Results for 'Tsung-san Mou'

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    EDITOR's Words: On Constructive-Engagement Character of Comparative Studies of Chinese Philosophy toward World Philosophy—In View of ISCWP’s Two-Decade Development.Bo Mou - 2024 - Comparative Philosophy 15 (2):1-19.
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  2. Evidentialists’ Internalist Argument for Pragmatism.Tsung-Hsing Ho - 2021 - Logos and Episteme 12 (4):427-436.
    A popular evidentialist argument against pragmatism is based on reason internalism: the view that a normative reason for one to φ must be able to guide one in normative deliberation whether to φ. In the case of belief, this argument maintains that, when deliberating whether to believe p, one must deliberate whether p is true. Since pragmatic considerations cannot weigh in our deliberation whether p, the argument concludes that pragmatism is false. I argue that evidentialists fail to recognize that the (...)
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  3. Positive illusion and the normativity of substantive and structural rationality.Tsung-Hsing Ho - 2022 - Philosophical Explorations 26 (3).
    To explain why we should be structurally rational – or mentally coherent – is notoriously difficult. Some philosophers argue that the normativity of structural rationality can be explained in terms of substantive rationality, which is a matter of correct response to reason. I argue that the psychological phenomena – positive illusions – are counterexamples to the substantivist approach. Substantivists dismiss the relevance of positive illusions because they accept evidentialism that reason for belief must be evidence. I argue that their evidentialist (...)
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  4. 反思機器人的道德擬人主義.Tsung-Hsing Ho - 2020 - EurAmerica 50 (2):179-205.
    如果機器人的發展要能如科幻想像一般,在沒有人類監督下自動地工作,就必須確定機器人不會做出道德上錯誤的行為。 根據行為主義式的道德主體觀,若就外顯行為來看,機器人在道德上的表現跟人類一般,機器人就可被視為道德主體。從這很自然地引伸出機器人的道德擬人主義:凡適用於人類的道德規則就適用於機器人。我反對道德擬人主義 ,藉由史特勞森對於人際關係與反應態度的洞見,並以家長主義行為為例,我論述由於機器人缺乏人格性,無法參與人際關係,因此在關於家長主義行為上,機器人應該比人類受到更嚴格的限制。.
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  5. How to Locate Pain in Mandarin: Reply to Liu and Klein.Tsung-Hsing Ho - 2021 - National Taiwan University Philosophical Review 61:75-80.
    Some philosophers argue that pain is an object located in bodily parts because the locative form of pain report is permissible in English. To examine this argument, Liu and Klein recently argue that the linguistic argument cannot work because the locative form is impermissible in Mandarin. They are wrong, however. I demonstrate that the locative form in Mandarin is not only permissible but also common.
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  6. Are There Any Epistemic Consequentialists?Tsung-Hsing Ho - 2022 - Episteme 19 (2):220-230.
    Selim Berker argues that epistemic consequentialism is pervasive in epistemology and that epistemic consequentialism is structurally flawed. is incorrect, however. I distinguish between epistemic consequentialism and epistemic instrumentalism and argue that most putative consequentialists should be considered instrumentalists. I also identify the structural problem of epistemic consequentialism Berker attempts to pinpoint and show that epistemic instrumentalism does not have the consequentialist problem.
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  7. Epistemic Normativity as Performance Normativity.Tsung-Hsing Ho - 2016 - Theoria 82 (3):274–284.
    Virtue epistemology maintains that epistemic normativity is a kind of performance normativity, according to which evaluating a belief is like evaluating a sport or musical performance. I examine this thesis through the objection that a belief cannot be evaluated as a performance because it is not a performance but a state. I argue that virtue epistemology can be defended on the grounds that we often evaluate a performance through evaluating the result of the performance. The upshot of my account is (...)
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  8. Lucky Achievement: Virtue Epistemology on the Value of Knowledge.Tsung-Hsing Ho - 2018 - Ratio 31 (3):303-311.
