparlante, reunimos diez trabajos previamente publicados en lengua italiana que abordan importantes cuestiones que ocupan en este momento a los estudiosos de la filosofía helenística y romana. Sus autores son diez de los más importantes especialistas italianos actuales en el estudio de este periodo histórico.
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  3. Antiaristotelismo.Stefano Maso & Carlo Natali (eds.) - 1999 - Hakkert.
    The book includes 13 contributions that deal with the first attempts of opposition to the of Aristotle's thought. From Theophrastus to Epicurus, and to Plotinus. The best specialists have collaborated (among others: M. Mignucci, E. Berti, K. Ierodiakonou, C. Natali, S. Maso, F. Ferrari, D. Taormina, A. Falcon, A. Schiaparelli).
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  4. Istinto e materialismo. Cabanis e Condillac a confronto.Serena Massimo - 2020 - Noctua 7 (2):270-335.
    Cabanis’ enucleation of the notion of instinct in his Rapports du physique et du moral de l’homme articulates through a critique of the use of this notion by Étienne Bonnot de Condillac, who would not have recognised the founding role of physiology in human perceptive and intellectual activity. An analysis of Cabanis’ criticism to Condillac and an investigation of the meaning attributed to the notion of instinct by both philosophers allow to individuate in this notion the expression of two different (...)
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  5. Condillac e i suoi recensori.Serena Massimo - 2018 - Noctua 5 (2):200-267.
    In the 17th century the dissemination of philosophical ideas relied also on the critical summaries and reviews published by the journals. The focus of this paper is the reactions of two of these journals – the Journal de Trévoux, edited by the Jesuits of the Parisian Collège Louis Le Grand, and the Journal des Sçavans – to Condillac’s works. The Jesuit journal, under the direction of pére Berthier – probably himself the author of the reviews – had a precise plan (...)
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    Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Framework for Detecting Security Attacks in Internet of Things.Jones Serena - manuscript
    The proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed various industries by enabling smart environments and improving operational efficiencies. However, this expansion has introduced numerous security vulnerabilities, making IoT systems prime targets for cyberattacks. This paper proposes a machine learning-based intrusion detection framework tailored to the unique characteristics of IoT environments. The framework leverages feature engineering, advanced machine learning algorithms, and real-time anomaly detection to identify and mitigate security threats effectively. Experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach (...)
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    Should research misconduct be criminalized?Rafael Dal-Ré, Lex M. Bouter, Pim Cuijpers, Christian Gluud & Søren Holm - 2020 - Research Ethics 16 (1-2):1-12.
    For more than 25 years, research misconduct is defined as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism —although other research misbehaviors have been also added in codes of cond...
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  8. Quarundam rerum initia in nostra potestate sunt.Stefano Maso - 2013 - In Stefano Maso Francesca Masi (ed.), Fate, Chance, and Fortune in Ancient Thought. pp. 125-144.
    Does the Stoic school really, accepting fate, reject free will? It would seem so, mainly if we read the evidences of Zeno or Chrysippus. The Stoic Senecais central to this particular theoretical inquiry, which hinges on the concepts of causality, of determinism and responsibility.
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  9. La Catena delle cause: determinismo e antideterminismo nel pensiero antico e contemporaneo.Carlo Natali & Stefano Maso (eds.) - 2005 - Amsterdam: Hakkert.
    The volume contains 11 contributions of the best experts on the topics of fate, fortune and free will, in reference to Ancient Philosophy: Plato, Aristotle, Stoicism, Epicureanism, Plotinus.
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  10. (1 other version)Teorie stoiche in Seneca tragico.Stefano Maso - 2017 - In Maso Stefano (ed.), Studi su ellenismo e filosofia romana. Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura. pp. 3-31.
    L’autore delle tragedie è da identificare con lo stesso autore delle Lettere a Lucilio e delle altre opere “filosofiche”. Seneca è convinto che anche l’arte drammatica debba essere capace di produrre effetti etici; al centro egli pone infatti la questione del perfezionamento morale. Ci si può chiedere se la posizione di Seneca si sia allontanata dalla prospettiva della dottrina stoica ortodossa e se si possa definirla come un originale approccio neo-stoico. La questione può esser posta (a) in relazione al modo (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Images and Truth.Stefano Maso - 2015 - In Stefano Maso Francesca G. Masi (ed.), Epicurus on eidola. Peri Phuseos Book II. Update, Proposals, and Discussions. Hakkert. pp. 67-92.
