Results for 'Yann Le Strat'

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  1. Les limites d'une histoire naturelle de la raison. À propos du rationalisme naturaliste de Pascal Engel.Yann Schmitt - 2020 - Klēsis Revue Philosophique 1 (45).
    On peut inscrire les travaux de Engel dans le sillage rationaliste des Pères de la philosophie analytique, mais après le tournant naturaliste opéré par Quine. Ce sont les diverses bonnes raisons, exposées de manière non systématique par Engel, d’associer naturalisme et rationalisme que je souhaite présenter tout en cherchant à identifier la difficulté constitutive de ce programme qui ne reçoit pas de solution complète: la normativité épistémique ne semble ni éliminable, ni correctement intégrée à ce programme.
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  2. Le polythéiste le plus extrême: l’athéisme de David Lewis.Yann Schmitt - 2015 - Klesis 31.
    David Lewis n’a pas développé de philosophie complète de la religion à proprement parler mais il s’est penché précisément sur différents thèmes religieux comme le rapport entre Dieu et le possible, l’argument ontologique ou la théodicée. Bien que dénuées de toute systématicité, les publications de Lewis sur le religieux défendent un athéisme très argumenté. L'article vise à montrer comment son athéisme s'articule à l'existence d'une pluralité de dieux.
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  3. Les raisons religieuses sous les raisons politiques.Yann Schmitt - 2017 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 149:213-225.
    On conçoit assez souvent l’espace public des discussions comme devant être neutre et par conséquent sans mention des croyances religieuses comme raisons justifiant une décision. La neutralité vise à garantir l’acceptabilité par tous d’une décision pouvant être contraignante. On montrera que l’on peut articuler raisons neutres et raisons religieuses à condition que les raisons neutres restent les raisons ultimes. Cela implique que les raisons religieuses correctement liées à des raisons neutres sont parfaitement légitimes pour justifier une décision politique ou publique.
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  4. Objectiver le vécu. Réponse à Emmanuel Falque.Yann Schmitt - 2012 - In Anthony Feneuil (ed.), L'expérience religieuse: enjeux philosophiques des approches empiriques des religions. pp. 290-296.
    Discussion de la phénoménologie de la religion, et notamment certaines propositions de Heidegger ou Falque.
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  5. Refaire de l'anthropologie. Le singulier avant les relations.Yann Schmitt - 2015 - L'Homme 2 (214):137-146.
    Depuis plus d’une dizaine d’années, Albert Piette travaille à renouveler les méthodes et les concepts de l’anthropologie. Cette refondation s’appuie sur ses propres travaux empiriques, notamment sur le religieux, sur l’usage de méthodes plus pointillistes comme la photographie ou la description des détails, ainsi que sur des hypothèses relatives à la différence entre Sapiens et Néandertal. Les nouvelles propositions de travail qu’il avance empruntent souvent à la philosophie comme moyen d’une réflexion épistémologique, mais aussi parfois à la métaphysique. C’est pourquoi (...)
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  6. Si la contingence est absolue, le désespoir aussi. Critique de la divinologie de Q. Meillassoux.Yann Schmitt - 2018 - Cahiers Critiques de Philosophie 1 (19).
    Dans cette contribution, j'examinerai l'argument qui renvoie dos à dos le théisme et l'athéisme et qui structure la présentation de l'alternative que constitue le Dieu à venir. N'étant ni adhérant, ni sympathisant du réalisme spéculatif, je ne proposerai pourtant pas de critique externe de la philosophie de la religion proposée par Meillassoux. De manière heuristique, je vais tenir pour acquis Après la finitude et je montrerai ce qui me semble être les faiblesses de l'argument, critiques rendant finalement peu crédible l'affirmation (...)
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  7. L’épistémologie des croyances religieuses au prisme des sciences sociales.Yann Schmitt - 2015 - Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 169:157-177.
    L’épistémologie des croyances religieuses qui pose la question de la rationalité des croyances peut être mise en question en introduisant des éléments de sciences sociales des religions et vice-versa. Un modèle épistémologique souligne que les croyances peuvent être garanties sans examen réflexif de la part du croyant. Mais dans un contexte pluraliste où la croyance particulière est mise en débat, l’exigence critique d’examen est une condition nécessaire de rationalité. En cela, l’épistémologie retrouve certains aspects de la sociologie de la critique (...)