    Virtue epistemology argues that knowledge is more valuable than Gettierized belief because knowledge is an achievement, but Gettierized belief is not. The key premise in the achievement argument is that achievement is apt (successful because competent) and Gettierized belief is inapt (successful because lucky). I first argue that the intuition behind the achievement argument is based wrongly on the fact that ‘being successful because lucky’ implicates ‘being not competent enough’. I then offer an argument from moral luck to argue that (...)
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  9. Moral difference between humans and robots: paternalism and human-relative reason.Tsung-Hsing Ho - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (4):1533-1543.
    According to some philosophers, if moral agency is understood in behaviourist terms, robots could become moral agents that are as good as or even better than humans. Given the behaviourist conception, it is natural to think that there is no interesting moral difference between robots and humans in terms of moral agency (call it the _equivalence thesis_). However, such moral differences exist: based on Strawson’s account of participant reactive attitude and Scanlon’s relational account of blame, I argue that a distinct (...)
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  10. Not Esoteric, Just Fallible: Comment on Starmans and Friedman About Philosophical Expertise.Tsung-Hsing Ho - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (10):e12896.
    Gettier cases are scenarios conceived by philosophers to demonstrate that justified true beliefs may not be knowledge. Starmans and Friedman (2020) find that philosophers attribute knowledge in Gettier cases differently from laypeople and non‐philosophy academics, which seems to suggest that philosophers may be indoctrinated to adopt an esoteric concept of knowledge. I argue to the contrary: Their finding at most shows that philosophical reflection is fallible, but nevertheless able to clarify the concept of knowledge. I also suggest that their experiments (...)
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  11. The Normativity of Doxastic Correctness.Tsung-Hsing Ho - 2018 - American Philosophical Quarterly 55 (4):379-388.
    It is widely maintained that doxastic norms that govern how people should believe can be explained by the truism that belief is governed by the correctness norm: believing p is correct if and only if p. This approach fails because it confuses two kinds of correctness norm: (1) It is correct for S to believe p if and only p; and (2) believing p is correct qua belief if and only if p. Only can (2) be said to be a (...)
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  12. Kant and McDowell on Skepticism and Disjunctivism.Tsung-Hsing Ho - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 761-770.
    This paper is to propose a new form of Kant’s anti-skepticism argument in light of John McDowell’s works on disjunctivism. I first discuss recent debates between McDowell and Crispin Wright on disjunctivism. I argue that Wright wrongly downplays McDowell’s disjunctivism, whose metaphysical claim that our perceptual faculties directly engage in the world has an epistemological implication that should be able to dismiss the skeptic’s imagery as fictitious. However, McDowell does not clearly offer such an argument. I will show that we (...)
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  13. Contrived self‐defense: A case of permissible wrongdoing.Tsung-Hsing Ho - 2021 - Philosophical Forum 52 (3):211-220.
    The Philosophical Forum, Volume 52, Issue 3, Page 211-220, Fall 2021.
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  14. The Suberogation Problem for Lei Zhong's Confucian Virtue Theory of Supererogation.Tsung-Hsing Ho - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (3):779-784.
    A virtue-based theory of right action aims to explain deontic moral principles in terms of virtue and vice. For example, it may maintain the following account of moral obligation: It is morally obligatory for an agent A to ϕ in circumstances C if and only if a fully virtuous and relevantly informed person V would characteristically ϕ in C. However, this account faces the so-called supererogation problem. A supererogatory action is an action that is morally praiseworthy but not morally obligatory. (...)
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  15. KK, Knowledge, Knowability.Weng Kin San - 2023 - Mind 132 (527):605-630.
    kk states that knowing entails knowing that one knows, and K¬K states that not knowing entails knowing that one does not know. In light of the arguments against kk and K¬K⁠, one might consider modally qualified variants of those principles. According to weak kk, knowing entails the possibility of knowing that one knows. And according to weakK¬K⁠, not knowing entails the possibility of knowing that one does not know. This paper shows that weak kk and weakK¬K are much stronger than (...)
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  16. 評:謝世民編《理由轉向:規範性之哲學研究》. [REVIEW]Tsung-Hsing Ho - 2017 - Soochow Journal of Philosophical Studies 36:133-144.
