Results for 'Patrick Schmitt'

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  1. (1 other version)Geachianism.Patrick Todd - 2011 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 3:222-251.
    The plane was going to crash, but it didn't. Johnny was going to bleed to death, but he didn't. Geach sees here a changing future. In this paper, I develop Geach's primary argument for the (almost universally rejected) thesis that the future is mutable (an argument from the nature of prevention), respond to the most serious objections such a view faces, and consider how Geach's view bears on traditional debates concerning divine foreknowledge and human freedom. As I hope to show, (...)
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  2. On The Open Future: Replies to Rhoda and Rubio.Patrick Todd - forthcoming - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion.
    These are my materials (a short precis, and replies to Alan Rhoda and Daniel Rubio) for an invited symposium on my book _The Open Future: Why Future Contingents are All False_ (OUP, 2021) in IJPR. [The commentaries from Rhoda/Rubio are available on their respective PhilPapers profiles.].
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  3. Truth-Relativism, Norm-Relativism, and Assertion.Patrick Greenough - 2010 - In J. H. Cappelen (ed.), Assertion: New Philosophical Essays. Oxford University Press.
    The main goal in this paper is to outline and defend a form of Relativism, under which truth is absolute but assertibility is not. I dub such a view Norm-Relativism in contrast to the more familiar forms of Truth-Relativism. The key feature of this view is that just what norm of assertion, belief, and action is in play in some context is itself relative to a perspective. In slogan form: there is no fixed, single norm for assertion, belief, and action. (...)
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  4. The Assurance View of Testimony.Frederick F. Schmitt - 2008 - In Duncan Pritchard, Alan Millar & Adrian Haddock (eds.), Social Epistemology. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 216--242.
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  5. Modeling prejudice reduction: Spatialized game theory and the contact hypothesis.Patrick Grim, Evan Selinger, William Braynen, Robert Rosenberger, Randy Au, Nancy Louie & John Connolly - 2005 - Public Affairs Quarterly 19 (2):95-125.
    We apply spatialized game theory and multi-agent computational modeling as philosophical tools: (1) for assessing the primary social psychological hypothesis regarding prejudice reduction, and (2) for pursuing a deeper understanding of the basic mechanisms of prejudice reduction.
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  6. Thing causation.Nathaniel Baron-Schmitt - 2024 - Noûs 58 (4):1050-1072.
    According to orthodoxy, the most fundamental kind of causation involves one event causing another event. I argue against this event‐causal view. Instead, the most fundamental kind of causation is thing causation, which involves a thing causing a thing to do something. Event causation is reducible to thing causation, but thing causation is not reducible to event causation, because event causation cannot accommodate cases of fine‐grained causation. I defend my view from objections, including C. D. Broad's influential “timing” argument, and I (...)
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  7. Who Cares About Winning?Nathaniel Baron-Schmitt - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):248-265.
    Why do we so often care about the outcomes of games when nothing is at stake? There is a paradox here, much like the paradox of fiction, which concerns why we care about the fates and threats of merely fictional beings. I argue that the paradox threatens to overturn a great deal of what philosophers have thought about caring, severing its connection to value and undermining its moral weight. I defend a solution to the paradox that draws on Kendall Walton's (...)
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  8. Some Neglected Problems of Omniscience.Patrick Grim - 1983 - American Philosophical Quarterly 20 (3):265-277.
    One set of neglected problems consists of paradoxes of omniscience clearly recognizable as forms of the Liar, and these I have never seen raised at all. Other neglected problems are difficulties for omniscience posed by recent work on belief de se and essential indexicals. These have not yet been given the attention they deserve.
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  9. (2 other versions)What is a Contradiction?Patrick Grim - 2004 - In Graham Priest, Jc Beall & Bradley P. Armour-Garb (eds.), The law of non-contradiction : new philosophical essays. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 49--72.
    The Law of Non-Contradiction holds that both sides of a contradiction cannot be true. Dialetheism is the view that there are contradictions both sides of which are true. Crucial to the dispute, then, is the central notion of contradiction. My first step here is to work toward clarification of that simple and central notion: Just what is a contradiction?
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  10. Population, Consumption & Climate Colonialism.Patrick Hassan - forthcoming - Journal of Population and Sustainability.