    The new edition of the papiri of the second book of 'Peri Phuseos' allows for a detailed reconstruction of the mechanisms of vision. Some of the characteristic features of images according to Epicurus are presented here for the first time. One of the problems is the congruence between the representation and the object from which it originates: i.e. the truth of the image.
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  12. ‘Mentes caecus instiget furor’: akrasia in Seneca.Stefano Maso - 2019 - In Fulvia De Luise & Irene Zavattero (eds.), La volontarietà dell'azione tra Antichità e Medioevo. Trento: Università degli studi di Trento, Dipartimento di lettere e filosofia. pp. 219-242.
    Seneca sembra rileggere la dottrina stoica delle passioni alla luce dell’interpretazione aristotelica; procedendo nell’ottica del- l’alternativa secca che si deve al monismo della versione crisip- pea, Seneca fa delle passioni qualcosa di esterno e alternativo al soggetto agente. Tuttavia, seguendo poi una dinamica prospetti- va di tipo dualistico, evoca il ruolo decisionale e responsabiliz- zante del soggetto agente, il quale ha il compito di optare per la ragione o per l’opinione30 e quindi di mantenere o meno la propria enkrateia. Da (...)
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  13. Fate, Chance, and Fortune in Ancient Thought.Stefano Maso - 2013 - Hakkert.
    The volume contains 11 contributions of the best experts on the topics of fate, fortune and free will, in reference to Ancient Philosophy: Plato, Aristotle, Stoicism, Epicureanism, Plotinus.
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    Equipoise, standard of care and consent: responding to the authorisation of new COVID-19 treatments in randomised controlled trials.Soren Holm, Jonathan Lewis & Rafael Dal-Ré - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (7):465-470.
    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, large-scale research and pharmaceutical regulatory processes have proceeded at a dramatically increased pace with new and effective, evidence-based COVID-19 interventions rapidly making their way into the clinic. However, the swift generation of high-quality evidence and the efficient processing of regulatory authorisation have given rise to more specific and complex versions of well-known research ethics issues. In this paper, we identify three such issues by focusing on the authorisation of molnupiravir, a novel antiviral medicine aimed (...)
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  15. Aristotele pedagogo. Nota a un libro di Giuseppina D’Addelfio.Alessia Dal Bello - 2011 - Giornale di Metafisica 33 (1-2):271-286.
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  16. Luces y sombras en la investigación clínica.Rafael Dal-Re, Xavier Carné & Diego Gracia (eds.) - 2013 - Triacastela, Fundació Víctor Grífols I Lucas.
    La investigación clínica, entendida como la búsqueda de soluciones para los problemas que acechan a la salud es, por su objetivo, una de las actividades de mayor trascendencia para el ser humano. Esta obra colectiva, como su propio título indica, explora no solo lo mucho que de positivo (las luces) tiene la investigación clínica, cómo se realiza, qué problemas encuentra y qué soluciones se plantean, sino también algunos aspectos negativos (las sombras) que la comunidad científica ha sido, hasta la fecha, (...)
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  17. La legge e il volto di Dio: la rivelazione sul Sinai nella letteratura ebraica e cristiana.Federico Dal Bo - 2004 - Firenze: Giuntina.
    L'antigiudaismo cristiano è essenzialmente la credenza che il popolo ebraico debba rinunciare alla propria fede e convertirsi al cristianesimo. In questo testo viene studiata la prima forma sistematica di antigiudaismo sviluppata in termini filosofici e teologici da Agostino d'Ippona. Alla luce dell'analisi filosofica sembra che l'avversione di Agostino per la fede ebraica si fondi su un'autentica rimozione della specificità del popolo eletto, della Legge e della Rivelazione sul Sinai.
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  18. Moreau’s Law in The Island of Doctor Moreau in Light of Kant’s Reciprocity Thesis.Daniel Paul Dal Monte - 2018 - Journal of Science Fiction and Philosophy 1:1-12.
    In this paper, I explore a tension between the Law in the novel The Island of Doctor Moreau, by H. G. Wells, and Kant's reciprocity thesis. The Law is a series of prohibitions that Moreau has his beasts recite. Moreau devotes his time to transforming animals through a painful surgery into beings that resemble humans, but the humanized beasts are constantly slipping back into animalistic habits, and so Moreau promulgates the Law to maintain decorum. Kant's reciprocity thesis states that free (...)