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  17. Fitch's Paradox and Level-Bridging Principles.Weng Kin San - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy 117 (1):5-29.
    Fitch’s Paradox shows that if every truth is knowable, then every truth is known. Standard diagnoses identify the factivity/negative infallibility of the knowledge operator and Moorean contradictions as the root source of the result. This paper generalises Fitch’s result to show that such diagnoses are mistaken. In place of factivity/negative infallibility, the weaker assumption of any ‘level-bridging principle’ suffices. A consequence is that the result holds for some logics in which the “Moorean contradiction” commonly thought to underlie the result is (...)
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  18. Disappearing Diamonds: Fitch-Like Results in Bimodal Logic.Weng Kin San - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (6):1003-1016.
    Augment the propositional language with two modal operators: □ and ■. Define ⧫ to be the dual of ■, i.e. ⧫=¬■¬. Whenever (X) is of the form φ → ψ, let (X⧫) be φ→⧫ψ . (X⧫) can be thought of as the modally qualified counterpart of (X)—for instance, under the metaphysical interpretation of ⧫, where (X) says φ implies ψ, (X⧫) says φ implies possibly ψ. This paper shows that for various interesting instances of (X), fairly weak assumptions suffice for (...)
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  19. A Scientometric Approach to the Integrated History and Philosophy of Science: Entrenched Biomedical Standardisation and Citation-Exemplar.Karen Yan, Meng-Li Tsai & Tsung-Ren Huang - 2023 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 36 (2):143-165.
    1. Biomedical sciences are fast-growing fields with unprecedented speed of research outputs, especially in the quantities of papers. Philosophers aiming to study ongoing biomedical changes face cha...
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  20. What is the Nature of “the Unperturbed Mind-heart” in Mencius 2A:2?Peter Tsung Kei Wong - 2021 - Chinese Studies 漢學研究 39 (2):1-37.
    「不動心」的本質是甚麼? ─《孟子》〈知言養氣章〉的文理與義理 / 漢學研究 39.2 (2021): 1-37. Scholars have tended to focus on the implications of such philosophical terms as “flood-like qi” 浩然之氣 and “unperturbed mind-heart” 不動心 in Mencius 2A:2, but have failed to identify the common thread of this rather long chapter. This article argues that Mencius 2A:2 frequently alludes to Analects 2.4, and that this allusion is precisely the common thread holding 2A:2 together. According to Mencius’s interpretation, Confucius’s achievements in different ages as stated in Analects 2.4 are (...)
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  21. Lay Denial of Knowledge for Justified True Beliefs.Jennifer Nagel, Valerie San Juan & Raymond A. Mar - 2013 - Cognition 129 (3):652-661.
    Intuitively, there is a difference between knowledge and mere belief. Contemporary philosophical work on the nature of this difference has focused on scenarios known as “Gettier cases.” Designed as counterexamples to the classical theory that knowledge is justified true belief, these cases feature agents who arrive at true beliefs in ways which seem reasonable or justified, while nevertheless seeming to lack knowledge. Prior empirical investigation of these cases has raised questions about whether lay people generally share philosophers’ intuitions about these (...)
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  22. Tạp Chí Cộng Sản: Văn minh làm giàu & Nguồn gốc của cải. [REVIEW]Tạp Chí Cộng-Sản - 2007 - Tạp Chí Cộng Sản Online.
    Ngay khi nước nhà mới giành được độc lập, Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh đã khẳng định với giới công thương kỹ nghệ Việt Nam: “Nền kinh tế quốc dân thịnh vượng nghĩa là các sự kinh doanh của các nhà công nghiệp, thương nghiệp thịnh vượng”.
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  23. Ameliorating Algorithmic Bias, or Why Explainable AI Needs Feminist Philosophy.Linus Ta-Lun Huang, Hsiang-Yun Chen, Ying-Tung Lin, Tsung-Ren Huang & Tzu-Wei Hung - 2022 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 8 (3).
    Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are increasingly adopted to make decisions in domains such as business, education, health care, and criminal justice. However, such algorithmic decision systems can have prevalent biases against marginalized social groups and undermine social justice. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is a recent development aiming to make an AI system’s decision processes less opaque and to expose its problematic biases. This paper argues against technical XAI, according to which the detection and interpretation of algorithmic bias can be handled (...)
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  24. On Free Will and No-conspiracy.Iñaki San Pedro - 2013 - In Tilman Sauer & Adrian Wüthrich (eds.), New Vistas on Old Problems. Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge. pp. 87-102.
    In this paper, I challenge the widespread view that Measurement Independence adequately represents the requirement that EPR experimenters have free will. Measurement Independence is most commonly taken as a necessary condition for free will. A number of implicit assumptions can be identified in this regard, all of which can be challenged on their own grounds. As a result, I conclude that Measurement Independence-type conditions are not to be justified by appealing to the preservation of the EPR experimenters’ free will.
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  25. The Soundscape of the Huainanzi 淮南子: Poetry, Performance, Philosophy, and Praxis in Early China.Peter Tsung Kei Wong - 2022 - Early China 45:515-539.
    This article proposes that oral performance could be a philosophical activity in early China. The focus is on the Huainanzi, a densely rhymed philosophical treatise compiled by Liu An in the second century b.c.e. I show that the tome contains various sound-correlated poetic forms that are intended not only to enable textual performance but also, by means of aural mimesis, to encourage the intuitive understanding of its philosophical messages. Thus scholars of ancient poetry, philosophy, or intellectual history, despite being habituated (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Degrees of Epistemic Opacity.Iñaki San Pedro - manuscript
    The paper analyses in some depth the distinction by Paul Humphreys between "epistemic opacity" —which I refer to as "weak epistemic opacity" here— and "essential epistemic opacity", and defends the idea that epistemic opacity in general can be made sense as coming in degrees. The idea of degrees of epistemic opacity is then exploited to show, in the context of computer simulations, the tight relation between the concept of epistemic opacity and actual scientific (modelling and simulation) practices. As a consequence, (...)
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  27. 《淮南子》篇章結構考 (On the Compositional Structure of the Huainanzi).Peter Tsung Kei Wong - 2019 - Dissertation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    In 139 BC, Liu An presented the Huainanzi to Emperor Wu. Nowadays, most Western scholars believe that the Huainanzi has a “root-branches” bipartite structure. However, given that the author of the "Yao Lue" chapter (probably Liu An himself) asks the readers to read the Huainanzi from the beginning to its end in a successive order, and given that the text is designed in such a way as to prevent readers from “departing from the root and moving closer to the branches” (...)
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  28. Authentic Gettier Cases: a reply to Starmans and Friedman.Jennifer Nagel, Valerie San Juan & Raymond Mar - 2013 - Cognition 129 (3):666-669.
    Do laypeople and philosophers differ in their attributions of knowledge? Starmans and Friedman maintain that laypeople differ from philosophers in taking ‘authentic evidence’ Gettier cases to be cases of knowledge. Their reply helpfully clarifies the distinction between ‘authentic evidence’ and ‘apparent evidence’. Using their sharpened presentation of this distinction, we contend that the argument of our original paper still stands.
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  29. Anecdotes of Male and Female Students on Flexible Learning Modality.Ariel E. San Jose, Rhenmar M. Galvez & Dennis Sagbigsal - 2023 - Gradiva 62 (12):12-27.
    This study aimed to determine the experiences of male and female students on Flexible Learning (FL) during the COVID-19. A qualitative method using a phenomenological approach was used to ascertain the students' experiences, while written questionnaires were utilized to gather the information. The 24 students taking Development Communication and Public Administration were chosen based on set criteria. Both male and female flexible learning participants appreciated its benefits, including convenience and reduced academic stress. They both faced technology-related challenges and suggested improvements. (...)
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  30. Sobre Nietzsche como pensador del acabamiento de la metafísica y el tránsito hacia un nuevo inicio del pensar en Heidegger.Sofía Constanza Fernández San Miguel - 2022 - Repositorio Uchile.