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  8. (1 other version)La possibilité d’une métaphysique analytique en France.Yann Schmitt - 2022 - L'enseignement Philosophique 2:13-21.
    L’objectif de cet article est de comprendre l’importance de la métaphysique analytique pour le travail philosophique et pour l’enseignement dans le contexte français. Pour cela, je commencerai par exposer ce qu’il faut entendre par métaphysique analytique, puis j’examinerai plusieurs conditions de possibilité de la métaphysique analytique en France : la relecture de l’histoire de la métaphysique, des découvertes en logique, une réflexion sur l’objectif et un examen rapide des conditions matérielles et sociales d’enseignement et de recherche.
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  9. Théisme et rationalisme dans l’éthique intellectuelle.Yann Schmitt - 2022 - Transversalité 4 (163).
    L’article interroge successivement l’éthique intellectuelle centrée sur les vertus et défendue par Roger Pouivet et celle centrée sur les normes rationnelles de la croyance défendue par Pascal Engel. En plus de thèmes propres à chaque éthique, on insistera sur la confrontation métaphysique au naturalisme ainsi que sur le possible caractère tragique de l’éthique intellectuelle. Ces exigences intellectuelles risquent de mener à des formes de mélancolie ou de misanthropie, sauf si l’éthique intellectuelle est solidement associée à une espérance religieuse ou rationnelle (...)
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  10. Parfit : l'âge de la raison de la morale.Yann Schmitt - 2019 - Klēsis Revue Philosophique 1 (43).
    Figure majeure de la philosophie morale, Derek Parfit (1942-2017) reste encore peuconnu en France. Cette introduction vise à montrer l'ampleur des thématiques abordées de Parfit en les rattachant au projet d'une éthique rationnelle, tandis que le numéro dansson ensemble, sans prétendre être exhaustif, propose des présentations et discussions de différents éléments clefs de sa philosophie.
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  11. Pourquoi accepter des contenus religieux sans y croire?Yann Schmitt - 2020 - Philosophie 145 (2):146-158.
    Pour penser philosophiquement les attitudes religieuses, le concept de croyance est parfois considéré comme inadéquat. Un des reproches souvent développés est qu’une croyance propositionnelle, croire que p, est une attitude trop théorique qui ne peut rendre compte de la foi et de la vie religieuse en général. Il est possible de répondre à ces objections mais cet article évalue la pertinence d’un concept apparemment plus fructueux : l’acceptation. Ce concept permet de rendre compte de certaines attitudes et pratiques religieuses mais (...)
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  12. Political Corruption as Deformities of Truth.Yann Allard-Tremblay - 2014 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (1):28-49.
    This paper presents a conception of corruption informed by epistemic democratic theory. I first explain the view of corruption as a disease of the political body. Following this view, we have to consider the type of actions that debase a political entity of its constitutive principal in order to assess corruption. Accordingly, we need to consider what the constitutive principle of democracy is. This is the task I undertake in the second section where I explicate democratic legitimacy. I present democracy (...)
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  13. L'être et le néon, a philosophical history of neon signs.Luis de Miranda (ed.) - 2012 - Max Milo.
    « Ce petit livre est un bijou d’intelligence, de finesse, de culture, qui prend un objet technique sans rechigner et le tourne et le retourne comme Heidegger nous avait appris à le faire avec les chaussures de Van Gogh. Ce qui frappe, c’est l’ambition d’une méditation sur les cartes de la modernité contemporaine, sur le fameux Grand Paris, sur le sujet, sur le pluriel, sans les faux-fuyants du postmoderne, de la citation absurde. Luis de Miranda se promène, il vous conte (...)
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  14. The deadlock of absolute divine simplicity.Yann Schmitt - 2013 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 74 (1):117-130.
    In this article, I explain how and why different attempts to defend absolute divine simplicity fail. A proponent of absolute divine simplicity has to explain why different attributions do not suppose a metaphysical complexity in God but just one superproperty, why there is no difference between God and His super-property and finally how a absolute simple entity can be the truthmaker of different intrinsic predications. It does not necessarily lead to a rejection of divine simplicity but it shows that we (...)
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  15. Les théories méréologiques du faisceau.Baptiste Le Bihan - 2022 - In Dominique Berlioz, Filipe Drapeau Contim & François Loth (eds.), Métaphysique et ontologie. Paris: Vrin. pp. 211-224.