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  19. United Kingdom’s healthcare corruption in perspective.Sally Serena Ramage - 2023 - The Criminal Lawyer 258 (258):2-24.
    Corruption deprives people of access to health care and can lead to the wrong treatments being administered. Drug counterfeiting, facilitated by corruption, kills en masse. Cases are recorded of water being substituted for life-saving adrenaline and of active ingredients being diluted by counterfeiters, triggering drug-resistant strains of malaria, tuberculosis and HIV. The poor are disproportionately affected by corruption in the health sector, and cannot afford to pay for private alternatives where corruption has depleted public health services. Analysis of corruption in (...)
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  20. Equipoise, standard of care, and consent: Responding to the authorisation of new COVID-19 treatments in randomised controlled trials.Soren Holm, Jonathan Lewis & Rafael Dal-Ré - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics:1-6.
    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, large-scale research and pharmaceutical regulatory processes have proceeded at a dramatically increased pace with new and effective, evidence-based COVID-19 interventions rapidly making their way into the clinic. However, the swift generation of high-quality evidence and the efficient processing of regulatory authorisation have given rise to more specific and complex versions of well-known research ethics issues. In this paper, we identify three such issues by focusing on the authorisation of Molnupiravir, a novel antiviral medicine aimed (...)
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  21. "The show must go on-Trial in absence".Sally Serena Ramage - 2024 - The Criminal Lawyer 1 (261):1-14.
    A defendant's absence need not be a bar to continuation of his trial for fraud. The.
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  22. In support of fraud trials without a jury.Sally Serena Ramage - 2005 - The Criminal Lawyer 156 (156):1-176.
    The United Kingdom's Parliamentary Bill 'Fraud Trials (Without a Jury) 2007', failed. Nevertheless, fraud trials without a jury do take place and there is much evidence to support this. Today the UK still does not support fraud trials without a jury, even though fraud in the UK today is the highest amount of fraud globally. The longer version of this paper is submitted here since it has become urgent that UK fraud trials be examined as a matter of urgency. On (...)
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  23. (1 other version)Right to Silence-UK, U.S, France, Germany.Sally Serena Ramage - 2008 - Current Criminal Law 1 (2):2-30.
    RIGHT TO SILENCE-UK, U.S, FRANCE, and GERMANY SALLY RAMAGE (TRADE MARK REGISTERED) WIPO Orchid ID 0000-0002-8854-4293 Pages 2-30 Current Criminal Law, Volume 1, Issue 2, -/- Sally Ramage, BA (Hons), MBA, LLM, MPhil, MCIJ, MCMI, DA., ASLS, BAWP. Orchid ID 0000-0002-8854-4293 Publisher & Managing Editor Criminal Lawyer series [1980-2022](ISSN 2049-8047) Current Criminal Law series [2008-2022] (ISSN 1758-8405) and Criminal Law News series [2008-2022] (ISSN 1758-8421). Sweet & Maxwell (Thomson Reuters) (Licensed Annotator of UK Statutes) in annual law books Current Law (...)
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  24. Miscarriage of jstice.Sally Serena Ramage - 2017 - Criminal Law News 105:02-28.
    Expert2 evidence is admissible only if it provides the court with scientific information likely to be outside the experience and knowledge of a judge or jury. In other words, expert evidence will be restricted to that which in the opinion of the court is necessary to assist the court to resolve the proceedings.3 This particular case must be urgently considered by the Criminal Appeals Review Commission as it becomes apparent that the court of appeal decision is flawed, not surprising when (...)
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  25. THE GRENFELL TOWER FIRE.Sally Serena Ramage - forthcoming - Current Criminal Law 10 (1).
    This articvle describes the fire, its probable cause and corporate criminal responsibility -whether reckless manslaughter or criminal act manslaughter.
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  26. “Ken Livingstone demanded a judicial review in 2017-Do you remember?”.Sally Serena Ramage - 2022 - Criminal Law News 2022 (116 Jan-Mar 2022):2-53.
    This article was born of memories of minority groups' plights in the United Kingdom some decades ago and illustrates how opinions become entrenched in citizens minds mainly due to what they read in the media at the time. Today in the UK we still have much ethnic minority groups suffering plain -/- discrimination at work and in society at large. UK police spent 8 million pounds between years 2000 and 2008 doing footwork to relieve this injustice. Nothing came of it (...)