    El propósito del trabajo consistirá en explicar las relaciones del pensamiento de Nietzsche con la metafísica occidental, así como las razones por las que éste podría ser considerado como “el último metafísico”, según la interpretación de Heidegger, de acuerdo con su idea de la Voluntad de poder (Wille zur Macht). Se explicará cómo su pensamiento implicaría un acabamiento o culminación, en tanto llevaría hasta el extremo el pensamiento del ente en cuanto tal, pero, a la vez, se mantendría aún dentro (...)
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  31. La Lógica de Gottlob Frege: 1879-1903.Joan Bertran-San Millán - 2016 - Dissertation, Universitat de Barcelona
    In this dissertation I offer a global and detailed reconstruction of the logic developed by Gottlob Frege throughout his career. Even though Frege's logic suffered profound modifications from his initial formulation in Begriffsschrift to its revised version in Grundgesetze, the significant differences between these two works have been rarely taken at face value. I not only argue that these differences exist, but I also explain how they should be understood in the light of the evolution of Frege's thought. First, I (...)
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  32. Frege's Intellectual Life As a Logicist Project. [REVIEW]Joan Bertran-San Millán - 2020 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 39:127-138.
    I critically discuss Dale Jacquette’s Frege: A Philosophical Biography. First, I provide a short overview of Jacquette’s book. Second, I evaluate Jacquette’s interpretation of Frege’s three major works, Begriffsschrift, Grundlagen der Arithmetik and Grundgesetze der Arithmetik; and conclude that the author does not faithfully represent their content. Finally, I offer some technical and general remarks.
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  33. Measurement independence, parameter independence and non-locality.Iñaki San Pedro - 2014 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 4 (3):369-374.
    In a recent paper in this Journal San Pedro I formulated a conjecture relating Measurement Independence and Parameter Independence, in the context of common cause explanations of EPR correlations. My conjecture suggested that a violation of Measurement Independence would entail a violation of Parameter Independence as well. Leszek Wroński has shown that conjecture to be false. In this note, I review Wroński’s arguments and agree with him on the fate of the conjecture. I argue that what is interesting about the (...)
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  34. Peirce’s Ethics: Problematizing the Conduct of Life.E. San Juan Jr - 2018 - Mabini Review 7:1-39.
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  35. Trial and error mathematics: Dialectical systems and completions of theories.Luca San Mauro, Jacopo Amidei, Uri Andrews, Duccio Pianigiani & Andrea Sorbi - 2019 - Journal of Logic and Computation 1 (29):157-184.
    This paper is part of a project that is based on the notion of a dialectical system, introduced by Magari as a way of capturing trial and error mathematics. In Amidei et al. (2016, Rev. Symb. Logic, 9, 1–26) and Amidei et al. (2016, Rev. Symb. Logic, 9, 299–324), we investigated the expressive and computational power of dialectical systems, and we compared them to a new class of systems, that of quasi-dialectical systems, that enrich Magari’s systems with a natural mechanism (...)
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  36. Computable bi-embeddable categoricity.Luca San Mauro, Nikolay Bazhenov, Ekaterina Fokina & Dino Rossegger - 2018 - Algebra and Logic 5 (57):392-396.
    We study the algorithmic complexity of isomorphic embeddings between computable structures.
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  37. La medicina en vivo. Cuestiones filosóficas sobre la salud y la enfermedad.Mario Gensollen, Alejandro Mosqueda & Alger Sans Pinillos (eds.) - 2024 - Aguascalientes: Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes.
    En las últimas décadas, las sociedades de cualquier parte del mundo han mostrado una madurez significativa en cuanto a la conciencia del valor de la vida en cualquiera de sus manifestaciones. Sin embargo, las diferentes conductas que nos acercan a dicha conciencia se pueden orientar a un bien común a través de la reflexión, nos aproximan a lo más íntimo de nuestra propia y casi exclusiva naturaleza, el humanismo. Las reflexiones que nos brinda este libro, La medicina en vivo. Cuestiones (...)