    « Pourquoi les choses tiennent-elles ensemble ? » (Traité d'ontologie, 2009, p. 237). Cette citation me sert de départ à une réflexion sur la nature des relations liantes souvent appelées relations de comprésence à la suite de Russell, ces bundling relations qui nouent les propriétés ensembles pour constituer les objets ordinaires (tables, chaises, individus biologiques) selon la théorie du faisceau. De même que Frédéric Nef, je suis séduit par les nombreuses vertus philosophiques de ces relations liantes. Ma contribution ne portera (...)
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  16. Hume on Miracles.Yann Schmitt - 2012 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 17 (1):49-71.
    Hume’s chapter “Of Miracles” has been widely discussed, and one issue is that Hume seems to simply beg the question. Hume has a strong but implicit naturalist bias when he argues against the existence of reliable testimony for miracles. In this article, I explain that Hume begs the question, despite what he says about the possibility of miracles occurring. The main point is that he never describes a violation of the laws of nature that could not be explained by scientific (...)
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  17. An Epistemological Problem for Resurrection.Yann Schmitt - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7 (1):219--230.
    Some theists have adopted materialism for human persons. They associate this metaphysics with their belief in resurrection and focus on problems arising from personal identity, temporal gaps or material constitution, but, in this paper, I argue that being a materialist for human persons leads to an epistemological problem regarding our knowledge of God’s life. The only way to avoid this problem is to choose a particular materialist metaphysics for human persons, that is, a constitution theory that emphasizes the irreducibility of (...)
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  18. Fair Numbers: What Data Can and Cannot Tell Us About the Underrepresentation of Women in Philosophy.Yann Benétreau-Dupin & Guillaume Beaulac - 2015 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 2:59-81.
    The low representation (< 30%) of women in philosophy in English-speaking countries has generated much discussion, both in academic circles and the public sphere. It is sometimes suggested (Haslanger 2009) that unconscious biases, acting at every level in the field, may be grounded in gendered schemas of philosophers and in the discipline more widely, and that actions to make philosophy a more welcoming place for women should address such schemas. However, existing data are too limited to fully warrant such an (...)
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  19. Contre les défenses du présentisme par le sens commun.Baptiste Le Bihan - 2018 - Igitur 9 (1):1-24.
    According to presentism, only the present exists. The view is in a bad dialectical situation since it has to face several objections based on physics and a priori arguments. The view remains nonetheless popular because it is, allegedly, more intuitive than alternative views, namely eternalism (past, present and future entities exist) and no-futurism (only past and present entities exist). In the essay, I shall not discuss whether intuitivity is an accurate criterion for ontological enquiry. I will rather argue that any (...)
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  20. À propos de l'article de Juliette Grange dans Cités 58.Paul Clavier, Yann Schmitt & Jean Gayon - 2014 - Cités 60 (4):199-204.
    Réponses à Juliette Grange sur ses remises en cause peu argumentées d'une partie de la philosophie en France.
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  21. L’éternité sans le temps.Baptiste Le Bihan - 2018 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 116 (3):441-462.
    L'éternalisme implique une forme exotique d'éternité : toute entité, aussi éphémère soit-elle et quelle que soit sa localisation dans le temps, existe relativement à toute autre localisation temporelle. Cet essai vise, premièrement, à défendre l'éternalisme en exhibant les difficultés rédhibitoires du présentisme et du non-futurisme, et deuxièmement à examiner de quelle manière l'éternalisme pourrait être amendé à l'aune d'une affirmation que l'on trouve sous la plume de certains physiciens, à savoir que, fondamentalement, le temps n'existe pas. La disparition du temps (...)
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  22. Các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến giá trị thương hiệu của doanh nghiệp bán lẻ hàng tiêu dùng trên địa bàn TP. Hồ Chí Minh.Lê Giang Nam, Trần Anh Tài, Phạm Thanh Tuấn, Nguyễn Nhật Nam & Vũ Phạm Mỹ Anh - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Thông qua kết quả khảo sát đối với 850 khách hàng mua sắm tại 4 thương hiệu bán lẻ hàng tiêu dùng tại TP. Hồ Chí Minh là: Co.opmart, Winmart, Mega Market và Bách hóa xanh, nghiên cứu nhằm kiểm định các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến giá trị thương hiệu của doanh nghiệp bán lẻ hàng tiêu dùng trên địa bàn TP. Hồ Chí Minh. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy, có 6 nhân tố ảnh hưởng tới Giá trị (...)