    Strategies for combating climate change which advocate for human population limitation have recently been understandably criticised on the grounds that they embody a form of 'climate colonialism': a moral wrong that involves disproportionally shifting the burdens of climate change onto developing, historically exploited nations (which have low per capita emissions but high fertility rates) in order to offset burdens in affluent nations (which have high per capita emissions but low fertility rates). This article argues that once the relevance of population (...)
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  11. Discrimination and Self-Knowledge.Patrick Greenough - 2012 - In Declan Smithies & Daniel Stoljar (eds.), Introspection and Consciousness. , US: Oxford University Press.
    In this paper I show that a variety of Cartesian Conceptions of the mental are unworkable. In particular, I offer a much weaker conception of limited discrimination than the one advanced by Williamson (2000) and show that this weaker conception, together with some plausible background assumptions, is not only able to undermine the claim that our core mental states are luminous (roughly: if one is in such a state then one is in a position to know that one is) but (...)
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  12. The Semantic Error Problem for Epistemic Contextualism.Patrick Michael Greenough & Dirk Kindermann - 2017 - In Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Contextualism. New York: Routledge. pp. 305--320.
    Epistemic Contextualism is the view that “knows that” is semantically context-sensitive and that properly accommodating this fact into our philosophical theory promises to solve various puzzles concerning knowledge. Yet Epistemic Contextualism faces a big—some would say fatal—problem: The Semantic Error Problem. In its prominent form, this runs thus: speakers just don’t seem to recognise that “knows that” is context-sensitive; so, if “knows that” really is context-sensitive then such speakers are systematically in error about what is said by, or how to (...)
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  13. Skepticism and the Value of Knowledge.Patrick Hawley - 2007 - In Chienkuo Mi Ruey-lin Chen (ed.), Naturalized Epistemology and Philosophy of Science. Brill | Rodopi.
    The main claim of this essay is that knowledge is no more
    valuable than lasting true belief.
    This claim is surprising. Doesn't knowledge have a unique
    and special value? If the main claim is correct and if, as it seems,
    knowledge is not lasting true belief, then knowledge does not have a unique value:
    in whatever way knowledge is valuable, lasting true belief is just as valuable.
    However, this result does not show that knowledge is worthless, nor does it undermine
    our knowledge gathering practices. There (...)
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  14. Impossibility Arguments.Patrick Grim - 2006 - In Michael Martin (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Atheism. Cambridge University Press. pp. 199--214.
    Among the most telling atheistic arguments are those to the effect that the existence of any being that meets standard divine specifications is impossible – that there not only is not but could not be any such being.
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  15. (1 other version)Robot Ethics 2. 0: New Challenges in Philosophy, Law, and Society.Patrick Lin, Keith Abney & Ryan Jenkins (eds.) - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    As robots slip into more domains of human life-from the operating room to the bedroom-they take on our morally important tasks and decisions, as well as create new risks from psychological to physical. This book answers the urgent call to study their ethical, legal, and policy impacts.
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  16. Plantinga's God and Other Monstrosities.Patrick Grim - 1979 - Religious Studies 15:35-41.
    Variations on the ontological argument for most minimal and most mediocre beings.
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  17. Diversity, Ability, and Expertise in Epistemic Communities.Patrick Grim, Daniel J. Singer, Aaron Bramson, Bennett Holman, Sean McGeehan & William J. Berger - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (1):98-123.
    The Hong and Page ‘diversity trumps ability’ result has been used to argue for the more general claim that a diverse set of agents is epistemically superior to a comparable group of experts. Here we extend Hong and Page’s model to landscapes of different degrees of randomness and demonstrate the sensitivity of the ‘diversity trumps ability’ result. This analysis offers a more nuanced picture of how diversity, ability, and expertise may relate. Although models of this sort can indeed be suggestive (...)
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  18. Die Ambivalenz zwischen Therapie und Leistung.Patrick Grüneberg - 2007 - In Christoph Asmuth (ed.). Bielefeld. pp. 117--137.
    Die Frage nach der Definition von Doping basiert nicht zuletzt auf naturwissenschaftlicher Forschung. Aus einer naturwissenschaftlichen Perspektive könnte man sogar behaupten, dass die aktuelle Dopingdebatte ihre Ursachen gerade in der pharmazeutischen Forschung hat, da sich das Problem des Dopings erst mit dem Vorhandensein entsprechender Mittel bzw. Methoden zur Leistungssteigerung stellt. Allerdings wird die Frage der Dopingdefinition im Folgenden nicht auf einen naturwissenschaftlichen Referenzrahmen reduziert, wie dies in den aktuellen Dopingdefinitionen häufig der Fall ist. Vielmehr werde ich die spezifische Rolle naturwissenschaftlicher (...)