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  38. On logicality and natural logic.Salvatore Pistoia-Reda & Luca San Mauro - 2021 - Natural Language Semantics 29 (3):501-506.
    In this paper we focus on the logicality of language, i.e. the idea that the language system contains a deductive device to exclude analytic constructions. Puzzling evidence for the logicality of language comes from acceptable contradictions and tautologies. The standard response in the literature involves assuming that the language system only accesses analyticities that are due to skeletons as opposed to standard logical forms. In this paper we submit evidence in support of alternative accounts of logicality, which reject the stipulation (...)
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  39. El lado epistemológico de las abducciones: La creatividad en las verdades-proyectadas.Alger Sans Pinillos - 2017 - Revista Iberoamericana de Argumentación 1 (15):77-91.
    In this article I try to show that the epistemological component of abductions is creativity and, to do so, I will use an analysis of Thagard's concept of projected-truth as well as reflections on Łukasiewicz's creativity. In the third part I present a real case, using Thagard's theory and introducing Hanson, to make the transition from logical and computational discourse to philosophy of science. At the end I will address one of the current challenges in order to explain creativity namely (...)
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  40. Exploring the diversity of conceptualizations of nature in East and South-East Asia.Laÿna Droz, Romaric Jannel, Orika Komatsubara, Hsun-Mei Chen, Hung-Tao Chu, Rika Fajrini, Jerry Imbong, Concordia Marie A. Lagasca-Hiloma, Chansatya Meas, Duy Hung Nguyen, Tshering Ongmu Sherpa, San Tun & Batkhuyag Undrakh - 2022 - Nature - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9 (186).
    This article sheds light on the diversity of meanings and connotations that tend to be lost or hidden in translations between different conceptualizations of nature in East and South-East Asia. It reviews the idea of “nature” in Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Filipino, Tagalog, Cebuano, Lumad, Indonesian, Burmese, Nepali, Khmer, and Mongolian. It shows that the conceptual subtleties in the conceptualization of nature often hide wider and deeper cosmological mismatches. It concludes by suggesting that these diverse voices need to be represented in (...)
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  41. PRESENT BUT NOT POWERFUL: GLASS CEILING ON THE CAREER DEVELOPMENT OF SELECTED LGBTQIA+ EMPLOYEES.Raizza L. De Guzman, Mark Joseph J. Coro, Antonio Norberto A. De Castro, Kenneth S. San Buenaventura, Anietan M. Relevo, Charmish P. Esteves & Jowenie A. Mangarin - 2024 - Get International Research Journal 2 (1):1-14.
    To improve oneself and grow professionally, career development has been found to be crucial, as it serves as a roadmap for the professional growth of employees. However, a barrier, known as the glass ceiling, hinders the progress of employees, especially those in the LGBTQIA+ community. This study explores the impact of the glass ceiling on the career development of selected LGBTQIA+ individuals, shedding light on the barriers faced by this community in the workplace. The researchers used a qualitative multiple-case study (...)
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  42. Logical Analysis of the Concept of Beauty.Fabio Maia Bertato & Gabriel San Martin - 2020 - Edukacja Filozoficzna 70:121-141.
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  43. Modern Konfuçyüsçü Mou Zongsan’ın “Bilişsel Farkındalık” Olumsuzlaması.İlknur Sertdemir - 2024 - Şarkiyat Mecmuası 1 (44):161-177.
    Çin anakarasında yirminci yüzyılın başları; dilden edebiyata, geleneksel düşünceden eğitim sistemine ve hatta siyasal rejime dek pek çok alanda modernleşmeye gidilen süreci kapsar. Kültürel çaptaki bu yenilikçi hareketler arasında; antik çağa tarihlenen, Konfuçyüs (MÖ 479-551) tarafından ilkeleştirilen ve Mengzi’nın (MÖ 372-289) insan doğası görüşü sayesinde geniş kitlelerce benimsenen düşünce akımının “Yeni Konfuçyanizm” adı altında kurulması oldukça mühimdir. Konfuçyüs’ün normatif ahlak anlayışının aksine bu yeni akım, Mengzi’nın doğuştancı kuramına daha yakın durmaktadır. Yeni Konfuçyanizm’in temellerini atan Xiong Shili (1885-1968), Mengzi öğretisinde okunabilen (...)