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  23. L'espace et le temps existent-ils ? Le mystère de la gravité quantique.Baptiste Le Bihan - 2018 - Implications Philosophiques 1.
    La physique contemporaine pourrait bien nous livrer un enseignement incroyable, à savoir que l'espace et le temps n'existent pas fondamentalement. Je présenterai succinctement les ontologies suggérées par les deux principaux programmes de recherche en gravité quantique : la théorie des cordes et la gravité quantique à boucles. Je soutiendrai ensuite qu'il est fructueux de prendre les différentes conceptions ontologiques de la conscience en philosophie de l'esprit en modèles pour la construction de solutions au problème de l'émergence de l'espace-temps.
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  24. The Attraction of the Cosmos: How information inducing happiness and impression affects attitudes toward space tourism.Tam-Tri Le, Ruining Jin, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Space tourism is an emerging field where few people have direct experience. However, considering the potential in the near future, it is beneficial to better understand how related information influences people’s attitudes about this new form of tourism. Employing information-processing-based Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics on a dataset of 361 respondents consuming content related to space tourism on Chinese social media, we found that induced happiness and impression are positively associated with willingness to try space tourism. Information authenticity positively moderates (...)
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  25. Les propriétés du vide et de l’espace-temps.Baptiste Le Bihan - 2016 - Philosophiques 43 (1):49-66.
    Les propriétés matérielles sont généralement appréhendées comme les propriétés d’une substance matérielle : cette chemise possède la propriété d’être bleue, cette chaussure la propriété d’être en bon état. Pourtant, on peut trouver plusieurs raisons de douter que les propriétés soient nécessairement les propriétés d’une substance matérielle, à la fois en métaphysique avec la théorie du faisceau, et en physique contemporaine à travers les notions d’énergie du vide et de champ. Or, si les propriétés ne sont pas les propriétés de substances (...)
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  26. The Gay Science, Interview with Michel Foucault by Jean Le Bitoux.Michel Foucault, Jean Le Bitoux, Nicolae Morar & Daniel W. Smith - 2011 - Critical Inquiry 37 (3):385-403.
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  27. (1 other version)Examining the influence of generalized trust on life satisfaction across different education levels and socioeconomic conditions using the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework.Tam-Tri Le, Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Ruining Jin, Viet-Phuong La, Hong-Son Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Extant literature suggests a positive correlation between social trust (also called generalized trust) and life satisfaction. However, the psychological pathways underlying this relationship can be complex. Using the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF), we examined the influence of social trust in a high-violence environment. Employing Bayesian analysis on a sample of 1237 adults in Cali, Colombia, we found that in a linear relationship, generalized trust is positively associated with life satisfaction. However, in a model including the interactions between trust and education (...)
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  28. The Educational Effects of Corporal Punishment.Kien Le, Thuy Trang, Khoi Duc, Hang Khanh, Huong T. T. Hoang & My Nguyen - 2020 - WP.
    This pаpеr prоvidеs thе first еmpiricаl еvidеncе оn thе еxistеncе оf nеgаtivе spillоvеr еffеcts frоm childrеn еxpоsеd tо cоrpоrаl punishmеnt in thе hоmе (CPH). Wе find thаt intеrаctiоns with pееrs suffеring frоm CPH dеprеss аchiеvеmеnt in bоth mаth аnd lаnguаgе аmоng Viеtnаmеsе fifth grаdеrs. Spеcificаlly, а оnе stаndаrd dеviаtiоn incrеаsе in thе Pееrs’ Viоlеncе Indеx is аssоciаtеd with а rеductiоn in thе mаth аnd thе lаnguаgе tеst scоrеs by 0.11 аnd 0.14 stаndаrd dеviаtiоns, rеspеctivеly. Thеsе аdvеrsе impаcts cоuld pоtеntiаlly bе (...)
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  29. "Le dialogue entre science et foi à l’épreuve de l’observation et de l’expérimentation".Philippe Gagnon & Étienne Le Coärer - 2020 - In Michel Mazoyer & Paul Mirault (eds.), Claude Tresmontant. Pour un réalisme intégral (1925-1997) « La Vérité ne fait pas violence », in series « Cahiers Disputatio » no 6. Paris: pp. 73-84.