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  19. Understanding the political defensive privilege.Patrick Emerton & Toby Handfield - 2014 - In Cécile Fabre & Seth Lazar (eds.), The Morality of Defensive War. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 40-65.
    Nations are understood to have a right to go to war, not only in defense of individual rights, but in defense of their own political standing in a given territory. This paper argues that the political defensive privilege cannot be satisfactorily explained, either on liberal cosmopolitan grounds or on pluralistic grounds. In particular, it is argued that pluralistic accounts require giving implausibly strong weight to the value of political communities, overwhelming the standing of individuals. Liberal cosmopolitans, it is argued, underestimate (...)
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  20. Apperzeption und idealrealistische Begründung.Patrick Grüneberg - 2011 - In Elena Ficara (ed.), Die Begründung der Philosophie im Deutschen Idealismus. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 221--230.
    Das Projekt einer Begründung der Philosophie, insbesondere der Metaphysik als Wissenschaft, verbindet sich programmatisch mit dem kritischen Werk Kants und dort mit dem Konzept der transzendentalen Apperzeption. Dieser „höchste Punkt“ bildete seinerseits auch einen der zentralen Anknüpfungspunkte nachfolgender idealistischer Entwürfe und sich daraus entwickelnder Systeme. Die nachkantische Entwicklung wird dabei häufig mit dem Rubrum einer spekulativen Überhöhung des transzendentalen Kritizismus Kants belegt. Dabei ging es Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Schopenhauer – um nur die prominenten Vertreter zu nennen – in erster Linie (...)
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  21. Gaps Between Zeros of GL(2) L-functions.Patrick J. Ryan, Owen Barrett, Brian McDonald, Steven J. Miller, Caroline L. Turnage-Butterbaugh & Karl Winsor - 2015 - Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 429 (1):204-232.
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  22. Manipulation.Patrick Todd - 2013 - International Encyclopedia of Ethics.
    At the most general level, "manipulation" refers one of many ways of influencing behavior, along with (but to be distinguished from) other such ways, such as coercion and rational persuasion. Like these other ways of influencing behavior, manipulation is of crucial importance in various ethical contexts. First, there are important questions concerning the moral status of manipulation itself; manipulation seems to be mor- ally problematic in ways in which (say) rational persuasion does not. Why is this so? Furthermore, the notion (...)
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  23. Game-Theoretic Robustness in Cooperation and Prejudice Reduction: A Graphic Measure.Patrick Grim - 2006 - In L. M. Rocha, L. S. Yaeger, M. A. Bedeau, D. Floreano, R. L. Goldstone & Alessandro Vespignani (eds.), Artificial Life X. Mit Press (Cambridge). pp. 445-451.
    Talk of ‘robustness’ remains vague, despite the fact that it is clearly an important parameter in evaluating models in general and game-theoretic results in particular. Here we want to make it a bit less vague by offering a graphic measure for a particular kind of robustness— ‘matrix robustness’— using a three dimensional display of the universe of 2 x 2 game theory. In a display of this form, familiar games such as the Prisoner’s Dilemma, Stag Hunt, Chicken and Deadlock appear (...)
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  24. Supererogation and the Limits of Reasons.Nathaniel Baron-Schmitt & Daniel Munoz - 2023 - In David Heyd (ed.), Handbook of Supererogation. Springer Nature Singapore. pp. 165-180.
    We argue that supererogation cannot be understood just in terms of reasons for action. In addition to reasons, a theory of supererogation must include prerogatives, which can make an action permissible without counting in favor of doing it.
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  25. Berkeley and Locke.Patrick J. Connolly - 2021 - In Samuel Charles Rickless (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Berkeley. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter revisits three key disagreements between Locke and Berkeley. The disagreements relate to abstraction, the idea of substance, and the status of the primary/secondary quality distinction. The goal of the chapter is to show that these disagreements are rooted in a more fundamental disagreement over the nature of ideas. For Berkeley, ideas are tied very closely to perceptual content. Locke adopts a less restrictive account of the nature of ideas. On his view, ideas are responsible for both perceptual content (...)
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  26. (1 other version)La possibilité d’une métaphysique analytique en France.Yann Schmitt - 2022 - L'enseignement Philosophique 2:13-21.