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  27. Criminal offences and regulatory breaches in using social networking evidence in personal injury litigation.Sally Serena Ramage - 2010 - Current Criminal Law 2 (3):2-7.
    Criminal offences and regulatory breaches in using social networking evidence in personal injury litigation Pages 2-7 Current Criminal Law ISSN 1758-8405 Volume 2 Issue 3 March 2010 Author SALLY RAMAGE WIPO 900614 UK TM 2401827 USA TM 3,440.910 Orchid ID 0000-0002-8854-4293 Sally Ramage, BA (Hons), MBA, LLM, MPhil, MCIJ, MCMI, DA., ASLS, BAWP. Publisher & Managing Editor, Criminal Lawyer series [1980-2022](ISSN 2049-8047); Current Criminal Law series [2008-2022] (ISSN 1758-8405) and Criminal Law News series [2008-2022] (ISSN 1758-8421). Sweet & Maxwell (Thomson (...)
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  28. On the representational role of Euclidean diagrams: representing qua samples.Tamires Dal Magro & Matheus Valente - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):3739-3760.
    We advance a theory of the representational role of Euclidean diagrams according to which they are samples of co-exact features. We contrast our theory with two other conceptions, the instantial conception and Macbeth’s iconic view, with respect to how well they accommodate three fundamental constraints on theories of the Euclidean diagrammatic practice— that Euclidean diagrams are used in proofs whose results are wholly general, that Euclidean diagrams indicate the co-exact features that the geometer is allowed to infer from them and (...)
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    Beyond the Ordinary: A Collection of Whimsical and Thought-Provoking Tales. [REVIEW]Richard Evans, Serena & Zahra - 2025 - Amazon Book Review Series of “Wild Wise Weird”.
    Amazon Book Review Series of “Wild Wise Weird”.
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  30. Police Corruption by Donald Campbell, Barry Rose Publishers -book review by Sally Ramage. [REVIEW]Sally Serena Ramage - 2022 - The Criminal Lawyer (Double 252-253):10-15.
    This review is republished to illustrate how important this book is to us today, with legislation and caselaw additions as follows: UK Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001; UK Contempt o Court Act 1981; UK Obscene Publications Act 1964; UK Perjury Act 1911; UK Police Misconduct Regulations 1999; UK Prevention o Corruption Act 1996; UK Fraud Act 2006; UK Bribery Act 2010; UK Prevention o Corruption Act 1926; UK Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act 1889; and UK Terrorism Act 2000. Case (...)
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    RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON Plea Bargaining and Criminal Justice Edited by Maximo Langer. Mike McConville. Luke Marsh. [REVIEW]Sally Serena Ramage - 2024 - Criminal Lawyer 263:2-16.
    This book review begins with a historical overview of the English law of trial by jury and continues to the present topic of plea bargaining. It is both legal and philosophical in its outlook and it is hoped that those who take the time to study this book might find among the many topics at least one such topic of research that will sustain you through legal studies for some years to come. The reviewer makes no apologies for the length (...)
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  32. Dal Simulazionismo al Paradigma Galileiano.Marco Giunti - 2005 - In Atti del XIX Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, sez. di Psicologia Sperimentale, Cagliari, 18-20 settembre, 2005. (CD-ROM). Associazione Italiana di Psicologia Sperimentale.
    Il lavoro esamina criticamente i presupposti di cinque differenti approcci alla Scienza Cognitiva, (simbolico, connessionista, dinamico, della cognizione incarnata e della vita artificiale) e sostiene che tutti e cinque condividono tacitamente un’ipotesi metodologica molto generale. Tale ipotesi, che propongo di chiamare simulazionismo , postula che i fenomeni cognitivi di un qualunque sistema reale possono essere adeguatamente spiegati sulla base di opportuni modelli di simulazione del sistema stesso. Tuttavia, a causa della loro costituzione, i modelli di simulazione hanno forti limitazioni, sia (...)
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  33. Dal corpo oggetto alla mente incarnata - From the object body to the embodied mind.Francesca Brencio - 2021 - InCircolo – Rivista di Filosofia E Culture 11.
    F. Brencio (2021) [in Italian and English] (ed.), Dal corpo oggetto alla mente incarnata - From the object body to the embodied mind, in “InCircolo – Rivista di Filosofia e Culture”, 11, ISSN 2531-4092.