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  30. Nâng cao động lực làm việc của cán bộ, công chức tại UBND huyện Hàm Thuận Bắc, tỉnh Bình Thuận.Lê Ngô Ngọc Thu, Lý Kha Mau & Trần Thị Thùy Trang - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Nghiên cứu khái quát cơ sở lý thuyết về động lực làm việc, và đánh giá thực trạng tạo động lực làm việc cho cán bộ, công chức (CBCC) tại UBND huyện Hàm Thuận Bắc, tỉnh Bình Thuận. Kết quả khảo sát cho thấy, thực tế tạo động lực làm việc cho CBCC trên địa bàn Huyện còn gặp nhiều hạn chế, bao gồm: tiền thưởng và các khoản phụ cấp còn rất thấp so với khu vực tư nhân, không (...)
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  31. Le néo-républicanisme. État des lieux et présentation du dossier.Alice Le Goff & Dave Anctil - 2009 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 4 (2):16-24.
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  32. (1 other version)Near-Suicide Phenomenon: An Investigation into the Psychology of Patients with Serious Illnesses Withdrawing from Treatment.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Tam-Tri Le, Ruining Jin, Quy Van Khuc, Hong-Son Nguyen, Thu-Trang Vuong & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - 2023 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (6):5173.
    Patients with serious illnesses or injuries may decide to quit their medical treatment if they think paying the fees will put their families into destitution. Without treatment, it is likely that fatal outcomes will soon follow. We call this phenomenon “near-suicide”. This study attempted to explore this phenomenon by examining how the seriousness of the patient’s illness or injury and the subjective evaluation of the patient’s and family’s financial situation after paying treatment fees affect the final decision on the treatment (...)
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  33. Think more before you cheat: The influences of attitudes toward cheating and cognitive reflection on cheating behavior.Tam-Tri Le, Ruining Jin, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Cheating is widely considered a condemnable behavior in society and a big problem in the educational system. In this study, we employ the information-processing-based Bayesian Mindsponge Framework to explore deeper the subjective cost-benefit evaluation involving the perceived value of cheating. Conducting Bayesian analysis on 493 university students from Germany, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, and Japan, we found that students who have more positive attitudes toward cheating are more likely to cheat. However, a higher capability of cognitive reflection acts as a moderator (...)
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  34. Trust is for the strong: How health status may influence generalized and personalized trust.Tam-Tri Le, Phuong-Loan Nguyen, Ruining Jin, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    In the trust-health relationship, how trusting other people in society may promote good health is a topic often examined. However, the other direction of influence – how health may affect trust – has not been well explored. In order to investigate this possible effect, we employed Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics to go deeper into the information processing mechanisms underlying the expressions of trust. Conducting Bayesian analysis on a dataset of 1237 residents from Cali, Colombia, we found that general health (...)
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  35. Mối quan hệ giữa tỷ lệ sở hữu nước ngoài và quản trị nước ngoài và hiệu quả hoạt động của doanh nghiệp niêm yết tại Việt Nam.Lê Phương Lan - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Bài báo này tìm hiểu mối quan hệ tác động giữa tỷ lệ sở hữu nước ngoài và quản trị nước ngoài với hiệu quả hoạt động của các doanh nghiệp niêm yết tại Việt Nam. Số liệu được sử dụng trong bài được thu thập từ 314 doanh nghiệp hoạt động trong các ngành nghề khác nhau trong 4 năm, từ năm 2019 đến năm 2023. Bài báo thực hiện kiểm định Hausman và kết luận mô hình REM là (...)
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  36. Exploring the effects of paranormal belief and gender on precognition task: An application of the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework on parapsychological research.Tam-Tri Le, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Precognition is an anomaly in information transmission and interpretation. Extant literature suggests that paranormal beliefs and gender may have significant influences on this unknown information process. This study examines the effects of these two factors, including their interactions, on precognition performance by employing the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics. Using Bayesian analysis on secondary data of 60 participants, we found that men may have higher chances to score a hit in a precognition task compared to women. Interestingly, stronger beliefs in (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Duality and ontology.Baptiste Le Bihan & James Read - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (12):e12555.
    A ‘duality’ is a formal mapping between the spaces of solutions of two empirically equivalent theories. In recent times, dualities have been found to be pervasive in string theory and quantum field theory. Naïvely interpreted, duality-related theories appear to make very different ontological claims about the world—differing in e.g. space-time structure, fundamental ontology, and mereological structure. In light of this, duality-related theories raise questions familiar from discussions of underdetermination in the philosophy of science: in the presence of dual theories, what (...)