    L’objectif de cet article est de comprendre l’importance de la métaphysique analytique pour le travail philosophique et pour l’enseignement dans le contexte français. Pour cela, je commencerai par exposer ce qu’il faut entendre par métaphysique analytique, puis j’examinerai plusieurs conditions de possibilité de la métaphysique analytique en France : la relecture de l’histoire de la métaphysique, des découvertes en logique, une réflexion sur l’objectif et un examen rapide des conditions matérielles et sociales d’enseignement et de recherche.
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  27. Representation and Invariance of Scientific Structures.Patrick Suppes - 2002 - CSLI Publications (distributed by Chicago University Press).
    An early, very preliminary edition of this book was circulated in 1962 under the title Set-theoretical Structures in Science. There are many reasons for maintaining that such structures play a role in the philosophy of science. Perhaps the best is that they provide the right setting for investigating problems of representation and invariance in any systematic part of science, past or present. Examples are easy to cite. Sophisticated analysis of the nature of representation in perception is to be found already (...)
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  28. Formalising the 'No Information Without Data-Representation' Principle.Patrick Allo - 2008 - In P. Brey, A. Briggle & K. Waelbers (eds.), Current Issues in Computing and Philosophy. IOS Press.
    One of the basic principles of the general definition of information is its rejection of dataless information, which is reflected in its endorsement of an ontological neutrality. In general, this principles states that “there can be no information without physical implementation” (Floridi (2005)). Though this is standardly considered a commonsensical assumption, many questions arise with regard to its generalised application. In this paper a combined logic for data and information is elaborated, and specifically used to investigate the consequences of restricted (...)
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  29. L’épistémologie des croyances religieuses au prisme des sciences sociales.Yann Schmitt - 2015 - Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 169:157-177.
    L’épistémologie des croyances religieuses qui pose la question de la rationalité des croyances peut être mise en question en introduisant des éléments de sciences sociales des religions et vice-versa. Un modèle épistémologique souligne que les croyances peuvent être garanties sans examen réflexif de la part du croyant. Mais dans un contexte pluraliste où la croyance particulière est mise en débat, l’exigence critique d’examen est une condition nécessaire de rationalité. En cela, l’épistémologie retrouve certains aspects de la sociologie de la critique (...)
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  30. The human spirit and its appropriation: ethics, psyche and religious symbology in the context of evolution.Patrick Giddy - 2018 - Religion and Theology 25:88-110.
    The reductionist conclusions of some evolutionary theorists are countered by appealing to the transformation of feeling-traces from our evolutionary origins. Presupposed to the science of evolutionary biology is the capacity to get at the truth of things, and to live by values, which Rahner terms “spirit”; its appropriation comes about through the process of moral and intellectual “conversion” (Lonergan), extended into the realm of feelings and the psyche (Doran). This allows a non-supernaturalistic way of understanding the saving interpersonal transaction at (...)
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  31. Le polythéiste le plus extrême: l’athéisme de David Lewis.Yann Schmitt - 2015 - Klesis 31.
    David Lewis n’a pas développé de philosophie complète de la religion à proprement parler mais il s’est penché précisément sur différents thèmes religieux comme le rapport entre Dieu et le possible, l’argument ontologique ou la théodicée. Bien que dénuées de toute systématicité, les publications de Lewis sur le religieux défendent un athéisme très argumenté. L'article vise à montrer comment son athéisme s'articule à l'existence d'une pluralité de dieux.
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  32. Les limites d'une histoire naturelle de la raison. À propos du rationalisme naturaliste de Pascal Engel.Yann Schmitt - 2020 - Klēsis Revue Philosophique 1 (45).
    On peut inscrire les travaux de Engel dans le sillage rationaliste des Pères de la philosophie analytique, mais après le tournant naturaliste opéré par Quine. Ce sont les diverses bonnes raisons, exposées de manière non systématique par Engel, d’associer naturalisme et rationalisme que je souhaite présenter tout en cherchant à identifier la difficulté constitutive de ce programme qui ne reçoit pas de solution complète: la normativité épistémique ne semble ni éliminable, ni correctement intégrée à ce programme.