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  34. Trascendenza dal sé ed espressività: Costituzione dell'identità personale ed esemplarità.Guido Cusinato - 2012 - Acta Philosophica 21 (2):259 - 284.
    There have been innumerable attempts to characterize personal identity either in terms of psychological continuity or in terms of the linear and self-referential process of reproduction of one's self. I will defend the thesis according to which personal identity emerges mainly as a process of transcendence of one's own "minimal self". It is precisely by means of this critical distancing from his self, I contend, that the individual learns to see himself under a new perspective as far as to experience (...)
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  35. Dal cerchio all'ellisse. La dimensione interdisciplinare del libero arbitrio per una nuova comprensione sull'essere umano.Cristiano Calì - 2023 - Logoi. Ph – Journal of Philosophy 21:99-112.
    This contribution takes as its starting point the thorny and intricate problem of free will. Starting from the constitutively interdisciplinary character of the question, which embraces from physics to neurobiology and from neurosciences to almost all branches of philosophical knowledge, the article suggests a new perspective that should be taken in the scientific field in order to acquire a different view on mental life in general and on the human being’s capacity to act freely in particular. Specifically, the contribution argues (...)
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  36. Dal mondo dell'arte al regno delle ombre (e ritorno). Arthur Danto, Maya Lin e la bellezza interna.Filippo Fimiani - 2010 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 3 (2).
    Arthur Danto asserts that Maya Lin’s Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington embodies the rhetoric paradigm of internal beauty’s meaning. However, the relationship to the Kant’s pulchritudo adhaerens is not an easy one: Danto’s recalls against the self-referent formalism of Greenberg’s Modernism and his tacit issues about the environmental non-monumentality of Richard Serra’s Minimalism, are, most importantly, haunted by the unquestioned spectral logic of the image embodiment. The beholders’ reflecting shape on the funeral Wall is, finally, both a pathetic index and (...)
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  37. Dal fiscalismo al naturalismo minimale ampliato. Per un’ontologia in grado di dar conto della complessità del mentale.Cristiano Calì - 2023 - InCircolo - Rivista di Filosofia E Culture 15:33-50.
    In the field of philosophy of mind, the issues concerning the relationship between mind and body are often approached without prior analysis of the underlying ontology. Instead of being argued based on philosophical and scientific data, the ontology is taken for granted, thus inevitably influencing subsequent theoretical analysis. Such an approach, whether employed by dualists or materialists, fails to grasp the complexity of the mental entails. The purpose of this contribution is to suggest a new ontological perspective that is both (...)
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  38. Dal romanticismo al futurismo.Francesco Flora - 1925 - V. Porta.
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  39. Ernst Mach dal punto di vista storico-critico.Pietro Gori - 2018 - In Ernst Mach tra scienza e filosofia. Pisa: ETS. pp. 11-31.
    L'articolo si propone di accostarsi alla figura di Ernst Mach seguendo la stessa metodologia storico-critica da lui utilizzata. Essa permette di contestualizzarne la figura e l'opera in un momento significativo della storia della filosofia occidentale, ma anche di ridefinire alcuni concetti fondamentali del suo pensiero. Scopo ulteriore della ricerca è di osservare da una diversa prospettiva la questione relativa al valore filosofico del lavoro epistemologico di Mach, mostrando come esso possa essere affermato senza bisogno di uscire dai confini da lui (...)
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  40. Privatizovaná univerzita: o jedné další „velké transformaci“ vzdělávání.Jan Balon - 2015 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 37 (4):453-463.
    Tato studie je recenzní statí ke knize Andrew MCGETTIGAN, The Great University Gamble: Money, Markets and the Future of Higher Education. London: Pluto Press, 2013. Klíčovým motivem studie je využití McGettiganovy analýzy technických aspektů reformy univerzitního systému započaté v Anglii na konci první dekády jednadvacátého století pro výklad vzestupu specifického režimu vzdělávání vyjádřeného v jazyce a logice „trhu a peněz". Vzestup tohoto režimu je interpretován s ohledem na procesy odpojování univerzitního prostředí od dosavadního vzdělávacího rámce spojeného s veřejnými zájmy. Studium (...)
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  41. Putnam e il realismo dal volto umano.M. Alai - 1993 - Rivista di Filosofia 84 (2):231-263.
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  42. Elementi Metodologici e Metafisici in Kant dal 1745 al 1768.Giorgio Tonelli - 1959 - Torino,: Edizioni di Filosofia.