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  38. Space Emergence in Contemporary Physics: Why We Do Not Need Fundamentality, Layers of Reality and Emergence.Baptiste Le Bihan - 2018 - Disputatio 10 (49):71-95.
    ‘Space does not exist fundamentally: it emerges from a more fundamental non-spatial structure.’ This intriguing claim appears in various research programs in contemporary physics. Philosophers of physics tend to believe that this claim entails either that spacetime does not exist, or that it is derivatively real. In this article, I introduce and defend a third metaphysical interpretation of the claim: reductionism about space. I argue that, as a result, there is no need to subscribe to fundamentality, layers of reality and (...)
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  39. Have we Lost Spacetime on the Way? Narrowing the Gap between General Relativity and Quantum Gravity.Baptiste Le Bihan & Niels Siegbert Linnemann - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 65 (C):112-121.
    Important features of space and time are taken to be missing in quantum gravity, allegedly requiring an explanation of the emergence of spacetime from non-spatio-temporal theories. In this paper, we argue that the explanatory gap between general relativity and non-spatio- temporal quantum gravity theories might significantly be reduced with two moves. First, we point out that spacetime is already partially missing in the context of general relativity when understood from a dynamical perspective. Second, we argue that most approaches to quantum (...)
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  40. Priority Monism Beyond Spacetime.Baptiste Le Bihan - 2018 - Metaphysica 19 (1):95-111.
    I will defend two claims. First, Schaffer's priority monism is in tension with many research programs in quantum gravity. Second, priority monism can be modified into a view more amenable to this physics. The first claim is grounded in the fact that promising approaches to quantum gravity such as loop quantum gravity or string theory deny the fundamental reality of spacetime. Since fundamental spacetime plays an important role in Schaffer's priority monism by being identified with the fundamental structure, namely the (...)
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  41. Thiện cảm tiêu dùng trong ý định mua hàng may mặc Trung Quốc.Lê Thị Hải Hà & Nguyễn Việt Hương - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Nghiên cứu nhằm kiểm định độ tin cậy của thang đo nhân tố thiện cảm tiêu dùng trong ý định mua hàng may mặc Trung Quốc của người tiêu dùng tại Hà Nội. Các tác giả đã sử dụng phương pháp định lượng, với số liệu được thu thập từ khảo sát thực tế 250 khách hàng là người tiêu dùng tại Hà Nội năm 2022 và hệ số Cronbach’s Anpha để xác định độ tin cậy của 19 biến quan (...)
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  42. Covid-19 vaccines production and societal immunization under the serendipity-mindsponge-3D knowledge management theory and conceptual framework.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Tam-Tri Le, Viet-Phuong La, Huyen Thanh Thanh Nguyen, Manh-Toan Ho, Van Quy Khuc & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - 2022 - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9:22.
    Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), tremendous efforts have been made by scientists, health professionals, business people, politicians, and laypeople around the world. Covid-19 vaccines are one of the most crucial innovations that help fight against the virus. This paper attempts to revisit the Covid-19 vaccines production process by employing the serendipity-mindsponge-3D creativity management theory. Vaccine production can be considered an information process and classified into three main stages. The first stage involved the processes of absorbing information (...)
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  43. Evolving Self-taught Neural Networks: The Baldwin Effect and the Emergence of Intelligence.Nam Le - 2019 - In AISB Annual Convention 2019 -- 10th Symposium on AI & Games.
    The so-called Baldwin Effect generally says how learning, as a form of ontogenetic adaptation, can influence the process of phylogenetic adaptation, or evolution. This idea has also been taken into computation in which evolution and learning are used as computational metaphors, including evolving neural networks. This paper presents a technique called evolving self-taught neural networks – neural networks that can teach themselves without external supervision or reward. The self-taught neural network is intrinsically motivated. Moreover, the self-taught neural network is the (...)
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    Sau tín chỉ carbon, liệu có còn tín chỉ nào khác?Lê Mạnh Tân - 2024 - Tạp Chí Kinh Tế Sài Gòn.