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    The Dynamics of Disagreement and Contradiction.Patrick Skeels - 2023 - Dissertation, University of California, Davis
    This dissertation concerns dynamic semantics and the broader normative and epistemic consequences of theorizing with dynamic contents. Dynamic semantics deviates significantly from canonical approaches to meaning in that it treats the meanings of sentences as well as the contents of attitudes as context-change-potentials rather than propositions. While some of the consequences of this deviation have been recognized, several crucial consequences remain, heretofore, unexplained. In particular, I argue that dynamic theories not only differ from more traditional static theories with respect to (...)
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  34. Moral Uncertainty, Pure Justifiers, and Agent-Centred Options.Patrick Kaczmarek & Harry R. Lloyd - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    Moral latitude is only ever a matter of coincidence on the most popular decision procedure in the literature on moral uncertainty. In all possible choice situations other than those in which two or more options happen to be tied for maximal expected choiceworthiness, Maximize Expected Choiceworthiness implies that only one possible option is uniquely appropriate. A better theory of appropriateness would be more sensitive to the decision maker’s credence in theories that endorse agent-centred prerogatives. In this paper, we will develop (...)
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  35. Kennt Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft den menschlichen Körper?Patrick Grüneberg - 2008 - In Antje Stache & Patrick Grüneberg (eds.), Fahrrad – Person– Organismus. Konstruktion menschlicher Körperlichkeit. Peter Lang. pp. 187--201.
    Die Kritik der reinen Vernunft von Immanuel Kant hat seit ihrem Erscheinen die unterschiedlichsten Reaktionen hervorgerufen. Auch über die Grenzen der Philosophie hinaus bezieht man sich gerne auf Kant. In neuerer Zeit haben sich unter die Kantkritiker Stimmen gemischt, die in Kant einen vernunftorientierten Feind der menschlichen Körperlichkeit bzw. der damit zusammenhängenden menschlichen Geschichtlichkeit und Gesellschaftlichkeit vermuten. In einer vermeintlichen Hypostasierung der menschlichen Vernunft, die als Gegenpol zum (tierischen) Körper gesehen wird, verberge sich eine stark idealistische und körperverachtende Tendenz im (...)
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  36. Moral Uncertainty, Proportionality and Bargaining.Patrick Kaczmarek, Harry R. Lloyd & Michael Plant - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    As well as disagreeing about how much one should donate to charity, moral theories also disagree about where one should donate. In light of this disagreement, how should the morally uncertain philanthropist allocate her donations? In many cases, one intuitively attractive option is for the philanthropist to split her donations across all of the charities that are recommended by moral views in which she has positive credence, with each charity’s share being proportional to her credence in the moral theories that (...)
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  37. Reduktionismus und Rückübertragung.Patrick Grüneberg - 2012 - In Das modellierte Individuum. Biologische Modelle und ihre ethischen Implikationen. Transcript. pp. 227-244.
    »Welche [Zugangsweise] man wählt, hängt weitgehend von der Fragestellung ab und davon, was man eigentlich erreichen möchte. Jede Betrachtung, die sich nur auf den einen Zugang beschränkt, ist einseitig. Es gibt hier ein Spannungsfeld, das es auszuhalten gilt«, so Ulrich Freund in einer Diskussion über das Verhältnis reduktionistischer und holistischer Verfahrensweisen in der Medizin. Während seine Äußerung durchaus von einem gewissen Optimismus geprägt ist, dass die Gegensätze zwischen Reduktionismus und Holismus nicht überbetont werden sollten, verdeckt sie doch ein grundlegendes Problem. (...)
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  38. Selbstbezüglichkeit und Geltung – ein methodenkritischer Beitrag zur Bewusstseinsphilosophie.Patrick Grüneberg - 2010 - In Edmundo BalsemãO. Pires, Burkhard Nonnenmacher & Stefan Bã¼Ttner-von Stã¼Lpnagel (eds.). Coimbra University Press. pp. 155--173.
    »Keine Bewusstseinstheorie ohne Wissenstheorie«, d.h. die Reflexion auf die grundbegrifflichen Voraussetzungen ist notwendig, um gültige Aussagen über das Bewusstsein treffen zu können. Im Gegensatz zum Realmonismus handelt es sich bei dieser kritischen Position um einen transzendentalen Dualismus, der die Form des Bewusstseins eigens reflektiert, um damit die Voraussetzungen zu klären, unter denen das Bewusstsein überhaupt thematisiert werden muss. Der wissenstheoretische Anteil umfasst diese transzendentale Reflexion als eine reflexive Epistemologie mit einem eige- nem, d.h. hier insbesondere nicht-empirischem Geltungsanspruch: Wissen basiert nicht (...)