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  44. Thợ săn cá voi tại Iceland: “Tôi cần được ghi công vì giảm phát thải CO2”.Nguyễn Minh Hoàng & Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh Yến - 2023 - Tạp Chí Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Cá voi là loài động vật được Tổ chức Quốc tế về Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên (WWF) liệt vào danh sách có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng, và được những nhà hoạt động môi trường đấu tranh qua hàng thập kỷ qua để bảo vệ khỏi bị săn bắt do mức độ tàn bạo và lợi ích kinh tế không đáng kể.
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    Tạp chí Cộng sản trao giải báo chí “Ngọn lửa” lần thứ VII-năm 2024.ĐỨC TUẤN - 2024 - Báo Quân Đội Nhân Dân.
    Sáng 16-8, tại Hà Nội, Bộ Biên tập Tạp chí Cộng sản tổ chức gặp mặt cộng tác viên và trao giải báo chí thường niên mang tên “Ngọn lửa”.
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  46. Objectivity Sans Intelligibility. Hermann Weyl's Symbolic Constructivism.Iulian D. Toader - 2011 - Dissertation, University of Notre Dame
    A new form of skepticism is described, which holds that objectivity and understanding are incompossible ideals of modern science. This is attributed to Weyl, hence its name: Weylean skepticism. Two general defeat strategies are then proposed, one of which is rejected.
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  47. San Alberto Magno y las bellas artes.David Torrijos-Castrillejo - 2020 - de Medio Aevo 14:117-129.
    This article aims to address the widespread thesis according to which medieval scholastics would not handle the idea of fine art. Based on a suggestion by Anzulewicz, the author shows how Albert the Great did understand the peculiarity of fine arts and put them in close relationship with liberal arts. There are fine arts, such as music, which are sought after for their own sake and can, therefore, be considered as fully liberal. In contrast to them, there are other arts (...)
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  48. Lý do săn bắt cá voi: Để “giảm phát thải CO2”.Nguyễn Minh Hoàng & Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh Yến - manuscript
    Ông Loftsson – người đứng đầu doanh nghiệp săn bắt cá voi thương mại cuối cùng tại Iceland lại không hề lo lắng về phán quyết này, dù nhiều người cho rằng nó có thể khiến doanh nghiệp của ông lao đao. Ông tin tưởng vào việc mình vẫn có thể tiếp tục đánh bắt vào năm sau và đưa ra những lập luận của riêng mình khi bị cáo buộc phá hoại môi trường.
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  49. Epicuro y San Agustín. Aproximaciones filosófico-teológicas al sentido de la muerte.Carlos Andrés Gómez Rodas & Joel Isaac Román Negroni - 2020 - Mediaevalia Americana 7 (1):17-43.
    Una de las razones fundamentales por las cuales la muerte causa dolor se debe a una comprensión equívoca acerca del sentido último de la vida humana. Además, la Modernidad se desliga, en ocasiones, de la dimensión emotiva y afectiva del ser humano. Así pues, toda terapéutica del duelo mortuorio exige reflexionar con seriedad acerca del sentido de la muerte, tarea en la cual la tradición filosófica y teológica occidental es un apoyo ineludible. En la primera parte se ha de revisar, (...)
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  50. Tẩy trắng san hô = Chết đói.Nguyễn Minh Hoàng - manuscript
    Con người có thể thích màu trắng ở đâu đó như trong phòng, đồ gỗ, trang phục hay những loài hoa trắng tiêu biểu cho sự tinh khiết. Nhưng dứt khoát, màu trắng không phải thứ màu mong muốn thấy ở các rạn san hô. Nói một cách đơn giản, màu trắng của san hô biểu hiện của sự trơ xương, dấu hiệu của quá trình đi đến suy kiệt dinh dưỡng và cuối cùng là cái chết.
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