    Trong bối cảnh toàn cầu đang đối mặt với những thách thức ngày càng nghiêm trọng từ biến đổi khí hậu, tín chỉ carbon đã được xem như một giải pháp tài chính nhằm khuyến khích việc giảm phát thải khí nhà kính. Tuy nhiên, liệu giải pháp này có thực sự hiệu quả trong việc bảo vệ môi trường, hay chỉ đơn thuần là một cách để thương mại hóa thiên nhiên, mang lại lợi ích ngắn hạn nhưng tiềm (...)
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  45. How social classes and health considerations in food consumption affect food price concerns.Ruining Jin, Tam-Tri Le, Resti Tito Villarino, Adrino Mazenda, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Food prices are a daily concern in many households’ decision-making, especially when people want to have healthier diets. Employing Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics on a dataset of 710 Indonesian citizens, we found that people from wealthier households are less likely to have concerns about food prices. However, the degree of health considerations in food consumption was found to moderate against the above association. In other words, people of higher income-based social classes may worry more about food prices if they (...)
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  46. Chuyển giao thế hệ lãnh đạo trong các doanh nghiệp nhỏ và vừa tại Việt Nam – Bài học kinh nghiệm từ Hoa Kỳ.Lê Trung Hiếu & Nguyễn Anh Đức - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Thực tế cho thấy, việc chuyển giao lãnh đạo và lựa chọn thế hệ lãnh đạo nối tiếp nhằm đảm bảo sự phát triển bền vững luôn là vấn đề khó khăn đối với mọi tổ chức. Đối với các doanh nghiệp nhỏ và vừa (DNNVV), hoạt động này càng trở nên khó khăn gấp bội khi phần lớn khối doanh nghiệp này không có được sự ổn định trong chiến lược phát triển và quy mô nhân lực kế cận (...)
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  47. Spacetime Emergence in Quantum Gravity: Functionalism and the Hard Problem.Baptiste Le Bihan - 2019 - Synthese 199 (2):371–393.
    Spacetime functionalism is the view that spacetime is a functional structure implemented by a more fundamental ontology. Lam and Wüthrich have recently argued that spacetime functionalism helps to solve the epistemological problem of empirical coherence in quantum gravity and suggested that it also (dis)solves the hard problem of spacetime, namely the problem of offering a picture consistent with the emergence of spacetime from a non-spatio-temporal structure. First, I will deny that spacetime functionalism solves the hard problem by showing that it (...)
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  48. The Great Loop: From Conformal Cyclic Cosmology to Aeon Monism.Baptiste Le Bihan - 2024 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 1:1-16.
    Penrose's conformal cyclic cosmology describes the cosmos as a collection of successive universes, the so-called aeons. The beginning and ending of our universe are directly connected to two other, anterior and posterior, universes. Penrose considers but rules out a different interpretation of conformal cyclic cosmology: that the beginning of our universe is connected to its own end in a cosmic loop. The paper argues that the view, aeon monism, should be regarded as a natural interpretation of conformal cyclic cosmology and (...)
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  49. Analytic Metaphysics versus Naturalized Metaphysics: The Relevance of Applied Ontology.Baptiste Le Bihan & Adrien Barton - 2021 - Erkenntnis 86 (1):21-37.
    The relevance of analytic metaphysics has come under criticism: Ladyman & Ross, for instance, have suggested do discontinue the field. French & McKenzie have argued in defense of analytic metaphysics that it develops tools that could turn out to be useful for philosophy of physics. In this article, we show first that this heuristic defense of metaphysics can be extended to the scientific field of applied ontology, which uses constructs from analytic metaphysics. Second, we elaborate on a parallel by French (...)
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  50. Tác động của nợ công đến tăng trưởng kinh tế khu vực châu Á: Áp dụng mô hình ARCH và GARCH.Lê Công Hoàng Sơn, Lê Minh Tâm, Phạm Lê Ngọc Như, Trần Gia Cường & Trần Ngọc Bảo Trâm - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo 14.
    Bài viết sử dụng phương pháp hồi quy bình phương nhỏ nhất và phương pháp phương sai sai số thay đổi có điều kiện tự hồi quy nhằm mục đích xem xét tác động của nợ công đến tăng trưởng kinh tế khu vực châu Á trong giai đoạn 1998-2021. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy, Tỷ lệ nợ công, Mức độ tăng trưởng kinh tế tại thời điểm năm trước và Mức độ lạm phát sẽ có ảnh hưởng tiêu (...)
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