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  39. Wronging Oneself.Daniel Muñoz & Nathaniel Baron-Schmitt - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy 121 (4):181-207.
    When, if ever, do we wrong ourselves? The Self-Other Symmetric answer is: when we do to ourselves what would wrong a consenting other. The standard objection, which has gone unchallenged for decades, is that Symmetry seems to imply that we wrong ourselves in too many cases—where rights are unwaivable, or “self-consent” is lacking. We argue that Symmetry not only survives these would-be counterexamples; it explains and unifies them. The key to Symmetry is not, as critics have supposed, the bizarre claim (...)
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  40. Normativität in biochemischen Analyseprozessen.Patrick Grüneberg - 2007 - In Christoph Asmuth (ed.). Bielefeld. pp. 75--92.
    Biochemisch konstatierte Fakten, also Substanzanalysen sowie Blut-und Urinwerte, beziehen ihre Eindeutigkeit und Prägnanz aus einem dem deskriptiven Gehalt der Ergebnisse vorhergehenden normativen Entscheidungsprozess auf methodischer Ebene. Diesen konstruktiven Charakter gilt es hinsichtlich der Dopinganalytik zu verdeutlichen, weil daran eine entscheidende Ambivalenz in der Dopingthematik verdeutlicht werden kann: Die als gegeben und gültig interpretierten Analyseresultate biochemischer Dopinganalytik werden durch die Anti-Doping-Organisationen in einen juridischen Kontext überführt, in dem sie als Beweismittel fungieren sollen. Diese juridische Transformation muss zwangsläufig den konstruktiv und normativ (...)
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  41. Der transzendentale Gott.Patrick Grüneberg - 2007 - In Christoph Asmuth (ed.). Bielefeld. pp. 207--224.
    In Auseinandersetzung mit den postmodernen Autoren Gianni Vattimo und Don Cupitt wird ausgehend von Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre 1805 ein transzendentallogischer Gottesbegriff entwickelt. Mit Bezug auf die Ausführungen Vattimos wird deutlich, dass ein religiöses Bedürfnis sicherlich nicht durch eine metaphysische bzw. in diesem Fall transzendentale Grundlegung disqualifiziert werden muss. Vielmehr gilt es, ein Grundlegungsdenken und ein Bedürfnisdenken zunähst deutlich zu differenzieren, um dann mögliche Bezüge herstellen zu können.
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  42. A lesson from subjective computing: autonomous self-referentiality and social interaction as conditions for subjectivity.Patrick Grüneberg & Kenji Suzuki - 2013 - AISB Proceedings 2012:18-28.
    In this paper, we model a relational notion of subjectivity by means of two experiments in subjective computing. The goal is to determine to what extent a cognitive and social robot can be regarded to act subjectively. The system was implemented as a reinforcement learning agent with a coaching function. To analyze the robotic agent we used the method of levels of abstraction in order to analyze the agent at four levels of abstraction. At one level the agent is described (...)
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  43. Boom and Bust: Environmental Variability Favors the Emergence of Communication.Patrick Grim & Trina Kokalis - 2004 - In Jordan Pollack, Mark Bedau, Phil Husbands, Takashi Ikegami & Richard A. Watson (eds.), Artificial Life IX: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Artificial Life. MIT Press. pp. 164-170.
    Environmental variability has been proposed as an important mechanism in behavioral psychology, in ecology and evolution, and in cultural anthropology. Here we demonstrate its importance in simulational studies as well. In earlier work we have shown the emergence of communication in a spatialized environment of wandering food sources and predators, using a variety of mechanisms for strategy change: imitation (Grim, Kokalis, Tafti & Kilb 2000), localized genetic algorithm (Grim, Kokalis, Tafti & Kilb 2001), and partial training of neural nets on (...)
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  44. The Consequences of Incompatibilism.Patrick Todd - 2024 - In Maximilian Kiener (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Responsibility. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
    Incompatibilism about responsibility and determinism is sometimes directly construed as the thesis that if we found out that determinism is true, we would have to give up the reactive attitudes. Call this "the consequence". I argue that this is a mistake: the strict modal thesis does not entail the consequence. First, some incompatibilists (who are also libertarians) may be what we might call *resolute responsibility theorists* (or "flip-floppers"). On this view, if we found out that determinism is true, this would (...)