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  43. Su che cosa si pretende dal significato.Andrea Guardo - 2009 - Acme 62 (1):335-347.
    Una difesa di una soluzione antirealista al paradosso del seguire una regola.
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  44. Bernhard Waldenfels, Creatività responsiva, Traduzione dal tedesco e saggio introduttivo a cura di R. Guccinelli, INSCHIBBOLETH EDIZIONI, Roma 2022.Roberta Guccinelli & Bernhard Waldenfels - 2022 - Roma RM, Italia: INSCHIBBOLETH EDIZIONI.
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    Per un'etica a partire dal mondo della vita.Marco Barcaro - 2017 - In Maurizio Pagano & Luca Ghisleri (eds.), I fondamenti dell'etica in prospettiva interculturale. Brescia: Morcelliana. pp. 141-149.
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  46. A proposito dell’attribuzione a Eckhart delle Collationes tramandate dal codice Cusano 21.Loris Sturlese - 2019 - In Fabrizio Amerini, Simone Fellina & Andrea Strazzoni (eds.), _Tra antichità e modernità. Studi di storia della filosofia medievale e rinascimentale_. Raccolti da Fabrizio Amerini, Simone Fellina e Andrea Strazzoni. Firenze-Parma, Torino: E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni, Università degli Studi di Torino. pp. 180-198.
    This paper examines the attribution to Eckhart of the unpublished collationes contained in the MS Bernkastel-Kues, Bibliothek des St. Nikolaus-Hospitals 21. Eckhart’s authorship was excluded by Koch, but is plausible from the point of view of the history of the manuscript tradition. The paper announces the discovery of a series of similar collationes in a Lüneburg manuscript of Franciscan origin and highlights, through the edition of the texts relating to Advent, some parallels between both works, probably depending on the use (...)
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    Türkiye'de islâm felsefesi araştırmalarının seyri: kazanımlar, öncelikler, sorunlar: İslâm felsefesi anabilim dalı koordinasyon toplantısı (9-11 Ekim 2015, Rize).M. Nurullah Turan, İrfan Karadeniz & Enver Şahin (eds.) - 2016 - Rize: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Yayınları.
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  48. L'abbandono dell'estasi. Per una rilettura della Spätphilosophie schellinghiana a partire dal suo "testamento filosofico".Tommaso Mauri - 2022 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 1 (35):73-88.
    The paper aims to reconstruct the final configuration of Schelling’s philosophical system from the second half of the 1840s. Particular attention is given to the Darstellung der reinrationalen Philosophie, which, according to Schelling’s intentions, was to replace the so-called Berliner Einleitung. By analyzing the different use of the notion of critique and the concept of positive philosophy in the two texts under examination, the paper shows how Schelling’s philosophy undergoes significant changes in the very last years of his life.
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  49. La biosemiotica di Jakob von Uexküll e Max Scheler: dal Bauplan al Leibschema.Guido Cusinato - 2018 - In Biosemiotic and psychopathology of the ordo amoris. Biosemiotica e psicopatologia dell'ordo amoris. In dialogo con Max Scheler. Milano MI, Italia: FrancoAngeli. pp. 70-77.
    In questo lavoro si dimostra che l'opinione comune, secondo cui è Heidegger a introdurre Jacob von Uexküll nel dibattito filosofico è scorretta, in quanto è Scheler, due decenni prima, a scoprire e valorizzare la portata filosofica di Uexküll. -/- Pure la distinzione fra mondo (Welt) e ambiente (Umwelt), come quella fra apertura al mondo e chiusura ambientale, non è introdotta da Heidegger nel 1929 (cfr. l'Introduzione di Marco Mazzeo al testo di Uexküll, Ambienti animali e ambienti umani, p.18 e seg.) (...)
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  50. La presenza di Descartes in Mind dal 1900 al 1947.Brunello Lotti - 2023 - Noctua 10 (2–3):196-250.
    This paper examines how Descartes’ philosophy was presented and discussed in articles and reviews published in Mind from 1900 to 1947, a period in which this most prestigious British philosophical journal was edited by George F. Stout (until 1920) and then by George E. Moore (from 1921 to 1947). The survey deals with various aspects of the reception of Cartesian philosophy in the journal: articles devoted to several topics of Cartesian thought, critical notices and reviews of the secondary literature, discussions (...)
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