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  45. Der transzendentalgenetische Zugang zur Person.Patrick Grüneberg - 2008 - In Antje Stache & Patrick Grüneberg (eds.), Fahrrad – Person– Organismus. Konstruktion menschlicher Körperlichkeit. Peter Lang. pp. 245--261.
    Die Bezeichnung ›transzendentalgenetisch‹ beruht auf der Kombination verschiedener Verfahren. Eine transzendentale Analyse zielt auf zweierlei: zum einen auf die apriorischen Bedingungen der Möglichkeit des Untersuchungsgegenstandes und zum anderen auf eine methodenkritische Reflexion auf diese Bedingungen und die die Art und Weise, wie der Gegenstand aus den Bedingungen abgeleitet wird. Die genetische Komponente bereichert das Verfahren dahingehend, dass die Ausgangspunkte der Ableitung ihrerseits ebenso abgeleitet werden. Wie sich dieses Verfahren einer maximalen Konstruktivität gestaltet, wird anhand des Begriffs der Person vorgestellt werden.
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  46. (1 other version)Fichtes transzendentalphilosophische Fichtes und die Leib-Seele- / Körper-Geist-Dichotomie.Patrick Grüneberg - 2007 - In Christoph Asmuth (ed.). Bielefeld. pp. 90--106.
    Die transzendentalphilosophische Theorie Johann Gottlieb Fichtes bietet eine Konzeption, mittels derer sich strukturelle bzw. methodologische Schwierigkeiten einer philosophischen Theoriebildung über das empirische Bewusstsein nicht nur vermeiden, sondern produktiv instrumentalisieren lassen. Um der gegenwärtig naturalistisch geprägten Bewusstseinsphilosophie einen logisch-begrifflich bzw. apriorisch fundierten Ansatz gegenüberzustellen, stehen im folgenden einzelne Theoriestücke des Fichteschen Systems zentral, die der besonderen Struktur des empirischen Bewusstseins gerecht werden können.
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  47. Conceptual Marxism and Truth: Inquiry Symposium on Kevin Scharp’s Replacing Truth.Patrick Greenough - 2019 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 62 (4):403-421.
    In Replacing Truth, Scharp takes the concept of truth to be fundamentally incoherent. As such, Scharp reckons it to be unsuited for systematic philosophical theorising and in need of replacement – at least for regions of thought and talk which permit liar sentences and their ilk to be formulated. This replacement methodology is radical because it not only recommends that the concept of truth be replaced, but that the word ‘true’ be replaced too. Only Tarski has attempted anything like it (...)
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  48. A Unified Account of the Moral Standing to Blame.Patrick Todd - 2019 - Noûs 53:347-374.
    Recently, philosophers have turned their attention to the question, not when a given agent is blameworthy for what she does, but when a further agent has the moral standing to blame her for what she does. Philosophers have proposed at least four conditions on having “moral standing”: -/- 1. One’s blame would not be “hypocritical”. 2. One is not oneself “involved in” the target agent’s wrongdoing. 3. One must be warranted in believing that the target is indeed blameworthy for the (...)
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  49. Théisme et rationalisme dans l’éthique intellectuelle.Yann Schmitt - 2022 - Transversalité 4 (163).
    L’article interroge successivement l’éthique intellectuelle centrée sur les vertus et défendue par Roger Pouivet et celle centrée sur les normes rationnelles de la croyance défendue par Pascal Engel. En plus de thèmes propres à chaque éthique, on insistera sur la confrontation métaphysique au naturalisme ainsi que sur le possible caractère tragique de l’éthique intellectuelle. Ces exigences intellectuelles risquent de mener à des formes de mélancolie ou de misanthropie, sauf si l’éthique intellectuelle est solidement associée à une espérance religieuse ou rationnelle (...)
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  50. Les raisons religieuses sous les raisons politiques.Yann Schmitt - 2017 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 149:213-225.
    On conçoit assez souvent l’espace public des discussions comme devant être neutre et par conséquent sans mention des croyances religieuses comme raisons justifiant une décision. La neutralité vise à garantir l’acceptabilité par tous d’une décision pouvant être contraignante. On montrera que l’on peut articuler raisons neutres et raisons religieuses à condition que les raisons neutres restent les raisons ultimes. Cela implique que les raisons religieuses correctement liées à des raisons neutres sont parfaitement légitimes pour justifier une décision politique ou publique.
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